Give it to Me

By Myosotis_7

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Set in an alternate version of the Wizarding World, Y/N is an ex-triwizard champion, now Defense Against the... More

Author's note, Trigger Warning
1. So Far Away
2. Moonlight
3. People
4. Nevermind
5. Strange
6. Shadow
7. Not Today
9. Good day
10. What am I to you
11. Tomorrow
12. Friends
13. Jamais vu
14. Run
15. I need u
16. Euphoria
17. Your eyes tell
18. Make it right
19. Daydream
20. Respect
21. Dis-ease
22. Telepathy
23. Her
24. Blue Side
25. First Love
26. Pied Piper
27. Fake Love
28. Singularity
29. Love Maze
30. My Time
31. Persona
32. Awake
33. Forever Rain
34. Fire
35. Reflection
36. Stigma
37. Everything Goes
38. Black Swan
39. Stay
40. Save me
41. Heartbeat
42. I'm fine
43. Paradise
Epilogue : Life goes On
β™‘ Thank you β™‘

8. Let me Know

138 6 2
By Myosotis_7


   "Want one?"  Yoongi handed you his opened pack of cigarettes, whilst one was already in his mouth. You grabbed one and silently held it between your lips. He pulled out his wand and light yours, then came close to you and lit his own by puffing on the tip of yours.

He was a casual smoker, you'd just gotten out of that habit... but right now, a good smoke was what you needed; you didn't mind one in a while, especially after good sex. And what happened earlier was fucking heavenly.

You both stood by the opened window of the library, cooling down, both your bodies still glimmering in sweat. He noticed your dress wasn't properly resting on your shoulders, so he adjusted it for you, brushing your skin softly,
   "So, do you have any ideas yet?" he exhaled smoke from the corner of his lips.

   "About what?" you puffed smoke from the corner of your mouth. 

You both stood in the dark, looking at the lights from the party below. Everyone was gathered in the courtyard, prolonging the pleasantries of the night. You noticed Namjoon and Seokjin were standing apart from the crowd, immerged in what seemed to be an intense conversation.

   "About the crystal, the glass sphere. What do you think it is?"

   "Ah, so that's what all this is about... you seduce me to get your champion ahead?" You giggled.

   "Yeonjun is already ahead. And I didn't fuck you to get information,” he paused and inhaled his cigarette deeply, then released the smoke in circular shapes,
   "I just wanted to reward you."

You scoffed,
   "Reward me? For what, reading?"

He laughed, prickling his fingers around his lips, and turned off his cigarette with their humid tip. He leaned towards you, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you against his warm body, again. You held your cigarette firmly between your fingers, avoiding his gaze.

He noticed you kept looking over at Seokjin and Namjoon, who stood in the landscape down below,
   "Don’t you like being rewarded?”

You tilted your face towards him and met his eyes with yours. You buttoned up his suit, rearranging it for him: 
   "Maybe I like the punishment more than the actual reward..." you purred as you tightened his tie swiftly.

   “Oh, so you considered that a punishment?” he smirked,
   “Noted,” he leaned his face into yours, as you pulled him closer by the tie. 

Your lips met and you immediately felt his tongue twisting around yours, both your head shifting from right to left as he slowly raised his hand to the base of your hairline, behind your neck, where he had held you as he'd fucked you so well, a while before. You could still taste yourself on his tongue. He pulled your hair back, detaching himself from your passionate kisses,
   "I guess we'll see what you deserve..." he pecked your lips again, let go of your hair, and quietly walked away, leaving you alone in the room. 

You finished your cigarette and enjoyed your time alone a little longer.

The events of that night surprised you... for the most part. As soon as he had entered the room, you knew he was there to tease. And you wanted to do the same. The dress, the flirting, the un-necessary rudeness on your part... you were lying to yourself in thinking you didn't do it to tease him. You wanted to feel his wrath. 
You didn't expect him to actually go for it. You thought he would hold out on you for longer. Clearly, you had provoked him to his limit as well.

