A Dream of Little Robots and...

By SLynx19

242K 8K 1.7K

What happens when a few symptoms and a lot of misunderstandings lead to Eda and Serkan discovering that they... More

1. A baby?
2. A tiny little living thing
3. Little Serkan
4. Blue dress and peace
5. Little bean of love
6. New house, new beginning
7. Freedom and confessions
8. An eventful morning
9. Crisis and broken trusts
11. Bumpy walk
12. New family ties
13. Closure
14. A bet and a surprise
15. Promenade à Montmartre
16. Back to reality
17. Face-to-face
18. Frenzy or peace?
19. Salted coffee party
20. Silent agreement
21. Hide and seek
22. A dream of little robots and fairies
23. What happens in Sapanca...
24. ...is Forever
25. Wishes and foreboding
26. Miles apart
27. Moving forward
28. Whirlwind

10. A drink...or three

9K 301 53
By SLynx19

In the middle of the night, Eda's phone rang. She had fallen asleep on her desk while working on her project so the sound of her phone woke her up with a start. She rubbed her eyes as she saw the caller ID and immediately picked up.


"Eda Yildiz!"

Eda frowned and looked at the time: 2 a.m. "Serkan? Iyi misin?"

"Iyiyim iyiyim! Do I need an excuse to call the most beautiful woman I know? That is you Eda Yildiz!"

Eda couldn't help but chuckle a little. "Are you drunk Serkan?" She had never seen Serkan drunk before and she had trouble picturing it in her mind.

"Yoook. I only took one glass. Or maybe three...? I don't remember. Ama neyse. I miss you."

"Serkan, it's 2 in the morning!"

"Evet? Is there a right time to miss you? Yok degil mi? But it's the perfect time to see the night sky. Have you seen the stars Eda Yildiz? Because I have and they are not as beautiful as you!"

"No, I haven't... but I think you should stop looking at the stars and go to sleep now."

"But I don't want to," she heard him whine like a child and she shook her head with a smile. "I have a better idea you know? I'll come see you! So that we can look at the sky together!"

"Hayir! You are not going anywhere in that state Serkan! Tamam. I'm coming to see you. Just sit down and wait for me, okay? I'll be there soon."

"Yok. I'm calling...coming, I mean. It's late. You can't drive at this hour."

Eda rolled her eyes even though he couldn't see her as she quickly traded her jogging pants and hoodie for a pair of jeans and a white shirt."I'll take a cab Serkan. Merak etme."

"Yok yok yok! Gelme! You can't come at this hour. You're pregnant."

"So what if I am? It's not a sickness."


"Serkan Bolat! Listen to me now!" Eda raised her voice menacingly. "You will sit down on one of your bar stools, or your sofa, or whatever and you will wait for me! Tamam mi?"

She heard Serkan gulp from the other hand. "Peki."

"Good! I'm leaving now. Don't do anything stupid!"


Eda hung up, grabbed her purse and her leather jacket and left. Fortunately she didn't have to wait too long as she soon hailed a cab and was grateful for the warmth that it provided during the twenty minute-drive to Serkan's apartment. She climbed up the stairs as fast as she could and rang the doorbell. Several minutes passed in which she wondered if nothing had happened to him after all. She was about to ring again when he finally appeared and opened the glass entrance door with a smug smile plastered on his face.

"You... only you...," he laughed and she couldn't help it and laughed as well. "Only you knock on my door. Eda Yildiz. Eda Yildiz!" he exclaimed.

"Do you want me to record you in that state?" Eda asked with a smile and he giggled again.

"What a beautiful smile you have." His eyes were so soft and she felt a shiver travel down her spin. She smiled even more brightly at him as he was admiring her, barely standing on his feet as he held the door open. "Do you want to come inside? Hadi gel."

She entered the house and he tried in vain to close the door until she did it for him. He really was drunk she realised. Serkan staggered and she had to sustain him a couple of times before he finally collapsed on the sofa, almost making her tumble on it as well. She straightened up as he sat up and put his head on his fist to look at her.

"Ne?" Eda chuckled.

"You are so beautiful," he said in an adorative tone. "Are you real? Or am I dreaming again?" he furrowed his brows and pinched himself to Eda's surprise.

"Serkan yapma! Evet, I am real!"

He resumed his position and smiled stupidly. "Ah, I'm so happy you're real. We are finally alone!"

Eda shook her head smiling. "Will you tell me why you got drunk Serkan?"

"Drunk? Who? Me? I never get drunk."

"Right..." She raised her eyebrows and nodded. "Then why are you drinking then, if you're not drunk?"

