Venom & Virtue

By issagoofygoober

115K 3.7K 1.5K

17 year old Seraphina Hendrix is the new arrival at Hogwarts School. After spending 9 years under the care o... More

author's note
book tropes in this story
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
final author's note

chapter 48

1.1K 38 10
By issagoofygoober

I stepped out of the castle doors, muttering a quick warming charm to protect against the February chill as I pulled my scarf tighter.

The morning air was hazy, a powdery fog had settled itself around the grounds, masking the mountains in the distance.

My feet hurried across the stone cobbles, heading in the direction of the rickety bridge where Violetta was waiting for me.

Her crow had arrived at my dorm window, tapping against the glass until I let it in and received her note asking to meet.

I'd thought it strange that she hadn't barged into my room as she usually did when wanting to talk.

The unusual request making me think that something might be wrong, so I'd swiftly rushed downstairs to find out.

I stepped onto the wooden bridge, heading towards her slender form waiting halfway along.

I only slowed once I reached her, coming to lean in the glassless window adjacent, overlooking the wide scope of the hills.

"Hey, what's up?" I breathed, watching as the air condensed into a cloudy trail.

She turned to look at me, the tip of her nose slightly red from the cold atmosphere, a serious expression upon her face.

"We're friends right?"

I blinked widely, surprised at direct and unusual question.

"Of course."

"And you'd be honest with me if I asked you to?"

I shifted on my feet, nervous under the intense stare of her eyes, their expression urgent.


"Then tell me, what is going on between you and my brother?"

I tensed, taken aback by the topic of choice, and the monotone delivery of her query.

I'd expected that such a moment would occur eventually, it was inevitable, but I hadn't accounted for it to happen like this, especially when Draco and I had barely been acknowledging each other in recent times.

"I mean..." I paused, struggling for words, "him and I... we..."

"So it's true," she stated, "there's something between you guys."

"Yes," I nodded in defeat, "how did you find out?"

"An educated guess mostly."

"What gave us away?"

She hesitated, her features firm and thoughtful, "well, when I saw the two of you at the ball I began to suspect, I mean he never dances voluntarily for a start. And since we've been back, I kept an eye on you guys, I knew something was strange that day in the hallway."

"I see..."

"How long has it been happening?"

"A few months."

"That long?" She arched an eyebrow in surprise.

"Yes, but you should know that I didn't mean for it to happen," I insisted, glancing at her nervously.

The predicament I'd wrestled with most since it all began, had been wondering how she might react to the news.

I'd prepared for the worst, readying myself for anger and disbelief, but so far she seemed eerily calm, as if she were merely interested in confirming the reality of the situation.

"I believe you," she stated, "he isn't exactly charming or romantic after all."

"Definitely not," I agreed, recalling how the night of the astronomy tower had felt like a terrible accident and relieving incident, all at once.

"So, what's the deal? Are you together?"

"No," I replied, adamant, "not even close."

"But I assume that things have... happened," she drifted over the words, clearly uncomfortable about discussing her brother's intimate affairs.

"They have," I replied, equally awkward, "after a while it developed..."

"Was it because of the tutoring sessions?"

"Partly, I think it was the catalyst that threw us together at the very least."

It was a thought I'd wondered about for a long time, questioning if things would have turned out differently if we hadn't spent so much time around each other.

Logically, I knew it had accelerated the situation between us, but in hindsight it felt as if our crossed paths were inevitable, repelling magnets forced together.

"I should have known," Violetta sighed, tucking her hands into her coat, "looks-wise you're exactly his type."

"Perhaps not so much in personality," I added, not mentioning the additional issue he had with my lack of background and status.

"What do you mean?"

"Just that we're both too stubborn for our own good."

"You challenge him then?"

"Yes, even when he resents me for it."

"Well, he may not think so, but he needs someone who won't fall at his feet with every whim," she smiled.

"So, you're not angry?"

She laughed lightly, her breath swirling through the air before it disappeared, "there's not really any point, I'm in no position to talk with the Tom situation and all."

I returned her soft grin, a sense of relief washing through me at the realisation that I wouldn't be hexed into oblivion by the headstrong witch.

"I guess not."

"Besides, I should probably be grateful, it'll save me having to spend time around Parkinson if you guys end up together."

"She's not so bad," I said softly, thinking of my new fondness for the girl.

Violetta stared at me, her expression bemused and curious, "it appears that I've missed a lot."

"Like you wouldn't believe."

"Strange," she smiled, looking out over the view surrounding our forms.

