The One For Me ~ Fred Weasley...

By Daisy_Macias

39.6K 1.1K 234

The One For Me - A Fred Weasley Fanfiction. We follow the life of Serena Black, Sirius Black's unknown daught... More

1 ~ Owl
2 ~ Black Cat
3 ~ Change
4 ~ Mom?
5 ~ Journey
6 ~ Diagon Alley
7 ~ Ollivanders
8 ~ Explanations
9 ~ Summer
10 ~ Ginger
11 ~ Weasley's
12 ~ Breathe
13 ~ Aftermath
14 ~ R.J. Lupin
15 ~ Uncle Moony
17 ~ I'm Safe
18 ~ Morning
19 ~ Classes
20 ~ He's Been Sighted
21 ~ Godfather
22 ~ It Can't Be
23 ~ Soñar
24 ~ Talk
25 ~ Time Turner
26 ~ Starry Night
27 ~ Every Little Detail
28 ~ I Know
29 ~ Hogsmeade
30 ~ Christmas
31 ~ Innocent Death
32 ~ Blank Future
33 ~ Padfoot
34 ~ Traitor
35 ~ Dad?
36 ~ Side By Side
37 ~ His And Mine
Year 4
38 ~ Amato Animo
39 ~ Quidditch World Cup
40 ~ Sirius Black's Daughter
41 ~ Reunited
42 ~ Tradition
43 ~ Champions
44 ~ Lose
45 ~ Leave
46 ~ Fire
47 ~ Slytherins and Change
48 ~ Easy and Effortless
49 ~ The First Task
50 ~ Falling
51 ~ Gift
52 ~ Beautifully Scarred
53 ~ Till Our Mischief Has Been Managed
54 ~ New Year With You
55 ~ The Second Task
56 ~ Accused
57 ~ The Return No One Wanted
58 ~ It Should Have Been Me
Year 5
59 ~ The Beginning Of Everything Innocent
60 ~ Too Long
61 ~ Promised
62 ~ Long Year Ahead
63 ~ Safe Magic
64 ~ All Mine? All Yours.
65 ~ Beaters
66 ~ Motherless
67 ~ The D.A.
68 ~ The First Meeting
69 ~ Conditions
70 ~ I'm Not Alone
71 ~ La Navidad Con Amor
72 ~ Make Me Yours
73 ~ Souls Intertwined
74 ~ Clara. Clara. Clara.
75 ~ Caught
76 ~ Vulnerabilities
77 ~ One Thing Led to Another
78 ~ The Prophecy
79 ~ Five More Minutes
80 ~ The End of Everything Important

16 ~ Where To Put You?

729 20 1
By Daisy_Macias

Looking up and seeing Hogwarts is all too unreal. Walking to the carriages I'm greeted by the eyes of many more students.

I hate this. I hate being the new girl freaky everyone gets to look at. It's like I'm the shiny new toy and no one knows what to do or how to approach me.

"Serena! Serena!" I turn to meet George and Fred running up to me.

"Are you okay?" asks Fred. "We heard what happened?" George continued.

Oh no.

"How did you hear about that?" I question harshly. 

"Don't you worry about that. So, are you okay?" George asks. I give a stern nod with an annoyed look flaring in my eyes. I make my way and catch up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Everything okay?" Hermione asks.

"Yeah," I mumble, staring down at the floor.

Entering the doors of the castle is an experience I'll never forget. It all just takes my breath away. The very essence of this room inspires me to do things like no other.

The ceiling made to look like the night sky. The candles, the rows of students, and all the teachers sitting at the front. It feels welcoming, loving, and safe.

I reach the front of the main hall along with all of the other first years. Questioning and surprising looks plaster all over their faces. I look up at Godmother and she gives me a sympathetic nod.

"Now before we commence with all the first years. I would like to announce we have a third year in need of sorting," Godmother says, capturing the attention of everyone in the main hall. Whispers and hushes emerge through the hall. She looks at me and reassures me with the look in her eyes. "Serena Preto."

My heart starts to pound, my palms break into a sweat, and my head fills with many questions. Questions too loud to be answered.

Deep breaths, Serena. Deep breaths. You're okay. Breathe.

I reach the stool and throw a quick glance at Tio Moony. He nods, giving me courage. I sit on the stool and take in a deeper breath.

