Saints & Sinners

By KhadijahsFlavor

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The Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42, Pt. 1
Chapter 42, Pt. 2
Chapter 42, Pt. 3
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
I Must Be a Glutton For Punishment
Chapter 45
Important Announcement, This Needs To Be Addressed

Chapter 34

584 26 53
By KhadijahsFlavor


“Y’all gon’ make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here, y’all gon’ make me go all out, up in here, up in here, y’all gon’ make me act a fool, up in here, up in here, up in here, y’all gon’ make me lose my cool, up in here, up in here” -DMX

When I walked in the dining room, the first thing that got my attention was the seating arrangement. I sent a silent prayer of thanks that Chunks stepped in and had my back like he said he would. My parents were seated at each end of the table, and on one side sat Chad, Emmitt, and Melanie, and on the other side sat Chunks and the other two seats next to him would be reserved for me and Bey. I walked over to my seat and sat down in a huff next to Chunks, annoyance and anger clearly written on my face.

Chunks leaned over, “I hope this seating arrangement is alright, I had to give Chad a stare down and sweet talk Mama a bit, because they both insisted that he sit next to you, but I wasn’t having it. I just made it a big deal that since Mama invited him, then he should sit by her. I’m sitting here as a middleman, just in case anything pops off,” he whispered to me. I sighed as I thanked him gratefully, unfolding my napkin and putting it in my lap.

My dad took notice of my entrance and gave me a concerned look, “Baby Girl, is everything alright?” he asked me, giving me a pointed look over his glasses.

I sighed as I nodded, “Yeah Daddy, everything is fine, I just came across a few misunderstandings, but it’s nothing I couldn’t handle, it just frustrated me a little bit, but I’m fine now,” I said giving him an assuring smile, “Are you ready to carve this turkey?” I asked, changing the subject.

He smiled happily, “I sure am, I would have liked it more if it was fried, but I won’t complain, because there are people out there who unfortunate to have turkey in any form, but we just pray for them and hope that they’re still able to have a great and safe holiday. I’m just happy to be here, with my beautiful daughter in her beautiful home, with the rest of my beautiful family. I’m a blessed man,” he said gratefully, making me smile genuinely. Sometimes I wish I possessed my dad’s outlook on life, and sometimes I think I do, but it’s still not like him. He takes optimism to a whole new level; some people see the glass as half full, other people see it as half empty, but my dad would say he’s just happy he has the ability to see the glass.

I was about to respond when Mel walked in, with a forced smile on her face, but I could still see a hint of fear in her eyes. She sat down next to Emmitt, not saying a word, and a few seconds later Bey walked in, finally making her presence known to everyone else. My dad being the southern gentleman he is, immediately stood to greet her, “Hello everyone, Happy Thanksgiving!” she announced with a smile as she first went over to greet my mother because she was closest to her, and I almost fell out at the look on my mother and Chad’s face. Chad’s face turned ghostly pale and for a second, he looked like he was either going to throw up or pee on himself.

Even though my mother was smiling on the outside I could still tell that she was anything but happy right now. One thing my mother hates more than being wrong, is being shown up or feeling like she’s no longer in control of a situation, especially one she created, “Beyoncé, what a lovely surprise,” she said, clearly lying through her teeth, “Shouldn’t you be spending time with your family, it is Thanksgiving after all, a day meant to be spent with your family,” she reiterated.

Bey only laughed, “Well my family celebrates the holidays a little differently, we get together early in the morning and then we have dinner by noon. I think it’s safe to say I’ve seen more than enough of my family today. Besides, Michelle invited me over, and since you all normally have a late dinner, I knew I would be available to join you. But speaking of family, Pastor Johnson, shouldn’t you be spending time with your family? I know you’re normally so busy with the church and everything, but this is the first time you should have the ability to do that, right?” she asked knowingly, and I watched as he visibly grew nervous and his ears grew red, something that tended to happen when he’s been caught. I furrowed my eyebrows, because his reaction to that question meant that there was more to that than meets the eye, and they knew something I didn’t.

