
By NikolaJ_03

91K 1.4K 875

In this AU of black clover our protagonist Asta will have anti magic and ??? magic. In this AU many things w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13
Asta and Liebe theme
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
When's the next chapter?
Black market
Asta's Power
Saussy Village

chapter 11

3.4K 49 118
By NikolaJ_03

Time(7.55 am)

Asta POV

Liebe and I were a little early but what do you expect?
We both want to be Magic knights and one thing we need to learn is not to waste time.

No one POV

Asta:"Brother, which captain do you think we'll start to train with?"

Liebe:"I hope is someone open minded and not some snobby and arrogant royale."

Yami:"well tour right, you'll first captain to train with will be me and you better not give up and surpass your limits"

Asta:"I like your motto "Surpass your limits" and don't worry in those years of training me and my brother will surpass them "

Yami:" I like you kid"

At that voice both of them moved to the direction of the voice to find Captain Yami and Finral.

Finral (opening a portal to the base):"Let's go to the Black bulls base first"

Asta/Liebe:" Alright/let's go"

Time ( 8.00am) place(black bulls base)

When Asta and Liebe enters the portal they are met with a big black structure, with a big brown door like entrance of the base.

Yami:"Go on open the door"

Asta(opening the door): 'I think it's a trap so I'll stay behind the door'

Liebe:"Why did yo-"

The poor devil didn't have enough time to process why is brother moved out the way that he was met with a fireball in his face.

Asta(laughing at Liebe):'So I was right, that scene I'll treasure in my memory'

Then he heard:



What happened last night? I remember starting a drinking contest with an old man, after that I don't remember anything."


In that caos me and my brother tried to introduce ourselves but it went deaf ears to the others.

Yami (releasing his magic/angry) got sick of it so he screamed while smashing the wall behind him: "STOP BREAKING EVERYTHING!"

Everyone:' you're the one breaking everything'

Asta POV

After that incident we started meeting everyone at least the ones that were there because like Yami said someone's are on missions.

The one who trow the fireballs is Magma Swing , he uses fire magic and his hair are a shade of black and purple, he wars purple glasses, he's obsessed with the manly things and at first sight he seems a delinquent, I'll call him Delinquent .

The one who was being chased by Magma is Luck Voltia he has blonde hair, a crazy smile on his face, he uses lighting magic and he's obsessed with fighting, I'll call him crazy.

The one who couldn't remember what happened to her last night is Vanessa Enoteca she has long king hair, a witch hat, it seems after she becomes drunk she stripps her clothing remains with only the bra and the panties.
She like the others must be obsessed with something and this something is alcohol and I don't know what type of magic she has, I'll call her drunk witch.

Then we have Gauche, he uses mirror magic and you can remember him as the Sister complex and he has brown hair, I'll call him Sister complex.

Then we have Gordon Agrippa, it's more like he is a living mimo but with the difference that he can whisper, I'll call him "the whisperer".

Then we have Charmy she looks like a kid but she isn't, she has food magic and because of that she eat a lot and I mean A LOT, "the eater".

The obese one is Grey that has transforming magic and he talks only when he trasforma in others, 'I feel like this isn't her/his true form',I'll call him "The shy one".

No one POV

Asta:"Hi everyone my name's Asta and this is my brother Liebe"

Asta(Serious):"Let me warn you on something, prejudicate him without knowing him and I'll personally beat your ass"

The black bulls (expect Yami) :'Is he serious?'

Asta:"Liebe stop hiding and come out"

Liebe after he got out of the grimoire (nervous/worried): "Hi, my name's Liebe and like you see I'm a demon and this is my big brother Asta, I hope we can get along."

Magma:"If you show u-"

Magma:"Wait aren't you kids?"

Asta:"We won the deal imposed on by captain Yami and now for 5 years me and Liebe we'll be training with the captain's of every squad"

Magma:"Holy crap you won a deal with captain Yami but how you're just two kids..."

Asta:"Well even if Captain Yami was suppressing is true power we managed to hit him on the cheek and with that we impressed him"

Black bulls:'Holy shit just how strong will those two be in the future?'

Yami:"Hey kids, take these", Yami trows at Asta and Liebe the black bulls cape.

Vanessa:"Hey kid let me do something"

Vanessa with her magic designs a black bull on Asta bandana.

Asta:"Thanks Vanessa, but may I ask you to put some clothes on? I don't want you to be confused for a pedophilic"

Vanessa(smiling): " Alright kid, if it's for a kid I'll do it"

Asta:'For a kid, interesting, I'll make sure to get that sick abit of drinking out of you Vanessa, just you wait"

Asta:"Thanks Vanessa!"