"Hmm. Well isn't this a unique mind. Determined, daring, loyal, and wise, but where to put you?" the hat spoke out loud. It stayed quiet for a few seconds. All the tension filled my lungs with air I couldn't breath. "Talent, so much talent. Along with power, intense power and a raging thirst to prove your worth. Where to put you?" The hat stayed silent for a minute. Mumbling words I didn't understand and huffing out at certain points.

My stomach drops, turning to knots. Does it always take this long?

I look and search for Harry. I finally find his eyes and question him with mine. He slightly shrugs his shoulders. I look over and Hermione and Ron, but they do the same thing.

You've got to be kidding me.

Finally, after what feels like ages the sorting hat yells out, "GRYFFINDOR." Three of the four tables clap while Gryffindor roars with cheer. I let out a loud relieved sigh and made my way over to the table. I sit next to Hermione and she gives me the biggest hug.

"Maybe we'll be roommates," she says. I smile.

"I really hope so," I respond.

After I, all of the first years were sorted into their houses one by one. Everything settles down. The mood in the atmosphere quickly changes when Professor Dumbledore stands up and starts giving his speech.

I can't pay attention to him though. Everything in the room calls for my attention. I look around and it feels as if everything is moving in slow motion. Maybe, just maybe, things are finally starting to get better.

What I do have to find out is everything I can about my mom and dad. They're a big part of me and I don't even know who they are.

It's like- it's like reading a book, getting halfway and realizing twenty pages are missing. Twenty very important pages that are the backbone of the whole story. To your knowledge those twenty pages could define the whole ending. Possibly even change the outcome or the way you view it.

It's like knowing who you are and not realizing it.

Here I am with those twenty missing pages.

As Dumbledore gives his speech he introduces Uncle Moony as Professor Lupin, the new teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts. I feel proud in a very strange way and less alone. 

"Potter. Potter." The voice drags me back into my surroundings. "Is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted?" says a blonde boy sitting at the Slytherin table. My blood runs cold.

"Shove off Malfoy," Ron says, turning Harry to face me. Hermione gives the biggest glare I've ever seen from her.

"How did he find out?'' Harry asks. I shrug my shoulders, biting the inside of my bottom lip. 

"Just forget it," Hermione states.

"Who is that?" I ask in a hushed voice. She pries her eyes away from him.

"Draco Malfoy. A complete and utter bully," she whispers in my ear.

"We don't like him?" I ask her.

"No. No we do not," she says sternly. I look back and glare at him. He does look the part, but something reminisces in his eyes.

Dumbledore continues and introduces Rubeus Hagrid as the new professor to Care of Magical Creatures. Everyone cheers. Gryffindors being the loudest of them all. I cheer as well, but not as passionate as the rest of my house. I still have yet to meet him.

In the middle of cheering, I catch Fred's eyes on me. Everything slows down to mere seconds. The cheers muffle. I feel as if the only thing I can hear is my heartbeat and my slow breaths. His eyes glimmer under the candles and it's like his smile could bring warmth to the coldest of things. He gives me an enchanted nod paired with a smile and continues cheering.

My lungs have dismissed all the air. My heart quickens with each clap my mind registers.  My eyes stay locked on him.

Pathetic, isn't it? Not even a full month and I feel this.

It's stupid and will be forgotten. There's no possible way.

I divert my attention back to the front. Dumbledore continues with his speech as soon as the cheers die down. He mentions the Dementors of Azkaban that will be guarding the grounds. The hooded figures.

An icy chill runs down my spine.

Mi niña tiene sueño. Bendito sea, bendito sea. . . I'm sorry

(My girl is sleepy. Blessed be, blessed be. . . I'm sorry)

It replays like a broken record. Repeatedly, sinisterly. I've heard it before. I know I have, but I don't know where or when. 

He announces the Dementors will be staying because of Sirius Black. Whispers emerge from the tables. I instinctively put my head down and slouch wishing I could just disappear.

What if they found out? What if I'm exposed? What would they say?

One thing I know is that I would be hated or feared. 

I've felt so alone almost all my life. I don't need who I am contributing to it.

A/N: 1.55k reads? What is life?!
All I can say is thank you!
Drink water and stay safe loves <3

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