Azur Lane: A Fight Against th...

By TatsuyaHisaki

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17 year-old Jacob lived in a small peaceful village just on the beach side far from any major city or town. H... More

Part 1: The Azur Lane!
Part 2: Sakura Empire
Part 3: Akagi's Plan!
Part 4: The Mental Cube
Part 5: Spending The Day With Illustrious!
Part 6: The First Attack!
Part 7: Enterprise!
Part 8: Fight or Save?
Part 9: The First Siren Attack!
Part 10: A New Ally!
Part 11: Prinz And Iron Blood!
Part 12: The Rescue Operation!
Part 13: Setting Up For the Ceremony!
Part 14: PARTY TIME!!
Part 15: I Became an Older Brother...Again?!
Part 16: My Date With Illustrious.
Part 17: The Secret's Out.
Part 18: The Paradise That Embodies Heaven!
Part 19: The Paradise That Embodies Heaven (Pt. 2)
Part 20: The "Fishing" Trip
Part 21: Finally... At Long Last.
Part 22: Fight Once Again...For Her Sake.
Part 23: The Brutal Truth...That Reminds Me of That Day. (Contains Lemon)
Part 24: Mother Complex...
Part 25: Three Legends of the Sakura Empire!
Part 26: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Contains Lemon)
Part 27: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.2)
Part 28: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.3) (Contains Lemon)
Part 29: The Crane Sisters. (Contains Lemon)
Part 31: The Pride of Iron Blood. (New Years Special) (Final)

Part 30: The Grey Ghost and the Head Maid! (Contains Lemon) (Christmas Special)

3.7K 25 269
By TatsuyaHisaki

(WARNING!! This part is EXTREMELY LONG!! I kid you not, it took me about a week to right this entire part! I can tell you the exact word count of this part, which it is 30549 words! Also, I decided to change the outfit Illustrious buys for Jacob in "Part 5: Spending The Day With Illustrious!" I found a better outfit so I decided that I'm gonna change it from the Blue Exorcist outfit. If you're curious, go check it out. There is actually gonna be a picture of another outfit Illustrious gets Jacob a little farther down from the first pic, so.... It's roughly half-way through the part.)

(Another thing, I'm gonna be changing and adding pictures of what both swords look like, I'm talking about the sword Jacob caries at his waist and the one he got from the Mental Cube. I'm so sorry for these changes so late in the story and I'm actually gonna explain why that is at the end of the next part. Just in case you want to check them out, the pic of the sword Jacob has at his waist is in "Part 1: The Azur Lane!", the picture is kinda at the beginning and the pic of the sword he gets from the Mental Cube is in "Part 6: The First Attack!", that picture is kinda towards the end of the part...)

(Once again everyone, this part will contain a lemon scene...but it is also a Christmas Special. I originally wanted to make it both a Christmas and New Years Special, but in the middle of writing this part, some shit went down. Me (The Writer) vs. Wattpad... I will let you all know when the lemon scene will start for those who don't/can't/or won't read lemon or smut.)

I slowly started to open my eyes and a few seconds later, I noticed that everything was pitch black.

Jacob: I?

???: You forgot about me already?

Jacob: Huh?

I turned towards the voice, only to find the First Host standing a few feet away.

Jacob: Oh. I forgot that you were in the cube I'm hosting...

First Host: Wow.

Jacob: Look, we haven't talked in a while, so...

First Host: Right, so we should catch up.

Jacob: But I'm tired...

First Host: So, how'd it feel to have sex with ships?

Jacob: The fuck is wrong with you? They're not just ships.

First Host: *Eye brow twitches* Even still.

Jacob: Why do you sound mad?

First Host: No...reason....

Jacob: What, you jealous?

First Host: Not even. My heart belongs only to one person.

Jacob: Whatever.

First Host: I wanted to talk to you about Friedrich der Grosse.

Jacob: German Mother?

First Host: "Mother?" I assume we won't talk about how you had sex with her?

Jacob: Nope...

First Host: Whatever. I just wanted to let you know what she's been doing in Iron Blood and why she's been going there recently.

Jacob: What, she's up to something bad?

First Host: No. She's been helping with the development of new Iron Blood ships.

Jacob: You mean PR ships?

First Host: Wha...?

Jacob: Nothing.

First Host: No. They're normal ships, not PR ships.

Jacob: I see.

First Host: you might want to go visit her in Iron Blood to see them.

Jacob: They're already done with development?

First Host: Yeah.

Jacob: My only question about this is, how do you know all this?

First Host: ...

Jacob: You gonna tell me or not?

First Host: Listen, Son...

Jacob: *Rolls eyes* Guess that's a "No", whatever, and don't start calling me "Son" like the Higher-ups, you here? *Sighs* There is something else I wanted to talk about.

First Host: And what's that?

Jacob: I've been feeling a little uneasy.

First Host: Why's that?

Jacob: There hasn't been any Siren activity in a while, I have the feeling that they're planning something big...

First Host: That is true. I wish I could tell you, but I can't.

Jacob: Why?

First Host: It's not that I won't, but I just can't. I don't know what they're planning or even if they're planning something.

Jacob: I see.

First Host: Sorry.

Jacob: No, it's fine.

First Host: You might want to get going. Those two are waking up now.

Jacob: Yeah, I guess I better. Later.

First Host: *Nods head*

After that, I closed my eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. When I opened them, I was looking up at my ceiling. That's when I heard rustling on my left side. I turned my head to find Shoukaku laying there.

Jacob: *Whispers* Why is it that I always forget about me having sex the next morning? *Starts rubbing eyes*

Shoukaku: I can't believe you forgot about last night.

Jacob: It's not my fault.

Shoukaku: We didn't make it entertaining enough for you?

Jacob: *Sighs* It's not that.

Shoukaku: I'm just teasing you.

Jacob: *Looks up at ceiling and thinks*

Shoukaku: What are you doing?

Jacob: ...

Shoukaku: Hey, Jacob.

Jacob: I'm gonna take today off and head to Iron Blood.

Shoukaku: Why is that?

Jacob: Because, I was talking with the First Host not too long ago and hey told me that Iron Blood was developing new ships.

Shoukaku: PR ships?

Jacob: No, normal ships.

Shoukaku: Oh.

Jacob: Yeah... *Starts sitting up* I'll be heading out in a bit.

Shoukaku: What about Zuikaku?

Jacob: Just let her sleep. You two can stay here until she's up and whenever y'all leave, just lock up the house. *Hands Shoukaku the house key*

Shoukaku: Are you sure?

Jacob: Yeah... I trust you two.

