Run - Alren

Od HansensCheetos

14.2K 942 908

Trying to survive the zombie apocalypse, Ally meets a few new people on the way to safety. Více



315 21 42
Od HansensCheetos

A/n- :(

Ally hears her front door open. She's in her kitchen making lunch. She looks around, and sees nothing but hears children laughing.

She turns around at straight into Lauren's arms. "Hello beautiful." Lauren says and kisses Ally. Ally was surprised.

Where was the zombies? CEDA?

"You okay baby?" Lauren asks when Ally doesn't respond. Ally looks at her finger, noticing the wedding ring. They were married.

"Um yes...I'm just-."

"Daydreaming again mom?" Billie walks in with Levi in his arms. "Levi wants a bottle." She says. Ally looks at Levi. Her Levi. "Where's Dustin?"

"Right here mom, I just got home from practice." Dustin says as he placed his soccer ball down. Ally was in shock. This couldn't be real.

"Kids go play or something, I'm gonna talk to your mom." Lauren says and they casually go about there day. Once they left Lauren sighs, "Baby," Ally hears, since when does she call her that, "I know you're probably still upset but my love we will always have disagreements, I didn't know it would still affect you still."

Ally shakes her head, "N-no it's not this real?" Ally holds onto Lauren. Lauren chuckles, "Is what real?" Lauren holds Ally.

Ally felt so safe.

"This? Us? Everything?" Ally asks. She feels Lauren kiss her forehead before she answers, "No."

Ally looks up to Lauren who was now a full zombie. Ally screams and backs up into the counter, hitting her head on it. She blacks out.

Ally felt weak.

Ally fluttered her eyes open.

Joe was taking her blood. He was cutting her. Bruising her. Hurting her. She wanted to die. He kept inserting drugs into her system to keep her quiet. "Look who's awake." He says. "What's your price to comply with me?" He asks.

She knew what she wanted. She was waiting for Lauren to come. She knew she was here. She could feel it. But Joe was so much stronger. How could she possibly get them both out alive.

"You know if you would just comply with what I'm telling you, you wouldn't have to be chained...I can spoil you to your life's content." Joe says toying with Ally's hair. "Why would I do that?"

Joe chuckles, "When I like something I have to have it." He grips her thigh and squeezes it. Ally cries, and when he lets go she can see the bruise already forming.

Joe smiles and gets up, "It is people like you that are the reason we created this infection."

"People like you?"

"People that don't listen, out of control, we created this infection for population control, instead we got this shit show, but now I can control the remaining living with this don't realize what control I will have when this gets out." Joe messes with the vials he was messing with.

Ally sees three little test tubes with her blood mixed with other ingredients. "It'll never work, greed is blinding." Ally says.

Joe sighs, "I can't believe after your own lover sells you out you still want to trust people, your kids have died for you, your parents, your friends...just tell Lauren to leave the ship and no one else has to die."

Ally thinks about what Joe says, but entering the room silently, Lauren is creeping up behind the mad scientist. Joe gives Ally a deadly smile, "Or I will tell her myself."

Joe quickly turns around and grips Lauren by her neck. "Oh Jauregui, you should've just followed orders and stayed out of business that doesn't concern you." Before he could grip her throat any tighter and choke her, Lauren pulls out her knife and stabs his shoulder.

"Agh dammit!" He shouts and stumbles back. "Lauren!" Ally cries out. Lauren loses focus and puts it on Ally. She quickly goes to undo her chains but Joe takes the knife out of his shoulder. He throws it.

"You leave now and I'll spare your life." He tells Lauren. Lauren backs away from Ally and gets her gun. "I'm gonna fucking kill you." She says to him. He chuckles, "For your sake, I hope you do." He lunges for her and she shoots but misses. He was fast.

He punches the gun out of her hands and backhands her to the ground. "I'm gonna really enjoy kicking your ass." He says. He goes to kick her but Lauren kicks his knee. As he falls forward in pain she gets back up and kicks his jaw.

