TOXIC - Ariana Grande/You


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"You're a damn drug and I'm toxic." You G!P updates weekly Meer

10 (the real one)


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The ride to the recording studio was fun.

For me.

Ariana was quiet and ignoring me the whole time as she had her eyes glued on the window looking at the cars and people passing by. I had tried getting her to crack a smile, even had her music blasting in the car as I sang each lyric perfectly with feelings. The devil would not budge, couldn't even look at me, Jesus. Although eventually she did for a quick second, just to send me a death fucking glare.

As soon as I pulled the car over at the parking lot, I placed my hand over her thigh and nudged her to let her know we've arrived in case she hadn't noticed. She gave me a quick peck which didn't catch me in surprise knowing Ariana would still do furious or not. Before hopping out, I grabbed her by the waist pulling her back to the seat cupping her face in my hands to give her big sloppy kisses.

"My lipgloss!" I laughed and watched her examined her lips which was now messily smeared, through the sun visor mirror.

She turned her head to me and sucked her teeth, suppressing her anger. "Fuck you." I instinctively closed my eyes and put my arms up then felt an object hit my arms. "You've been getting on my nerves!"

Motherfucker tried throwing her bag at my face.

She then went back to look at herself on the mirror putting a new layer of lip gloss on her lips. When she tried getting out of the car once again, I grabbed her wrist but this time, she snatched it away.

"I love you, angry Butera!" I said loudly enough for her to hear making a kissing face. She flipped me off with her middle finger after slamming the door shut hard.

I smiled harder when I noticed she was suppressing a smile.

What a cute little brat.

As soon as I dropped Ariana off at the Sterling Sound recording studio, I started to think about food causing my stomach to rumble. Ariana and I ate Jumbo Chickpea Pancake for breakfast which wasn't enough for me so I went straight to grab a food at McDonald's by drive thru and guess what it was?

Double cheeseburger!

"Here's your double cheeseb– Oh my god it's Y/n!"

After taking photos with McDonald's crews, I drove off to Kehlani's house as she texted me in the morning to come over because she needed me to help her with something. Obviously, I told Ariana about it, I didn't wanna have another bruising shin.

"Ay, y/n!" She greeted me as soon as she opened the front door for me. We engulfed each other in a quick hug  before letting go.

"Damn, have you been smoking?" I asked as my face held up an amused expression once I pulled back.

The first thing I noticed was her bloodshot eyes, and a taco in her hands. I could tell she had been smoking marijuana by sensing the scent of piney, slightly skunky grass, that was clinging to her hair and clothing.

"You look like shit."

She hummed taking a bite at the end of the taco, her mouth making its way towards the centre. "Blunt's over there, if you wanna look like shit together." I followed her gaze which landed on the kitchen counter.

Smoking sounded good right now, I thought I needed it. This could the last time I was going to have if Ariana decided to end my life when we got home.

I walked towards the said destination while she stayed on her spot still finishing her taco, only to be met by a lonely black pen. 

She's high high.

"You're high as fuck," I held the pen up to show what I was talking about. She burst out laughing before choking on her food causing her to cough.

I laughed loudly along with Kehlani and threw the pen at her hitting her on the forehead.

"I swear to god, you're becoming your girlfriend." She said at my violent behaviour.  She started walking to the living room with me following behind her.

"She's fucking worse, you have no idea." I shook her head.

"Uh– yes, i do." She nodded responding. She had witnessed Ariana being the crazy she was towards me and motherfucker said she had been terrified of her ever since.

I couldn't blame her.

I felt the fucking same.

I was bold enough to have the confidence to take risks and Kehlani was living it through me. Ariana was my girl, I knew she would never do such thing as physically hurting me so bad to the point I would have to be rushed to the hospital but....

I couldn't be so sure at the same time. Just kidding.

or was I?

I settled myself on her leather couch as she lied down with her legs hanging on the backrest.

