The Musical Spirit

By Rishu_Omisha

3.1K 57 12

This is a story about love, family and music; yet also of tragedy, fear and sorrow. Let's see how the trolls... More

Hopes and Curiosities
Harp Of Music
Heartstone Of Crystal
Quick To Comment
6 OC Info's
Techno Reef Groove
Meetings and Discoveries
Riddles Of Alonzo
Leviathan & Crystal
Author's Note
Authors Note - Again

Songtress Of Melodies

300 5 0
By Rishu_Omisha

Alonzo's POV

"I never saw the beautiful Songtress again after that day. However I can still catch faint pieces of the lovely melodies that she played." I told my son and daughter; Titus and Pearlina. Then Pearlina tentatively asks "How come you never saw her after that Papa?" I look at her; smiling as I answer her question "I have tried many times to find her; to thank her for her kind gift of music. And yet... I have never been able to... Unless you count the times that the large Leviathan has tried to eat me *Chuckles*." Titus starts to yawn a little and I say while smirking a bit "Alright you two; off to bed before your mother gives me a lecture." "But Papa, we don't wanna go to bed yet." Titus and Pearlina whine; shaking my head as I tuck them in. Giving them both a kiss goodnight and then sighlently floating out.

As I leave there room; I remember very clearly their eyes. Even without any colour; they still looked beautiful and so full of life. Thinking back to the other troll tribe leaders. I do wonder what they are up to and what they think of the Songstress as I call her. But I shake my head; still wondering the halls. I look at the trinket that she gave me in my hand. Sighing as I make my way to where I last saw her. After arriving there; I take a deep breath and start to play it. The same time that I heard her play to get the Leviathan's attention.

(Imagine that it's an Ocarina not a flute playing it.)

After playing it; I hear the same melody played back to me. I play it again with her and we play it in perfect harmony with eachother. It had definitely taken me many months at first to figure out how to play it. Yet I never lost hope and kept on trying many different tunes to see which one was best. Until I finally heard a reply back from her. I decided then and there that the melody will be called 'Song of the Sea.' I am already teaching both Titus and Pearlina how to play it. So if they need to ask for her help then they will know how to ask. I continue to play the same tune with her for a few hours. Knowing that when my time does come. That she will be there to help my children when they need a little help. Much like how she has done for me without even knowing it. I smile as keep playing the lovely melody with her until the sun rises over the waters edge. Closing my eyes; praying and hoping that I would see her again so I can finally thank her.

Ocarina's POV

As I am swimming near the same place I lost my voice, my colours and my six Heartstone Shards. I hear the same melody that I had played many years ago to get Hazer's attention. Like so many times before over the many years. I get out my Ocarina and when their song finishes. Start playing the same beautiful melody back to them; on my lovely Ocarina. Sad that I can't sing or talk, yet at least I can still make music without the need of my voice. At least I know that one of them knows my pain and helps me through it without knowing that they are. They join in and together we play the melody in perfect harmony. 'Song of the Sea' is what I would call this piece. We play it for many, many hours; until the sun rises on the horizon.

As we both taper our melody off into silence. I decided to peek above the waves and I see the same troll that I met underwater. They have their eyes closed; I throw my senses out wide to see if anyone else was around. Yet it appears that they are alone with no one there. Making up my mind; I slowly lift out of the water and start floating. I then carefully and quietly make my way over to them. Once close enough; I can see a few tears falling from their eyes. I get closer to them, but then decide to make my presence known to him. Bringing my Ocarina to my lips I play a single small soft note. He snaps his eyes open and he whips his head over in my direction. His eyes widen in shock and realisation that I am in fact actually there in front of him.

"You, you actually came?" He asked with shock and happiness in his voice. I nodded in reply to his question; causing him to frown when I didn't speak a word. Lifting a hand to my neck then shaking my head sadly. He cautiously floats over to me and asks sadly "When you gave up the strings... you didn't just lose your colours did you? You lost your ability to speak too." Nodding sadly in response to his question; closing my eyes and letting a few tears fall. I then feel arms wrap around me and I open my eyes to see him hugging me. More tears start to fall; before I know it I am silently crying into his shoulder. We are now sitting on the sandy shore; me on his lap kind of. I finally calm down a bit and blush in embarrassment. He sees my blush; chuckling he then says "It's alright Songstress. We all reach a breaking point and have the same break."

Nodding softly to him; I then grab his left hand and begin to draw a few letters on it. Hoping that he gets what I am trying to say without words {My name is Ocarina. Like the instrument in your hand}. He watches for a bit, but then says "Your name is Ocarina; like this instrument?" I nod happily and then draw a few more letters onto his hand {What is you name}. "I am King Alonzo of the troll tribe of Techno music or Techno trolls as the other tribes call us now." Alonzo answers my question and I then draw {Thank you for all the years that you have played Song of the Sea on the Ocarina that I gave you all those many years ago now}.

He shakes his head and says "I should be the one thanking you. Without you there to help me through the years I would never have become the leader that I am today. Even if it was only through the melody that we played. As well as that you gave up your colours and your voice when we found the harp. You gave us the inspiration to make music. To have our colours and accept our differences." I stare at him in shock; that I had done all that when I made the harp was incredible. Blinking away tears as I hug Alonzo again, but try to whisper the words thank you. Yet not a sound passes my lips sadly, but that didn't matter.

Alonzo somehow knew what I was trying to say to him. We continued to hug eachother as the sun rises higher in the sky. Well that was until I heard Hazer's roar and looked back to the ocean. I glance at Alonzo then draw on his hand {Perhaps we will meet again some day}. "I hope we do meet again Ocarina." Alonzo says with a bright smile. We untangle ourselfs from eachother and I float back over to the water. Looking back at Alonzo to see him floating there with a bright smile. I smile back at him; then dive into the water and disappear from sight.

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