"Oh. Hum it's better not to talk about it. You'll get sad and I don't want you to get sad but I want you to be çok... çok... çok... happy!"

Eda frowned. Something was definitely up with Serkan but she couldn't understand why he wouldn't tell her what it was. He got up from the sofa and plopped down very inelegantly on one of the bar stools. He took his glass of whisky and gulped it down.

Eda crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at him. "Why are you like this Serkan?"

"Like what?" Eda tilted her head to the side as she raised an eyebrow at him. "By the way, did I tell you that you are the most precious thing in the world to me?" He frowned as he thought for a couple of seconds before he continued. "Evet. The most precious. Most precious than anything or anyone else!"

Eda laughed as she took the glass from his hand and put it on the bar. "Öyle mi?"

"Hmm hmm," Serkan acquiesced.

"Should I make you sign a paper? Do you remember when you told this to me in the car?"

"Of course," he grimaced, rolling his eyes as if it was obvious, "I remember everything that I ever said to you Eda Yildiz." He took the glass again and shook it dangerously as he tried to gather his thoughts, remembering the time he had rescued her from that pit and brought her to his summer house as she temporarily lost her memory. "I told you that I would give everything...everything...to live this moment forever." Eda smiled softly at him and he winked at her. "See? I remember, Eda." Eda looked at him dubiously as he tried to reach the bottle in vain, spilling the content of his still half-full glass on the floor as he did. "You see? That's why you should always believe my words. Evet..."

Eda watched him with a confused face for a few seconds before she shook her head. "Should we wash your hands and face? I think it'll do you good. Gel."

"But I didn't finish the bottle Eda!" he whined making her roll her eyes as she took his hands in his and pulled him up.

"This is not a drinking competition Serkan," she said as she brought him alongside her. "Let's wash your face and then you'll go to sleep."

"My bedroom is upstairs," he declared with a smile.

"I very well know where your bedroom is Serkan."

Serkan chuckled like a teenager. "Ahh eveeeet! You've been here before. With me. Alone..." Eda shook her head in disbelief; she would have never imagined that Serkan Bolat could behave like this, even in a drunk state. How she wished she could record him with her phone at that instant. She put his arm around her shoulders as they climbed up the stairs and he almost tripped a couple of times as she supported him.

"Serkan! Be careful! You're heavy!"

"You're supporting me now."

"Stop it ya!"

He stumbled again one time before they finally reached the landing to Eda's relief. They headed straight to the master bathroom and she started the shower. She didn't have time to react when he directly went under the water, completely dressed. She stroke his wet face tenderly trying to get the water out of his eyes then proceeded to wash his cheeks smoothly. She moved her hands from his face to his shoulders and started undressing him. She unbuttoned his waistcoat carefully then slid her hands under it to slide it off and let it fall on the ground with a muffled sound.

She felt her body heat up under his intense gaze. As she started unbuttoning his white shirt, trying to focus on the task and not on him, she felt his hands loop behind her waist and push her flushed against his strong body, bringing her under the water as well. Their noses collided softly and she parted her lips as she drew a sharp breath. She shivered when she felt his fingers slid from her waist to her chest as he unbuttoned her now see-through white shirt clinging to her skin. He took it off while she did the same with his, and her bra soon joined the other clothes on the ground.

He then started to put small kisses under her ear, then in the crook of her neck, slowly, tenderly making his way down as she closed her eyes and savoured the feeling of his lips on her skin. She whimpered when she felt him sucking her soft spot and closed whatever small distance there was still left between them as she hooked her arms behind his head and grabbed his hair. She felt his hands moving down her back. She shivered as they brushed the hem of her jeans and undid her belt rapidly then when he dropped down as he got rid of the piece of garment it had held. He was back up again in a swift moment and she didn't even register how or when she ended up in his arms, her legs securely fastened around his waist as his hands grabbed her firm bottom and carried her to his room, their lips never parting from each other.

The next morning, Eda woke up in a daze, she winked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the light coming in the bedroom. She rubbed her eyes and stirred. She suddenly sat up looking for Serkan, as he was no longer in the bed, but she soon felt relieved as she crossed his eyes looking at her. He stood up from the armchair and went to sit next to her on the bed, stroking her head and putting a soft kiss on her forehead.


"Günaydin," Eda answered with a hoarse voice. She cleared her voice a bit, "how are you feeling this morning? Are you feeling any better?"

"Evet," Serkan sighed. "I'm feeling much better. Thank you for coming to me last night. I am so sorry I made you leave your house so late in the night. I promise you it won't happen again." His sad smile made Eda sat up completely and frown.

She took his face in between her hands and looked into his eyes. "Serkan, n'oldu? What happened that you are not telling me about?"