A couple bottle of beers were on the glass centre table most of them were emptied, a plate of tacos next to them. A lit up blunt on the ashtray along with good amount of cannabis in her grinder and a pack of tobacco wrap in her rolling tray. Of course, a lighter and a bong.

"What the hell did you need me for?" I asked as I packed a fat blunt for myself. I positioned my index finger and thumb in such a way that I formed the wrap into a U-shaped trough. Grabbing a pinch of my ground-up marijuana and placed it inside the tobacco wrap, forming a line that ran the full length of the wrap.

I glanced at her when I didn't get a respond for a few seconds, she was simply staring at the ceiling. "I feel like I'm invisible." She said under her breath.

Perhaps she invited me over because she needed someone to let a little steam out. Maybe she was having a hard time at work, or maybe she was dealing with family drama. While I wasn't a good at giving advices, it didn't mean I couldn't lend an ear to her troubles or offer her a shoulder to cry on.

I was caught off guard when I heard those words coming from her lips. Knowing Kehlani, she had been doing just fine the last time I've seen her. She had probably been bottling up these emotions until she couldn't no longer handle them.

I looked at her with my brows pulling down together, "Who said that?" I asked under my breath putting my attention back to the blunt as I evening out the marijuana shaping the blunt into a cylinder before tucking the one edge underneath the opposite side of the wrap.

I could feel her gaze over me as I licked the inside of the wrap and pressed it down on top of the other edge of the wrap when it was moist. She then yelled out waving her hands and getting paranoid, "I'm over here!" making me startle a little.

That's when I realised it wasn't what I thought it would be, I threw my head back laughing, "I thought you were venting!"

"Wai–what? No!" She laughed uncontrollably while hittimg my arm playfully.

"You paused for a few seconds I thought you were just gathering all the strength to spill out shit, man!" I placed my hand when I felt the ache in my stomach from laughing hard started to become unbearable. There weren't any sound coming from my mouth at this point.

"Actually," Once the laughter died down, inhaling, she sat properly and looked at me as she began to put on a serious face. Uh-oh... "I need someone to talk to."

I lit up one end of my blunt and pull the smoke through the other end. "I'm here, what you wanna talk about?"

"Your girl's best friend," She simply said, "Victoria."

"What about her?" I asked before wiggling my eyebrows, a smug appeared across my face, "You got a thing for her or something?"

She bit her lip suppressing a smile which I understood, "Actually–."

"–Oh fuck–." I elbowed her lightly before getting interrupted.

"–We've been seeing each other lowkey, not official though."

"I had a feeling. Let me guess, that was already happening on Ariana's birthday?" I remembered that day.

It was Ariana's birthday, a good amount of selected people were invited; both of our friends, family, and a few co-workers. I had decided to walk around the house to look for certain women and entertain a few people when I caught a glimpse of two female figures by the backyard next to the pool.

"Actually that's when we figured we had something going on that day." Nodding, she said. It made sense because ever since my girlfriend had introduced her best friend to Kehlani, they had been inseparable.

"Oh, that was a few months back!" Everything was making sense, how could I be so oblivious.

"I know, we wanted it to keep it on the down low."

"How's that going then?"

"Man, I think she's stolen my heart."

"Oh fuck." I coughed wheezing and crackling noises associated with phlegm in my throat. "Is that the reason you need me for? You wanna confess your love? Because if it is, you know the language of love is one of the languages I speak and I'll gladly help you." I jokingly said. We both know I was shit.

"You wish and no, it's not that. I think she already knows."

"So you're freaking out?"


"Then what?"

"Well... we stopped."

"You mean, you both ended it?"

She groaned, "No – I mean she did but it was technically my fault because she's so fuckin' perfect and shit. Could never ask for anyone. And I'm worried I might have fucking pushed the person away who I had been wishing for."