He falls into the testing table near the zombie cage. He wipes the blood coming out of his mouth. Lauren readies herself again, and blocks every punch Joe swings at her. They hurt but she wasn't backing down.

Ally watches, and manages to get her hand out of the shackles that Lauren loosened for her. She begins to unchain herself.

Lauren and Joe were going at it, but Lauren doesn't notice her knife she's about to trip on. "Lauren watch out!" Ally shouts.

But Lauren falls back. She hits the ground, and when she tries to get back up, Joe slams her down with his foot. He chuckles, "Stupid girl."

He places his hand over her shoulder, and presses down over her wound. Lauren yells in pain, and Joe was about to rip it open but he feels Ally punching his back. "Get off of her!"

Joe punches her back, and Ally does her best to concentrate. She felt the room spinning.

Joe laughs at Ally's state, "Oh I can't wait to kill all of you, especially with the way I killed your little friend on the bridge.

Lauren looks at him wide eyed. Of course. It made sense. He was the one who put out the fuse. "You bastard!" Lauren tries to lunge at him but he just shoves her to the ground, stands up and points his gun at her. "Please, let me just get this over with."

Ally hears the gun click, "No!"

Lauren looks at Ally, "I'm so sorry."

A gun goes off.

A/n- love me a good cliff hanger, jkjk NOT TTODAY

Joe was looking straight up. Lauren opens her eyes. Ally sees the hole going through his head.

"And that's what you get for trying to kill me."

Lauren and Ally both turn to the door way and see the one who killed Joe.

It was Dinah.

"I knew you losers would fail without me." Dinah says. She immediately goes to Ally, "I think it's time to get out of here."

Lauren gets up, "Holy shit, it you?" Dinah looks at her with her teary eyes, "I didn't think I'd be so happy to see you again." They both hug. Lauren squeezes her, "But how?"

Gunshots rang through the hallway, and Dinah looks at both her friends, "I'd love to celebrate my return but Maybe another time, right now we need to get out of here."

Lauren nods, "Right...Ally can you walk?" She asks. Ally shakes her head, "Not really." Lauren thinks, "Okay Dinah I need you to lead, I'm gonna carry Ally."

Dinah sighs, "I've been alive for three minutes and you're already bossing me around." Dinah smiles and gets her gun ready. Ally looks at Lauren as she picks her up, "You sold me out, you lied you said you'd never give me up."

Lauren looks at her, "I thought I know what I was doing...I was wrong and I'm sorry." Lauren knew her shoulder was gonna give her hell but it was worth it. Ally cries, "Levi and Dustin are gone..."

Lauren shakes her head, "No Ally they're-." Lauren ducks down as they see a group of zombies run into the other hallway, Dinah crouching also so they're not seen. "Seriously I called it, I knew CEDA couldn't be trusted, they've done nothing but bring hell on earth."Dinah said.

Lauren gets an idea. They get through to the ship, and make it to the entrance. She sets Ally down, "We gotta blow up the ship." Lauren says. Dinah and Ally look at her, "Lauren why? We are out let's go." Dinah says.

Lauren looks down, "Listen, they've done a lot of damage and," Lauren looks at Ally, "So have I...This ship goes down then so does everything CEDA has on here, we destroy it."

Dinah nods, "Okay so what do we do." Lauren smiles and steps back into the ship, closing the door. "Go home, find the group and survive." Lauren says.

Ally and Dinah both go to the door to try and open it, "Lauren don't be a hero! Please!" Ally says. Dinah slams on the door trying to open it. Lauren smiles at Ally, and she presses her hand against the glass, and so does Ally. Lauren looks into Ally's watery eyes, and watches her mouth, "Please." Ally tells her.

Lauren gives her one more look and runs off. "Lauren come back!" Ally shouts, and in the window comes a group of zombies. They go after Lauren.