He searched into her eyes for a few seconds before he sighed again. "I didn't want you to ever have to worry about this again but it's better that you learn it from me instead of anyone else." Eda dropped her hands from his face and took his hand instead. He looked at their joined hands for a moment before he looked up at her again. "Selin came yesterday. She found out about your parents' accident and the involvement of the holding in it." He felt Eda tense up and saw as a veil of sadness started clouding her eyes as she frowned.

"How did she find out? You told me that nobody apart from your parents and a couple of other people knew about it. That they wouldn't link it to me."

"I know. That's what I thought. But I think she must have found the information in the archives of the holding. That's the only way I see it."

"But, why dig into it?"

He shrugged. "I guess she got curious when the Kafescioglu lawyers brought it up. Who knows... But she did warn me that if she could figure it out, others... could probably do the same." He watched her reaction as she processed the information.

She was staring into space for a few minutes before she spoke again. "That means...the press could find out. Öyle mi diyorsun?" she asked looking up at him.

He nodded gravely and she felt a heavy weight rising in her chest. She thought about what it meant. Paparazzi flying around her like a swarm of bees, her face plastered in all these magazines like when she had kissed Serkan in front of a whole crowd of journalists. In that instant she felt like she was back in that wardrobe again, all those years ago. She was hearing her aunt cry and scream behind the door and as she tried to go out, she couldn't. The space was slowly tightening itself around her as her breathing became faster. She was suffocating.

Serkan, sensing her panic attack rise took her by the shoulders and told her to look into his eyes. He breathed in and out with her, never breaking their eye contact as she mirrored him her whole body shaking like a leaf. As her breathing slowed down, he moved closer to her and cradled her head on his shoulder while she put her arms around his torso, holding onto him like her life depended on it. He hummed to her, whispering sweet nothings in her ear to soothe her. He could feel her silent tears wetting his shirt and it broke his heart to see her this vulnerable. His strong woman, his brightest star.

They stayed like this a moment before her cries completely subsided. "I'm sorry Eda. I never wanted all of this to happen. I never wanted for you to suffer."

She detached herself from him and looked at him with soft eyes as she put a hand on his cheek. "I know. It's not your fault Serkan. And I'm sorry that I overreacted. It's just that..."

"You didn't overreact Eda. I know how painful it is for you and how you don't want to be in the spotlight. Especially not that kind of spotlight."

"Well, we don't know if the press will find out about this anyway so... We'll just have to wait and see what happens." Serkan gazed at her with the softest eyes and she felt herself blush. "Ne?" she chuckled.

"Did I ever tell you how much I admire you Eda Yildiz? You are such a strong woman."

Eda felt her heart melt upon hearing his words. She caressed his hair and put a kiss on his cheek, his beard prickling her skin as she did. He turned toward her scratching softly against her face making her giggle before he claimed her lips with his. The kiss that started sweetly soon evolved into a more passionate one as he sucked on her bottom lip and begged for entrance, their tongues finally meeting.

She was already starting to straddle him and his hands were kneading her skin under the shirt that she wore – one of his – when his phone suddenly rang. They broke apart, their foreheads touching as they breathed heavily. Serkan was going for her lips again when it started ringing a second time. They both groaned as he reached for the phone on the bedside table.

"Efendim Engin?" he said with an annoyed voice while Eda was trying to get off his lap but he stopped her. "Ne?" he exclaimed after hearing what his best friend was telling him. "Tamam tamam, I'll take a look at it."

"What happened?" Eda asked after he hang up.

Serkan sighed. "It looks like the press did get a hand on the information after all."

"Ne? Nasil?"

"Wait. I have to see it with my own eyes to believe it." Serkan opened an internet browser on his phone and soon found the article that Engin had mentioned him about. Eda's old family picture was on the front page and the title read "IS HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF?". Serkan and Eda read the article with stunned expressions. They couldn't believe their eyes. The article didn't mention her or her aunt, but it did mention the similarities between that accident and the Art Life one.

"At least they don't mention our names. It only says the Yildirim family."

"For now. I have to talk to Selin about this. These news have to be removed."

"Do you think she could be the one who sold the information to them."

"I don't think she did. At least I hope not. If she did then she fell even lower than what I could have thought possible."

"Serkan," Eda said with a worried face, "do you think that they could link it to my aunt and me?"

"I would like to tell you that they can't but I actually don't know. But I can assure you that I will do my best for it not to come out. You have my word. I will do everything in my power to protect you both." He kissed her cheek and she hugged him. "I don't want you to get upset. It's not good for you nor the baby."

