Angel Deku

By MilkyCupy

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Hi my name is Izuku Aizawa, and I'm adopted. My foster parents names are Shouta Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada, Th... More

Chapter 1 - the beginning
Chapter 2 - Eraserhead has a son?!
Chapter 4 - USJ (Pt-1)

Chapter 3 - Sleepover

886 13 14
By MilkyCupy

I was sleeping under the desk when I heard a loud bang, I opened my wings up and got out of being under the desk "Papa? what happened?" he looked at me "Sorry, I had to wake you up so you knew who everyone was" I nodded. Papa told me everyones names and quirks "Sir what is his name and quirk?" Momo asked politely "Right. This is Izuku Aizawa, his quirk is Angel" once again everyone started muttering to each other "In that case what would you rather us call you?" I put my hand on my chin thinking about what I want them to call me "Call me whatever you feel comfortable with, I don't mind" "But is there a name you would rather us call you?" I shook my head "Sir is that why he was sleeping under the desk?" Iida rudely stood up asking.

"sorry for the inconvenience, but I was sleeping under the desk because I have learnt this and because I didn't get much sleep last night so I need some sleep to get through the day" Iida stayed standing "You should be getting sleep at home as the same for him" he pointed to Dad "Im not sure if you realise who my dad is. he is the underground hero Eraserhead and he does night shifts almost every night" he sat back down in his seat without any response "lets continue." I walked over to my seat and sat down behind kacchan.

a few hours had passed by with learning and school was almost finished "Sir" everyone looked at Iida again "What is it" Iida suddenly looked at me "His wings are very distracting and it would be nice if he could put them away" dad gave off a big sigh "Iida I can't put my wings away, its the same for ojiro but his is a tail. My wings are like another part of skin for me" it didn't seem like Iida believed me "Dad, if you would" dad looked at me and activated his quirk disabling mine making my wings fall to the ground but not disappearing "Ah I see, so you can't deactivate your quirk" me and dad sighed, dad stopped using his quirk letting my wings go back to normal "Also Izuku" I looked at dad "Can you refrain from calling me 'dad' when classes are in" I nodded.

I looked at the seat in front of me and saw Kacchan's spiky hair "I need your attention" dad didn't sound very happy at all "in the next week we will be going to the USJ for some rescue training" some people started to smile in excitement "so make sure your ready"


I woke up to my alarm that for some reason sounded like papa "IZUKU WAKE UP" I opened my eyes to see papa hovering over me "sorry...." I looked at my alarm clock and saw that the time was 7:00 "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER" I jolted out of bed and ran downstairs forgetting that I was still in my pjs "where's dad?!" I looked at the stairs waiting for an answer from papa "He already left, your gonna have to run" I quickly opened the door and started to run to school "Wait your forgot to put your-" I didn't have enough time to pay attention to what papa was saying so I just continued running.

I looked at my wrist that usually had my watch on it "Shit I forgot to get changed" I stopped running and looked at what I was wearing 'My pjs?!!' I felt really embarrassed.

"Look it's the pro hero hawks!" I heard in the distance people talking about Hawks, and that gave me an amazing idea. I got into an area where not many people were and started to fly, I flew towards the school when I heard a speaker "Stop right there and come back down to the ground slowly" I looked down and saw police below me; suddenly I felt someone grab my hands from behind and put handcuffs on me, I whipped my head around and saw hawks.

"Hawks?" He looked at me in the eyes "don't bother trying to restrain these are quirk suppressing cuffs, the only think keeping you from falling is me" once they where on properly I fell but just like hawks said he was keeping me in the air "crap I'm gonna be late, and dads going to kill me" I said just under my breath not thinking anyone would've heard me "where were you going" I looked at him "UA" he loosened his grip making me fall more "Don't drop me!!!" He quickly gripped on to me again "why were you going to UA" I sighed "My name is Izuku Aizawa, I'm in class 1-A and I was just trying to get to school on time" he started bringing me closer to the ground "so you have any ID on you?" I looked at him with an annoyed face "does it look like someone in pjs would have ID on them?" He shook his head "I will need to contact UA"

