Kiss me, Liar (jungkook.+18)

By toxicyoons

80.7K 3.3K 1.1K

Y/n sacrifices her future to share it with a charming stranger, even if earning his love meant telling a litt... More

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๐˜พ๐™๐™–๐™ฅ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿญ
Season 2, ๐˜พ๐™๐™–๐™ฅ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ
Season 2, ๐˜พ๐™๐™–๐™ฅ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฏ
Season 2,๐˜พ๐™๐™–๐™ฅ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง๐Ÿฐ

๐˜พ๐™๐™–๐™ฅ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฌ

2.9K 141 88
By toxicyoons

"Jungkook'' you whispered his name, but you didn't think he heard you. He was far gone into his own world, and whether it was anger or calmness , just a bare glance into his face was enough to expose his  determination to make you do what he wants.

Jungkook. This time you only thought about his name, you could have not regained his attention anyways. He was staring at your face, his postures paused in a look that seemed almost meagre of emotions.

Meagre. Another word  you were overthinking it's meaning.

how much you despised that word.

You forgot everything in front of you, nothing existed in the world but that moment, between his arms. You looked at him without a thought, breathed into his sight with nothing but sheer emotion. He was the man you fell in love with, the man you built your dreams on the thoughts of him and the baby growing inside you.As much as you wanted to run away, you were blindly aware that you will never be free from him, you were tied together ,both physically and mentally.

if that bond wasn't enough, then surely the child forming inside you was enough to sweep you away from a closure.

"what are you waiting for" his breath whispered through the silence and you were surprised that you could hear him through the throbbing of your heart.

"I... I can't!!!" he snatched the gun from your hand and  you thought he might be biting back a smirk.

His smile was lopsided but it was worth looking at, almost as if he had already planned all of this before, moved you the way his deceptive self fed on just to show what he was capable of  .

"don't start something you can't finish" he reached out and touched the silver surface of his gun. You rather suspected that it was your end, possibly even when you didn't shoot him, you were certain if he had any droplet of empathy inside him he would still spare your life.

Jungkook was attached to his child, at least to the position he will grip once the heir was born, but eventually his anger might win out. After all, you were only a way through for him to get what he wants, and killing you wasn't going to do him any good.

"50 cal desert eagle magnum research Inc pistol, the gun I mastered shooting with" he said in a chilling tone of voice, which did nothing to calm the fear consuming you "such a killer beauty... just like you"

A muscle worked on Jungkook's face as you could see how hard he was trying to empower the calmness over his berserk anger. The silence in the hall changed. Footsteps. someone was coming.

A tall man popped at the corner of the staircase, a bodyguard you supposed, he cursed few words underneath his breath, and Jungkook smirked, tilting his head toward him then back at you "not only by it's look but by its power too..."

Your eyes darted from Jungkook to the man, your face was still stuck in the same direction. And then a loud explosion was heard, followed by an agonizing groan as the bodyguard dropped to his length, pressuring his palm over the bleeding of his thigh.

"That power can hurt sometimes....kill even" Jungkook said, his voice slow, intentionally stiff, and then as he watched you with a devoided expression, you started to cry.

"You're - You're a monster" you said in a hostile gowl and Jungkook who was separated from his sane part, peered at you mischievously "you' should've known better than  treating me the way you do " your lips stretched, and you paused, almost as if you couldn't voice the words to talk, but you ended up muttering a "treating you like what" " treating me like a human"

You stared at him for a long second, and he kept your gaze. You could tell his intentions don't derive from good thoughts, and he let you see that through his tempestuous greens.

and it was over for you.

His lips caught yours in a hungry penetrating kiss, tearing them apart with the force of it. There was nothing patient about it, nothing forgiving, almost as if he was punishing you for what his empathy failed him to do.His hands gripped your waist, and you felt the wall quivering behind you as he twisted your body, pushing you against it. Every thought in your mind erupted into a clear pitch, and it felt as if every hideous spell of desire started to spread within you, stooping all your fear, and robbing your last chance of resistance.

He trailed his bewitched fingers against your neck, sliding them until he grabbed you by your head, and balancing your face until a delicate circle formed at the bottom of your throat. His lips slanted over yours, deep and violent as his tongue swirled inside your mouth and his hands held you so tight, so close that you heard his own heart pounding into your ear, when in that moment of lust, you felt your whisked feelings for him, bringing you back into his maze.

"get the fuck off her! echoed a familiar voice from the very end of the hall.