"How nice it would be to just go away for a while, not think about anything..." Eda sighed then she suddenly looked up at him. "Serkan! That makes me think. I forgot to tell you... Actually, the girls wanted to make a trip, just the four of us. I told them that I would talk to you about it before we agree on a date."

"A trip?" Serkan frowned and Eda nodded. "What kind of trip? When? How long?"

"Evet. A girls trip. We used to do it quite often, like once or two times a year. But it's been a while since we've done one. And since, with my pregnancy, I don't think I'll be able to travel again anytime soon, they want to do it now."

"I see...Where do they want to go?"

"To the sea. We haven't decided on a place yet."

"The sea? In November?"

Eda chuckled. "That's what I said also but we'll make other activities too."

"I don't know if I like that idea Eda. I don't want you to be so far away. What if something happens to you?"

Eda rolled her eyes but smiled. "Serkan, why would something happen to me? Besides, I'll be with the girls. Do you think that Fifi would let anything happen to me? And we'll call everyday."

"I don't know if I like that idea..."

"Serkan. Don't worry. Nothing will happen to me."

Serkan sighed and buried his face in the crook of her neck, holding her tight against him. "When are you going?" he asked against her skin.

"At first I was thinking that I would wait until things calm down at work but now..."

Serkan loosened his grip to look at her. "Now?"

"Well, with all that's happening... the press and everything..." she said tentatively, "I'm wondering if I shouldn't go now."

Eda searched his eyes with worry. They were thoughtful as he pondered her words. She caressed his shoulders as she waited for an answer. What he said though surprised her. "I think it is not a bad idea after all."

Eda frowned in disbelief. "Really?"

"Evet. As much as I want you all to myself and that I loathe the idea of you being far from me, I feel like it will better if you are away for a few days as I resolve all these issues. I don't want you to feel stressed by all of this. You have already endured a lot these past couple of weeks."

"Are you sure it won't be a problem with the company?"

"Evet Eda. I am sure."

"Tamam o zaman. I'll see with Efe and I'll tell the girls that we can leave as soon as they're ready."

"Speaking of Efe, I don't think he'll remain much more here after his statement yesterday."

"What happened?"

"I made Selin contact his European clients. He'll most likely have to settle things over there soon."

Eda nodded. "I understand."

"I know you don't approve but I had to do it."

"You don't have to explain anything Serkan. We've already talked about this." Serkan shook his head lightly. "Should we get ready?"

"Hadi." Eda rose from his lap and they both got up to get ready for the day.

Once they both got to the office, Serkan immediately went to see Selin whereas Eda went to look for Efe. Serkan asked Selin if she knew anything about how the news could have gotten out about the accident but she swore that she didn't know. She had apparently found out about it herself while looking in the archives of the company and had recognised Eda's aunt on the picture. Melo was the one who had gathered the file but Serkan knew she had nothing to do with it so he tried to think about who could have let the word out. As he saw Eda talking to her boss, he wondered if once again Efe had anything to do with this.

Eda on the other hand told Efe about her plans of leaving for a few days to which he agreed. He assured her that he could manage without her for a couple of days. He also announced that his secret partner was growing very impatient to come to Istanbul and start working with the whole team. Eda was very intrigued and excited to know about this person since Efe seemed to be very eager as well. She promised that she would help him with whatever he needed to prepare for the arrival of his partner as soon as she would be back.

The rest of the day passed rather quickly, each working on their respective projects and it was soon time for Eda and Serkan to leave. Serkan brought Eda to her house so that she could talk to the girls and her aunt about what they had decided and he insisted on coming with her. When they arrived, they found Fifi and Ayfer sat on the sofa looking at something on the former's phone, while Ceren and Melo were talking at the table.

"Eda? Serkan? Welcome!" Ayfer greeted them with an ounce of surprise at seeing Serkan accompanying her niece. "You're home soon!"

"Thank you Ayfer hanim. Evet, Eda wanted to talk to you all about something so I thought that I should accompany her. I hope it's not an inconvenience for you?"

"No, of course not. Please, sit down." Ayfer said motioning to the free armchairs. "What did you want to talk about Edacigim?"

"Well hala, the girls and I wanted to go on a trip for a few days."

"Ah ah! A trip?"

"Evet Ayfer abla," Fifi said. "It's been a while since we've been to one."

"I know but why now?"

"Well, it's best to do it now that Eda can..."

"Melo!" Ceren, Eda and Fifi exclaimed at the same time shushing Melo who got statrtled.

"What?! I wasn't..." Melo hushed when she saw Ceren's eyebrows rising in a plea for her to stop.