Yami:"Hey kid, it's time to train, let's go"

Time(9 am) Place (forest near the black bulls base)

Yami:" Now I'll teach you how to use ki but first I'll tell you what to do to use it.
You'll need to use all the five senses and not only one of them,so now I'll send you two magic attacks and with closed eyes you'll need to learn how to use ki"

Asta/Liebe (both closing their eyes):" Bring it on/Come on"

*Asta is without sword while Liebe is with the Demon Destroyer*

Yami: "Dark magic lightless slash"

Liebe:'One two three, now!"
Liebe cut the attack while Asta evades it two seconds before it hit him.

Yami kicking both of them:"You can't fool me, you used only your earing, now you better surpass your limits or I'll kill both of you"

Asta and Liebe(closing their eyes while smiling):"Yes sir, right now we'll surpass our limits!"

Yami:"Dark magic Lightless slash"

Asta:' concentrate all your senses, It feels like a light that coming towards me.
Asta evades successfully Tami's attack, while Liebe almost got it right but still failed.

Asta:"Liebe, when you successfully do it right, with your eyes closed the attack will be like light that's coming towards you, alright?"

Liebe:"Alright big brother"

Asta(Exited):"Let's keep going Captain!"

Yami(smirking):" You got it right kid, I can't believe you actually did it, for me it took 5 years.
Let's keep this going for 30 minutes."


By the time 30 minutes passed even Liebe could use ki and Asta was already adapting using ki.

Yami:"Kid don't you think you need a sword to fight? You can't keep punching everything and everyone"

Asta:"I know, but I don't have the money to buy a new one, mostly like a katana like your Captain..."
Yami:"So you want to learn how to use a katana? Alright kid, you already, you both showed me that with training you'll be a strong duo, so only for this time I'll buy you one"

Asta(Exited):"Really captain?!! I'll promise I'll put everything that I have to not let you down and I'll keep surpassing my limits!"

After that the trio kept training with ki and swordfight:
Asta using a piece of wood to learn the basis of the katana and Liebe on how tu impugnate and swing better the Anti-magic sword.

By the time they finished training it was 20 to 12 am so Finral teleported the trio to the base to eat something with Charmy.

Asta/Liebe:"This food is so good!/I've never ate something so good in my life!"

Charmy:" eat eat , you are still young and you'll need every energy to train!"

Asta/Liebe:"Thanks Charmy your the best!"

By the time they finished eating was 5 to 12 am so Finral decided to transport the two brothers to the forest of Hage.

When arrived Asta and Liebe thanked Finral and both of them run to their home.

Time (12.20 am) place (church)

Sister Lily:"Asta why are you so dirty?"

Asta:"I've been training harder, so one day I'll become Wizard King"

Yuno:" Impossible, I'll become the Wizard King shrimp"

Asta:"Only because I'm less taller than you "Princess" "

Yuno (a little irritated):"Will you stop calling me that?"

Asta(smiling):" Nope! Now if you excuse me in going to change."

Yuno(three line face):"oke"

Time(0.30 pm) place(church)

Meanwhile they were eating Nash accidentally threw at Asta is fork and Asta line nothing happened moved his head and the fork passed him.

The church was speackless and they didn't know what happened and how Asta dodged something without magic and without seeing it.

Time(1 pm)

Asta:"Hey Yuno, do you want to have a little fight? Only one and if you win I'll stop calling you princess but if I win you won't call me a shrimp anymore, alright?"

"Princess":'this will be easy'

Yuno:"Alright I accept, but don't cry when I'll beat you"

Time(Asta/Yuno fight)

Yuno (with a smirk):' he's magicless so he can't win'

Asta:' I bet he's looking down on me, what do you think Liens?'

Liebe:'Yes he is'

Asta:'Now I want to beat his ass so bad to put down his ego'

Liebe:'Do it, then tell me the look on his face'

Asta: 'Alright'

Yuno sent a wave of wind to Asta, but he thanks to the years of training and to the ki he easily evades it.

Yuno keeps sending waves of wind to Asta while thinking:'How can he dodge so fast? He's magicless!!'

After a while Asta had enough so with a fast sprint he punched Yuno in the face.

Asta(sadistic smile): 'That must hurt, better'

Liebe: 'I hope to never get on your sadistic side.'

Asta(smiling):" I won "Princess". "

Yuno was on the floor touching his nose because for him it really hurt.

Yuno:" Asta we aren't finished"

Asta(serious): " let me tell you something Yuno, if that was a real fight you would be already death."

With that Asta left leaving most of the church speackless.

Asta: 'Liebe I'm coming'

Liebe:' alright I'm leaving the grimoire and then in coming to the place.

Asta(smiling):'Alright see you there'

Time(1.40pm) place(training area)

Asta and Liebe talked for a while and then they started training to kill the time.

Time (2.00 pm) place(training area)

At that time opened a portal in the training area, so they could take the brothers to train and they were surprised to find them already training.

Yami(with a cigarette):"Hey kids, it's time to go training."

Time(2.05) place(forest/black bulls)

Yami:"Hey kid, this is for you"


Yami gives Asta a katana like his.

