Intelligent Pretty Cure...

By Ifvfez3

6.5K 1 125

Thousand of years and centuries ago, an animal world called Yual World was in a war against different worlds... More

1° Intelligent person! Cure Smart is born!?
2° Calm surrounding! Cure Intello is born!?
3° What's the matter!? The weird things! Mostly everyone is disbanding!?
4° Bullied for being smart and in jail for almost killing!? No possible way!
5° I love yoga! Cure Logic is coming!?
6° I have no idea... Cure Professional is born!?
7° Let's go to the splashing pond! This isn't a trip!?
Precure Miracle Heavenly Bodies
8° Arigaoa dislikes idols!? Why!?
9° Do you care for me!? Worrying for the person you like!
10° Horror! Dark Monsters!?
11° Glitter! The Clever Power!?
12° Jentacular! Mine's help for a high change!?
13° You have to feel better, Iken
14° The mystery! Look out for who!?
15° Problem! Uncovering the Fake Cures!?
16° Inuyama's point! Doing bowling!?
17° Ahead of the school's program! A sad encounter!?
18° The glimpse!? Going to a divine world!
19° Fearful replacements! Children are bad!?
20° Arigaoa's in trouble!? She has been...
21° So so! The savvy angel is telling a narrative!?
23° W-What!? The weirdest events! Embarrassing and impure angel!
24° Shikuna's birthday! Concord!? Evil again, are you!?
25° Truly not smart! Me-chand's ways make things go wrong at the festival!?
26° The time! A twinkling coming!?
27° An alchemist!? He is mentally broken!
Asking - Mine's image song
Wingless angel - Faith's image song
28° The alchemist is ok!? Other worlds' unintelligence!
Realization - Shikuna's image song
29° Trying!? The Intelligent Style Is Born!
30° Spotted!? Learned!? Can't fit in!
31° For real!? She will proselytize along flowers!
32° Let's go read lots of books somewhere! New informations of intelligence!?
Attack names.
33° Let's hear memorial! Shikuna's family's history!?
34° Amor!? Against the Cupid World! ♡
35° Yep! Voodoo control gone wrong!
Civilian forms on Anime Winter Makeover.
Super form looks /INTELLIGENT STYLE/
36° This injection hurts! Inuyama created a species!? ・ω・
37° No brain cells!? Fail a school year!
Live Show summaries.
Opening sequence.
School uniforms 1
The truth about Arigaoa.
Faith's items.
38° We can't detransform! Revelations at the spa!?
A scene from the second movie.
Don't bully the animaliouses!
She is here.
39° We're watching! The unwanted movie!?
40° Eureka! Sports mania!?
Lord Rar.
41° Fashionable! ☆ The pretty entrance to not disappoint anyone!?
Official 1
42° Compressions, giants, kidnapping attempts, and Tûp's trap!?
Untitled Part 73
OP lyrics.
Summer looks.
Hmm idk.
43° Singing with orchestral notes!? Musically!
Delicious Party crossover!
Inuyama Inuyama.
Kyua Bon!
Episode 47 part.
Intelligent Pretty Cure!!! !!!!!!!!
Uranium doing the spooky dance while also testing powers.
Preview with Shikuna.
Drawing comparison.
Incorrect quotes
Winter outfits.
44° Please calm down! Zip's unleashed hostility at Halloween!
Picture of one of the eyecatches + first eyecatch.
I'm so juvenile and puerile! <♡> - Inuyama's image song
Too much - Arigaoa's image song
Another scene from the second movie.
When stillness is here - Iken's image song

22° The blessed reasoning! Cure Reason is born!?

78 0 0
By Ifvfez3

Faith: Reaper is back! It's him! One of the bebes! He... attacked you!

Cure Smart: Haaaaaaah! *dashes and punches The Reaper frowning* What are you waiting for, Faith?! Do something!

Cure Intello, Cure Bon, Cure Logic, and Cure Professional: *fight*

Faith: (Think: I have to... hide!) *runs away from the explosions and stops in a dark corner*

(Think: Why can't I move?)

Reaper: *crytograms shown* *points at Cure Smart* (Translation: IT IS HER! The enemy I must end for good! Cure Smart, I'LL LEAD AND WOUND YOU TO YOUR DOWNFALL! I AM THE TRUE RULER OF ALL AND YOU ARE A NOBODY!)

Cure Smart: No, I won't be ended for good... *is sent flying by a ball of evil energy* Aaaaaah!!

Reaper: (Translation: Your intelligence will end!)

The other fights continue without her. Panic... It's spreading... They can't go further.)

Cure Professional: !!!!!!! Smart!

All but not Cure Smart: Oh no!