Ayfer frowned while Serkan tried to suppress a smile. "While Eda can what?"

"Hum nothing hala. She meant while it's not too cold yet. We're thinking about going to the sea."

"To the sea? In November?"

"Evet," Eda said shaking slightly her head. "Ne var? Why is everybody asking that question I don't understand?" she asked turning to the girls.

"When are you going?"

"As soon as possible," Serkan answered which made five pairs of feminine eyes turn toward him.

Eda frowned, her eyes lingering a bit on him before she turned back to the other women. "Evet. Serkan thinks it's not a problem if we go now instead of waiting for a couple days. I also saw with Efe and he agreed to it."

Melo squealed with joy. "Harika! We're going to have so much fun!"

"Ya. Once again I'm left alone in that big house."

"Hala ya!" Eda exclaimed as she got up and went to sit next to her aunt hugging her tightly and the girls did the same. "We'll be back in no time."

"Evet Ayfer abla. And next time you'll definitely come with us," Ceren said.

"Aynen! Like a big family. And eniste will definitely come too." Melo added with a smile and a wink. Eda rolled her eyes and shook her head as the three girls looked at her with conspiratorial smiles.

"Girls, you are crushing me," Ayfer complained a bit and they released her from their bear hug. "Even though I would have loved to accompany you, I'm glad that you'll be able to relax after all the work you've had with the company and the university work Eda."

"Thank you Hala. I'm sure it'll do us good."

They spoke about the places they could go to and finally settled on a place, not more than four hours away from Istanbul. The girls were all excited but Eda was wondering about Serkan's silence as he had listened to their chitchat without uttering a single word. Once the girls had pretty much mapped out their journey and dates, Serkan got up to bid them goodbye. They all greeted him and Eda accompanied him to the door. Once outside, she tugged at his hand to make him stop to look at her.

"Serkan, is everything alright?"

"Evet. Neden?"

"You were so silent inside."

"I was only listening to your plans."

"Really? Is that all?" Eda watched him carefully as he nodded.

"Eda," he sighed. "There is nothing more to it. Don't worry."

"Then what did you give Fifi?"

"What do you mean?" Serkan frowned.

"Serkan Bolat..." she said with a threat.

Serkan kissed her hand in his and stroked her cheek with his other hand. "It's nothing important Eda. I just want to make sure that you and our baby are both safe alright? Don't give it a second thought."

Eda briefly narrowed her eyes then sighed. "Tamam."

"Have fun with the girls."

"Thank you. I'm gonna miss you so much."

Eda took him into her arms and buried her head in the crook of his neck making him shiver as her cool nose came in contact with his skin. He hugged her back, hooking his own arms around her waist. "I'll miss you even more my love. Please take care of you and I want you to call me if anything happens. Tamam mi?"

"Tamam hayatim."

Eda took Serkan's hand and put it on her stomach before she put a kiss on his lips. They hugged for a while, inhaling the other's scent as they did, filling up their tanks for the time they would be apart. The girls had decided to go away only for a week but they both felt this separation like a burn in their pulsating hearts. After all that they'd been through, separating – even for a few days – brought back memories they only wished they could erase. Serkan was the one who broke the hug and he kissed her forehead tenderly cupping her face. He put a small kiss on her begging lips before they headed to his car and she bid him goodbye.

The girls left in the wee small hours the next morning. Eda was grateful for her nauseas to have subsided a bit these past couple of days so that she wasn't too uncomfortable during their trip. They had booked a room in a little hotel of a small town, on the coast, at only four hours away by car from Istanbul. Dayi – Eda's car – behaved impeccably all the way down there and the four of them felt very happy to finally be able to make that much-awaited road-trip. They joked, laughed and teased each other – but especially Eda – all the way over there.

During the course of the week, they went several times to the beach, enjoying the fresh air, visited the town and its market or simply went shopping. Eda and Serkan called each other every day and each updated the other on their day. On one hand, Eda described to him how colourful the trees were as they had shed their last green leaves for the autumnal orange and red ones, or how beautiful the sea waves sounded when she went to see the sunset everyday at the little beach that they had discovered on their second day there. On the other hand, he told her about work, how things were slowly getting back in order and old clients were starting to come back to them in hope that these news would alleviate her stress and concerns.

But, as much as he wanted them to be, Serkan's days were not as bright as he had described to Eda. The afternoon before her trip, he had found out that another magazine had published an article about them. This time it had hinted at the possibility that the victims' family were closer to the Bolats then it seemed and that they could have been paid by them to tame the affair. To him, it had been the final straw. The more he had tried to investigate, the clearer it appeared that Efe was somehow involved in the news of Eda's parents accident leaking to the press. He had yet to discover how but he could think of no other option than that one. He had long ruled out Selin's possible implication even though she had not been quite as involved as usual in defusing the rumours. But under his constant pressure, she had finally been able to make everything disappear from the tabloids and their old clients very slowly started to reach out to them again.