Shoukaku: Okay then.

I crawled out of bed without waking up Zuikaku before I started getting dressed. I finished putting on my normal clothes before I put on my Iron Blood trench coat.

Shoukaku: What's with the trench coat, Jacob?

Jacob: You know it's snowing in Iron Blood right?

Shoukaku: I didn't.

Jacob: Yeah, well it's snowing out there.

Shoukaku: I see.

Jacob: Well, I'll be off now.

Shoukaku: Okay. Be careful out there.

Jacob: I will. Be sure to lock up when y'all leave.

Shoukaku: We will. Bye, Jacob.

Jacob: Later.

After giving our partings, I walked out of the bedroom, down the hall, and out of the house. Once I closed the door, I turned around and reached into my pocket to grab my key and lock the door, but remembered that I gave my key to Shoukaku. That's when I heard a voice behind me.

???: A very good morning, Master.

Jacob: *Turns around* Oh, hey. Good morning, Belfast. Why you wearing that outfit?

(Belfast's is wearing the outfit she wore when she went on a date with Jacob back on the resort during "Part 20: The "Fishing" Trip." I'm not putting the image in for reasons that you could find out if you check my profile announcements...)

Belfast: I figured that I would wear it today, considering the Christmas holidays are almost upon us.

Jacob: I guess that's true.

That's when I heard a motor, like a motorcycle. I turned to my left and saw someone on a motorcycle. They were just about to pass my house, when they stopped right in front of the house. Then, the driver took off their helmet and my mouth dropped.

???: Good morning, Commander.

Jacob: Enterprise...! What's with the new outfit...and the new motorcycle?!

Enterprise: New? I've been having the motorcycle, but I guess you wouldn't have known that since you never seen it before.

Jacob: And what about the outfit?!

Enterprise: I've been having this, too.


(Btw, this is like one of my favorite pictures of Enty in this outfit, skin, whatever you want to call it...even though Enty's eyes are more purple than blue....)

Jacob: *Starts blushing*

Enterprise: Why are you blushing, Commander?

Jacob: ...

Belfast: I do believe that Master is pleased with your outfit, Miss Enterprise.

Enterprise: He's pleased?

Belfast: *Giggles* In other words, he thinks you look really attractive in it. Am I correct, Master?

Jacob: *Starts blushing even more and looks down*

Enterprise: *Starts blushing a bit* O-Oh.

Jacob: *Clears throat* Aren't you cold, Enterprise?

Enterprise: I'm fine.

Jacob: You know, I want to get me a truck.

Belfast: Do you have a driver's license, Master?

Jacob: No, but I know how to drive a vehicle. I've done it loads before.

Belfast: Without a license?

Jacob: Before you say anymore, you forget I lived in a village far from any major town or city? There weren't any cops around, so it's not like I could get in trouble with the law, even if I wanted to. Not including the military, of course.

Belfast: I guess that is true.

Jacob: I also want to buy a motorcycle.

Enterprise: Have you checked the garage, Commander?

Jacob: I have a garage?

I turned around and looked on the left side of my house and saw a big metal door that folds up against the ceiling.

Jacob: When the fuck did I have a garage?!

Belfast: It came with the house, Master.

Jacob: I see. I feel stupid that I never noticed. Going back to Enterprise saying "Have you checked the garage, Commander?", if I walk in that garage and see a motorcycle sitting there, I will karate-chop you on the head, and then kiss you.

Belfast: Why don't we go check it out, Master.

Jacob: I am, cause I will karate-chop Enty's head if there's a motorcycle sitting in there.

With that being said, the three of us walked over to the garage door. I stood in front of it for a bit as Belfast stood on my left and Enterprise on my right. That's when I bent down and grabbed the bottom of the door before pulling up and the door started to open. The door slid and was now all the way open, and inside sat a white sports motorcycle.

Jacob: *Stares at motorcycle for a few seconds before looking at Enterprise with a blank expression* You know what's next. *Raises arm and karate-chops Enterprise*

Enterprise: *Puts hands on top of head* I didn't buy it. Hornet did.

Jacob: Then this is an apology kiss. *Leans towards Enterprise and kisses her for a few seconds*

Enterprise: *Starts blushing*

Belfast: *Giggles*

Jacob: Remind me to karate-chop Hornet when I see her again.

Enterprise: You want to take her for a ride?

Jacob: *Whispers* I wanna take you for a ride*

Belfast: *Giggles*

Jacob: I'd love to, but I'm about to head over to Iron Blood.

Enterprise: Why's that?

Jacob: They've developed new ships and I want to go see them.

Enterprise: PR ships?

Jacob: No, normal ships.

Enterprise: I can bring them on my ship, if you'd like, Commander?

Jacob: Let's just do that then.

Enterprise: Let me go get my bike.

Jacob: Okay.

Enterprise walked over to her bike as I turned the key in the ignition and the motorcycle turned on. I hopped on and started to back up. Enterprise pulled up so that when I backed up onto the street, she was in front of me. Once I was on the street, I turned and shifted into forwards, then pulled up on the side of Enterprise.

Jacob: Would you like to ride with me, Belfast?

Enterprise: Have you driven one of these before, Commander?

Jacob: Nope.

Belfast: I would rather ride with Miss Enterprise, since she has driving experience. Can I trust that you will not die driving it to port, Master?

Jacob: Nope...

Belfast: *Sighs*

Jacob: I'll be fine, Belfast.

Enterprise: Well, let's take it slow until we get to port.

Jacob: Sounds good.

Enterprise: Just follow me.

Jacob: Will do.

After that, Enterprise started to go and I followed her all the way to port.

(A few minutes later)

We arrived in port and we finished loading both me and Enterprise's bikes onto the USS Enterprise. We were walking below deck as I felt the ship starting to leave port.

Jacob: Listen, you two. It will be snowing when we get to Iron Blood. You two sure y'all be fine with what you're wearing?

Enterprise: If not, I have a few outfits in the closet down here.

Jacob: Belfast?

Belfast: I do not.

Jacob: If you need something more, I'll lend you my trench coat. Just let me know when and if you need it.

Belfast: I will. Thank you, Master.

We were walking down a hall now, but a few seconds later, we came up to a door.

Enterprise: Through there, Commander.

Jacob: Okay.

I stopped in front of the door before opening it and walking inside, Belfast and Enterprise following me.

Jacob: Will our bikes be okay up there on the deck? I'm only asking cause it's gonna get really cold.

Enterprise: They should be fine.

Jacob: Alright

I walked over to the bed and threw myself on it as I linked my fingers together placed my hands behind my head.

Belfast: You look comfortable, Master.