Asta(Smiling/grateful): " Thank you so much captain!"

When Asta took the katana, the grimoire cane to him and sucked in the sword, after a while the sword cane back but covered in Anti-magic.

Asta(Exited):"O my god! So every sword I take the grimoire will automatically cover it in Anti-magic and will be conserved in the grimoire, this is so cool!"

Liebe is speackless by his brother attitude and Yami was surprised by what the grimoire can do.

Meanwhile in the distance no one has noticed a figure watching them.

????:'So this is Anti-magic, a strong affinity, but if trained the strongest, I'll keep watching your progress kid and maybe one day we'll meet'. *Guess who is this man*

Asta (Exited): "If this works for the swords maybe even with armatures! One day I'll need to confirm this theory!!"

Liebe(smiling): " Brother is not the right time for your theory time"

Yami:"Liebe is right, so now let's start training or I'll kill you."

Asta/Liebe: " Yes captain!/Yes sir!"

In the first two hours Asta kept learning how to properly use a katana, meanwhile Liebe kept learning how to impugnate Better the Demon Destroyer sword.

While this was happening Yami kept thinking:'What was that the kid used the other day? It fells like he reinforced himself with the Anti-magic like mana skin but better."

Time(5.00 pm) place( Forest/Black bulls)

Yami:"Stop, now I want to ask Asta to do show me the same thing you did yesterday, when you covered yourself with Anti-magic
I want to know how you did it"

Asta:" Alright, my limit to use it is just some seconds but with time it will increase, so what I did yesterday was like you said; I covered myself in Anti-magic to create a form to increase all my stats, from the attack to the speed, to the defense and the reflexes.
In that moment I felt like I needed to become one with the Anti-magic, because I need to let it flow in my body or I won't be able to do it."

Asta:" let me guess, you want to try something similar, because Dark magic even if is a strong affinity it's pretty slow so you help yourself with a katana and ki, am I right?"

Yami:" Holy shit kid, just how smart are you?"

Liebe(calm):" I've stopped asking myself that question long ago, he's just too smart"

Asta:" Captain I think the better way to do it is to be in a dark place, because it connects with your affinity, so I suggest to to try it in the night and if you try remember you need to become one with the dark.

Yami(smoking):"Jesus Christ kid, usually I would try to crush your head but I don't want to make you dumb so I won't do it."

After that they kept training and Yami noticed how both of them keep growing so fast, like TOO fast.

Soon 7 pm arrived and they had to go but before this Yami asked something to Asta.

Yami:" Hey kid, why do you keep having a negative ki?"

Asta(sad tone):" I guess I can't lie to you, it's just other than my brother , my mother and you, no one's believes in my dream, I feel like they want to make me give up I just don't feel really at home at the church in Hage.
They prefer my step-brother Yuno only because he has a high amount of mana in him even when I want to help they let it do to Yuno only because he has magic and I don't."

Yami: 'Poor kid, how can he make me feel like I need to help him? Alright it's been only a day and I feel like that no one needs to hurt him. Fuck it I'm gonna adopt both of them so at least Asta won't be fucked up more and they won't be divided."

Yami:"Alright kid, you can go"

Finral came out of portal and then he took the brothers to their training area so they could go home.

Time (7.10 pm) place (church)

Father Orsi:"Asta why did you hurt Yuno? Before you went to train?"

Asta: " Because we were fighting, I proposed a deal and he accepted and I won so it's not my fault, he could simply reject the deal."

Father Orsi:" Asta you can't go around calling people name's even Yuno, he's the pride of Hage and one day he'll become a Magic knight."

Asta(done):"Well, "Father" let me tell you something, you think magic is everything in this word, but you're so prodigy lost to a magicless kid."

Father Orsi:" Don't you dare to talk to me like that Asta!"

Asta(done):" What you don't you like the fact that I'm speaking the facts and not something false or partly true?
And let me tell you one last thing, your favouritis will lend you to nothing."

Asta(walking in the forest):" I'm going out and don't worry I'm not hungry save it for your so called prodigy."

Father Orsi:" Wait Asta, I'm sor-"


Asta started running in the direction where his mom and his brother were living.

Time(7.40 pm) place(Licita home)


Licita(worried):"o my god what happened?"

Asta:"Can I stay here for a while, I don't want to be near that church again"

Licita(smiling):"If you want you can live with us so you won't be suppressed ever again and we can become a family again!"

Licita:"Now is better if we eat and then we can go to sleep or play something together with your brother Liebe, what do you think?"


Asta(smiling):'I don't know what I would have done if I didn't met you that day'

Liebe:' don't you dare think negative! Or I'm gonna cuddle with you to the point your only be able to think in a optimistic way!"

Asta(sad smile):'Thanks brother, right now I want some cuddles'

Liebe(smiling):' Alright here I come'

*If you want you can tell me in the comments with which captain would you like the brothers(Asta and Liebe) to train with.
And thx you for reading till now*

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