I couldn’t help but feel that before the night was over, I was going to find out.

He cleared his throat as he tried to regain his composure, “I’m unsure by what you mean, my family is right here,” he said.

Bey didn’t respond, she just gave a thoughtful nod, smiling curtly at him before walking over to my father, happily walking into his outstretched arms, “Bishop, it’s so good to see you again,” she said as they embraced.

My dad chuckled bashfully, “Beyoncé, I’m so glad you could join us, your presence is always welcomed here, and may I say you look marvelous,” he complimented her. She thanked him, returning the complement as she walked over to the seat next to him and beside me and sat down, slyly resting her hand on my thigh, squeezing it gently.

My dad cleared his throat, “Alright, now that we’re all here, I first want to say that I’m glad to be here with you all another year, and despite a few circumstances with some of us,” he said looking between me and Chad, and Bey rubbed my leg in response, “That doesn’t change that when all is said and done, we are still a family, and like all families, we may fuss and fight, but with time and patience, communication and understanding, we can still come together, and still find unity in our division. Furthermore, we thank God for the new relationships that come to us,” he said smiling as he looked at Bey, “that gives us fresh perspective, with fresh smiles. Back home at the church we have a saying, come in a stranger, leave as family, and Bey we are more than happy to welcome you in as a part of the Williams family,” he said making me and Bey smile with joy, since we both knew this was the closest she was going to get at being accepted as family. I just prayed that when they found out about us, he would feel the same way. I tried to keep a straight face and mask my annoyance when I heard my mother scoff under her breath.

My father gave a few more words and finished his speech by rubbing his hands together in anticipation, “That being said, let us pray and give thanks, because we have some good food, and some good meat, so good God let’s eat!”


We were all eating and talking amongst each other in our own separate conversations, Bey and I talking, Chad and my dad, my mom and Chunks, and Emmitt and Mel, but I couldn’t help but to notice there was a bit of tension coming from the both of them, and their conversation seemed strained. Hmm, trouble in paradise? I thought to myself as I took a bite of my food as Bey continued to tell me what happened earlier with her brother. I could tell she was really bothered and annoyed about it, so I made a mental note for us to sit and talk about it later once we were alone.

“You know you’re going to have to sit down and talk to him right, if he’s so adamant that he’s changed, then maybe you should give him a chance, besides you need that closure so you can move on with your life, and be completely and totally happy,” I said lowly so only she could hear me.

She scrunched her nose cutely as she pouted, “You’re right, but what if he hasn’t really changed and this is all for show and I end up getting hurt again?” she asked in a hushed tone.

“Then he’ll have to answer to me. And if you do get hurt, I’ll be right there to ease the pain,” I said with a sly wink, making Bey giggle as I took a sip of my tea.

My mother glanced over at us, giving us a curt smile, “Michelle dear, Chad was telling me about your center that you’re starting and how a lot of the members have pitched in to help, and I just think it’s absolutely wonderful! A good First Lady should always have her own projects and endeavors going to help make the church even more successful, and that should show you even more that you need to reclaim your place in the church,” she said and I immediately rolled my eyes.

Oh Lord, here she goes. I sighed, clenching my jaw slightly as I tried to keep my composure. I could feel Bey rubbing my thigh to calm me. I forced a smile on my face, “Well, first off, thank you, mother. I worked hard to get my Center to where it is now, but that’s just it, it’s MY center. Just because it’s doing good that doesn’t mean run off and get back with my ex,” I pointed out, folding my arms as I sat back in my seat, no longer feeling like finishing my meal.

“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong Darling, and don’t make it sound so juvenile. The truth is you should have never rushed and divorced in the first place; you didn’t even properly give poor Chad here a proper chance or the benefit of the doubt,” she said disappointedly.

I scoffed, “Mother, he took me to Paris, if that’s not a proper chance I don’t know what is, and it didn’t work, I was done then and I am done now, so please, stop trying to push for a reconciliation, it is not going to happen,” I said exasperated.