Jacob: You bet. This bed feels amazing.

Belfast: *Giggles*

Enterprise: How long will it take us to get to Iron Blood?

Jacob: *Turns head and looks out window* With the speed we're going, I'd say about a day.

Belfast: Well, we could do things to pass the time?

Jacob: *Blushes a bit* Things like...what?

Belfast: Oh? Why is it that you are blushing, Master?

Jacob: No one's blushing...

Belfast: I'm only teasing you, Master. If you'd like, Miss Enterprise and myself could try on different outfits for you?

Jacob: While that sounds amazing, I don't really care. I wouldn't mind if I just laid here till we get there.

Belfast: Miss Enterprise, let us get changed for Master.

Enterprise: Wait, Belfast!

Jacob: Belfast, I swear, if you're stripping Enterprise right now... *Picks head up and looks at them* Thank God, you're not...

Belfast: It isn't polite to keep Master waiting, Miss Enterprise. Let us hurry.

Enterprise: Belfast...!

Jacob: *thoughts* I feel like Belfast wants to do this more than me...

That's when I heard rustling. I instantly started to blush as I shot up and looked at Enterprise and Belfast, only to find Enterprise in standing there in her underwear.

Enterprise: Don't look, Commander!

That's when Enterprise grabbed a book off the desk next to them and threw it at me, nailing me in the forehead with the corner of the book. I instantly fell on my back and just stared up at the ceiling.

Belfast: That wasn't necessary, Miss Enterprise.

Enterprise: You have a guy look at you when you're just in your underwear, Belfast.

Belfast: I have, and Master was the one who saw me in them.

That's when I saw another book come into vision as it was falling straight at my face, a seconds later, the book nailed me in my left cheek. I instantly shot up and looked at Enterprise with an expression of anger, but immediately got another book to the face because Enterprise was still in her underwear. I fell onto my back again with a blank expression because I was just annoyed at myself at this point.

(A minute of listening to Belfast changing Enterprise later...)

Belfast: You may look now, Master.

Jacob: *Sits up and mouth instantly drops*

Enterprise: P-Please don't stare so much, Commander...


Jacob: *Continues to stare at Enterprise with mouth hanging open* *thoughts* That's gonna be a little hard for me...

Enterprise: I'm serious, Commander!

Jacob: S-Sorry! *Quickly looks away*

Belfast: Look how cute. Master is blushing uncontrollably.

Jacob: *Starts blushing even more*

Belfast: Well, it is my turn to change. Be sure not to look until I'm done changing, Master.

Jacob: Just hurry up and change already...

Belfast: *Giggles* As you wish.

I looked back up at the ceiling as I started to hear the rustling of clothes.

(A minute of fighting the urge to look at Belfast changing later...)

Belfast: I'm done, Master.

Jacob: *Sits up and looks at Belfast* *Immediately starts blushing*

Belfast: Do you like it, Master?


Jacob: *In high pitched tone* School...girl....?!

Belfast: *Giggles* I take it this outfit pleases you, Master?

Jacob: *Slowly nods head*

Belfast: *Giggles*

Without saying a word, Belfast started walking up to me and once she was in front of me, she sat down next to me. The moment she sat down, her boobs bounced, a little too...freely....

Jacob: Belfast, are you wearing a bra underneath all that...?

Belfast: I am not.

Jacob: *Gasps and starts blushing like crazy*

Belfast: *Giggles*

Jacob: You're being quite bold, aren't you?

Belfast: Maybe I am. Would you like to find out for sure if I am wearing a bra, Master?

Jacob: You're giving me permission...?!

Belfast: *Giggles* Only if you really want to find out....

Without even realizing it, I started to reach for Belfast's chest to unbutton her shirt and see if she was really wearing a bra. That was until I heard someone clear their throat. I looked at Enterprise and saw that she was holding a book over her head, ready to throw it at me.

Jacob: *Starts pulling hands away from Belfast* *Whispers* Dammit...

Belfast: *Giggles* Aww, Miss Enterprise. It was just getting fun.

Enterprise: None of that.

Jacob: *Internally cries*

Belfast: Aww, Master. Come here.

Without saying a word, Belfast wrapped am arm around my head and pulled me close and rested my head on her breasts. A smile appeared on my face as I felt the softness of Belfast's chest on my face.

Belfast: *Giggles* You seem to be enjoying them, Master.

Jacob: *Whispers* You have no idea...

Belfast: *Giggles*

Enterprise: I'm going change back in the hall. You two behave yourselves.

Jacob: *thoughts* No promises...

That's when Enterprise walked out of the room, leaving only Belfast and myself, which was a bad idea because the moment Enterprise left and closed the door, Belfast moved and was now on top of me.

Jacob: Belfast... You know what Enterprise will do if she sees this, don't you?

Belfast: I do.

Jacob: Then you should know that I'd rather not get a fourth book to the face.

Belfast: Well, if you are still curious, I would recommend that you hurry before she gets back.

Jacob: *Starts blushing* Belfast, why the hell are you being so bold?! I mean, I'm not complaining, but....

Belfast: Aren't you curious, Master?

Jacob: *Whispers* Fine, you win...

Without hesitation, I started to reach up towards Belfast's chest and I grabbed one of her shirt buttons before I slowly started to undo it. Once done, I moved onto the next button... Several seconds later, I finished a few more buttons and now, I could see underneath her shirt. That's when I saw that she was in fact wearing a bra.

Jacob: Now I'm confused. Your breasts bounced way too freely when you sat down, so you shouldn't have been wearing a bra then...

Belfast: You got pretty excited when you thought I wasn't wearing one, didn't you, Master?

Jacob: In more ways than one...

Belfast: You said that I was being quite bold, but you are doing the same, Master.

Jacob: But that's what I do.

???: Commander!

Jacob: *Looks over the side of Belfast, only to see a book flying towards my head*

I quickly pulled my head back underneath Belfast as the book flew passed my head, hitting the wall behind us. That's when I wrapped my hands around Belfast's back and started hugging her, my face buried in her breasts. Enterprise was in her outfit that she wore when she pulled up on her bike back at my house.

Jacob: Belfast, save me!

Belfast: Miss Enterprise, please put the book down.

Enterprise: I told you two to behave yourselves.

Belfast: I just could not resist teasing Master.

Jacob: *Starts blushing*

Enterprise: Would you get off of him already, Belfast?

Belfast: As you wish...

That's when Belfast got off from being on top of me.

Jacob: *thoughts* Aww...