He did something to you, sent something in motion in your body.
Part of you still resented him. Another wanted to be mature and forgive him, move on. 
Another just wanted him to keep playing with your body and forget about everything else. As much as your head was in control, all the time... having someone take over felt relieving. 
He was confusing. One second, he was cold. The other, harsh. The next, friendly, funny even.

What was he really like? Was this genuine? Or was he really playing you to get ahead? You pushed that thought away. You had promised Seokjin you would stop projecting your own frustrations on his friend. You looked for Seokjin in the crowd again, found him discussing with Namjoon, still.
What the heck could have been so important? Was it about the tournament? You decided you'd ask him about it tomorrow.
You cleaned up the books you had taken out earlier and finally headed to your dorm.

You lied on your bed, thinking about the glass orb again. You were mentally exploring your knowledge, trying to find a clue, a lead in the right direction. 
Someone knocked on your door. You looked at the time, it was late. You opened the door and were faced with Jungkook, no surprise there... he was the only one who bothered knocking on your door, at this hour.

   "Can I come in?" he asked in a tone that you'd never heard before, a mix of annoyance and frustration.

   "I told you… not tonight." you leaned on the door frame.

   "I just wanna talk, please," he seemed different than usual. Something about his attitude felt different than the fun, outgoing Jungkook.

   "Alright, have a seat..." you let him in, you could at least spare a little time to investigate what was on his mind. He sat on your bed and passed his fingers through his hair, revealing his forehead and scratching his head.

   "What's wrong?" you asked as you sat by him, frustrated with the tension.

He looked you straight in the eyes, and asked exactly what was on his mind:
   "How long have you been fucking Yoongi?"

The question surprised you. That’s not where you thought this was going. How did he know? Did Yoongi say something, already? That didn't make sense. You didn't want to lie to him. He didn't deserve to be lied to.

   "How...?" You muttered under your breath.

   "I noticed you two smoking; I was in the crowd. Could see your cigarettes lighting up from the top window... I know what you look like after a good fuck. Didn’t take long for me to realize."

   "Does it bother you?" the question came out naturally.

He didn't answer immediately. You could tell he was trying to find the right words. This was the first time you both actually talked about your friendship. Yet, somehow, it seemed like it wasn't all about you. 
   "I know we're just banging it out from time to time and that we're not exclusive or whatever," he paused,
    "It's not like I haven't fucked other people in between our encounters over the years... and I know you have too. It's natural." he sighed,
   "I don't mind, I didn’t care because I didn’t know them. It's just strangers.Yoongi is my friend. I am really close to him. I don't want to share you with him..." his plea seemed genuine.

   "I'm not his nor yours, Jungkook,” you defensively argued,
   “I didn't mean for it to happened, not while we were doing our thing... It just did." you replied defensively. You weren't a toy for them to share nor fight over. 

   "I know, I know. I didn't mean it that way... I'm not good with words, expressing myself is hard." he grabbed your hand gently and intertwined his fingers in between yours,
   "How long has it been going on?"

It was your time to pause and think before giving him an honest answer. Behind the hate and resentment, there was a clear part of you that desired him. Your body had made that clear, as soon as you met him again. You mind was all over the place, but your gut never lied. 

   "I've always wanted him. In a twisted way, given our history... but it's only recently that the attraction has become somewhat clear. Tonight, was the first night. We never fucked before." you responded in all sincerity.

   "Is it better? With him?" he wondered.

   "It's just different." It was true. It wasn't comparable, they were different, in every way. Jungkook was fun, sexy, always fucked to give pleasure. Yoongi... teased. Made you yearn for it. Played with your body and drove it to the edge of sanity.

   "Do you want it to happen again, or was it a one-time thing?" he asked.
You thought about it for a couple of seconds. You had been tormented by Yoongi's body for weeks now, and once you got the taste of it, you knew you had become insatiable for Yoongi. You finally nodded.