“Baby girl, we just want the best for you, and we think the best and most reasonable thing for you to do is to work it out with Chad. It’s only right, besides when the time comes, it only makes sense that you two continue the legacy your mother and I have built over the years,” My dad interjected and it took everything in me not to roll my eyes.

I was so annoyed, whenever all was said and done it always came down to the church, his church, their church, everybody’s church, and I was sick of it. Hell, if they want Chad in the family so bad why don’t they adopt him, so they can live happily ever after with all their churches and they could leave me alone.

I looked at Bey, “When I speak, you do understand the words that are coming out of my mouth, right? It’s not gibberish, like on Charlie Brown?” I asked with a confused look on my face.

Bey stifled a laugh, “Yes Chelle, we can understand you fine,” she replied.

“I thought so, so I can’t seem to understand why you all suddenly become deaf whenever I say that I’ve moved on, and that Chad and I will NEVER GET BACK TOGETHER,” I said, raising my voice so they would be sure to hear me that time, “So please, for the sake of this day and this dinner, can we please change the subject and stop concerning ourselves on something that was, and will never be again? I don’t want to be married to Chad, and I don’t want to be First Lady again. Let it go and move on! God knows I have,” I said. By now the food on the table was long forgotten and there was an uncomfortable silence that filled the room, that was fighting with the awkward tension.

That sly and sinister look my mother has perfected over the years and that I absolutely hate graced her face, “And do tell Michelle, exactly what made you move on so fast?”

Chad had a matching look on his face, “Yeah Michelle, what, better yet, who made you move on so fast?” he asked quickly glancing at Bey before looking at me, and I felt her grip my thigh territorially, so I slyly put my hand under the table in hers, intertwining our fingers, “Because if you ask me I think we were meant to be, you’re the only woman for me, and you and your family are the only family I’ve ever had,” he said with a sympathetic pout that I wanted to smack off.

Bey started to laugh, making everyone look at her. Chad furrowed his eyebrows, “What’s so funny?” he asked, making her laugh harder.

She shook her head, “I’m sorry, I just find it funny how you say Michelle’s family is the only family you’ve ever had when you have another family,” she said with a knowing look. This time I furrowed my eyebrows.

Another family?

Everyone turned to look at Chad with a confused look on their face, “Chad, what is she talking about?” my dad asked.

“Yeah Chad, what is she talking about?” Chunks asked with an angry scowl on his face, his overprotective nature shining through.

Chad’s face turned beet red as he began to laugh nervously, “Obviously she means my church family, right Beyoncé?" he said with a fake smile, trying to use his eyes to send a message.

She gave him one back before letting out a little hum, “Yeahhh, Church family, that’s exactly what I meant,” she said before sending him one last fiery glare before taking a sip of her drink.

I leaned over, “What was that?” I whispered to Bey, not liking the feeling that was starting to form in the pit of my stomach.

Bey gave me a nonchalant look, “A checkmate in a game of checkers.”

I frowned in confusion, what did that mean?

“Oh, before I forget, I have some good news to share with everyone, I just closed with the bank last week and in a few days we’ll be having a groundbreaking ceremony at the construction site,” he announced happily, while also trying to change the subject.

My father beamed, “Well, praise the Lord, that’s amazing son!” he congratulated.

“That is wonderful dear!" my mother exclaimed with a bright smile on her face. Suddenly it looked like a lightbulb went off in her head, “Hey! Michelle, isn’t your grand opening for your Center next week? Why don’t you two make it a joint ceremony, a groundbreaking and a ribbon cutting ceremony!”

Chad’s face brightened, and I could feel the heat radiating from Bey, “That’s a great idea! Wow, it’s amazing how the stars keep aligning for Michelle and I, I was telling her earlier how all of this is happening the way they are for a reason and that we were meant to be, but she’s just being stubborn right now and she refuses to see it, but it’s only a matter of time before she does and we’ll be back together again,” he said with a thoughtful look on his face, which made my mother have an equally happy and thoughtful look on hers.