Faith: (Something needs to be done. I need to do... something.) *puts off fighting, crosses her hands, implore*

(Think: What can I do...?)

Cure Logic: *points at The Reaper and shouts with all her might* Baby turning attack!

The Reaper releases more attacks (mostly related to death), the Cures use their phantasm powers to turn it back to normal. Meanwhile, Faith tried to hit him with everything she's got.)

Faith: Yaaaaaaaah!

But it was ineffective. The Reaper attacked back, sending things out of literally NOWHERE.)

Faith: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gets the hits, sacrifices herself* ..........

Cure Smart: Stop! Faith!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaah!!!

Cure Intello: It can't be...

Cure Logic: No... N-No...!

Cure Smart: *runs to check her pulse*

Cure Bon: Is this really true...?! Is she dead...? A-Actually dead?!

Cure Smart: *cries* Faith, why...? Faith...

Her eyes tremble, then after some seconds she slowly and painfully closes them. She was absolutely scared and in sorrow, her face showed it. She was not used to this kind of situation, she had never seen a person die in front of her own eyes and grew very attached to her even if she only saw her not many times. She could feel the tears forming in her eyes, lost for words.)

Cure Professional: She was willing to stay with us and be our friend........ And now she's dead.....

Her voice kept breaking up.)


Cure Intello: F-Faith... *sobs*

A lot of screaming later.)

The Reaper: *uses all his power to attack the cures since they are crying and not fighting anymore*

All: *yelling*

The Reaper: *obliterated every single one of the Cures, all of them* I'll make mama proud now.

Faith: I am not.... dead....... I am still alive.... Yes.... I believe it....! All... the love... all of the prayers given to The Creator, they are not useless, on the contrary... But you... You wanted to and had to terrorize all my fellow angels... They all deserved to be happy!!! They were all happy!!! They do not deseve what you did!!! They were all so full of good will... The Creator might have been terrible but atleast... Atleast... I have to still believe in him... In life, there must be death... I admit... Even if I will die...! I AM INTELLIGENT!!! I WILL PROTECT EVERYONE'S HAPPINESS!!! I WON'T BE AFRAID ANYMORE AND WILL FIGHT!!! THIS IS FOR EVERYONE!!! EVERYTHING I SOUGHT!!! I SWEAR TO PROTECT THEM BY ALL MEANS!!!


Cure Smart: H-Huh?!

She dropped a sparkly white tear and an angelic, beautiful and mythical light glows. Faith finally gets to transform into a Pretty Cure, she is now Cure Reason. If she wasn't here, the situation would have gotten quite ugly.)

Cure Reason: She who is the wise ivory girl... Cure Reason!

Cure Smart: Wow! So smart!

Cure Bon: She is alive! And a Pretty Cure too!

Cure Intello: Thank goodness!

Cure Reason: *she has the courage to stand up*

Reaper: What?!

Cure Reason: Cease to be so wicked! For I am Cure Reason! I will smite you and make you repent for all the misdeeds you have committed!!

Everyone: Reason! *all happy*

The Reaper: *ANGRY VEINS*

Cure Reason: *she displays her powers of creating and forming matter with her mind*

The Reaper: *shocked that she survived and became a Pretty Cure, screaming random words, cannot understand*

Cure Reason: *uses her powers to revert him into an actual baby*

The Reaper: Guga! Mama mia, mommy! *sob sob*

Cure Reason: Not mommy. Everything that is unholy must be punished and put on exorcism! I am the Cure of Creation and Goodwill Benevolence, the Love from the delivery of everything!!! Take this determined widsom and declare your prayers, offspring!!!

The Reaper: *still a crybaby* Waaaaah!! *throwing a tantrum*

The Reaper gradually becomes less evil after being partially purified, but unfortunately, his endurance made him turn back into normal.)

The Reaper: Ugh... Ugh... Ugh...!

Cure Smart: !!! *mouth extends*

The Reaper: *mumbling threats the whole time, this causes ugly counters to hit*

Cure Smart: *gets possessed by the devil again and releases even more evil*

Cure Reason: I am a pacifist but...

Ancient divine and holy light that protects us...

Come to me from the Omnipotent...

*Precure! Faith Prayers!*

The Reaper: WAAAAAAAAAH AHHH WAAAAAH!! *can't stop crying because he's scared and babyfied*

She held her particular scepter. A long attack sequence happened.)

Text flashing on screen.)

The Reaper: *screams intensely, now disappearing*

All of them: *detransform*


Zip: *starts to do energetic things, her tiny paws moved* Faith, the last Pretty Cure, fought with us!

Arigaoa: Yep, and she'll become a great cure someday.