Belfast started to button her shirt back up as she walked over to Enterprise. That's when She started to take off her clothes. Instantly, I saw that Enterprise picked up a book and held it over her head, ready to throw it at me. I quickly turned away so that I wasn't watching Belfast change.

(A minute later)

Belfast was now in her outfit that she wore when we met up at my house.

Belfast: I am done, Master.

Jacob: *Turns back around*

Belfast: What should we do now, to pass the time?

Jacob:'re fired from choosing something for us to do to pass the time.

Belfast: Why is that, Master?

Jacob: I got three books to the face because of your idea... Do I need to say more?

Belfast: You do not, but I do have a suggestion, Master.

Jacob: *Sighs* And what would that be, Belfast?

Belfast: We could play that game with this Pocky.

Jacob: *Eyes widen*

Enterprise: A game with the Pocky? What game would that be?

Belfast: Would you like me to show you, Miss Enterprise?

Jacob: *Imagines Enterprise and Belfast playing that game* *Instantly starts blushing as eyes get a little bit wider*

Belfast: *Smiles* Is everything alright, Master?

Jacob: *Slowly nods head* I just imagined something amazing...

Belfast: *Giggles* Shall we begin, Miss Enterprise?

Enterprise: S-Sure...

That's when Belfast opened a box of Pocky and took one out before putting one end in her mouth as she leaned up to Enterprise, which Enterprise started to blush, leading to this...

(Enterprise and Belfast)

Jacob: *Mouth drops, started blushing intensely, and nose starts to bleed* *thoughts* This is so fucking hot!!!

Enterprise: Wh-What are you doing, Belfast?!

Jacob: E-Enterprise... D-Do you not know what this game is?

Enterprise: I don't...!

Jacob: The point of the game is to slowly nibble on your end of the stick and eventually, it leads to the two people kissing each other. It's a game for couples...

Enterprise: Are you serious?!

Jacob: I-I am...

Enterprise: Th-Then I don't want to do this anymore...

Jacob: I-It's too late. You and Belfast already started...

Enterprise: So I have to go through with it...?

Jacob: *Cold sweat rolls down side of head* Y-Yeah....

Enterprise: T-Then...I guess I don't have a choice....

Jacob: *Starts blushing* *thoughts* I can't believe that worked...and the way Enty's breasts are sitting on top Belfast's... This is the best thing that's even happened to me... Not to mention...I may be their husband, BUT I FUCKING SHIP THESE TWO!!!!

That's when Enterprise put the other side of the Pocky in her mouth as both her and Belfast started nibbling on the ends, me watching them every step of the way, blushing my ass off...

(Almost a minute later)

Belfast and Enterprise were right there to kissing each other. I was waiting, impatiently, for them to kiss already. A few seconds later, their lips locked and I started to blush uncontrollably as I slowly started to lean closer towards them while sitting on the bed.

Jacob: *Smiles* *thoughts* This. Is. AWESOME!!

That's when Belfast and Enterprise pulled away from each other before Belfast looked at me.

Belfast: It seems that we've found one of Master's kinks.

Jacob: It's not a kink, okay?!

*Dead silence*

Jacob: Okay! Maybe it's a kink, but can you blame me?! I just watched to hot women kiss each other! What else am I supposed to do other than watc...I mean blush...?!

Belfast: Do not misunderstand, Master, I had no problems with you watching us.

Jacob: *Starts blushing*

Belfast: Well, shall we have a go, Master?

Jacob: *Starts blushing even more* ...

Belfast: I will take that as a yes.

That's when Belfast pulled out another stick of Pocky as she started walking over to me. I stood up as she got to me and that's when Belfast put one end of the Pocky in her mouth as she leaned up to me. Then, I put the other end in my mouth and then, we started nibbling our ends.

(Almost a minute later)

Belfast and I were only seconds away from kissing, but those seconds soon passed as we were now kissing. I couldn't feel the last bit of the Pocky anymore, so I started to pull away from Belfast, but was stopped by Belfast, and we continued to kiss. A few more seconds later, we pulled away from each other as a strand of saliva ran from her lip to mine.

Jacob: *Starts blushing*

Belfast: *Giggles* That was fun, Master.

Jacob: Uh-huh...

Belfast: Are you saying that you did not enjoy that?

Jacob: I didn't mean it like that...

Belfast: I was just teasing you, Master.

Jacob: *Starts blushing a bit more*

Belfast: Well, I do believe it is you and Miss Enterprise's turn, Master.

Jacob: *thoughts* I won't even make it to Iron Blood at this point...

Enterprise: I-I think I'll pass.

Belfast: Oh come on, Miss Enterprise. He's your husband. You should not be embarrassed to kiss him.

Enterprise: Yes, but...

Jacob: Listen, if you don't want to do it, then don't. I won't force you to do it.

Enterprise: ...

Jacob: Enterprise?

Enterprise: I'll do it...

Jacob: *thoughts* You've got to be fucking kidding me...

Jacob: I just said that if you didn't want to do it, then don't do it.

Enterprise: Well, I decided that I'm gonna do it...

Jacob: *thoughts* She just turned into a Tsun for like, a second...

Belfast: Then here you go, Master.

That's when Belfast handed me a Pocky stick. I walked up to Enterprise and stopped when I was standing in front of her. Then, I put one end in my mouth and leaned down a bit as she put the other end in her mouth. Then we began the third round of the game.

(Almost a minute later)

Enterprise and I were only a few seconds away from kissing. A few seconds later, me and Enterprise were kissing, for a few seconds, at least. We both pulled away and now, we were both blushing.

Belfast: Aww. You two looked so adorable kissing each other.

Jacob & Enterprise: *Starts blushing even more*

Belfast: Would you like to go again with me, Master?

Jacob: *Sighs* Sure...

Belfast: As you wish, but I have a little twist.

Jacob: A-And what would that be?

I looked at Belfast and watched as she took out another stick of Pocky. I expected for her to put it on end in her mouth, but that wasn't the case. I watched Belfast as she stuck one end of the Pocky in between her breasts. I instantly started to blush as I realized that this was the twist she was talking about.


Belfast: If you can manage to do this, I will wear a special outfit for you, Master.

Jacob: *Mouth drops and blushes uncontrollably* *thoughts* Yep, I'm not making it to Iron Blood....

Belfast: *Giggles* What do you say, Master?

Jacob: *Sighs* At least if I die, it will be a death I can get behind...

Belfast: Then, if you wouldn't mind, please have a seat on the bed for me.

Jacob: *thoughts* Oh God...