Seriously, are we in the twilight zone? Did someone spike the tea or something? Clearly my family has lost their minds and me, Bey, and Chunks are the only sane ones at the table.

Bey removed her hand from mine and sat them on the edge of the table, clasping her hands together. When she leaned forward a little bit and a sly sinister look appeared on her face, I instantly knew that shit was about to go down, and at this point there was nothing I could do to stop it.

She let out a low, unamused chuckle, “Wow, that is awesome, I mean really, truly amazing, but I just have a question, don’t you think as a pastor it’s important to honor the thoughts and feelings of your members, past and current? I know it can get hard sometimes to separate personal feelings from the neutral, unbiased feelings when it comes to the livelihood of others, but it concerns me how Michelle has clearly stated over and over again that she has moved on, but you refuse to accept that. It makes me wonder if you’re this tone deaf with the rest of your members, and if that’s the case then how on earth could they possibly get the help and sound counseling they desperately seek? You know, your feelings aren’t necessarily fact, just because you personally feel so strongly about something, it doesn’t mean it’s correct or how things should be,” Bey stated.

Chad frowned slightly and I could see a bit of anger and annoyance flash in his eyes, “I’m fully aware of that, but with all due respect, why does it matter to you how I feel about a situation? I, as well as well as everyone sitting at this table has known Michelle way longer than you have so I think we can all agree that we know her on a level you don’t, and sometimes she can be adamant about how she feels but over time she will see that she may not have been thinking rationally. Just like our divorce, and all the factors that went into why it happened, is only temporary and miniscule. She’s having her fun now, but I know eventually she’ll get tired and will want to come back to what she’s used to, and what she knows is right,” he replied giving her a piercing look, and I couldn’t miss the double meaning of his words and it was pissing me off. He thinks he knows me so well, but he doesn’t know me at all, and I’m getting sick of his manipulation tactics. I quickly glanced around the table and everyone was looking both uncomfortable and confused by what was going on.

“Honestly, it doesn’t matter if you’ve known her for thirty years and I’ve known her for thirty minutes, the amount of time you’ve known a person doesn’t determine, nor does it define how much you know a person. It’s all about perspective, and the closest you think you are is only a mirage of how far away you are. Michelle has known you for over 10 years, and I’ve known you for less than a tenth of that, but I guarantee you, you and I both know I know more about you than she does,” Bey said, trying her best to mask her anger, and I could see Chad visibly falter a bit. He was about to respond but my mother beat him to the punch.

“You know Dear, I find it odd that you seem to know so much about both Chad and Michelle and their relationship, more than the average member should or would know, and from the sounds of it, you must know a lot of in depth details about the dissolution of their marriage and just about their lives in general, and even if Michelle sat you down and told you every little detail, I still can’t help but wonder if you played a small part in their divorce, or if you were the cause of the entire thing, and I’m leaning towards the latter,” she said tilting her head as she glared at Bey.

I looked at my mother incredulously, “Mother!” I exclaimed in shock. Oh shit, here we go…

She looked at me in contempt, “Michelle!” she said, imitating my tone as she rolled her eyes, “Child, do I look stupid to you? It’s quite clear that there is something going on between you two, and it has been for a while now!” she exclaimed, and I didn’t miss the look of shock and surprise on both Emmitt and my father’s faces.

My father turned to look at me, “Michelle? Is what your mother saying true?” he asked me with a confused frown.

I sighed as I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling overwhelmed with stress. I knew my parents were going to find out about us eventually, but I was hoping it wouldn’t have been today, and especially like this, I would have preferred that I had been in more control of the situation, but of course, things like this never pan out the way I want it to, besides, just as I suspected, my mother always knew about us, so apparently, I was never in control to begin with.