Faith: Don't mention it... it's nothing.

Arigaoa: Actually, it was everything. You became a Pretty Cure, after all.

Faith: Whew... I cannot keep up this energy for too long. I need to rest.

Arigaoa: Ah... yes... a good rest is what you need because you're gonna beat bad guys.

Shikuna and Mine: *smiles*

Inuyama: *big smile*

Iken: *soft smile*

Faith: Hopeless...

Arigaoa: Huh?

Faith: That wasn't anything. Don't worry...

Arigaoa: You're the best, Faith! *hugs her* Now, take your rest.

Faith looked at her for a moment before going to the other room of the hideout.)


The Reaper: *still crying* (Translation: Why is this happening to me? I am amazing and important! I am Death itself!)

Chief of the bebes: Shhhh..... don't talk so much. Momma's gonna buy you a Demonic Cerberus Puppy and Soul Crusher Wheels, the most expensive kinds.

The Reaper: *drooling* mmmmmmmmmMMMMMmmmmmmm.... I'm so angwy...

Melns: *toying with a music box* (Translation: Oh, sounds laaaame! Your cerberus and wheels can wait!)

Chief of the bebes: You're not allowed to cry anymore, we will destroy all these worlds. (Translation: Ergh! I don't want to hear it from you again! I am done with your sad eyes and crying!)

The Reaper: *crying* (Translation: Nooooooo! Stop it! Please stop saying anything! I want my space wheels! I still want to cry if I want to! Is that too much to ask?!)

Piriki: (Translation: Don't give him what he wants! I'm sick of all this useless crying!) *makes firing noises with her mouth*

Lindje: Me gu bottle drinky! (Translation: I want my bottle! I wanna drink!)

Chief of the bebes: Alright then, after you make a success against the Pretty Cures. (Translation: SILENCE! CEASE TO WANT EVERYTHING! And Piriki, I told you not to make noises again! I'VE HAD IT! YOU CANNOT OBEY ME?! THIS IS THE FINAL STRAW! *in a grating tone*)

She attacked them all at once and they were crying, scared and shivering. Everything broke around her. A servant bebe appeared, and her name was Sissferatu.)

Sissferatu: (Translation: Mother, I shall deal with them for you.)

Chief of the bebes: Of course. Winning, winning, winning... I don't understand why the Pretty Cures always win... *with a serious look in his eyes*


Arigaoa: *whistling*

Faith: *walking with Arigaoa*

Arigaoa: Do you want to meet more humans? Our species is amazing.

Faith: Amazing?

Arigaoa: We're basically normal people.

Faith: What's so amazing with being normal?

Arigaoa: You see, people change so much, yet we're all pretty much the same. We all have the same weaknesses, weaknesses that make us all vulnerable. We dress plainly and do the same kinds of activities. We all have a purpose.

Faith: Oh, so that's what you meant by amazing.

Faith looked at the sky.)

Faith: It's hard to get used to this environment. A lot of my people don't like Earth, and the ruler of our world created the entire universe because of jealousy.

Arigaoa: Who could hate it here?

Faith: Lots of people, but I know better than that. *thinking* But the more time I spend on Earth, the more I want to stay here.

Arigaoa: Why?

Faith: *thinks about how much she learned* Well, it's just that... you told me about humans. I thought I understood humans before. I knew the basic things about them.

She then looked back.)

Faith: But wasting our time talking is unnecessary. Let us go, okay?



They were now at Oblaz, a crowded downtown area district of Subarashi. A lot of people live here to visit the shops and other buildings.)

Arigaoa: I wonder if the food on your world is any different from ours.

Faith: It's much more heavenly, for sure.

Arigaoa: I'm getting hungry... Hmm... Pretty Ambition... It's catching my attention... Reminds me of Pretty Holic, though that isn't a restaurant, it's a cosmetics store... Ah, I found the perfect place!

She noticed an Indian restaurant.)

Faith: You like... that?

Arigaoa: Yeah. I can't wait. I haven't had Indian food in ages!

Faith: Are you sure that is safe?

Arigaoa: Of course.

Arigaoa went inside, but Faith kept looking at the building before her.)

Faith: What am I thinking? It can't be true.


At the restaurant.)

Arigaoa: I'm here! *sits down* Let's see what's good today.... *looks at the menu* Aah! The fish is fresh from the ocean today! *looks at the price* Umm.... It's a little expensive, but it's worth it!

She then looked around her seat.)

Arigaoa: Where's Faith?

She tried to contact her via phone.)

Arigaoa: Come in. Where are you?

A voice was heard, and it sounded like she was trying to hold back tears.)