You both stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. Jungkook kept playing with your fingers, intertwined within his own,
   "... just to be on the same page," he cleared his throat,
   "What's between us, to me, is far more than just 'our thing', as you said." He looked up at you again,
   “I didn’t mean for it to be meaningful to me, but it is. I won’t lie about that.”

You remained silent, faced with his hazel eyes. It wasn't meaningless, to you either. It's simply that, in that moment, it didn't feel like your priority. You liked what was between you and Jungkook. The way it was. It was fun, simple - yet, it was clear to you, he meant something more than just an easy fuck. You had always been selfish, especially when it came to love and sex. It never mattered what your partner thought, or felt like. 

Clearly, you had been selfish, again, by playing along Yoongi's game - with no thoughts about what it could mean to Jungkook. The look in his eyes, in that moment, made you feel as if you'd stabbed him in the back. Was it remorse? No. You couldn't put a definition on it. You didn't want him to hurt, and you didn't want to be hurt yourself. It was the first time you considered someone else's feelings.
   "What's happened with us isn’t meaningless to me either," you tried justifying yourself again,
   "... but I need to know exactly what's between me and Yoongi.”

He paused and looked deep within your eyes, again. You sensed there was so much he wanted to say, you could almost see the words hiding on the corner of his lips. Instead, he just sighed,
   "Figure it out, take your time, do you," he smiled,
   "I can't—No, I won't have you if he's touching you."

You didn't expect that kind of understanding, not from him. 
   "I'm sorry, Jungkook." you paused. It was best that way anyways. To stop before it became something. Something you knew, in your heart, you wouldn't be able to stop yourself from feeling towards him.

   "Can I crash here for the night? The beds where we're staying aren't the best..." his question surprised you. Didn't he just say he wouldn't touch you? He got up and gave you a soft kiss on the cheek, and smiled, then continued,
  "I don't want us to stop being friends because of this. We're just actually starting to know each other better, we never had time, before."

It's not that you didn't have time. You just never made the time to get to know him, because you knew how easy and dangerous it could be to fall for him. You knew you weren't easy to love. And you knew you would be the first to fall. You didn't want to be a burden to his soft, pure soul. You smiled back at his features softly smiling at you. He wasn't wrong. What was between you and Yoongi didn't have anything to do with him… 

    "I just want to stay the night so we can actually talk, for once," his lips curled in a pout. 


   "Thanks," he undressed, kept his briefs and slipped into your bed. You followed him in, you both lied there quietly. It was the first times he'd actually sleep over withouth anything happening between the two of you. It felt strange, yet, not uncomfortable.

   "Can I hold you?" He asked. You rested your head on his chest as he wrapped his tattooed arms around you. His body was insanely dense, muscular yet lean, he had a thin waist, fit legs... then why weren't you reacting as your usual? Usually it excited you, deeply. The thought of his body weighing on yours had always pleased you. And you did feel a nudge of arousal. But in this moment, you were content just lying there. 

   "I'm sorry, I should have told you about my recent involvement with Yoongi... that wasn't fair of me." you finally sighed. 

   "You don't owe me an explanation," He hummed as he caressed your hair,
   "I just don't like when things are left unsaid. It's best to say the truth, always. It would have created a rift between us... and I don't want that."

   "Can I tell you the truth, then?" you caressed his cheek, facing him against your pillow, and he nodded, his eyes glistening in the dim light. 

   "I'm always here to listen, Y/N."

   "There's a twisted history between me and Yoongi... I don't even know where to start... but I need to understand it, the attraction," he kept raking your hair, softly, as you continued explaining yourself,
   "Between you and me, Jungkook... it's not more or less than what I need, then what I want from Yoongi... it's just different. I--" but he finally shushed you gently with his finger on your lips.

   "I understand, trust me..." he mumbled, in the darkness,
   "I don't want to be caught in the middle of whatever is going on between you and Yoongi. If he has an interest in you... I’m not going to get into it. I have my own reasons." after a couple of minutes of silence, he added - "... but as I said, I want to be your real friend. So, tell me more. Not about you and him. Just about you."