We landed on the floor surrounded by police "I need a phone" one of the police ran up to hawks and gave him a phone, I sat on the ground pulling hawks down with me "Yes hello?" I could hear a voice on the other side "I have a kid with me right now and he claims to be Izuku Aizawa" "Yes what about him, I believe if he has been flying with green wings and has green hair that's him" "well I will show him to UA, he will be late so tell his teacher if you may" he hung up the phone and undid my hand cuffs

"Alright kid" I looked at him "let's go to UA" I nodded not knowing that we where going to fly there. Hawks took flight "wait we're going to fly there?" he smiled at me "sounds good to me" I took flight and stayed next to hawks "Wait! Pro hero hawks! what is going on with the kid?!" I could barely hear the police "Im taking him to UA!" I noticed the all of the police getting back into their cars "Ok lets go" we started flying fast towards UA "Your name sounds familiar kid, Who is your dad?" I looked over at him "Eraserhead" he looked at me "Really?!" I smiled and nodded my head "Yeah im his and Present Mics's kid" he suddenly stopped "Wait a minute."

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him "Eraserhead, the person that's always tired and cranky and Mic, the person who's full of energy and loud. THEIR TOGETHER?!!" I chuckled a little bit "Yeah" he started flying again "Since when?" I looked ahead of me "They've been together for ages now" I started speeding up "Last one to UA has to buy me a ice-cream" I yelled at Hawks "Oh yeah? you're on!" I slightly laughed at him while I flew a bit faster, I was the first one to get to UA "You owe me an ice-cream" he gave me a sigh "either way you wouldn't of gotten an ice-cream" I could tell that he was confused "What do you mean?"

I laughed "I said 'Last one to UA has to buy me an ice-cream' so either way you wouldn't of gotten one" I quickly flew inside and towards my class room, but I felt feathers wrapping around me "Your pretty smart you know that?" I didn't bother restraining from him "well at least you know its pointless to struggle" he walked up to the classroom without realising. I started to squirm and try get out, I bit one of his feathers "OW, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! YOU KNOW THAT THEIR SENSITIVE!!" the door swung open, my entire class saw me wrapped in hawks feathers with one in my mouth and hawks was just staring into the class.

I bit down on the feather again "OW! YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" he dropped me and his feathers went back to him, but they started forming a different shape "Shitttttt" I looked at Kacchan, Shark and bolts "I'll be right back" I got into a running stance "WAIT IZU!!" I sprinted off, in a split second I was gone "Great" Kacchan looked at hawks and saw that he had a big smirk on his face "This'll be fun" Then he flew off.

I was flying around the school, it seemed like I was flying so fast no one could see me "I have a great idea" I quickly wrapped myself in my wings activating the 'invisible' part of my quirk, I fell to the ground and just laid there till I saw hawks flew above me 'Now that he's gone ill just go back to class' I hopped up still having my quirk activated while I walked back to the classroom. once I got there the door was still open so I walked inside and closed the door behind me "Izu!" I unwrapped myself and I appeared in-front of everyone "ok you can continue what you were saying, I'm just going to sit In my seat."

I walked to my seat and Dad started talking to the class. after a good half n hour the door swung open with a puffed out Hawks standing still trying to catch his breath "I can't find izuku" he looked at the classroom after saying that, his eyes matched with mine "How long." I smiled at him with my hand on my chin making it look like I was thinking "About 30minutes" sweat rolled down his cheek.

Just before he was about to say something his radio turned on "Villain Attack at rout A, on 268. Anyone in the area respond" he picked up his radio "Pro-hero hawks, 1806M. I am on my way" I smirked at him "Remember to get me that ice-cream next time we meet" I winked at him and he walked away with out saying anything.

"Now that he has left the school I will say something." we all put our attention onto Aizawa "The USJ. I mentioned it last week, and we are going tomorrow" some people started celebrating and some sat there wanting to know what we'll be doing "Oi!" we all put our attention on dad "It will be a simple retrieve and rescue mission" Kacchan turned around and looked at me "You thinking what I'm thinking" I smiled "Hell yeah" I looked over at Bolts and Shark and nodded, they nodded back.

