Hye-jae: Book 2 - New Loves

By Penshim

32.7K 1K 421

The love story of Lee Seon-jae and Oh Hye-won of the top Korean drama series 'Secret Love Affair' continues... More

Beautiful Life Part 1
Beautiful Life Part 2
Beautiful Life Part 3
Beautiful Life Part 4
Beautiful Life Part 5
Beautiful Life Part 6
Beautiful Life Part 7
New Adventures Part 8
New Adventures Part 9
New Adventures Part 10
New Adventures Part 11
New Adventures Part 12
New Adventures Part 13
New Adventures Part 14
New Adventures Part 15
New Adventures Part 16
New Adventures Part 17
New Adventures Part 18
New Adventures Part 19
Happy Days Part 21
Happy Days Part 22
Happy Days Part 23
Happy Days Part 24
Happy Days Part 25
Happy Days Part 26
Happy Days Part 27
Happy Days Part 28
Happy Days Part 29
Happy Days Part 30
Happy Days Part 31
Happy Days Part 32
Happy Days Part 33
Happy Days Part 34
Happy Days Part 35
Happy Days Part 36
Happy Days Part 37
Happy Days Part 38
Happy Days Part 39
Happy Days Part 40
Happy Days Part 41
Happy Days Part 42
Happy Days Part 43
Happy Days Part 44
Happy Days Part 45
Happy Days Part 46
New Lives Part 47
New Lives Part 48
New Lives Part 49
New Lives Part 50
New Lives Part 51
New Lives Part 52
New Lives Part 53
New Lives Part 54
New Lives Part 55
New Lives Part 56
New Loves Part 57
New Loves Part 58
New Loves Part 59
New Loves Part 60
New Loves Part 61
New Loves Part 62
New Loves Part 63
New Loves Part 64
New Loves Part 65
New Loves Part 66
New Loves Part 67
New Loves Part 68

New Adventures Part 20

531 17 3
By Penshim

Dieter whispered something to In-seo - who nodded - and entered the pub, returning while balancing a tray on which rested a bottle of champagne and 5 flutes.  When Hye-won worried aloud about the cost, he waved her away and wouldn't entertain the idea.  He seemed to enjoy uncorking the bottle noisily and pouring with aplomb.  I've always wondered why people do this for occasions but it gives a focus, I suppose.  Certainly, Dieter seemed to rise to his perceived role as host after that and was dedicatedly ensuring that Seon-jae's glass never dropped too low, though he graciously accepted Hye-won's abstemiousness, which meant that her glass stayed three-quarters full and he by-passed her a number of times.

Seon-jae looked happy enough to launch into orbit and he smiled so broadly that Hye-won's heart was full to over-flowing, as she watched him.  The others all drank freely too and the laughing around the table got steadily rowdier.  It wasn't long before the bottle was drained and all the company, bar Hye-won, were good-humouredly tipsy as they weaved their way with other late night revellers across the cobble-stones to find their hotel, where goodnights were woozily heart-felt.  

In the room, Seon-jae threw his jacket and shoes to one side and sank onto the bed, looking as though he might sleep immediately and then she heard: 'aish - damn - this is all wrong.'

She sat beside him where he was flounced on the bed, his eyes closed: 'what's all wrong?' then guessing, 'you going to sleep?'

He nodded slowly, a little pout for answer.  You are such a cutie right now.  

'Love, we have a life-time of nights,' which brought a chuckle and a sweet smile to his face and then she couldn't resist teasing: 'and mornings...and afternoons...and Sundays...and birthdays.'  

Her words were bringing tiny moans of agony and she relented: 'honey, I'm just teasing you.  Sleep.'

He dragged an eye open and found her hand beside him to hold: 'you need to sleep too, love.'

'Yes, and I will - yaksog - promise - but first I'll just take off this dress.'

This brought a deeper groan and she regretted saying it, though perhaps, he wasn't so far gone as she thought: 'well, I'm going to sleep dreaming of our unbelievable kiss tonight...my one,' as he chuckled to himself and settled himself comfortably into the pillow, a smile of recollection on his face.

'You do that love, I'll be here when you wake up ok?  Ssh,' and she leaned and kissed his forehead - knowing that this reminded him of his mum kissing him to sleep - and he gave a little moue at the feelings this roused in him before his features relaxed into sleep.  Hye-won covered him and, after another silent kiss to the forehead, sat and contemplated his divine resting features, while musing over the evening, not quite sure whether she hadn't perhaps imagined such a fantastical series of events.


A hot breath and a tongue curling its way along the rim of her ear.


Her sibilant whisper in response.


A soft palm curved around his cheek, her sleep-muffled voice concerned.

'Are you ok?'

His lips gripped the outer shell of her ear and his breath came in light pants.


Her voice gaining focus.

'What's wrong, baby?  Can I help?'  

His mouth at her ear was sending ripples through her, as he rose up closer to press his body more insistently against hers.


An involuntary moan of pleasure deep in her throat.


Her muddled consciousness struggled at that and she half-turned to peer more carefully at him, as he branded a hot line of kisses along her neck.

'Yes, you...you are what's wrong.' 

His breath came more heavily now, as each kiss he pressed upon her sent a surge through him and each surge caused him to mould his firm body to her pliant curves.  