   "I'd love for you to be my friend. What do you want to know?"

He smiled and started asking you dozens of questions. It wouldn't be fair to use Jungkook to keep your body at peace. And it wouldn't be fair to keep his heart open to yours as you didn't even know where your own was headed. Your body wasn't opposite to the idea of having both him and Yoongi... but you knew that was just selfish, unfair to both. Especially Jungkook, who was making an actual effort to be sincere. But you did enjoy having him wrapped around you, caressing your hair, and actually having a conversation with you. You'd never talked too long before. Maybe being just friends wasn't a bad idea - although, judging by how your bodies were entangled lovingly, it was hard to tell the difference in your relationship. Still, you appreciated his reaction to your change of heart and needs - and you welcomed his own openheartedly. 
You thought he'd over-react. 

That he'd be pissed off and storm off or something. But he handled it with such calmness, maturity... he somehow made it both easier and harder to let go of what was between you. He made it easy by understanding your needs, and not requiring explanations; but damn, did it feel hard to let go of such a good, genuine man. You realized you actually didn't know him at all... he was more mature that you'd pinned him to be.

Jungkook had always been your dirty little treasure, and that's how you had always seen him. 
Imagining him impetuous, wild, impulsive... because that's how he was when you encountered him for sex. So, you assumed his reaction would be just as... unpredictable. Talking to him that night, you realized he was curious, funny, and incredibly introspective. It was a side of him you met for the first time. It was nice discovering his true nature. He was even more loveable that before. You light-heartedly passed out in his arms as he gently caressed your hair, hearing a soft 'goodnight' as he placed one, last, peck on your lips before snoozing off.

A couple days passed since the completion of the first task.

You had met Seokjin several times in the library to read grimoires on magical crystals and glass, but so far nothing caught your attention. Misha was doing research on her own as well. Hoseok and Yoongi didn't seem to be ahead either. Hoseok spent a lot of his time meeting other professors and Yoongi in his office - you hadn't talked to him since your heated encounter in the library.

   "Y/N, don't worry, we still have a lot of time," Seokjin reassured you as he noticed your legs fidgeting under the library table.
What he didn't know is that you were restless not because of your research, but because all you could think about was how Yoongi took you on that exact surface just days ago. You still felt the wood on your skin, reminding you of the pure pleasure Yoongi gave you on it.

   "I'm good. I think we should take a break."

   "Really?" Seokjin muttered, 

   "Can't we do something today? Go somewhere?" You wanted to get out of that room. All you thought about was Yoongi's fingers on your body.

   "We're not here to be tourists, Y/N," he smiled and stretched both his arms upwards,
   "But we do need a break, it seems I can’t get your attention. Let's go..." he closed the book in front of him and left you to go place it back in its original spot. He came back to you a couple minutes later,
  "Let's walk," he announced. 

You gladly followed him out. He decided to show you around the higher gardens of the academy, telling you stories along the way, 
   "... and that's where he fell, books and all, head first into the fountain..."

You looked to where he pointed, and recognized that spot, almost instantly.
   "That's where that picture was taken, with your brother?" You couldn't help but to bring it up. You noticed his smile slowly disappeared from his face.

   "Correct," he mumbled.

   "I'm sorry, " you quickly added,
   "I just don't understand why we've never talked about this..." you looked at your feet, ashamed that you were, once again, pushing too far.

   "I never had anything to say about him. He wasn't ever in my stories because he never was a part of it to begin with. He didn't have friends. We didn't get along," he replied simply, hands in his pockets, walking alongside the fountain.

   "But what happened to him?"

Seokjin looked at the water for a while, as you waited for him to say something.
   "I don't think I am ready to tell you about it,” he finally admitted. As he looked above your heads to the clouds gathering in the sky, a single droplet of water landed on his cheek,
  "It's going to rain, let's go inside." 
He grabbed your hand and you both ran into the closest building. Students were running around as well, seeking shelter from the sudden heavy rainfall.