Without saying a word, I walked over to the bed and sat down. Belfast started walking over to me and a second later, she was standing right in front of me. That's when she leaned over towards me as she extended an arm out and placed it at my side. Then, she placed her opposite knee on my other side, on the bed, before crawling over me as she staid there. Because of the fact that she was hovering on top of me, I had to lay down about half-way on the bed. I started to blush like there was no tomorrow because of how this round was gonna go down.

Belfast: Before you start, I have a condition for you, Master.

Jacob: *Whimpers*

Belfast: You have to eat the whole stick, however, you cannot bite the Pocky and pull it out, nor can you use your teeth to slowly pry the Pocky out.

My eyes slowly started to widen as I realized what that meant. The only way for me to eat the whole stick, was for me to burry my face in her breasts. Belfast noticed because she giggled as I started to blush even more, somehow...

Belfast: Another thing, Master.

Jacob: Wh-What...?!

Belfast: You have thirty seconds to finish.

Jacob: *In high pitched tone* Thirty seconds...?!!?!?!?!??!

Belfast: *Giggles* Your time

Still unable to wrap my head around the situation, I literally sat there for ten seconds before I realized I wasn't gonna get out of this unless I played the game. That's when I leaned up and started eating the Pocky stick. Another ten seconds later, my face was now right in front of Belfast's chest. I stopped eating now, but I knew I only had roughly ten more seconds to eat the rest of the stick. That's when I decided to suck it up and just YOLO. I started to eat the Pocky more and now, half of my face was in her breasts. I only had a little bit left, and I couldn't really burry my face any deeper, so I made a bold move and stuck out my tongue a bit and pulled the rest of the Pocky into my mouth.

With the Pocky eaten, I pulled my face out of Belfast's chest as I gasped for air a bit.

Belfast: You finished with one second left to spare, Master.

Jacob: One more second and my life would have ended.

Belfast: What makes you say that?

Jacob: I either would have suffocated or Enterprise was gonna kill me.

I looked over the side of Belfast to see that Enterprise wasn't even paying attention anymore.

Jacob: Scratch that, I would have just suffocated.

Belfast: Well, you know, the round is not yet over.

Jacob: What do you mean by that?

Without saying a word, Belfast leaned down and the next thing I knew, our lips were locked as we were now kissing. We staid kissing for several seconds before Belfast pulled away and I was left there with my mouth slightly open.

Belfast: Now, the round has concluded. *Smiles*

Jacob: *In low voice* Yeah...

Belfast: Then, I guess it is time for me to get changed. Master, I deeply apologize, but may you wait outside in the hallway?

Jacob: *In low voice* Yeah...

That's when Belfast got off from on top of me and I stood up, walked over to the door, and stepped outside into the hall. Not once did I blink, nor did my facial expression change from when Belfast last kissed me. Needless to say, I looked like I'd just been scared for life.

(A few minutes later)

I heard a knock on the door. I turned around and waited a few seconds, but nothing happened. I reached for the door and the next second, I heard Belfast's voice, but it sounded kinda muffled. I grabbed the door knob and opened the door before walking back inside the room. Neither Belfast nor Enterprise was on the other side of the door, however, I looked over at the bed, where Belfast was sitting while Enterprise stood on the side of the bed, next to Belfast. That's when I felt like I was nearly about to leave this plane of existence.

Jacob: B-B...Belfast... Wh-What going on here....?

Belfast: I take it from your stuttering, that you've taken a liking to this outfit, Master?

Jacob: Where...did you...even get those...outfits....?!

Belfast: It was in the closet, Master.

Jacob: *Starts sweating* It's too fucking hot in here, or is that just me?

Belfast: Take off your coat, Master.

Jacob: *Takes off trench coat*

Belfast: Now, do you feel any cooler?


Belfast: Hmm... Could it be because of our outfits?

Jacob: I'd say... Yeah....

Belfast: *Giggles*



Belfast: Come have a seat, Master.

Jacob: *Jacob.exe has stopped working*

Belfast: *Giggles*

Enterprise: *Starts blushing*

Without saying a word, I slowly started walking over to Belfast and Enterprise. Once I got to the bed, I slowly turned around and stood there for a second or two before sitting on the bed, next to Belfast. Not once did I turn my head, I only stared straight.

Belfast: Would you please look at me, Master.

Jacob: *Slowly turns head towards Belfast*

Without saying a word, Belfast shifted in the bed and, as everything looked as if it were in slow motion, I watched Belfast's left leg come over both my legs as it was now resting on the bed, right up against my right side, while her right leg was right up against my left side. That's when Belfast placed her arms on my shoulders as she grabbed her right wrist with her left hand before sitting directly in my lap.

Jacob: B-Belfast?! What are you...

Belfast: *Giggles* Don't say anything, Master. Just feel...

Jacob: *In high pitched tone* Feel...? Feel what...?

Belfast: *Giggles*

That's when Belfast started leaning closer to me and it was clear that she was gonna hug me to make her chest press against mine. I instantly closed my eyes and waited for the feeling of her chest pressing against mine. A few seconds later, I felt her chest press against mine, but that was when she softly spoke into my ear.

Belfast: I was just teasing you, Master.

Jacob: *thoughts* I nearly had a fucking heart attack, and you were just...teasing....?!

Jacob: I know that, it's just...

Belfast: Just what?

Jacob: Nothing. *Looks at Enterprise* Enterprise, why the hell are you wearing a bunny girl outfit anyway?

Enterprise: Belfast convinced me to wear one.

Jacob: *Sighs* I was really about to have a mental break-down, you know?

Belfast: *Giggles*

Jacob: Well, I have an idea of what we can do for a while...

Enterprise: And what would that be?

Jacob: We could play... "Truth or Dare!"

Belfast: I would love to.

Enterprise: Why not.

That's when I stood up and got out of the bed before I turned around and sat down on the floor, facing the bed.

Jacob: Okay, you two can sit on the bed.

Without saying a word, Belfast and Enterprise moved to where they were sitting on the edge of the bed.

Jacob: So it will rotate clock-wise. I will start and ask either one of you, my pick, to choose either a "Truth" or a "Dare." Sounds good?

Belfast: I am fine with this.

Enterprise: Sounds good to me.

Jacob: Alright. Let's get started then...

That's when I started looking between the two of them.

Jacob: Belfast. Truth or Dare?

Belfast: I choose, Truth.

Jacob: Okay, let's see... If Queen Elizabeth were to step down from being the ruler, who do you think would replace her?

Belfast: I would have to say, Miss King George V.

Jacob: Interesting... Alright Belfast, your turn. Ask either Enterprise or myself to choose a Truth or Dare.

Belfast: Alright. Miss Enterprise, Truth or Dare?

Enterprise: Hmm, Truth.