Kehlani started rambling about the details of the story happened with Victoria, her Monét. Before it happened, the girl was constantly on her mind more than it usually did. Their situation scared her as it could be especially hard when she didn't know what the other woman's intention. Hell, Kehlani didn't know what she wanted, she was confused and scared to even think about committing into another relationship after her ex, Keenon as known as YG.

So a week ago, she just stopped responding to Victoria without telling her anything, she basically ghosted her. She was trying to understand what she felt for her. But deep inside she knew she was already falling, she was just holding herself back. It took day by day for her to realise she was in love. She said letting herself fall in love meant taking a real risk. She was going to place a great amount of trust in another person, allowing her to affect her, which made her feel exposed and vulnerable.

I understood how she felt but what she did to Victoria was unfair. I just knew what was going through her head, she must be feeling rejected, disrespected, used and played after seeing my friend for months could be traumatic. In those amount of time, she had absolutely given her the trust, it could feel like a very deep betrayal.

As much as I was kind of stupid at giving advices, I had to put myself in both of their shoes to see different perspectives. If she cared about Victoria but knew she had issues with commitment, talking to her would be the best idea. Letting her know how she felt about her and the relationship and telling her exactly what it was she was afraid of, if possible. If she was hoping to get serious with her, the best way to know what they both wanted come down to communication.

After hours of talking about their complicated relationship and random stupid stuff, we both made our way out. She was going to Victoria's house to talk to her and hopefully take her back. I was heading back to mine. I turned on the car's ignition and shoot my girlfriend a text. It had been a couple of hours since I dropped her off, she must be very occupied, seeing my phone hadn't gotten any notifications from her. Usually, she would text me every hour to give me updates or to know how was I doing.

Or she was just mad.

Are u still mad?

Squirtle❤️: 🖕🏼

I let out a chuckle at the instant reply, she must have been waiting for my text. My fingers were about to type to let her know I was just leaving until I saw the three dots indicating she was typing.

Squirtle❤️: ure still mine though.

I whipped my head around when I heard Kehlani honking, asking me to get out the gate first so she could close it remotely after her.

I drove off her driveway and parked my car on the side of the road. I wanted to text my girlfriend for a little bit before I go home. I waved at my friend saying goodbye before lowering the window to shout 'Goodluck' at her. I received a smile as she passed my car.

As I was about to text back once again her last text, was followed by another one.

Squirtle❤️: OK Y/N. we just had a talk earlier n even begged u to stop eating meat only for u to go straight to mcdonalds to get ur damn burger as soon as I was out of sighy?! u couldnt wait?!

"Oh fuck." I mumbled seeing the image she sent but then chuckled at the typo she made.

Squirtle❤️: ok y/n.

But i was so hungry😟

You've been up my ass since yesterday, i miss your love.

Squirtle❤️: i don't fucking like you rn.

Squirtle❤️: you think this is a joke.

Squirtle❤️: 🖕🏼

Baby I've been missing you all day. Text me asap when you finish my angry butera❤️

Squirtle❤️: Read


This time, she didn't open my text.


"Why you crying?" I asked in confusion and worry as soon as I saw Ariana's eye red and puffy. She hopped in the car wiping her face, not daring to look at my way.

Some people would probably be feeling uncomfortable and thinking of ways to get away. But me? Sometimes when I saw her bawling her eyes out my mind would just go black, I would open my mouth and kind of croak when words try to come out. A few words would pop in at least though like;

Fuckfuckfuckfuck whattodowhattodo fuckfuckfuckfuck

Or alternatively:

Fuckfuckfuckfuck whatdididowhatdidido fuckfuckfuckfuck

I tried touching her arm in attempt to give her a comforting caress but she pulled it away. "Leave me alone." She mumbled, turning her body to the window. The side of her head was leaning against the backrest of the seat.

I leaned down and wrapped my arm around her body as my chin found its way to rest above her shoulder. "No, seriously, what happened baby?"

She sniffed before wiping away the tear that tried rolling down her cheek, "I just got my period and you getting on my fucking nerves doesn't help." Fuck period, it was a major cock-block.