Dinner was, as it had been since your arrival, an absolute feast. Seokjin didn't talk much, which was unusual. You knew it was because you'd pushed too far, so you decided to leave him be for the time being. Hoseok was chatting with his colleague and other professors, the students all seemed to be in a good mood. Your eyes landed on Namjoon, as he was intent in drinking a bowl of hot soup - he was clearly lost in his thoughts, as he didn't seem bothered with the crow noise around him. You noticed Taehyung standing guard outside one of the main doors, the bottom of his trench coat soaked. It was still pouring outside.

Jungkook entered and saluted his friend, his curls and leather jacket drenched in water. He ruffled his hair and noticed you watching him, and let out a subtle smile before heading into the hallway.
You avoided Yoongi entirely that evening, as you didn't want to be the one looking for him.
In this game, he'd be the one seeking.

He noticed you avoided looking in his direction. He knew what kind of game this was. He'd been busy since your encounter. He was, after all, still teaching and mentoring at the same time. He envied all the free time you had compared to him. He quietly left the hall after finishing his meal, made his way to his office to finish up some work.

   "Yoongi," Jungkook’s voice made him turn around, Jungkook was drenched from the monsoonal rain outside.

   "Don't you know how to use a spell to dry off?" he chuckled as he cast a spell that blew Jungkook dry in seconds

   "Thanks," he re-arranged his hair,
   "... Can we talk?" 

Yoongi agreed and they both headed to his office, the only place where he could sit down and enjoy peace and quiet. He offered him a drink, which he refused, but he agreed on sitting down next to the cozy and warm fire.

   "Something's off lately." Jungkook finally spoke.

   "What do you mean?" Yoongi was confused by his statement.

   "Ever since the tournament started, something has been off around the island. I've inspected many times, but nothing seems to be there..." Jungkook stared at the flames.

   "It's probably just because there are so many people, with the event…" Yoongi commented.

   "I'm keeping an eye on it, but I think someone is trying to get in at night." Jungkook seemed stern. 
   "They can try, but it's impossible without someone inside... Namjoon's spells are too strong," Yoongi replied, crossing his legs and leaning on the side of the chimney.
  "Unless someone inside is helping." They both remained silent at Jungkook's observation.

   "Did you tell Namjoon?" Yoongi finally said something.

   "I did. I just wanted to tell you as well."

   "What did he say?"

   "He's keeping an eye out. He's got other people surveilling. Taehyung is doubling his rounds too," Jungkook crunched his nose.

   "Good. Come back to me if anything else catches your attention..."
They agreed.

   "Are you sure you don't want a drink?"

   "Nah man, I'm on duty," Jungkook grinned,
  "...By the way." he continued as he stood in the hall, ready to leave,
   "I know about you and Y/N."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, answering, in all simplicity,
   " ... and?"

   "I just don't like secrets between us, Yoongi... not anymore. You promised me."

   "Do you want me to stop?" He asked. 

Jungkook didn't respond immediately,
   "She wants you, more than she wants me. Do you? Or is this just a game, like usual?" He finally answered him. 

A game. Of course, it was a fucking game. That's how Yoongi dealt with everything, everyone he was pursuing, sexually. That's how he liked to encounter women. He played, they tried to keep up, but always lost. You, on the other hand... 
He played against you before. It was another type of game, a fucking Tournament for that matter. And he won. But your eyes, as you lost? They weren't the eyes of a looser. Your eyes told him you weren't done; the game wasn't finished. There was no point in lying to Jungkook. He was the last person who deserved to be lied to.

   "I want her, badly." Yoongi admitted,
   "I think she can handle my fire. It is a game. But not the kind you are thinking. This time, I have a worthy adversary."

   "I hope you can handle hers, because it burns just as bright as yours." Jungkook sighed. 