We were quiet for a while, each of us contemplating the situation to ourselves, the aired truth sinking in.

Eventually, I spoke again, my tone more serious than before.

"I am sorry though, for not telling you."

"That's okay, it would be hypocritical of me to hold it against you."

"Do you think you'll tell him soon, about Tom?"

She sighed, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face.

"I don't know, Tom wants to, but I know once we do we won't be able to take it back."

"Are you worried that he'll try to force you to stop seeing him?"

"Pretty much, he doesn't seem to take things well if they're not what he wants to hear."

"That is very true," I muttered, thinking about how many arguments that particular trait had caused us.

"I don't know how you do it."

"Do what?"

"Tolerate him, especially to the point of fondness, I mean I have to, sisterly obligations and all, but you actually choose to," she chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief at the thought.

"It probably seems insane to you..."

"Try masochistic."

"You're not wrong there."

"Then, why?"

"I know it's not a logical choice, or even an easy one-"

"Or perhaps not even a choice at all?" She offered, understanding thread in her expression.

I nodded in agreement before continuing, "I can't explain it, he makes me feel... different."


"Yeah, like someone beyond who I am to everyone else," I clarified, struggling to think of a way to explain that he somehow managed to bring out the worst and best in me.

"Wow," Violetta murmured, her face pulled in thought.

"Does Tom make you feel that way?"

"I suppose, I feel desirable around him more than anything, wanted."

"Exactly, it's like that with Draco too."

"The image of you and him is still... gross, I mean that's my brother," she grimaced, causing me to laugh.

"Well don't worry, you probably won't have to ever see it."

"What do you mean?"

"I think it's all done with," I replied, reminding myself of our present circumstances.

"What happened?"

"We had a fight."


"At the manor, the night before we came back."

"Did he start it?"

"Yes, but I finished it."

"Good for you," she smiled, making me to laugh again.


It felt strange to be discussing the situation with her when I'd concealed it for so long, it was freeing, a relief to be able to share.

I glanced over at my friend, watching quietly as she looked across the landscape, suddenly wanting to come clean about everything.

"There's something else I haven't told you..."

She turned, facing me properly, a concerned expression on her face.

"What is it?"

"I found this poster a few weeks ago, on the noticeboard outside the hall."

She nodded, waiting for me to continue.

"Well it was for Nargle Club, which Luna runs... so I went."

"Wait, you talked to her?" Her eyes flickered with interest, questions drifting behind them.

"Yes, I wanted to see what she was like," I admitted, guilt clear in my tone.

"And? Did you talk about the family stuff?"

"We did, a lot actually. She believes that it's true."

"Is she angry about it?"

"No, she seemed to feel as you do. She'd like to know you I think."

Violetta gripped my forearm, squeezing eagerly as a faint smile materialised upon her face.

"She would? Really?"

"Yeah," I grinned back, happy the information was having a good effect, "she wants more family, it's just her and her dad you see."

"Did she mention anything about her mum specifically?"

"Well, she showed me a photograph."


The witch stared at me, her expression wild and nervous, desperate to know, the hidden implication obvious.

"She looks exactly like Lucius, just... kinder," I confirmed, "her name was Pandora."

She released my arm, stepping back and pondering the name, muttering it as she tested it upon her tongue.

"I can't believe it."

"Neither could I."

"Luna is really open to knowing us," she stated, disbelief evident.

I bit my lip, nervous about what I'd revealed, for the sake of both parties.

The facts of what I'd done went so far beyond my actions, it was a choice that could affect both the Malfoys and Lovegoods, depending on what they decided to do with the information.

"Are you mad? I know that I went behind your back..."

"Mad? Are you kidding? This is fantastic!" She grinned, shaking me gently.

I laughed at her enthusiasm, "that's a relief."

"I should meet her, right?"

"I mean sure, we could go to the next club session if you want," I offered, recalling how the Ravenclaw witch had been eager for me to return.

"When is it?"

"In three weeks, on a Thursday afternoon."

"That's fine, I'll ditch transfiguration," she nodded, the plan already forming in her mind.

"Wow, you must be serious about this if you're willing to skive off," I teased, knowing how much she cared for her perfect attendance record.

She shot me a displeased look in return, clearly not impressed with my reference to her studious tendency.

"Discovering the truth about my estranged aunt, and possible cousin, definitely takes priority over turning myself into a dove."

I smiled demurely, glancing out across the foggy mountains.

"I can't disagree with you there."

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