'You are sleeping...so beautifully...and I wake you and the first thing you do is call my name...so lovingly...then you touch my face and when I tell you there's something wrong, you offer to fix it...that's what's wrong.'

His kisses felt delicious on her skin but his agonised whispers and dramatic tone set a giggle in her tummy, which she resisted letting rise.

'All of that is because I love you, Seon-jaea.'

He groaned in agony and the synchrony of his seductive pants and insistent pushes increased their tempo.

'You see, that's what I mean.'

She couldn't keep the giggles completely in and a light titter escaped.

'So I'm in trouble for loving you too much, is that right?'

Her body was matching the swelling rhythms he pushed against her and her breath was becoming more agitated, as his finger slipped inside the neck-line of her t-shirt and edged it aside, so that his mouth could move from her neck to sink into the hollow of her shoulder.  Each kiss imprinted on her skin just a little longer than the one before and the lip-smacking sounds filling her ears were hugely erotic.

'Yes, you're in trouble...because it makes me love you too much and I have to wake you to tell you.'

His lips sliding across her shoulder were spinning silken threads of arousal through her and she turned her head to eye him, daringly.

'Tell me,' her tone, honey over spice: 'or show me?'

His answering groans came from deep inside him and his mouth was joined by a proprietorial hand skimming the angles of her neck down onto the delicate bones of her clavicle.

'You are too good to me, do you know that?'

She reached behind to take him, none too gently, in her hand: 'too good...really...am I too good when I do this?' to the sound of his long-exhaled moan of intense arousal, 'or this?' as she began to stroke him firmly and his hips gave slow, deep pumps in response, 'or even maybe...this?' as she pushed her own hips back to add to the achingly delicious friction her hand was imposing on him.

'Ahh...God, baby, yes...it's all too good.'

Her hand teased him and her body squeezed him and everything she did caused him exquisite agonies which couldn't be restrained and expressed themselves in his shaking breaths and snaking body.

The throbbing strength she could feel running through him and the way his rumbling groans were running through her had risen an urgent need within her and she surrendered to the strength of the desire flooding her.

'Seon-jaea...with every touch...I'm showing you...how much I love you.'

Though he was submerged in a blissful agony of touches, her words also stirred a primal need in him, a need to be everything to her, as she was everything to him.

'So that must mean that I should show you too, right?'

He reached his hand forward, skimming her hip to dip across her abdomen, rise over her pubis and sink into the ineluctable depths of her, to an agonised cry from Hye-won, as his bold move brought her exquisite arousal.  Their rolls and folds now both gave and got pleasure, as though they were one being with 2 pleasure centres.

'Seonsaengnim - Teacher?'

A whispering pant.


A sighing moan.

'Is this what you mean by independence of hands?'

A hesitant whisper.


A low, rumbling laugh.

'Like you told me before, 2 hands playing separately but in harmony...'

Though she had no words to spare, her laughter - echoing his - was a gurgle of glee, as both gave themselves - and each other - the freedom and ease of release and the room was filled with the ecstatic sounds of their mutual joy.


Swooning moments later, they unknit a little, sinking to rest on their backs.  When Hye-won felt Seon-jae about to move his hand away, she reached down and placed her hand over his, whispering intently.


She turned her head and met his eye, where he gazed at her now, slightly unsure.

'Baby, stay.'

Her gaze, her tone, her action told Seon-jae that, for her, the experience wasn't over and he marvelled at this amazing woman and the depths to her.  

With a gaze as intense as any she had ever seen from him, his panting whispers sent ripples of desire through her.

'Baby, teach me.  I'm telling you the way I like it, how I want it.  Tell me the way you like it.  Tell me how you want it.'

His sexy directness was the spark to the embers of her need.  She pushed her hand down upon his and he pushed his sinking further and together they submerged in a world of satin sensuality.  Not only did she feel every sensitive nerve firing shots of happiness deep within her but her whole body felt connected to these ecstatic sensations, as waves of pulsing joy rippled from her core to her extremities.  There was no sense of striving for release, or being over-whelmed by the intensity of her responses, just pleasure -  diffuse, deep-rooted, delicious desire - that felt as rare and sacred as a religious epiphany.  

Seon-jae was also experiencing enlightenment, as he followed Hye-won's lead in awe and wonder.  He revelled in the indescribable softness and exquisite sensitivity at his fingertips.  He loved hearing her catch her breath repeatedly and vocalising her ecstatic response - divine sounds to his ears.  He thrilled to her sinuous dance of desire - head, trunk, hips, limbs, feet, toes - each part in sync with the whole, each motion's focus the capture and release of pleasure.  He adored seeing her elated smiles and the way her hips dipped and rippled in rhythm with the sensations their touches were rising within her.  He felt, saw, heard her pleasure and his own was risen again, as he mirrored their erotic strokings at his own centre to heighten the unstoppable carnality running through him.  When Hye-won gave one last deep, deep breath and whispered in pure joy, 'yes,' it was the most natural feeling in the world to breathe the same, 'yes,' and climax with her.

Their climactic yes filled them with supreme happiness, as they were over-run by a tidal wave, repeated surges of an incredible orgasm coursing through them, so exquisite that their tears flowed freely in tandem with deep pulses of laughter, their shared ecstasy a sustained and spiritual apogee, written forever in their souls.

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