Faith: ...I'm at home. I don't feel like going out.

Arigaoa: You can't stay cooped up forever. You're a Pretty Cure.

Faith: ...

Arigaoa: You can do it.

Faith: I prefer eating alone.

She hung up. Arigaoa sighed and sat down again.)

Arigaoa: (thinking: She's so sad... I think she might be nervous or homesick.)

Later, the waitress came back with Arigaoa's food.)

Arigaoa: Oh, finally! Itadakimasu!

She began to eat her food, enjoying the taste and smell.)

Arigaoa: This is really good. *eats the food*

After she finished eating, she decided to look at the menu one more time.)

Arigaoa: Ugh... my tummy is so full. But I have to save some room for dessert.

The waitress came back and took Arigaoa's dishes away.)

Arigaoa: Hey, miss. Do you have any ice cream?

Waitress: We only have mango, ma'am.

Arigaoa: I see... Okay. I'll have a scoop of mango, please.

Waitress: Alright.

Arigaoa: While waiting for the dessert, I might as well check my email.

She got out her phone and looked at her email.)

Arigaoa: I'm not feeling like eating more.


Arigaoa went out of the restaurant, and Faith looked like she came back.)

Faith: So, how was your meal?

Arigaoa: It was good. But why didn't you come with me?

Faith: Because. I'm not ready.

Arigaoa: Well, when are you going to be ready?

Faith: I'm more alright with the way things are right now.

Arigaoa: You should enjoy your life.

Faith: Enjoyment isn't something that's in my vocabulary.

Arigaoa: But-

Faith: Sorry. I'll stay with you now.

Arigaoa: I'm glad to hear it.

A boy with sharp eyes and green hair steps outside a car. This caught both the attention of Arigaoa and Faith. Arigaoa, because he look smart /He has freckles and carries a big backpack/ and Faith, because he's human.)

Arigaoa: Hey! You're only in your 10s, but you can see us?

Teen: Yeah.... The rumors about that are false, right? I seem like I have your age.

Arigaoa: Of course. We're not stupid at all. *blushes*

Teen: Hah, your blush says something different. Aren't you clearly telling lies?

Arigaoa: I'm... not telling lies.

Teen: Hehe, I was just teasing you. Well, you'll learn soon enough, you can follow me.

He turns and leaves.)

Arigaoa: Let's not follow him... *blushes*

Faith: Very well then. *blushes heavily when looking at Arigaoa* ...

Arigaoa: *blushes even more, covering her face, her eyes even get heart-shaped when she sees Faith*

Faith: What's wrong with you? Why is your face red?

Arigaoa: Eep! I-It's nothing!

Faith: You are really peculiar, Arigaoa.

Arigaoa: *turning away* W-Well... you were blushing too, weren't you?

Faith: Me?! Blushing?! How ridiculous!

Arigaoa: You don't have to deny it.

Faith: I am not.

A little while later, the teen came back.)

Teen: *points at Arigaoa* You. Come with me, please.

Arigaoa: Huh?

Teen: I saw you first.

Arigaoa: Why are you asking me?

Teen: I said you come with me, so...

He took Arigaoa's hand and started pulling her towards him.)

Teen: Just come.

Arigaoa: Nah, me wanna stay with Faith. (Think: He totally won't believe that she's an angel. Even if she has a halo...)

Teen: Faith? That's not a common Japanese name.

Arigaoa: Gnh... Please go away now. I don't even know you anyway. *grumpy pout*

Teen: If so, how long have you lived here?

Arigaoa: Since forever.

Teen: Sure, sure... Nice, bye.

He walks, but then stops.)

Teen: You can come with me and introduce yourselves, but don't try anything funny.

Arigaoa: I suppose I'll just escape through the window anyway.

Teen: Why would you do that?

Arigaoa: Because... I just want to.

Faith: I'll go with Arigaoa.

Arigaoa: Okay.

They escape before the boy can stop them and sprint away.)

Teen: Hey, where are you going? I'll give you a minute to run away and then I'll be coming after you. It will be like playing hide and seek. In fact, it's hide and seek.

After a few seconds....)

Teen: Hmm, they aren't here...

He stops and turns around, he spots Arigaoa.)

Teen: Oh, there you are. I saw you! You can stop hiding now. *waving at Arigaoa*

Arigaoa: You found me...

Teen: What? I didn't see you.

Arigaoa: Yep, you did. You just said that.

Teen: No I didn't.

Arigaoa: Try again.

Ryuuto: Fine... I did... By the way, my name's Ryuuto. /HE'S GOING TO BE A MAJOR CHARACTER!/

Arigaoa: Nice to meet 'cha, the name's Arigaoa, let's get along. Faith is... well... where is she?