“Well, yes and no. Yes, Bey and I are together, but she is not the cause of my marriage ending. Our marriage was over long before I even met Bey. The truth is our marriage has been over for years, whether Chad had realized it or not. I was just putting on a brave face, but for the past few years I had grown tired of doing that, I had slowly but surely fallen out of love, and I was tired of trying to put life into a dead situation. I had exhausted every option, and I had done all I could and all I knew to do, but I had to accept the truth, I wasn’t Chad’s primary focus anymore, the church and all the fame and acclaim that came with it was. The church had replaced me in every way, and it had pushed me out of the way, and out of the picture. When Chad decided that the church was more important than our wedding anniversary, I knew then that the damage was done and irreversible, so I decided then and there that I was done wasting my time on a marriage that was very one sided, and the very next day I filed for a divorce. But I want to be very clear, despite the timing of everything, I was very much so faithful throughout our marriage, and it wasn’t until after I warned Chad I would be done if he didn't change that I pursued anything further with Bey,” I explained, "And he didn't change, so I was done."

My dad didn’t say a word, but he honestly didn’t have to, his face said it all. He looked so shocked, so disappointed, and he looked back and forth between Bey and I like we were abnormal strangers. Without a word, he stood proceeded to walk out of the room. My mother and I tried to stop him, but he only held up his hand and whenever he did that I instantly backed down and got quiet. I felt my heart breaking as tears formed in my eyes.

Chad scoffed, “Oh please, anyone who believes that load of bull is a fool. You don’t think I noticed a change in you after she came in the picture? After the dinner that you suggested we have for her, you had changed, who’s to say you didn’t sleep with her that night?” he implied.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I jumped up as I pointed to Chad angrily, “Are you kidding me?! I suggested the dinner because at the time Bey was the big donor you were trying so hard to impress, the donor that I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW WAS HER UNTIL THAT NIGHT! You had kept me so in the dark about the entire situation, I didn’t know who to expect, I had just met her the Sunday before, the Sunday that I was supposed to preach that YOU took from me to impress HER, and let me tell you Chad, she wasn’t that impressed. She was more disappointed that I wasn’t preaching that day because she knew I preach every fourth Sunday. So, your plan backfired from the jump. It’s because of me that you even got the donation, and it’s because of you, that you got what you did, it could have been more, but you messed that up! You want me to be a whore so bad to soothe your bruised ego, and make it seem like you’re the victim and I’m the villain by insinuating that I’ve been having an affair since that night but I didn’t!” I spat, breathing heavily as my anger consumed me. How dare he sit here in front of my family and try to vilify me.

Bey gently grabbed my arm and sat me back down, rubbing my back to try to calm me, “Chelle, calm down, and relax, I got this,” she said as she tried to console me.

She turned to look at Chad and my mother, smiling sinisterly, “You know what Mrs. Williams, you’re right, I do know more than anyone else about Chad and Michelle and their marriage, and I think it’s time that you all know as well, because I was being kind by keeping what I knew to myself, but Chad here thought it would be smart to try to play with the big dogs like me, but I’m about to remind him that he’s a little runt, so now I have to humble you. Chad, while you’re trying so hard to make Michelle look like the unfaithful one, why don’t you tell everyone about your mistress, you know, the church secretary? The one you’ve been sleeping with for about six years now? The one who birthed your child five years ago? Why don’t you tell everyone about her,” she revealed, shocking everyone.

I gasped as my eyes widened and I looked at Chad in shock. Suddenly, I began connecting the dots in my head. Chad completely stopped sleeping with me about five years ago, that’s also when he started leaving more, always claiming to need to take care of business with the church, and then I remembered when Julia got pregnant. It happened out of nowhere, and at the time I remember she wasn’t in a relationship with anyone, she had kept all of that information private, so I didn’t pry any further, I didn’t want to get into her business and make her uncomfortable, especially if the subject was too touchy for her. I even threw her a baby shower! After the baby was born he started getting older, I noticed that he looked oddly familiar, I could just never put my finger on who he resembled, but now I knew. He looked so familiar because my husband was his father. However, once the baby turned one Julia stopped bringing him around as much, and like a fool I never questioned why, but now I see why she did.