"Remember to be on time, which means Early" the bell suddenly rung, and everyone grabbed their thing and left the class. Soon the classroom only had Aizawa, Izuku, Bakugou, Kirishima, and Denki "Ready guys" I looked over toward shark "Ready" the rest of us said together "Shower is in the teacher staff room, and sleeping bags are under my desk in a box in the teacher staff." we all nodded, except Kacchan "Whatever" the three of us laughed at him "Also Glitter, party poppers, and balloons are in Nezu's room" we all looked at him with sparkles in our eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow, and I'll tell your parents what's happening" we and thanked him and he left "Ok. board games" I looked around the room trying to find the board games that dad keeps hidden, that's when I found a red button "Guys, Guys, look" they came over to me and looked over my shoulder "A red button" Bolts said, he looked very amused "I'm pressing it!" shark went to press it but Kacchan stopped him.

"why do you get to press it!" he said angrily "Because my hair is red and so are my eyes, and its my favourite colour!" and he went to press it again "No I'm going to press it!" we and started arguing over the red button, but we didn't realise that someone had opened the door while we were fighting "Boys." we all stopped "Heyyyy" we said turning our heads towards Midnight "What are you doing"

We looked at the button then back at her, she walked over and saw the button "Oooo a Red button" she was about to press it when bakugou stopped her "Go find your own red button" while the others were arguing with her I pressed the button "Hey, I pressed it!" they all looked at me death staring me "Who do you think you are." I backed away slowly {Beeping noise} "Whats that noise?" we looked around the room when we noticed one of the walls started shifting, we walked up to the wall and saw suit cases pop out.

"Oooo" Midnight wasn't very impressed so she went back to the teacher staff room "Hey lets pick one" we all grabbed one "Wow look at this" they went over to me and saw a pink and black costume "I think these are our hero costumes" we all looked at each other and put the suit cases back "We'll find out tomorrow"

we eventually found the board games and played till it got a bit dark "The lights!" Bolts ran to the lights and turned them on "Im hungryyyyy" Bolts was complaining again "Lets go to lunch rush!" I looked at Shark "Shouldn't he be asleep?" Kacchan laughed "He's never asleep" I decided to just agree with him, and walk down to the cafeteria "Hey Lunch Rush" we saw his head pop up "Hey boys what can I do for you" "Can we just have some party snacks and sugary stuff? make sure you put lollies in as-well" he made a little chuckling noise "Just for your four ill do it, it should be ready in 30 minutes" I smiled at him "Great we should have everything by then."

We left the cafeteria and started walking towards Nezu's office "Hey guys isn't this the time when all of the school lights turn off?" we all stopped moving "Im Scared of the darkkkk" Bolts yelled out about to run away "Oi dipshit, our quirks can make light" although Bolts didn't listen to him he just kept running away from everyone "Just leave him, he'll come back running towards the light"I looked at Kacchan signalling him to activate his quirk.

Then the lights went out, we heard yelling getting closer and closer "Bolts" once he reached us he stopped running and screaming "Sorry guys" we started walking towards Nezu's office since it was the furthest away from the cafeteria "Hey guys do you think the he stays at the school during the night?" I looked over at shark once he said that "Yeah, he says at the school during the night time but he doesn't sleep in his office" I heard a relieving sigh come from one of them "How long till we get there?" I looked around me seeing if I could see anything but it was pitch black.

"Hopefully we should get there soon" I looked ahead of me trying to see the end of the hallway "Why don't you make yourself invisible?" I was confused "When you turn invisible can't you see everything around you?" I looked at Kacchan "Oh yeah! I completely forgot about that." I wrapped my wings around my body turning invisible "Guys ill keep talking so follow my voice" I kept talking while walking forward "We're here" I unwrapped my wings revealing myself to the others.

"This is the door to Nezu's office" I opened the door quietly "You should turn invisible so you can find and grab all the things" I nodded in agreement; so I wrapped my wings around be once again, I started looking around the room for the glitter, party poppers and balloons. I walked around for a little bit when I saw a box under his desk, I opened the box up and saw a tone of glitter, party poppers and balloons "Score" I picked up the box and walked out of his office with a invisible box in hand "Found it?" "Yep" I closed the door behind me and started walking towards the way we came from, I kept taking so they could follow me.

once we got closer to the cafeteria I opened one of the doors before we got to the cafeteria, the door lead to the teachers staff room "Can someone hold this box for me so I can grab the sleeping bags?" Shark walked up to me and I opened my wings so he could grab it "First what colours do you want?" "Purple" "Orange "Yellow" I looked at shark "Isn't red your favourite colour?" he smiled "It is, but I know that you like it the most" I said thank you then went inside the room.