Belfast: Okay. From the Crimson Axis camp, who do you think you would most likely become friends with?

Jacob: *thoughts* Zuikaku...

Enterprise: Zuikaku.

Jacob: *Eyes widen*

Belfast: What seems to be the matter, Darling?

Jacob: N-Nothing... E-Enterprise, it's your turn!

Enterprise: Commander, Truth or Dare?

Jacob: Truth.

Enterprise: What was your family like?

Jacob: My family was pretty chill, for the most part. There was the normal chaos for having there young kids in the house, but we stood up for one another. We were a respectable family because of that and practically everyone else in the village looked up to us because of the way we looked after one another.

Enterprise: I see. Your turn, Commander.

Jacob: Belfast. Truth or Dare?

Belfast: Truth.

Jacob: Is it true that you liked it when you kissed Enterprise?

Belfast: I didn't mind it at all.

Jacob: *Starts blushing a bit* *thoughts* Dude, that's fucking hot...! But what does that say for Enterprise...? *Looks at Enterprise and smiles*

Enterprise: What?

Jacob: Nothing... Belfast, your turn.

Belfast: Master, Truth or Dare?

Jacob: Hmm... It's time to add a little spice. Dare.

Belfast: *Giggles* Then let's see. I dare you to rest with your head against my breasts for one round.

Jacob: Bet...

I stood up and walked over to the bed before crawling onto it. Then, I laid down against Belfast with my head resting against her chest. That's when I felt an arm around my back as it held me there.

Jacob: *Whispers* Awesome....

Belfast: *Giggles* Miss Enterprise, it is your turn.

Enterprise: Belfast. Truth or Dare?

Belfast: I will say, Dare.

Jacob: *thoughts* Oh boy, it's getting even spicier...

Enterprise: Alright. I dare you to take off all you clothes except for the ears and the outfit on your torso.

Belfast: *Giggles* I see. If you'll excuse me, Master.

Jacob: Aww... *Gets up to let Belfast do the Dare.

That's when Belfast started taking everything off, except for the bunny ears and the clothing around her torso.

(If you don't know what your torso is, it's basically your stomach and your chest. Essentially, it's your waist to your shoulders. If that didn't help go look up a picture or something...)

Belfast took off the stockings on her legs, the little cuffs on her wrists, and the thing around her neck.

(No, I'm not talking about the chain...)

Once she finished, Belfast sat down and I rested my head against her chest again.

Jacob: Well well. Shit's about to be hitting rated R...

Belfast: *Giggles* I never expected Miss Enterprise to initiate that request.

Jacob: Me either.

Enterprise: *Blushes a bit* Your turn, Commander.

Jacob: *Smiles* Enterprise. Truth or Dare?

Enterprise: Truth.

Jacob: *Smile gets bigger* Since Belfast enjoyed the kiss you two had, did you enjoy it?

Enterprise: It wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it felt weird to kiss my self-proclaimed caretaker.

Jacob: *thoughts* Jesus... That's honestly really hot that they both enjoyed the kiss they had.

Jacob: Your turn, Belfast.

Belfast: Master, Truth or Dare?

Jacob: Truth.

Belfast: Is it true that you would "ship" Miss Enterprise and myself?

Jacob: Absolutely!

Belfast: *Giggles* Well, one round is up, Master.

Jacob: Okay...?

Belfast: You were only supposed to rest your head against my breasts for one round.

Jacob: *Sighs* Such a tease...

Belfast: *Giggles* I am sorry, Master.

Jacob: It's cool.

I stood up and got out of the bed before sitting on the floor again.

Belfast: Miss Enterprise. Truth or Dare?

Enterprise: Dare.

Belfast: Then, I dare you to give Master a kiss.

Jacob & Enterprise: *Starts blushing*

Jacob: You're telling me I have to kiss Enterprise while she's wearing that bunny girl outfit...?

Belfast: I figured you wouldn't mind it at all, Master.

Jacob: I mean, I don't, it's just...

Enterprise: A Dare is a Dare.

Jacob: *Sighs* Okay then.

Both me and Enterprise stood up and I walked over to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck and we both leaned in. A second later, we were kissing. After a few seconds, both me and Enterprise pulled away and I took another seat on the floor.

Belfast: Your turn, Miss Enterprise.

Enterprise: Commander. Truth or Dare?

Jacob: Truth.

Enterprise: Is it true that it's fun to be around Hornet?

Jacob: Of course. She's honestly my type, but it's not really that, she's just fun and laid back and easy to talk to.

Enterprise: Your turn, Commander.

Jacob: Enterprise. Truth or Dare?

Enterprise: Dare.

Jacob: *thoughts* This is gonna be awesome!

Jacob: Then...I dare you to kiss Belfast...!

Belfast: *Giggles* It seems that Master really does have a kink.

Jacob: *Starts blushing*

Belfast: I have no objections.

Enterprise: I'm starting to regret coming along.

Jacob: *Places hands on knees and bows* I'm sorry, but just this once, please!

Enterprise: *Sigh* Fine, but this is the last time.

Jacob: *Quickly looks up*

That's when Belfast and Enterprise stood up as they took one step towards each other. The next second, they kissed. A few seconds later, they both pulled away and took their seats on the bed again.

Belfast: Are you satisfied, Master?

Jacob: *Nose starts bleeding* You have no idea...

Belfast: *Giggles*

Enterprise: *Face palms*

Jacob: I'm sorry... Belfast, your turn.

Belfast: Master. Truth or Dare?

Jacob: Truth.

Belfast: On a scale from one - ten, how soft were my breasts?

Jacob: Twenty...

Belfast: I said one - ten, but I will accept your answer.

Jacob: I wasn't gonna change it anyway.

Belfast: Miss Enterprise, your turn.

Enterprise: Commander. Truth or Dare?

Jacob: Dare.

Enterprise: I dare you to kiss Belfast.

Jacob: Bet...

Without wasting time, I stood up and walked over to Belfast, who was still sitting down on the bed. That's when I leaned down, put my knee on the bed as I slid my hand onto Belfast's and made our fingers slide in between one another's. Then, me and Belfast kissed. A few seconds passed before I pulled away and when I did, I saw that Belfast was blushing.

Jacob: Belfast, why are you blushing?

Belfast: Your knee, Master.

Jacob: My...knee....?

I looked down at my knee that I had on the bed and that's when I realized what Belfast was talking about. My knee was right in between her thighs, all the way against her you know what... I instantly started to blush as I jumped back a bit.

Jacob: I-I'm sorry, Belfast. I didn't realize...