My heart felt like it was breaking even more as tears began to fall from my eyes. All this time I wanted children, and he knew I wanted children, but he was too busy making them with other women. Even though we were no longer married, I still felt crushed, hurt, and betrayed. Not only that, but Bey knew this, and she never told me. I knew she knew something I didn’t, but never in a million years would I have imagined that this was it.

My mother looked at him in bewilderment, “Chad! Say it isn’t so!” she exclaimed, clutching her pearls.

“And while you’re at it, why don’t you tell everyone how you’ve been cooking the books at the church and pocketing some of the money for yourself. Go on, tell everybody how the land, construction, and production costs are significantly lower than the amount of money you’ve asked the bank AND your congregation, and you’ve been pocketing the excess for yourself. Not to mention how the church treasurer found out so you’ve been blackmailing her to keep quiet, but of course, what’s done in the dark always comes to the light. Now I’ve spared you enough, because you’re sitting here, and not in a prison cell where you belong. Just because you hid your skeletons, don’t mean they don’t exist, so the next time you try to unearth someone else’s skeleton’s, skeletons that don’t even exist might I add, please make sure you’re not unearthing them in front of the person who knows where yours are buried,” Bey continued, clenching her jaw as she sat back in her seat, crossing her arms “And that’s not even all of it but knowing Jacob, if told everybody what happened in Paris you may end up leaving here on a stretcher.”

Chunks looked at him angrily, “What happened in Paris?” he asked as he stood up.

Chad sat there looking like a fish out of water, his mouth just opening and closing like he wanted to say something, but the words wouldn’t come out.

“Go on Chad, tell him what you did, or do you need some help? Tell him how you put your hands on Michelle,” Bey said and before she could say another word Jacob had flew to Chad, yanking him up out of his seat by his shirt. My mother, Mel, and I screamed for him to stop and Emmitt got up and tried to intervene, but it was no use.

“You put your hands on my sister? And have the nerve to be sitting up here with us trying to get at her like everything’s cool? Are you crazy?” he asked he pushed him with the strength of three grown men. Chad flew back, crashing into the wall. Jacob went over to him and grabbed him again. Chad fought to get out of his grasp, “You like putting your hands on women? Put your hands on me then. You ain’t scared to put your hands on a woman, so put them on a real man like me. Go on, do it, give me another reason to put you in a body bag,” he gritted through his teeth, about to knock him out but this time Emmitt was able to get through to him and pull them apart.

“Alright now Jacob, calm down! He ain’t worth it! He gonna get his, but you can’t mess up your life because of this lowlife,” he said, and Jacob backed away, breathing deeply as he tried to calm down. He turned to look at Chad, pushing him towards the exit, “I think you’ve overstayed your welcome, and it’s time for you to go. You should have never come here in the first place. Michelle said y’all are done, and she’s clearly moved on. Accept that.”

That made Chad angry, “Oh yeah? She may have moved on, but as long as she’s living off of my alimony payments every month and living in this house with our past and memories, I’ll always be in the picture. Good luck moving on from that!” he spat, glaring at me with an evil grin, as if he still had an upper hand on me.

Bey laughed again, “Oh Chaddy, wrong again. May I remind you that alimony payments stop once the recipient remarries,” she informed him as she slyly put my wedding ring back on my finger.

Chad looked at her confused, “What does that have to do with anything?”

This time I spoke up, “What my wife is saying is, moving on is a whole lot easier than you thought, and with me putting this house on the market next week, you’re barely in the frame, much less the picture,” I said as we flashed our wedding rings. Chad looked at my ring with a look of slight anger, sadness, and defeat, “Man whatever, y’all deserve each other,” he said waving us off as he walked out, his head down and his shoulders slumped. I heard the front door open and close a few seconds later. Good riddance.