I went towards my Dads desk and found another box, I opened the box and found multiple sleeping bags. I grabbed out the purple, orange, yellow and red sleeping bags, once I grabbed them I also grabbed the shower key from the key bowl for when we wanted to have a shower. I walked out of the room holding four colourful sleeping bags, I decided unwrap myself so everyone could see me "Too the cafeteria" I handed everyone their sleeping bags (Apart from shark).

we started walking towards the cafeteria "Hey, why do you think Nezu even had these in his office?" I started thinking about the question that was just said "Nezu probably wanted to play a prank on the teachers" they all agreed with me. eventually we got to the cafeteria "Hey lunch rush is it done?" I looked around the room trying to spot him "Yeah, your right on time actually" we all walked over to the bench where all of our food was, then lunch rush popped up "Thanks a lot" we all grabbed something "Make sure you don't make a big mess" I looked at the others "oh we certainly will" he laughed at that.

"Cya lunch rush, and thank you for the food" I waved at him good bye and then we left. our classroom was next door to the cafeteria so I didn't need to go invisible "Finally" I opened the classroom door and we placed everything on my dads desk "Ok so we should have a shower before we do anything, because we will eventually fall asleep and forget to have one" I handed Shark the key to the teacher shower "Take Bolts with you, Kacchan and I will take the shower closer to the entrance" they nodded and we they went the opposite way from me and kacchan.

"hey..." I looked up at Kacchan "I have a question" we both started walking towards the shower "What is it?" I was very curious "Do you... have a crush" I started blushing like crazy 'I can't tell him that he's my crush!!!' it took a little bit to asker him "Yes...." my face went red "oh ok..." I looked at his face and he had a sad look "You know him very well..." he looked even sadder "Oh would you look at that we're already here" although he didn't chirp up at all "yeah...." I looked at the shower then at him.

"do you have an idea of how we could make our showers quicker" I thought that this would be a good way of giving him a hint "Not you?" I turned super red " about we have one together..." I said quieter then usual but just enough for him to hear me "I like that idea" I was still super red but I looked at kacchan and he was blushing a little but had a huge gin on his face "Ill just turn the light on" I went toward the light switch when I felt him grab my waist "We don't need a light to had a shower" he looked at me and winked.

I took a deep breath and started to get undressed "I like the view" I turned red like a tomato "pervert" I looked at him and he immediately turned off his quirk, I heard him taking off his clothes. the noise of rustling clothes suddenly stopped and I felt him grab my waist and pull me closer "I can show you pervert if you'd like" I quickly shoved him away and got into the shower "Kacchan I can't see anything" I saw a light activated behind the curtain, I saw kacchan hop into the shower and stand behind me with his hand in-front of me while his quirk was activated "t-thanks" I turned the shower onto a warm temperature.

"Izuku.." I was surprised that he said my real name, I turned around "I-I love you" I quickly hugged him, I looked up at his face "I love you too Kacchan" I expected him to hug me back but he kissed me, I decided to not argue and fight back. once he released me from his grasp I took a deep breath "Your the bottom" I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes "And your calling me a pervert" I went red from embarrassment "s-sorry.."