Belfast: It is alright, Master. It was just...unexpected.

Enterprise: It's your turn, Commander.

Jacob: Alright... *Thinks a little* Belfast. Truth or Dare?

Belfast: Dare.

Jacob: Then... *starts blushing* I dare you to press your breasts against Enterprises' while your hands are together as if you two were models...

Belfast: You really are a pervert, Master.

Jacob: Mōshiwakearimasen...
(I'm sorry...)

Without saying a word, Belfast and Enterprise crawled onto the bed and moved next to each other before they placed their hands together as they pressed their breasts together as well. Then, they both looked at me as they completed the dare.

Jacob: *Starts blushing* Okay, that's good enough.

That's when Belfast and Enterprise pulled away from each other as they took their seats on the bed again.

Jacob: Your turn, Belfast.

Belfast: Master. Truth or Dare?

Jacob: Dare.

Belfast: Then, I dare you to let me sit in your lap for the rest of the game.

Jacob: *thoughts* Bet...!

Jacob: *Starts blushing* Okay...

That's when Belfast stood up from the bed, walked over to me, and sat down in my lap.

Belfast: Your turn, Miss Enterprise.

Enterprise: Commander. Truth or Dare?

Jacob: Dare.

Enterprise: I dare you to jump in the ocean with just shorts on.

Jacob: Are you fucking mental?! It's fucking freezing out there!

Enterprise: A Dare is a Dare.

Jacob: But...Belfast just sat down in my lap...

Enterprise: And?

Jacob: I'm enjoying it!

Belfast: If you would like, Master, I can sit in you lap when you get back?

Jacob: You serious?

Belfast: I am.

Jacob: Be right back...

Belfast: *Giggles*

Belfast stood up before I did the same. I walked over to the door, Enterprise and Belfast following me as we made our way up to the deck of the ship.

(A minute later)

I was standing at the edge of the deck, looking down into the ocean. I was only wearing shorts as the wind blew passed me. I shivered as it did, because it was fucking cold outside.

Jacob: Do I really have to do this?

Enterprise: Yes.

Jacob: But it's so cold.

Enterprise: The faster you get it done, the sooner we can all go back inside.

Jacob: Damn you Enterprise!!!! *Jumps off side of ship*

As I jumped off the side, I started falling towards the ocean. It took roughly ten seconds before I hit the water and now, I was completely submerged underneath the water.


Without hesitating, I swam up and a second later, I breached the surface. That's when I turned around and saw that the ship was still moving. I was a few feet away, but about half of the ship was already passed me, and it wasn't slowing down at all. That's when I quickly started to swim towards the ship.

(A few feet later)

I was now right next to the ship, but the ship was about to completely pass me up. That's when I spotted a latter leading right up to the deck of the ship. It was about to pass me up as well, and the thing is, if I missed this latter, I wasn't getting back up onto the ship. I started to swim towards the ship more cause the latter was mere seconds away from passing me up. I extended my hand out and grabbed the lowest peg and now, I was being drug in the water. I quickly grabbed two pegs up as I placed my foot on the lowest one before I started jumping up the latter, skipping pegs so that I could get up up to the deck faster.

I was up on the deck now and I instantly started running for the door that lead below deck. I was running up to Enterprise and Belfast, but I didn't stop to talk.

Jacob: *As I pass Enterprise and Belfast* I hate you, Enterprise!

(A minute or two later)

We were in the room like before. I was shivering my ass off from my little dive.

Belfast: We should probably all go take a bath. It is getting rather late.

Jacob: I don't care how late it gets, I just want to warm up!

Belfast: Then let us all go take a bath.

Jacob: Ain't gotta tell me twice!

I stood up and ran out the door and headed straight for the showers. I took a right out the door and ran down the hall. Before long, I came up to the showers. I ran in and the last thing I expected was a hot spring's tub in the baths.

Enterprise & Belfast: *Walks in behind me*

Jacob: Enterprise... Why that there a hot spring's tub on the ship?!

Enterprise: *Shrugs shoulders*

Jacob: I'll worry about it later. *Dives into the tub*

I staid under the water for a few seconds before I slowly started to pick my head up out the water with a smile of pure happiness on my face.

Jacob: It's so waaaaaaaaaaarm....

Belfast: I guess we should hop in too.

Jacob: *Starts blushing and slowly turns around to face Belfast and Enterprise* You here....with me....?

Enterprise: This is the only shower room on the ship.

Jacob: (>-_-)>

Belfast: *Giggles* We will be undressing now, Master.

Jacob: (>x_x)> *Turns back around*

I waited for Enterprise and Belfast to finish getting undressed as I was sitting in the tub, blushing uncontrollably. A few seconds later, out the corner of my eyes, I saw a pair of legs slide into the tub next to me. I turned and saw Belfast sitting right next to me and I instantly started blushing even more.

Belfast: What is it, Master?

Jacob: \(x_x)/ = (Bruh)

Enterprise: What's with those faces, Commander?

Jacob: *Slides into tub to where water is just below nose and starts mumbling* Don't worry about it...

(Obviously, you wouldn't be able to tell what he's saying, but I figured that I wouldn't write his dialogue all retarded to show that he's talking underwater, but I did it this way so that you all knew what he's saying, but it still sounds like he's talking underwater...)

Enterprise: I couldn't understand what you said.

Jacob: (-_-)

Belfast: *Giggles* It may just be me, but he seems to be troubled because he is in a bath with two women. Am I correct, Master?

Jacob: (-__-) *Slowly nods head*

Belfast: *Giggles*

Enterprise: *Sighs* You're such a boy...

Jacob: *Sits up a bit to where water is just under mouth* (-_-) Sorry for being a pervert and for being a guy... *Sits back to where water is just under nose*

Belfast: Master, would you like for me to wash your hair?

Jacob: (-_-) *Slowly nods head*

Belfast giggled as she grabbed a bottle of shampoo before putting some in her hands. I kept my head in the water to where the water was right underneath my nose while Belfast started to wash my hair.

(A minute later)

Belfast: All done, Master

Jacob: (-_-) Thanks...

(I'm done with the faces now... 🤪)

Enterprise: What do we do now?

Jacob: I'm going to sleep after I get out.

Belfast: I will retire early as well.

Enterprise: That make all three of us then.

Jacob: (-_-) I'm getting out now...

I grabbed a towel and as I stood up, I quickly wrapped it around my waist before stepping out of the tub. I grabbed my clothes before walking into the hall and headed for the bedroom.

(A minute later)

I walked into the bedroom, turned around, and locked the door before I removed the towel and started getting dressed. Once I finished, I unlocked the door before I turned off the lights and walked over to the bed. I climbed into the bed and pulled the covers up to my chin as I slowly fell asleep.