The second my mother saw the rock on my finger she gasped, and then she passed out. Mel hopped up and rushed over to her aide. I just rolled my eyes, Lord, this is too much for me I can’t take it. Bey and I stood up and grabbed a napkin as we both walked over to my mother, fanning her to try to wake her up. She slowly started to come to, “Ugh, what happened?” she groaned as she held her head in her hands.

Mel handed her a glass of water, “Michelle kind of announced that she and Beyoncé were married and once you saw her ring you passed out,” she explained.

My mother’s head whipped up at us, a fiery glare in her eyes, “This is all your fault!” she said looking at Bey, “You came in here and ruined everything, and then you corrupted and conformed my daughter to your twisted ways! I told Chad and your father all those years ago that you two moving out here wasn’t a good idea and now look at you, you left your husband and married a woman,” she said as she looked at me, “Michelle, how could you? How could you do such a thing? Dishonor our family? Your church? I look at you and I don’t even know who you are anymore,” she said giving me a look of disdain.

That’s it.

I felt my body heat up in anger, “You know what Mother? I don’t care how you feel about it; yes, I am in love with, and married to Beyoncé. She didn’t make me this way, so don’t you dare speak to or about her that way. Bey has been nothing but a blessing since she’s been in my life. She was there to restore the happiness in me that I had lost when I was married to Chad, she was there to remind me who I was as a woman and as a person, the person I had forgot I was, she was there to give me the love that I needed and deserved, which is more than I can say about you. She didn’t ridicule or judge me, unlike you, and most importantly, she’s the woman I’ve fallen madly in love with.

Mama, I’m a grown woman and who I choose to spend my life is my choice and no one else’s. I have spent my life under the scrutinous eye of you, Daddy, and the church, doing everything for your approval, and what do I have to show for it? Nothing, but what do you have? Everything. It’s time for me to live my life now, with someone I love, and will spend the rest of my life loving, and I’m sorry if you or Daddy can’t accept that, but that’s not going to change.

Furthermore, I don’t appreciate y’all coming into my house, inviting my ex, trying to force a reconciliation, ridiculing my relationship with my wife, and just overall stressing me out. This was supposed to be a day to be thankful, and now because of you all’s shenanigans, I’ll be thankful when y’all leave and go back home.

That being said, I love you, but this day is over, this dinner is over, and my nerves are shot to hell. Y’all ain’t gotta go home, but it’s time for y’all to get the hell up out my house. Come on, let’s go,” I said as I motioned everybody out of the dining room and into the living room and out the door. At this point I just wanted to be alone, I was a whirlwind of so many emotions; I was angry, hurt, confused, heartbroken, and devastated, and right now, I just needed a moment to clear my head and properly get a grip on my emotions.

My mother scoffed in disbelief, “I can not believe you are kicking us out like this, and on Thanksgiving?! What in the world has gotten into you, child?” she asked as she, Mel and Emmitt stood on my front porch.

I rolled my eyes, “Nothing has gotten into me Mother, I’m just not that same little church girl who accepts getting treated any kind of way by any and everybody. I have taken control of the reins of my life, and I’m now I’m living my life the way I want, and the best way I know how. Goodbye, I’ll see you for Christmas,” I said as I closed the door, “Maybe.”

I turned around to find Chunks and Bey still standing there, looking at me, “What?!” I asked in frustration.

Jacob held up his hands in surrender, “Hey I didn’t do anything! Besides, you can’t kick me out, I’m staying with you! That being said, let me go to my room before you try to kick me out again,” he said as he turned and sped off in direction of the stairs, leaving Bey standing there.

I turned and looked at her unhappily, with my arms folded, “And what are you still doing here?” I asked.

Her jaw dropped, “Wha- you’re kicking me out too?” she asked in shock, “But Baby,” she whined with a pout, but I stopped her.

“But Baby nothing, I’m mad at you too! How could you keep something like that from me? And even worse, you wait until we’re in front of my family to spill all Chad’s tea like that? I would have much rather you told me all of that ahead of time so I could have had time to process and deal with that information. Baby, you blindsided me. I mean, even though Chad and I aren’t together anymore, those things happened when we were, they happened behind my back, and it still hurts. Not to mention, I don’t know if my father will ever speak to me again, and that kills me,” I said on the verge of tears, my emotions finally starting to get to me.