Jungkook half turned and half stepped back, as if he already sensed someone's presence through the shrinking air in the hall, and he turned around, looking at Jungsu now standing a few steps away from him, unreasonably and off scripted.

He grabbed Jungkook's collar and punched him across the face, one punch, two punches until he stumbled backwards, blood flooding down his nose.

"You still punch like a girl Jungsu'' Jungkook clenched his fist, and your blood ran cold, when he threw his head back and laughed. Once he wiped his nose, he looked at Jungsu, and then at you, poking his cheek as he mumbled "you're so bad at hiding your feelings brother"

"y/n are you OK? did he hurt you anywhere" Jungsu cut Jungkook off by focusing his attention on you.

You opened your mouth, but you didn't know what to say, and at that motion, you didn't seem to let out any sound,at least not until jungkook grabbed you furiously by your wrist and threw you between them. His fingers bit into your skin with enough force that made you groan.

"I hope you know better than messing with something that belongs to me, Jungsu. Because at some point, I forget about everything, forget about our blood bond, our family, even our brotherhood to keep what's mine. Alright brother" Jungkook whispered between his words, capitalizing his tone when it came to the word brother.

Jungsu stared at jungkook like he was some sort of an idiot. Which he probably was. He could never understand how far he can go, to feed the monster inside him and he knew indeed better than messing with the beast within.

But he also has his own demons, and unlike jungkook, when his demons awaken, they move others on his way , without getting his own hands dirty in order to get what he wants.

evil wasn't something he is. Evil was something he do.

You turned in time to see Jungkook taking a hold of your hand and dragging after him into the stairs. you took a massive gulp of air the moment he shoved you inside a wide room,but although you looked a bit wobbly, you stood unbothered. He walked you to the empty bed and pushed down, your back making light hops, until it landed evenly above the mattress as he hovered above you.

He hooked your hands above the mattress and used the other one to keep your hips pinned into the bed, as even though he was the one who had you stiffened , you felt unstoppable. It was exciting to believe that you had brought him to that point. That you were cause for that man of control to  wearily morph outraged.

"What do you have to do with Jungsu? '' he puts his hands on either side of your waist, and the room falls apart. You have never gotten so attached to someone's lips before, and then before you could answer his twisted question, the space between you exploded. Your heart kept capering beats and your hands couldn't bring him close enough. You tasted him again and you realized that the kiss you shared earlier wasn't fulfilled, and that you were only starving for more. Maybe it lasted for minutes, perhaps for hours, all you knew is that his lips and the way his hands burned at the surface of your skin, couldn't be that delicious from anyone but him.

"you're enjoying this aren't you" he parted, his lips still lightly brushing over your mouth as he speaks. And you moaned in his mouth, arching your body hungrily seeking back for his heat.

The lust on his face conflicted, and he drew a choked breath, as his touch seemed to turn heftier on your  skin.His body rotated, reaching for something from the nightstand until he pulled  something metallic.

He forced your body upright and used what it seemed like silver handcuffs to tie your hands into a small hanger detached to the bed. "what are you doing?" he put a finger on your lips as you started kicking into the sheets "didn't you learn already that resistance will not get you anywhere"

something built inside you, feeling yourself fighting a conflicted battle of begging him to continue and screaming at him to leave. But he crawled backwards, startling you as he dropped his body back into a small sofa left in front of the bed."you're such a pretty little thing tied up under me like that, love"

"Jungkook untie me now!" he didn't comment upon your  furious bark and continued to type something on his phone.

Then less than five minutes later, someone opened the door  before they knocked, as a beautiful girl with barely anything covering her body, clicked with her high heels inside the room. "Long time no see" she whispered, swinging her hips around as her fake grey extensions moved to the motion, her eyelashes were so long and you got the hint that if she blinked more than one time, she would fly away.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, stealing  few glances at you as the girl crotch between his powerful thighs. She touched his neck, sliding her fingers along his collar bone then pausing at his chest.

Your eyes tightened at the corners. You were hurt. In fact he would go further and say you were passionately pained. He sighed glad he happened to be facing away from you. There was nothing to be gained by telling him to stop, to break the handcuffs and shove that shameless girl away from him, so you stood to your pride.
The sight of her grinding into him in such a way was scratching scars above your skin, you thought you might look collective in front of him at least, but when she started to suck into his neck, your appearance didn't matter to you anymore.