I lifted my head off his chest not making eye contact with him "lets have a shower ok?" I nodded. we had a normal shower but we did fight a little over the water. I was waiting for Kacchan to get dressed while I was outside of the bathroom "hey Kacchan?" he didn't respond till the door opened "whats up?" I was still a bit nervous "are we going to tell the other two..." he grabbed my chin making me look at his face "Not just yet" I smiled at him "oh yeah I have something for you" he let go of me and reached into his pocket "Its an early birthday present" he handed me a hair-clip "This is so pretty!" I put on the orange leaf hair-clip "Kacchan why did you give it to me early?" he grabbed out a bracelet "Here put this on as-well" I grabbed the bracelet and put it on, suddenly my wings disappeared "It looks uncomfortable to lay on your wings so I got you this" I immediately hugged his neck and tippy toed so I could kiss him, but I was too short so he knelt down till I was able to reach him "Thank you so much, I love them" he smiled at me "It was my pleasure."

he suddenly picked me up and put me over his shoulder "Hey!" he laughed at me "Im carrying you back to the classroom" and so he started walking back to the classroom. once we got there we saw Shark and Bolts waiting for us to arrive "Uhhh" Kacchan walked in and placed me on a desk "He was walking to slow" they both laughed "Izu what happed to your wing?!" I showed them my wrist.

"This bracelet made my wings disappear, the bracelet and this hair clip was an early present from Kacchan" I had a huge smile on my face "Awe, Kacchan that's so sweet" Bolts said with a smile on his face that usually made Kacchan mad "Cut that out dumbass!!" he quickly stopped making that face. "Let's start!" we moved all of the desks to the back of the classroom and put the sleeping bags on top of the desks.

A few hours had passed and there was glitter all over the floor and on us, there was a bunch of balloons that covered the floor and a lot of the party popper strings on top of the balloons. We ate all of the food and the plates were on dads desk, Shark and Bolts had already fallen asleep so Kacchan and I were just sitting on the desks.

"Kacchan I'm tired, and cold" Kacchan placed me on his lap while my head was leaning against his arm "do you want to sleep in your own sleeping bag or in mine with me?" I tiredly looked at kacchan and pointed to the orange sleeping bag "Alright" we both got into the orange sleeping bag and we fell asleep cuddling "Goodnight"

--In the morning--

I heard the classroom door open "What happened in here?!" I opened my eyes slowly "Oi shut up, some of us are trying to sleep" once my eyes were opened I looked behind me and saw Iida "Iida..?" I said quietly "Morning sleepyhead" I looked toward kacchan and saw his shirt "morning..." I closed my eyes since I was still tired "Bakugo, Aizawa, Kirishima, and Kaminari why are you in the classroom sleeping!!!"I felt kacchan move a little "no move" he stopped and laid still.

"Were is here because we asked permission and because we stayed the night" I heard Shark say, when I realised that the two of them where awake I hid in the sleeping bag "I will go tell Mr. Aizawa about this!" I soon heard the door close and the room was silent "hey Kacchan?" I was just listening to the others conversation "What" "Where is Izu?" there was silence "Not sure actually, I don't even know why he said izu was sleeping in here" heard the other two boys move around "i'm gonna look for Izu" bolts said "And ill go grab some cleaning equipment" once they both left the room I popped out from the sleeping bag.

"How'd you sleep?" I got out of the sleeping bag and sat on the edge of the desks "I slept well" I got off of the desks and started to pop all of the balloons and place them in the bin "Did you sleep alright with me there?" I continued what I was doing but the door opened up "Yep" I looked at the door to see Shark "Izu, where did you go?" I walked up to shark "Dad wanted to see me so I was in the teacher staff room" he nodded at me "Wanna help me clean up?" I smiled and then looked at Kacchan "Come on, we kinda need some help before Aizawa gets here" Kacchan got off the desks and started helping us with cleaning.

"Iida if this room isn't a mess you're getting a detention" we heard Dad talking to Iida outside "The desks!" We quickly moved the desks to their normal place the three of us decided to make it look like we were having a conversation "Sir I can assure you that the room is a mess" the door swung open with Iida and Dad standing at the doorway "Iida." Dad looked at me and I winked at him "Detention" Iida stormed over to his seat and sat down, just as Dad was about to close the door Bolts showed up "I couldn't find Izu" he looked over at the three of us who were now looking at him "IZU!" He ran over to me and gave me a big hug "Can't breathe" I said while almost having no voice "Let go of him" Kacchan grabbed Bolts and got him off of me "Thanks"

Hey guys!!
This kinda took awhile to do because of how much I had to write but I'll keep you updated (well try to) but I hope you enjoyed this!
Make sure you have a wonderful morning, day, or night!!!

4538 Words

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