Yoongi knew you meant something to him and Jungkook, both.  Jungkook had known you, for a while, and clearly - you meant something to him. He wouldn't have admitted fucking you, to Yoongi's face, otherwise. Jungkook didn't share that kind of information with Yoongi, not in a while, anyways.
Jungkook's heart was soft, open, pure... but it didn't let just anyone in. You were the first woman he actually met regularly. Yoongi knew Jungkook cared, or else, he wouldn't have bothered starting this conversation with Yoongi. He wouldn't have thought twice about your feelings. 

And you meant something to him, as well. Ever since the Tournament... you had been somewhere in his mind. Your body, your attitude, the way you were so fucking blunt and rude. He craved you. But had Jungkook asked, he would have stopped, for his sake. 
Jungkook's feelings mattered more to Yoongi than his own cravings.
Jungkook stepped down first, left you open to Yoongi. That was his signal, his mark of approval. Was he protecting himself this time, as well? ... No. It didn't feel that way. Jungkook wasn't selfish. Not when it came to the heart. 

   "Are you doing this for me, her, or for yourself?" Yoongi’s words didn't seem to faze Jungkook.

The young man simply smiled, softly,
   "A bit of all three." 

Somewhere in his heart, Yoongi knew that was Jungkook's way of letting him know... he still cared. 
   "Did she tell you about it?" he wondered aloud.

   "She didn't need to, I saw you," he paused,
   "We're good, hyung. Me and her... we are just friends, now. But I still care, Yoongi. My heart, hers, yours... all three are precious to me. Don't get burned. Don't toy with her."

'All three.' Yoongi repeated Jungkook's words in his head. It was the first time another person's heart mattered, other than their own. He was always so pure; he couldn't keep a secret from his hyung. He appreciated Jungkook's character. He appreciated his honesty, loyalty, unconditional affection towards him. 

   "I'll treat all three with fairness,” he promised,
   "If you want me to stop... say the word, and I will. For you."

You were his soul to torment, his body to bruise with ecstasy… though if Jungkook’s wish was for all of it to stop, he would end it, in a heartbeat. Whatever happened to your heart or his ... he couldn't control, but he would treat them fairly. And he would keep Jungkook's heart out of the fire.
Since Jungkook didn't ask him to stop... he knew that, as long as your heart nor his was wounded, he could have you with Jungkook's own blessing. Your little game would remain un-changed. 

Jungkook and Yoongi's preferences had always aligned, especially in lust. This time, he knew it wasn't all there was. It was a different type of longing, of desire to possess another being. This was about more than sex, more than their own desires. They wouldn't ever fight about anything of the sort. They promised each other, years back. They would preserve one another's feelings. Be each other's keepers. That's why they never got deeper into whatever was between them. 
They couldn't break each other's hearts. Ever. But they could look out for one another's.

Yoongi decided to talk to Namjoon about his conversation with Jungkook. He knocked and Namjoon opened the door. He sat down across from him, sitting on his office chair.
They discussed about his previous meeting with his pupil, exposing how Jungkook’s suspicions and Seokjin’s sudden anxiety over Seok-jun were probably just coincidences.

   "The object is guarded, and the guards have no clue what it is. I've made sure of it. If someone wants it, they will have to get through me as well," Namjoon's voice was always so calming.

   "That old thing?" Yoongi exclaimed,
   "... who would know to come look for it here?"

Only three people knew exactly what the object was: Namjoon, Seokjin and himself. They had made sure of it. The three of them were tied by an unbreakable vow never to reveal its placement to anyone else. They virtually guarded it with their own lives.

   "Seokjin thinks his brother is still out there," Namjoon rubbed his forehead, he was visibly tired,
   "I am sure he died, Yoongi. I saw his body burn; he couldn't have survived... he would have resurfaced long ago... twelve years, Yoongi. It’s been that long." his eyes closed as he kept massaging his temples.

   "Exactly, it’s been too long. If Seok-jun was alive, he would have acted prior. Seokjin is haunted by these events. Of course, he'd think it's his brother. You know the guilt he carries," He raised his head to look at the huge canvas behind Namjoon, depicting the hero wielding his bow,
   "I'll talk to him" he reassured him.