Nevertheless an other problem had started to arise as his parents marriage was struggling even more due to Alptekin excessively going out, and coming back home late at night completely drunk. Serkan couldn't comprehend what had gotten into him but what made him suffer more was seeing his mother so sad about the whole situation. Instead of rejoicing and making the most of her newly found freedom, he often found her alone in the garden, sat in silence as she thought about her life choices. One day, he found his parents arguing in the living room and Serkan couldn't take it anymore.

"What do you want me to do Aydan?" Alptekin shouted in anger. "I ruined my son's girlfriend's life, I deceived you, and now Serkan won't talk to me! What do you want me to do about it?"

"We've been through this before Alptekin. You have to try and make amends with Serkan! Drinking and going out won't change a thing! Do you think that you are some kind of a young carefree man that can go partying endlessly?"

"Do you want me to stay imprisoned here like you were for so many years?"

"Yeter!" Serkan exclaimed. "Don't you dare speak to her that way! How dare you!" Alptekin and Aydan both turned to look at their son who was clearly fuming. Alptekin dropped his head to the ground as Serkan stood in front of him. "I will never understand you Alptekin Bolat. How can you be so petty?"

"Serkan..." Aydan tried to calm her son down putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hayir anne! This is enough! He has to realise his mistakes once and for all."

"Serkan. I am still your father. What do you want me to do? Go to the police?"

"Father? You were never a father to me. Nor a husband to my mother. You lost these titles long ago."

"You are right."

Serkan was taken aback by his father's words. "Excuse me?"

"You are right Serkan. I could never be the father that you deserved or that you wanted me to be. I am sorry I couldn't be. But I want you to know that I always loved you and that I always will. You are my son after all and that will never change. I only hope that you'll be ten thousand times a better dad in the future than I will ever be." Serkan and Aydan couldn't believe their ears. They had never thought that they'd hear Alptekin Bolat apologize one day. "I only did what I thought was best for you. For you both," he added as he looked at Aydan. "I didn't want you to repeat the same mistakes that I did and in doing that I destroyed your childhood and dreams. I am so sorry son." At this, he broke down and Serkan felt something inside of him crack. He had always seen his father like this impassive, distant man and for the first time in his life, Alptekin Bolat was showing emotions that he didn't think he even possessed.

Seeing as neither Aydan nor Serkan made a move, Alptekin simply said sorry again and left the room. He couldn't bear the fact that his family was crumbling down in front of his eyes. He felt powerless and ashamed to be such a coward in the face of their accusations. But he didn't have the strength in him to do anything else than flee. Serkan glared at the door behind which his father had disappeared for a moment before he felt his mother's hand leave his shoulder as she went to sit on the couch. He slowly turned to look at her and they sat side by side in silence for a few minutes.

"Anne iyi misin?"

"Iyiyim bebegim. Iyiyim," she sighed.

"Why do you let him hurt you like this? He doesn't deserve your forgiveness after all he's done."

"Serkan, as much as I'd like the situation to be different, I know he's hurting and struggling. I can't just let him down now when he needs me the most. I still love him even despite all his faults. Wouldn't you want Eda to do the same for you if the roles were ever reversed?"

"I would never do that to her! Never!"

Aydan smiled tiredly at her son. "And that's all I hope for you both canim. But just think. It's so easy to hurt the person you love the most..."

She then got up and, after patting her son's shoulder softly, went out to the garden. Serkan stayed alone with his thoughts for a moment. His mother's words resonated in him. She was right, the most painful wounds were always those caused by loved ones. He should know it more than anyone. It made him realize how fragile every relationship was and how much they would have to fight for their family with Eda. He thought about their unborn child and how he would do anything to prevent him or her to live what he had lived and go through what he'd been through. And he swore to himself that the most beautiful gift he would make his child was to love and protect his or her mother the best he could.

Eda was growing impatient as the days went by and the girls kept on postponing their return to Istanbul. Every day, they prolonged it by two but by the end of the second week Eda couldn't take it anymore. She declared that she would leave with or without them, not caring whether they were ready or not. The girls finally ceded and they all went back to reality after two rejuvenating weeks outside of the city. Even though she had enjoyed her little getaway, she missed her aunt and above all she missed Serkan. Being apart from him made her feel restless and she needed to feel his warmth and his strong arms around her.