He watched you intently, fiercely, holding his tongue between his teeth as the memory of you and Jungsu flashed inside his head like a speeding train.

He closed his eyes well aware that he couldn't handle your wearied postures. It was the only reason he allowed himself a light groan of frustration as he snapped his eyes open and peered again into you.

That heavy revenge grew thick, and then you who had turned your face away from them, folded your legs closer to your chest, scaredly perceived that half of your lower parts were now exposed to him.

"death was a waste for a monster like you anyways" "you heard something" he asked that girl, coming quickly to his pride "just my hands untying your belt"

The girl laughed as before he knew it, she was already trying to take off his pants. And that was when he realized you have been staring back at him, with the same intensity, with the same fierceness. He didn't know what he could've done differently, but that didn't matter to him anymore, you were at the verge of crying and every breath had the sound of your own heart aching.

"stop... " The girl jumped up in fright, rolling her eyes at Jungkook's sudden change of mood. "get out" "what happened to you jungkook" "I said get out"

She made a little shrug, the kind that was followed with a tilt of the head when someone disapproved to something. Still she dared to reply "is it because of that whore?"

And something inside him exploded. Just exploded. He couldn't tolerate any kind of disrespect, any word of humiliation, Good god knows what it made him feel to hear them thrown at you.

His movements turned slow and careful, but nothing felt calculated . He wasn't thinking when he pulled the girl's hair and pinned her to the door, sliding his gun over the lump forming in her throat "you talked back" he snorted "disobeyed my orders and disrespected my wife"

As you watched him whipping his piston to her neck , fear crawled through your body like a ghost. There was something behind his unhuman like snort that terrified you, more than the sight of his gun itself. "you might as well watch that filthy mouth of yours when you still have it"

You took a deep breath, overwhelmed by the rush of emotions over flooding inside your body. You almost smiled, but it looked more like an awkward frown.


You couldn't think. your head was too heavy with emotions, but you also didn't know if you should define his defensive protest as a normal shallow protection to his untouched pride.Or an unusual impulse to clean your reputation.

"on your knees"Jungkook spatted sharply, snorting as he gave the girl some space for the action.

She didn't hesitate to drop her feet to the ground,  lowering her head to a random spot on the floor as the air around the room shrunk  inside her lungs due to her fright. Jungkook took a fistfull of her fake hair, and bounced her head backwards, keeping his gaze down at her face until she dared to look at him "apologize"

"I'm-m so... please I'm so sorry" You looked at him with wide misgiving eye and he gave his head a tiny dissatisfied jerk"not to me, look at her and beg for forgiveness "

The poor girl turned animated as she looked at you with apologic eyes, tearing up then suppressing her cries as she begged her apologies through the language of eyes.

you couldn't swallow it, you could hear your thoughts sympathize with her sight, the heartbreaking fear of death, the fear of the merciless man betting her life on a bullet.

"please... I am so sorry... I beg your forgiveness..... forgive me... I'm sorry " "get up on your feet! jungkook let her go" you replied almost immediately, realizing how colossally jungkook had missed the point.

Even when she pointed that word to you, You wanted Jungkook to be the one apologizing.

if he hadn't tied you to the bed and pulled a show of intimacy with another girl in front you, she would've not assumed you were some kind of a harlot.

How you had fallen from everyone's eyes because of his actions.

"get out now. don't forget to pick your broken nail" Jungkook calmly smirked whilst the girl hurriedly ran out of the room, dashing through the door as if he might snatch her back inside and drop her straight to hell.

"I don't want to see you next to my brother again, or in fact I don't want to see you out of your room when I'm not around" His words caused your stomach to flip from the weight of disgust. Your self esteem had melted in your hands, hearing him treating you like a pet.

"any orders your majesty?" he gave a light egoistic scoff "that's it for now, I have physiotherapy appointment  now and  I want to come back for you behaved, well fed and in your room signing the papers "

Your lips parted with surprise and then you quickly covered your reaction and said "should I call you master too" "no I'm fine with you calling me daddy"
he joked but you didn't seem to find it funny.

He slowly dropped one of his hands and brought it to your face then traced down your jawline with his fingers. You tried not to shudder under his touch as it was taking every part of your power to hold back your insides upon his fake caring attempts.

His eyes moved to his hands as they climbed up and broke your wrists free. skimmed along your neck, your shoulders, stopping as he held your fingers in his. You groaned, feeling the blood returning back to your nerves as you flinched away from him, yanking his touch before muttering a "don't touch me!"

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