As he finally decided to get to his chambers, your figure standing over the glow fish pond caught his attention from the bay of the hallway he was in. He decided to stop and look at you from afar, for a while. Where you hoping he'd come for you?

'Not that soon, kitten' he thought. You needed to be more patient. He wouldn’t just give you what you wanted any time you wanted it. You had to earn it. He wanted you to beg for it.
As he laid silent on his sheets, he imagined your body and Jungkook's in a passionate embrace. How did Jungkook and you fuck before? How many times? Where? When? He visualized a series of scenarios in his head. 

Jungkook was a good man. But his heart was too soft to handle the kind of woman you were... He could tell. You were impetuous. There was a violence in you, that needed to be put at ease. You were too dangerous for Jungkook to tame. His heart would be damaged, for sure. 
That's surely why Jungkook stepped aside, with your blessing in doing so. You must have wanted to preserve him as well... which meant you cared, too. He knew you weren't a heartless woman, far from it. 
... Somewhere, twisted in his mind, having you was his own way to protect his precious Jungkook. And he knew, somewhere also deep in the darkness within you, it was your own way of doing the same. 
You body needed a master, someone to control the game. Your heart... needed something else. And he was sure he was the one to give it to you, though he couldn’t explain the sudden urge to care for your heart’s well-being. Still, he found himself thinking about you as he finally closed his eyes, laying on his bed. He stroked the empty bedside next to him, thinking of how nice it would be to have your warm body asleep by him. He couldn't help but have mixed feelings about you.

He didn't like you at first. Years ago, you were a cocky and annoying girl. He enjoyed the competitive dynamic that was between you. He had liked seeing you lose, humiliating you at that tournament...
He knew it was wrong of him to get pleasure from that. He didn't like that he had enjoyed hurting you. But he couldn't help it. He knew you both shared the same passion for winning, for being the best... you both liked playing, both hated loosing. When he learned that you'd be there for the competition... he was eager to play again. 

This time, at another game. A more interesting one. And he'd repented from his past, he decided he would reward you instead of trying to defeat you. But you didn't make it easy by being rude and cold to him all the time. Finding out your involvement with Jungkook was the small push he needed to finalize his interest.  Suddenly, it wasn't all about you. It became about him too. He had to have you.
He just wanted you to play nice, that’s all he’d wanted since you stepped foot on the island. Possessing your body, controlling your pleasure for his own satisfaction… it was the most thrilled he'd felt in a while.

Other women didn’t hold out for as long as you had. It took all his energy, enormous efforts on his part not to burst all over you before you even begged for his touch, that night in the library. Now that he had you... he needed more. He thought it would be fun to have you longing for him, dig that little wound a little deeper. Of course, his attraction to you was primarily sexual, physical, a magnetic pull he felt each time you crossed path. Though it’s not all there was, and that small ‘other’ part was growing, faster than he could decipher it. 

Jungkook asked of him to be kind to you. And he would be... in many ways. He would always listen to Jungkook’s desires over his own. That’s what he promised himself, that’s why he never pursued his infatuation with him, or at least, he stopped it in time. He didn’t want to obliterate the man’s heart with his own powerful will. He was dominant in nature. Jungkook would have been crushed under his personality, his moods, his constant thirst, consuming his time and thoughts. Jungkook had to be free of their bond.  

But you didn’t. It’s not that he didn’t have those same fears regarding you... on instinct, he knew you wouldn’t let him crush you. You would play along, be a good match, grant him permission to possess your body, soul and mind… but he would never prevail over you, not completely, not as he feared he might over Jungkook. He felt your need to protect his pupil from your destructive character as his own. In a way, he felt as if you were sharing a mission. Maybe that’s why he felt himself opening up to you, unwillingly so.

Insatiable for one another, lost in a game of cat and mouse. Except you were both cats, and you let the mouse run free with his life. 
Why were you occupying his thoughts? Were you winning this game? 
Or was he in the lead?

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