Lauren begins to run and look for the downstairs. "If I find the engine room, I can blow this place up." She tells herself. She silently goes down a hallway that had markings on the wall telling her she can go down this way.

Her heart was racing she was doing her best not to be seen or heard. The amount of crew members that were most likely turned in here was probably significant. The lights were flickering, but she could hear the engines roaring behind the door in-front of her.

She makes it down the last step but doesn't see the water leaking. "Oh shit!" She falls, accidentally pulling the trigger, causing a loud noise.

Lauren looks up the stairs as she hears the zombies coming, and makes a run for it. She gets to the door, and managed to lock it but could definitely tell it wasn't gonna hold.

"Okay think fast." Lauren says. She sees the engines and looks at the wiring. "Okay how do I blow up a ship." She sees gallons of gas barrels and knocks them all over.

Lauren's thinking was put on hold when she sees the zombies about to break through. She specifically sees a soldier zombie wearing a belt of grenades around his torso. Lauren thinks if she shoots it it'll go off immediately, killing her but blowing up the ship. If she goes and pulls it she can escape somehow, but risk the chance of getting bit.

Lauren smacks her head. She's gonna have to pull it. She looks around for an exit, and sees an exit ladder. She looks up and sees a bit of light shining through the top. Lauren runs to the door that was about to bust open, and sticks her arm out. She prepares herself for anything.

The zombie snaps at her, and Lauren retracts her arm away. "Don't be a pussy!" She yells at herself and quickly pulls the bomb. She looks at the metal piece in her hand and runs. She hears the door break open and all the zombies pile upon each other.

Lauren counts down in her head from fifteen, and when she gets to 8 she makes it to the latch. But it won't budge. She looks down and sees the zombies.


Lauren slams her body into the latch.


It begins to open.


The bomb goes off and Lauren gets it open. She throws herself out and runs towards the side of the ship.

She feels the floor below her rise, and she's blown off the ship, and braces herself for impact as she hits the water.


Dinah helped Ally off the ship, "I got you, remember she said find the group." Ally nods, and looks around.

"Ally!" She hears behind her and sees Billie come out of hiding. Billie squeezes Ally, and Ally didn't mind how much pain she was in she was just happy she wasn't on the ship anymore.

"Dinah? Dinah!" Billie says, her heart skipped a beat seeing her friend. Ally frowns, but when Dinah looks ahead, she shouts, "Dustin! Dinah Jr! Mila!" Ally whips her head and sees Dustin limping towards her with Levi. Levi squeals happily in Dustin's arms and Dustin cries seeing Ally.

"Ally! Dinah!" He cries and tries to run as fast as he could. He reunites himself with his second mother, and Levi happily jumps into Ally's arms. Dinah pulls them all together.

"Dinah...?" Dinah looks up from the hug and sees Camila. And her wife.

Dinah gulps, but smiles, "Mila..."

"Dinah how are you...not infected?"  Camila gets closer to Dinah and puts her hands on her face, then down her arms to her bite. Dinah looks at Ally, "I guess your mouth to mouth really was life saving."

"When Ally gave you CPR she must've made you immune to the bites that's why you had a chance to swim to safety!" Billie says. Dinah nods, "I tried to catch up but you guys were so far ahead...I was scared I wouldn't find you again."

The group all hugs, while Normani stands by awkwardly, "It is nice to meet you Dinah." She says. Dinah gets stuff, "Oh you must be the wife." Billie and Chloe look at each other, feeling the tension rise.

"Drama." Dustin mutters. "Where's Lauren?" Camila asks. Ally looks at the ship, "She's gonna bring it down."

They all gasp, "She's gonna destroy the ship? With her on it?" Camila ask. Ally nods, "We need to help her somehow."

Dinah gives them a smile, "Let me show y'all my new ride."


They pull a few yards away from the ship on the yacht Dinah "borrowed."

"It's an apocalypse, what one zombie lost another will use." Dinah says. It was fully stocked also. All the food, guns, and cocaine they could ever want.