They went to Eda's house first where Ayfer welcomed them happily, asking them all sorts of questions about their trip. They narrated their adventures excitedly and she made them promise that they would go back with her for a week-end sometime soon. Later, Eda was surprised to receive a call from Aydan hanim who asked her if she wanted to be the face of her association campaign for young girls and women and talk about her experience. She thought it through before finally agreeing to it as she hoped it would motivate other girls to pursue their dreams.

She decided to surprise Serkan and went to the office that afternoon. When she arrived, he was in a meeting with a few clients and she noticed him do a double take when he saw her entering the workshop. She smiled brightly at him before she went to put her coat on her chair and looked for Efe. He welcomed her with a bright smile and told her how happy he was that she was back.

"I have a lot to update you on Edacigim. But first of all I need to tell you that I will soon leave Art Life."

"Leave Art Life? Why? When?"

"Well, let's say that my confession didn't really turn out how I had planned. Words have gotten out to my clients in Europe and I have to get there to set things right. I don't know how long it will take but I hope I'll be able to come back soon."

"I see..."

"But don't worry, you will still work for me. And I'll be glad even, to have you as my right-hand here while I'm away."

"Your right-hand? I don't understand. Didn't you say that your partner is coming soon? Why do you need me?"

"Well yes, my partner is coming soon. But landscaping architecture is not really a thing that they're interested in or good at." Eda frowned. Then what would be their interest in an architecture firm? "So I'll need you to inform me on our on-going projects and the board decisions."

"So basically, you're asking me to be a spy for you? Is that so?"

Efe laughed. "How is that being a spy Eda? If you only report what I would be supposed to know anyway."

Eda thought for a moment, looking over at Serkan who was still giving his presentation but glanced at her from time to time. She knew he wouldn't be pleased at all by that arrangement. But at the same time, it was an undeniable opportunity for her to keep on working with him. She was torn between the two.

Efe interrupted her thoughts. "Eda? What do you think? Do you agree?"

"Well, thank you very much Efe. It's a great opportunity and I'm honoured that you trust me enough to entrust me with such a big responsibility."

"And you deserve it completely Eda! You are very talented, very hard-working. I know you'll do great things."

Eda smiled a little avoiding his eyes. "Can you give me a day or two to decide? I want to ponder my options."

"Sure," Efe answered then he added, "but I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. So, not to put any pressure on you or anything but if you could just let me know before then I would gladly appreciate. I want to leave as few things behind me as possible."

"The day after tomorrow? Already?" He nodded and she nodded back. "Tamam. Don't worry. I'll have an answer for you by then."

"Thank you Eda."

Efe went to supervise another colleague's work while Eda started to walk back to her seat. At the same moment, Serkan and his guests came out of the room. They shook hands and soon left while Serkan invited Eda to his office with a nod. She followed him in the big room and as soon as she entered, he shut the panel and put his arms around her, hugging her tight against his body, burying his nose in the crook of her neck. She inhaled his own musky scent that she had missed so much and couldn't help the soft satisfied sigh that escaped her throat.

"Eda...," he said with a deep voice that made her tremble from head to toe.

She hooked her arms behind his neck and deepened their hug, pulling his head down to meet hers. She grabbed his mouth hungrily, sucking on his bottom lip, fighting for entrance which he gladly bestowed her as he opened his mouth to grant her access. Their tongues grazed on each other's, dancing, tasting, each touch sending a bolt of electricity through their bodies. Serkan's hands were roaming her whole body, caressing each curve until he touched her sensitive round breasts and she jolted with a whimper. They both looked down at his hand on her breast, it fit even more perfectly than before in the palm of his hand and the feel of it, even though slightly painful, made her squirm with desire. Pregnancy surely had its advantages.

Suddenly, she gasped as he cupped her bottom and lifted her up. She instinctively wrapped her arms and legs around him. He kept on putting little wet kisses on her neck making her close her eyes as he brought her over to the long desk. He set her down on it, claiming her lips again as his hands caressed her thighs and waist desperately. When Eda broke the kiss to catch her breath she saw how dilated his pupils were, his sight clearly clouded with a desire mirroring her own. She smiled as she grabbed his butt and pulled him between her legs.

"Well, am I even allowed to ask if you missed me Serkan Bolat?" she said with a sultry voice that made his body react against her stomach.

"I think that the word missing is too weak to describe what I felt during those never-ending weeks," he replied before tangling his fingers in her silky brown locks and kissing her again. "I missed you, I felt restless and desperate without you, I need you... I am so happy you're back sevgilim."

"Ya?" Eda smiled against his lips. "Öyle mi?"

"Öyle," he acquiesced making a trail of kisses across her jaw.