Bey frowned as she held my face in her hands, caressing my cheeks with her thumbs, “Aw Baby, you’re right, and I’m so sorry. I should have handled that better, but he made me so mad, I just lost control, and I wanted to get him back for all the hell he put you through. You know I would protect you with my life Baby,” she said as she leaned in, placing a soft kiss on my lips before resting her forehead on mine, “Please forgive me my Love," she said apologetically as she kissed me a few more times, "And please don't make me leave," she said sadly with a pout.

I moaned softly as I pulled away, "I forgive you Baby, but, I just really need to be alone right now, okay? I promise I'll come by later," I said as I opened the door.

She frowned and sighed, but she nodded in understanding, "You promise?"

I nodded, "I promise," I repeated reassuringly.

She nodded as she walked towards the door, "Alright my Love, call me if you need me, you know I'll come running, and don't be gone too long, I'm respecting your wishes but I still won't hesitate to come back here and bring you home myself," she said making me giggle.

I nodded, "Yeah, yeah I know," I said leaning in and giving her a lingering goodbye kiss on her lips, "I love you HoneyBey," I whispered against her lips.

"I love you more My Belle," she whispered back as she pulled away and walked out the door. She turned and looked at me, "I'll see you later," she said before blowing me a kiss and turning back around, walking int the direction of her car. I watched as she got in and started the car before pulling off.

I sighed deeply to myself as I closed the door and walked over to the couch, sitting down as I rested my heads in my hands, but I was quickly startled by my Dad's voice filling the room as he cleared his throat.

"Michelle, may I have a word with you?" He asked as he walked further into the room.

I immediately stood, "Daddy, I didn't know you were still here, I thought you had left earlier," I said surprised and he shook his head.

"No, I just went outside for a bit to clear my head, and think about some things. I came back in once Beyoncé started making revelations about Chad, I heard everything," he said as he walked over to me, motioning for me to sit down as he sat down next to me.

He paused for a moment, "So... You and Beyoncé huh?" He started, and that just opened the floodgates for me.

"Daddy please don't be disappointed in me, I know I did the unthinkable marrying Bey, but Daddy it felt right and-"

"Relax Child, calm down, breathe," he commanded and I did as he said, "Good. Now, do you love her?" He asked and I immediately nodded my head, "My love for her goes deeper than the ocean, but I know somehow and someway her love for me is even deeper," I said with a smile.

"And does she make you happy?" He asked, and I nodded again.

"Yes sir, more than words can express," I replied.

He smiled genuinely at me, "Well, if she makes you happy and treats you will the love and respect you deserve, then I approve of your relationship," he said, genuinely shocking the hell out of me.

My dad saw the look on my face and laughed, "Baby Girl, before anything else I'm your father, and my job as your father is to make sure that you're happy and taken care of, and I can clearly see that you are both, and that's all that matters to me. Sweetheart, when you get to be my age, you've lived a lot of life, and you've seen a lot of things, and with time, comes wisdom. And I have enough wisdom to see that you are happily in love, and who am I to stand in the middle of that?" He said and I squealed happily as I jumped in his arms, hugging him tightly.

"Oh Daddy! Thank you so much for understanding! I thought I had lost you forever!" I said truthfully and he shook his head as he waved me off.

"Baby girl, I'm your father, I'm gonna be here and love you no matter what, no matter who you love or what you do. That's called unconditional love, and that's the same love Christ gave us," he said.

I smiled warmly, "I love you Daddy."

"I love you too Baby Girl. Now let's dig into this pie now that your mother's gone, and you can tell me more about you and Bey, and why you got married and I wasn't there to witness it," he said with a playful stern look.

I laughed as I kissed his cheek, standing up as I led him to the kitchen, "Yes sir."


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