"We are throwing the cocaine away when this is all over you know that right?" Camila says to Dinah who just grumbles.

"We need to find Lauren, she's not dumb enough to be inside when the ship blows up." Ally says. Normani was helping her wounds and getting her strength back. "I took these." Ally pulls a few test tubes out of her dress pocket. "These are the cure, aren't they?" Normani asks. Ally nods.

It'll have to be dealt with later.

The group watches closely in silence. Looking for any sign of Lauren. The hear a huge boom sound, and at the last second the see Lauren running off of the side.

"Dinah signal for her!" Ally says and Dinah honks the horn the moment they see the ship blow up and Lauren disappear in the flames.

The waves from the ships part sinking and splashing into the ocean were making the boat rock. "Do y'all see her!" Normani shouts from one end of the boat. Everyone looks around.

Ally's anxiety was going through the roof. They'd never find her from up here. Ally sees a buoy, grabs it and jumps into the water. Dinah sees and groans, "Oh fuck and we just saved her."

Ally dives into the water, looking for Lauren. She guesses to her self she should've thought it through because she sees multiple lifeless bodies.

Ally swims but curls up into a ball when a piece of metal falls into the water. She swims up to the surface with the float, "Lauren!"

Ally calls out, and looks around. She sees oil in the water, the fire blazing onto, clocking her back.

"Ally..." Lauren calls out weakly. Ally knows she's behind the fire. Ally dives under, and sees Lauren keeping herself afloat with some drift wood. Ally resurfaces and swims to Lauren. "Hey I got you..."

Lauren looks at her with tired eyes. "Ally you shouldn't be here..." she says. Ally could tell she was hurting, her shoulder was bleeding, her stitches were open.

"Lauren can you swim?" Ally asks. Lauren doesn't respond. Ally groans, "I'm gonna pull you off, we gotta swim under."

Lauren nods her head, and immediately they both go back under the water. Lauren quickly kicks along with Ally. Ally kicked extra hard, and helps boost Lauren up to the surface.

Ally was gonna swim up till she felt her foot get yanked down. It was zombie Jacob. She kicks him at first but he doesn't budge. He snarls at her, and Ally feels herself losing her breathe.

With one last major kick, she kicks Jacob off, and watches his body sink. Ally finally breaks the surface and sees Lauren on the float. Ally swims to her.

Lauren looks at her, "You saved me."

Ally smiles at her her, "You came back for big dumb idiot, I hate you." Lauren smiles at her, "I love you too, Ally I'm so sor-." Ally cuts her off by kissing her. Ally pulls away, thinking she wasn't gonna get a positive reaction from Lauren.

Lauren brings Ally back to kiss her again. It was the most mesmerizing feeling ever. She was back. And Lauren was never gonna let her go again. Not even if she had to die.

Her family was safe.

The kiss is cut off when the loud horn from the boat makes their ears ring. "Nice to see you two in one piece! Now let's get out of here before we have to get in a position where one of us dies!" Dinah says and helps her friends on board. The kids all run to Lauren and Ally's side.

They sit them down. Everyone looks at one another. They all we're covered in dirt, bruises, cuts, blood, and sweat. Tear stained faces. But it was over. They were safe.

"Where to now?"  Dinah asks Lauren. Lauren looks at everyone looking at her, knowing they were expecting an answer from her.

Lauren smiles, "We have the entire world to go,  I think aslong as we are together we will be fine." Levi babbles in her lap, and plays with her dog tags. Ally kept kissing Dustin's forehead, "I can't believe I have all my babies back."

Dinah attempts to get a kiss from Ally too, but gets a glare from Lauren, "What she said all her babies, I'm a baby too!"

Lauren sighs, "This is gonna be a long trip."

Ally kisses her cheek, "You ready for this soldier?"

Lauren nods, "Yeah, less running for a while."

They all look as the harbor gets smaller. The sun was setting. It was beautiful.

"I really need some nasty sex after this, so grown up couples? Group orgy?"


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