"Hmm," Eda hummed with her eyes closed. "Is that why you kept on delaying my return here then?"

Serkan stopped dead in his tracks and pulled back to look at her. She opened her eyes and threw him a knowing glare. He frowned as he searched her eyes. "Wha...What do you mean by that? What return...yani, delay..."

"Are you at a loss for words Serkan?" Eda burst into laughters when she saw his expression and he felt himself blush slightly in embarrassment. Him, Serkan Bolat, was blushing in embarrassment. Truly Eda Yildiz would never cease to make him discover things about his own self.

"Eda... How do you..."

"How do I know?" Eda stopped laughing. "Because I know you Serkan. And I know my friends very well also." Serkan shook his head not understanding what she meant by that. Eda sighed. "Did you really believe that I wouldn't find out that you made a deal with Fifi to keep me out of town the longest time possible?"

He put his hands on his hips in defeat. "Peki. How did you piece it together?"

"Well for once, I remember clearly you passing something to her the day before our trip. Of course that would raise suspicions. And then she's been acting weird the whole time, following me around, pampering me, making sure I'd eat properly, fussing over me...actually they all did!"

"I think that you just have exceptional friends Eda because I clearly didn't ask them to do that."

"Then what did you ask them? Because I saw your name on Fifi's phone twice!"

"Evet. I admit that I exchanged with Fifi a couple of times. I only asked her that she'd keep me updated on everything that would happen to you."

"So you say that you have nothing to do in the fact that they kept on pushing back the end of our trip?"


"See? I knew it Serkan!"

"Eda, look. I just wanted you to relax and enjoy yourself to the fullest. Things here got pretty crazy so I wanted to deal with all of it before you came back. I'm sorry I made you angry."

"Angry? I'm not angry. Annoyed yes, but not angry. Though I have to admit that it's kind of cute. But please, stop trying to protect me from everything. It's sweet and I love your BaBo side, but I also want to help when things are difficult for you. Olur mu?"

Serkan nodded. "As you want. I can't promise anything. But at least I'll try."

Eda lifted her head to put a kiss on his cheek and thank him. "So, are you going to tell me what you were protecting me from?"

"You won't let it go, will you?" Eda shook her head and he sighed. "There was another article that came out the day before you left. I made Selin take care of it. But I wanted to make sure that nothing else got out before you came back."

"Hmm. And is there something else? Why do I feel that something else happened that you're not telling me about?"

"Well, we do have some clients coming back to work with us but not as many as I told you about. And also I think my parents' marriage is on the verge of breaking."

Eda cupped his cheeks. "I'm so sorry askim. Did something happen?"

He told her about his father's strange behaviour and obsessions these past few weeks as well as his mother's sadness about the situation. He also narrated the fight he had witnessed between the two and his father's words. He didn't understand why his father seemed to be reacting now. Eda listened attentively. She felt sorry for him and his family. She had not enjoyed her parents for long but at least they had always shown her how loved she was and how much they loved each other.

She didn't say anything as he stopped talking. She just took him into her arms and hugged him silently. There was nothing to be said. She would only help him and his mother go through this as much as she could and she felt happy that she had agreed to Aydan hanim's invitation to be part of the association's project. Maybe she could help her escape her reality in some way or other. She told Serkan about the invitation and he was glad that she had accepted.

"These girls will be so fortunate to learn from you Eda."

"You really think so?"

"Of course. Your brilliant mind will..." Suddenly he stopped and frowned looking at her. "Speaking of your mind, did you call me Ba-Bo or did i misheard something?"

Eda made a crooked smile that showed her dimple. "Maybe."

"Ba-Bo? What is a Ba-Bo?"

Eda rolled her eyes. "Isn't it obvious Serkan?" Serkan made a puzzled face which made her shake her head slightly. "You are really making zero efforts... Ba-Bo: Baba Bolat of course!" she exclaimed.

Serkan looked at her with wide eyes before he burst into laughter. He had not expected this one at all. Eda smiled then joined him with her own laughter. He extended his hand to help her get down from the table, still laughing, and they made their way to his seat. The other colleagues entered the room soon after for their meeting and she couldn't help but smile softly at him when she heard him whisper with a smile: "Baba Bolat. I like that one."

Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and enjoyed this looong fluffy filler chapter. I wanted to get things going faster so yeah. I do hope you enjoyed it though. Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting on the last ones! You really make my days brighter! ^^ Also who is excited for Episode 27? I know i am! My babies are finally going to be happy :') I'm emotional! Again, please do vote and comment on this chapter if you liked it. Take care and talk to you soon! - Sarah

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