Aching Roses // A KiriKami Ha...

By KiriKamiShipperU-U

2.1K 86 81

Denki Kaminari always felt something unfamiliar in a way every time he caught sight of Eijiro Kirishima, one... More

Author's Note (Just skip over if you want)
A Confession
Just Like A Brother...
Found Out
Author's Note UPDATED (Will Be Deleted)

Truth or Dare

351 11 12
By KiriKamiShipperU-U

Kaminari's POV

I woke up, hearing a knock at my dorm door.

'Why are Kiri and Sero here so early?' I thought. I looked at my phone as my eyes adjusted to the light, and observed the numbers coming into view. "8:15" read the clock. With my eyes almost bulging out of their sockets I went to the alarm app and saw that it was set to 9:00.

I brought my hand to my face. 'Kaminari you idiot..' I thought as I heard knocking at my dorm door again, my two friends starting to sound impatient with me.

"Jeez, jeez, gimme a sec!" I quickly yelled while racing to put my uniform on, changing almost as fast as Iida can run. After putting my uniform on and brushing my hair, I darted to the entrance, only to trip over a basketball and slam into the door face-first. I heard muffled noises as Kiri opened the door, and looked down at me laying there on the floor, seen as a gigantic mess.

Kirishima's POV

While Sero and I were waiting for Kaminari to hurry up, as we only had 10 minutes till class, I heard the pattering of his feet as he frantically ran around in his dorm, most likely trying to get into his uniform.

"Did he set his alarm to the wrong time again?" I shook my head, as Sero and I still stood there, waiting for Kaminari to hurry the hell up. We were just about to leave and go to class without the guy, I heard a big THUMP against the door. Sero and I looked at each other with questioning expressions as I slowly opened it, and looked down at Kaminari on the floor, with a basketball by his feet. Sero sighed and pulled him up, while he sighed and rubbed his forehead with his hand.

"You're a mess bro," I laughed at him as we walked out of his dorm and headed towards the U.A. building.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, rubbing his red forehead. "I set my alarm to the wrong time."

Sero gave a slight chuckle. "You were right, Kirishima," he laughed while I rolled my eyes.

"Next time Sero and I are gonna leave you though" We headed down the halls and I gave him a playful push.

Kaminari's POV

When we walked into Class 1-A, we were greeted by Mina, who immediately saw how much of a mess I looked like. "Kaminari, what happened to you?" she questioned as me as she looked at my wrinkled clothing and red forehead, that I was still rubbing.

"Did someone hurt you? I'll beat them up!"

"I'm fine-"

"It's nothing. He just doesn't know how to read time," Kiri said to Mina.

I gave him a little punch on the shoulder and we laughed, walking over to Bakugou's desk.

"Hey Bakubro!" Kiri called out to Bakugou as he looked up at us with his usual glare.

"Heyyyyyyyy Bakuhoe," I smiled, walking up to him. He quickly got out of his chair and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.

"What the fuck did you just call me?! I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THE MOMENT YOU EXISTED!!" Sero laughed by me, and Bakugou turned his head towards him. "Shut the fuck up before you're next." He burned a hole into Sero's eyes with his glare while he brought his fist back.

Kiri grabbed Bakugou's arm, holding him back from punching me.

"Woah, woah, calm down there Fireball-"

Amazingly, Bakugou set me down and sat back down in his seat, as if he was some dog listening to his owner.

The clock was at 8:23 when Mina came up with an idea. "Hey, do you guys wanna play Truth or Dare?"

Kiri and Sero nodded as a yes, and I shrugged "Sure, why not." Bakugou only sat there looking away from us.

"What about you Bakugou?" she said behind him.

"I don't play baby games with extras."

"Rude," she pouted as she turned away from him.

Kirishima's POV

The time was 8:25 and Mr. Aizawa still wasn't here, so we started our game of Truth or Dare. Sero started off with Kaminari daring him to tape up Bakugou. Sero taped almost all of Bakugou's body, while he was trying to yell at us through the tape covering his mouth and muffling his voice. The four of us were laughing while the rest of the class looked at us as if we were insane.

"Is Kacchan okay?" Midoriya asked, as he looked up from his notebook, hearing Bakugou's muted screaming.

"He's fine!" Mina covered Bakugou from Midoriya's view until he looked back down at his notebook and continued writing.

It was Mina's turn, and she choose truth, so Sero asked her to tell a secret.

"I once cosplayed as Bakugou and took a video of it," she said with a confident smile on her face.

"YOU WHAT?!" I could hear Bakugou's muffled scream through the tape.

"Here, i'll show you guys!" Mina took out her phone and showed us the video. All of us, except Bakugou obviously, cracked up laughing.

Kaminari's POV

It was Kiri's turn, and he of course said dare.

"Manly people always take dares!" he exclaimed. Mina grinned, almost in a creepy way, and looked at Kiri.

"I dare you to kiss one of the boys in this room," she continued to grin, waiting for Kiri to do his dare.

"What?!" Kiri practically yelled, his face turning red.

"Hey, you said manly people take dares. Manly people wouldn't back out of a dare. You are manly, aren't you?" She looked at Kiri with the creepy grin, and he sighed.

"Fine! I'll do the dare! But only to show you that I am manly!" He furrowed his eyebrows and looked around the room.

I waited for Kiri to hurry up and do his dare while I picked at a scab, as I was next.

That's when I saw Kiri looking straight at me, walking towards me, with Mina literally jumping five feet in the air behind us, and Sero just staring.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me in, giving me a quick, but passionate kiss on the lips. Then he pulled away, both of our faces red while he awkwardly rubbed the nape of his neck with his hand.

"There," Mina and Sero looked at us two, Bakugou still screaming through the tape.

Iida ran over. "Hey! No kissing in class! Not to mention, since when were you two in a relationship with one another."

"Iida, it was a dare," Kiri awkwardly chuckled, still blushing.

"You shouldn't be playing games during class! That's disrespectful towards the teachers and the school!"

Mina butted in between us. "Iida, it's fine! Mr. Aizawa isn't even here yet. And how was that kiss not cute!!" Kiri and I turned red again, and Kiri muttered, "It was only a dare, Mina-"

Just as he spoke, Mr. Aizawa rolled in, and we all sat down in our seats. He mumbled a groggy "Good Morning," yet I barely heard it, as I was lost in my thoughts.

I looked down at my desk, as my stomach felt weird, like a bunch of feathers were floating around in it. I was trying to think straight, but all that came through my mind was Kiri. His beautiful crimson eyes, his somehow rough yet soothing voice, and his bright, toothy smile... It made me blush more. That's when it finally hit me.

'Do I like Kiri..?'

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