My eyebrows relaxed, my body did the same. A slow smile creeping on my face in relief because it wasn't anything worse. "I'm sowwy," I cutely said, at least I tried. I planted soft kisses on her wet cheek, causing her body to relax on my front. "I'll make it up to you, i'm eating vegan food with you today, what do you wanna eat?"

She turned around to face me, giving me a half smile conveying a smirk, "You."

She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer, "You want my dickosaur, baby?"

Her hands ran through their way from the back of my neck up to my head, giving the scalp a massage. "Yes daddy, inside me so bad." She said huskily.

I shook my head as my eyes lowered at her shining lips, "Not today, baby." I leaned down to give her a passionate kiss.

"We've experimented almost everything... don't you think it's time to...." Her hand slowly ran down to the collar on my jacket, fixing it.

Was she suggesting what I thought?

I raised an eyebrow at her statement, it sounded as if she was giving me a small piece of information to help me guess that she wanted to take the game to the next level. "I'm not fucking you on your period," Was she serious? "I can't believe you're seriously giving a hint spicing things up." I laughed as I shook my head in disbelief at her.

She laughed, but it wasn't as genuine as it should. It sounded forced. "I ain't..." She said immediately sounding defensive as ever. She pushed me off of her and rolled her eyes at me.

I raised a brow at her, having a hard time to believe what she just said. She did the same after looking at me when she felt my eyes on her, "So what? Why the fuck not?" Tilting her head to study my face, "I don't remember you being squeamish."

"It's gonna be messy...." I hesitantly said, knowing she would answer with a better one.

"But it's safe and," She rolled her eyes at me,"It offers a few advantages including relief from cramps." She batted her eyelashes at me before giving me an innocent smile.

I pressed my lips together before answering, "How did you know this?"

She chuckled lightly probably reminiscing how she did before answering the question carefully, "On the internet, and,,,, you don't like when I'm in pain.... so if anything it won't just be about sex, it's like you're helping me."

"Are you seri–."

"–If you're that appalled by what comes out of my vagina, then you don't deserve to be inside it." Here she was again. I was only asking a question she had to interrupt me once again.

I shook my head, letting her know I wasn't talking about what she had just said. "The blood can get on the sheets especially if you have a heavy flow."


"What if it hurts you?"

"If anything it would help me feel better..."

I watched her for a few second, processing about everything we had just stated. Sex wasn't really new to me, in fact, My body count was probably triple times Ariana's. But the topic was very new to me, I couldn't help but felt goosebumps as I never had done it before. Just thinking about it, made me curious and at the same time I wanted to try it and not.

When she realised I was in deep thought, Ariana chuckled slamming her forehead against my shoulder. "Look, it's gonna be messy, yes. We can clean that up and we make a mess all the fucking time. If you think about menstrual blood being impure, you can take a sigh of relief because it's not."   She pulled me closer to her body to sniff my scent as she continued, "I assure you it's totally safe and hygienic."

I nodded believing her statement, "How long have you been doing these research?"

"For a month now..."

What the fuck?

"Damn." My eyes widened at the amount of time she had given me. That long? "Would it make you feel good?"

"Soooooo good. I'm usually much hornier when on my period, you know that."

I shook my head knowing what she was trying to do right now, "And you know how much I love giving you satisfaction, you make me wanna do it."

She pushed her lower lip to show her powerful pout, "Please?"

"Okay, next month." I quickly agreed.

I mean, so what? It wasn't like I did not want to do it a hundred percent. There were just things that were holding me back, which was pretty stupid and were eventually answered by the one and only. And Ariana wouldn't let anything bad to harm me for her satisfaction.

"Promise?" She asked with her pleading eyes and her pinky finger holding up waiting for mine.

"Promise, princess." I smiled simply. "Next month."


sorry for any mistake.

vote & comment, thank you!

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