Ryuuto: I don't know. Hey, you shouldn't come here and start talking to me like that!

Arigaoa: But we're in trouble! I can't find her!

Ryuuto: *sighs* Sorry about that.

Faith: Arigaoa.

Arigaoa: My love!

Ryuuto: Y'know, the more time passes, the more I- Why did you call her my love?

Arigaoa: For no real reason... *embarrassed*

Ryuuto: Then why were you calling her my love? I have a lot of questions.

Arigaoa: Because we're in trouble and we need someone who can help!

Ryuuto: Help? What do you mean?

Arigaoa: Well, you see, it's weird. It's irreal and if I'll tell you all about it you'll get bad things, inner sleep paralysis... All those sort of things.

Ryuuto: ...Tell me then, but make it quick. You know the rules as much as I do.

Arigaoa: Okay.

Minutes later.)

Arigaoa: I have to reveal something important, there is an ongoing threat invasion of vicious beings called the bebes.

Ryuuto: I remember those, they terrorized the area around the mall where I live. I can't believe "people" like that exist...

Faith: So, you do believe in these things?

Ryuuto: Yeah.

Arigaoa: If I find them, they won't get forgiven easily.

Ryuuto: Bebes are babies, aren't they?

Arigaoa: That's true. A few months ago, the bebes suddenly became a more powerful organization, they even destroyed some worlds. Let's not get focused about that and just enjoy ourselves because this will only last one year.

Ryuuto: That sounds terrible... I was aware of everything but not at this extent... And... What do you mean about other worlds?

Arigaoa: Other worlds are like our world. There is another world next to ours, it's called Gagahm and there is a human-like race living there. They have a similar culture as us and they are very kind and friendly, I don't want them to get extinct.

Ryuuto: No scientific possibilities can ever reach that level... I thought those sort of things were only in fiction, but it seems we're actually connected with them...

Arigaoa: Yes. And we'll fight the bebes, after all we're a team. This is why we stay together.

Faith: Exactly.

Ryuuto: T...Thanks, but I'm getting scared, what I saw was very supernatural and irreal...

Arigaoa: I know, but everything would be alright with us on your side, so smile! *giggles*


Arigaoa looked back with an open mouth. They all changed their minds and went to do some occupations, such as... I don't know...)

Arigaoa: Uuuuh, those noises.

Ryuuto: It's the ventilation.

A curious man approached the group.)

Arigaoa: Augh! Don't go near me! I'm going to get sick!

Man: You look pale, are you okay?

Arigaoa: *lets out a sigh* No... I'm not okay... Uwaa, I can't take it anymore! Get away from him!

Ryuuto: Relax...

Man: Well, I hope you get better soon.

Arigaoa: *looks at Ryuuto* I will when you stop staring at my eyes and start to get me away. Who are you? *to the man*

Man: I'm just a passerby who got attracted with you all. Can you tell me what's going on?

Ryuuto, Arigaoa, and Faith: No. /That's a weird act coming from two Pretty Cures as well/

Man: *sighs* I see... looks like I should probably stop bothering you now...

He went away.)

Arigaoa: Whew! I'm relieved. Faith, now that we're alone, I'd like to see you transform again. Ryuuto! Cover your eyes and ears! Pretty please! With cherry filling on top! This was a figurated sentence.

Ryuuto: Transform?

Arigaoa: T-That was just a sentence meant for a stage play hehe! We're going to make an audition!

While Arigaoa is being annoying by begging and possibly worse, Faith turns again to a human looking girl. I have to say, it's oddly appealing.)

Arigaoa: Hmm, I mean your *whispering* Pretty Cure form.

She changed, now in the correct form.)

Cure Reason: I don't know how I entirely look like now...

Arigaoa gave her a small mirror.)

Cure Reason: (Think: Hmm... It seems like the mirror must've been opened with an energy.) *looking at herself, amazed by how completely different she looks now*

She detransforms.)

Arigaoa: Ryuuto, I think we're going to have to quit you, it's getting boring. This is just a girl's life, after all.

Ryuuto: I assume that being a girl for you does not change the fact that I'm decent.

Arigaoa: Decent? You're not just decent, I'm starting to think you might be the most handsome person I've ever seen. And because Faith is one of the most wonderful friends for me, you're the most wonderful boy!

Ryuuto: Please stop, you're flattering me too much...

Arigaoa: *chuckles* Well, bye Ryuuto! We're leaving for real!

Ryuuto: Ok and next time I'll visit your town.

Arigaoa: See you sooooon!

They left.)

Ryuuto: Those girls sure were something...


Faith into Cure Reason.

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