(The next day)

I slowly started to open my eyes as I sat up in the bed. I looked on my left, but didn't see Belfast nor Enterprise, so I looked to my right and saw both of them, standing at the side of the bed. Belfast was in her outfit she was wearing when she showed up at my house while Enterprise was wearing her outfit when she drove up to my house.

Jacob: Hey. Did we make it to Iron Blood yet?

Belfast: We arrived only moments ago.

Jacob: Then lets head out.

I stood up from the bed and walked over to the closet, where I grabbed my trench coat. I put it on and headed for the door, up the stairs, and now, I was above deck. I walked over to my bike, put the key in the ignition, and turned the key, turning the bike on. I took a seat on my bike and waited for Belfast and Enterprise to show up, and about a minute later, they did.

Jacob: You girls ready to head out?

Belfast: I am, Master.

Enterprise: Yeah.

Jacob: You riding with Enterprise again, Belfast?

Belfast: Yes I am, Master.

Jacob: Well, here.

I took off my trench coat and tossed it to Belfast. She caught it and then looked at me with her mouth slightly open as she started to blush.

Jacob: I'll be fine. I'm more worried about you catching a cold. I can't have my most trusted maid getting sick on me, now can I? *Smiles and closes one eye*

Belfast: *Smiles* You are correct, Master. *Puts on trench coat*

Jacob: Well then, let's get a move on. I'll lead since I'm good with directions.

Enterprise: Sounds good.

After that, Enterprise made her ship pull into port and a ramp extended down to the ground. Belfast got on the bike with Enterprise as I started down the ramp, Enterprise and Belfast following behind me. We took it slow down the ramp, but once we got to the bottom, I pulled off to my right to let Enterprise pull up on the side of me. There was a town in front of us, people walking across the streets with bags.

Jacob: *Places one foot on the ground* There's a thick blanket of snow, so take it easy. The last thing we need is for one of us to crash. However... *Looks at the streets in the town*

Enterprise: It looks like people are getting the Christmas shopping down a little early here.

Jacob: Yeah. Let's be sure to avoid hitting anyone.

Belfast: That is usually what you should always do when driving any motorized vehicle.

Jacob: Was that back talk, Belfast?

Belfast: My apologies, Master.

Jacob: You know I was just messing with you, right? I don't care if you back talk. Oh well, let's get going.

Enterprise: Right.

I grabbed my helmet and put it on as Enterprise and Belfast put theirs on. Then I pulled ahead of Enterprise and we slowly started down the road in the town.

(A minute later)

We were slowly making our way through the town, avoiding people, when I saw a woman with white hair, but there was a bit of red in her hair too. She was carrying a bunch of bags in her hands as she walked down the side walk. Knowing who it was, I pulled over on the side of the side walk, but a bit in front of the woman. Enterprise pulled up behind me as I got off my bike and started walking up to the woman. As I walked up to her, I took off my helmet.

Jacob: What'cha doing there, Prinz?

Prinz: Oh, hello, Commander. I was just about to head back to base with these presents.

Jacob: Want a ride? You'll get there a lot faster with us.

Prinz: Why are you even here, Commander? And us?

Jacob: Belfast and Enterprise. They decided to tag along cause I was coming to Iron Blood. I heard that y'all were developing new ships, so I wanted to come greet them.

Prinz: I see. I'll take you to the base then.

Jacob: I mean, I know the way, I just saw you and figured I'd stop and see what you were doing.

Prinz: Well, give me a ride back to the base.

Jacob: Demanding now, are we? If that's the case, you can forget it. *Jokingly smiles*

That's when Prinz leaned up and kissed me on the lips for a few seconds before pulling away.

Prinz: Will you please give me a ride back, Darling?

Jacob: I was joking before, hop on.

We walked over to my bike and I took a seat as Prinz sat down behind me, wrapping her arms around my stomach.

Jacob: *Hands Prinz a helmet* Here, you'll need this.

Prinz: What for?

Jacob: This is only my second time driving a motorcycle and I don't have a driving license, so hold on.

Prinz: Wait, what...?!

I looked ahead of and saw that no one was on the street right now, so I looked back at Enterprise and waved my hand, letting her know we were going again. After that, I started to drive again and Enterprise followed me. We weren't going too fast incase we had to make a sudden stop, but we were going faster than before.

(A minute later)

We were now driving down the road, but we had made it out of the town. The road wasn't slick or anything, which was surprising considering it was snowing. We were driving about 45 - 50 mph.

(Miles Per Hour, just in case someone doesn't know what it stands for...)

Prinz had her arms wrapped around my stomach while she was holding her bags. I could feel her breasts pressing against my back, but I didn't worry about it because I didn't want to get too destracted and wreck or something. I swear, Prinz was doing that on purpose or something cause every now and again, she would tighten around my stomach.

(Several minutes later)

We were walking down a hall, Prinz leading us. We parked out bikes outside the building, but before long, we came up to an elevator. Prinz pressed a button on the pad and the next second, the door opened and the four of us walked into the elevator. Then, Prinz pressed a button and we started going down.

Prinz: So, how did you enjoy the ride, Darling?

Jacob: You mean when you kept tightening around my stomach and making your chest press against my back?

Prinz: *Smiles*

Jacob: Knew it. Anyway, how many new ships did y'all develop?

Prinz: Seven.

Jacob: Seven? Jeez.

Prinz: It's sad. You'll have to start saying my last name from now on.

Jacob: Wait, why's that?

Prinz: You'll see when we get down to the lab.

Jacob: Don't act sad one second and then the next you're fine.

Prinz: Aww, are you worried about me, Darling? *Wraps arms around my neck*

Jacob: Get off me, would you?

Prinz: I'm just teasing you, Darling.

I was just about to start speaking when the doors to the elevator opened and Prinz started to walk out. We all followed Prinz as we started walking down a long hallway. We eventually made it to the end as an automatic door opened up and we walked through. That's when I saw Friedrich, Bismarck, someone with short, white hair who wore an outfit just like Bismarck's, but it was white instead of black, and Graf. As we walked through, Bismarck turned her head towards us.

Bismarck: Hello, Commander.

Jacob: Hey.

Bismarck turned back and looked through a window into a room. As I walked up to Bismarck and the others, I turned my head and looked into the room as well, that's when I saw eight people in there. There was one person facing towards us, but she was talking to the other seven people.

(The person talking)

Jacob: Prinz, I thought you said that y'all were developing seven ships

Prinz: The person talking, she's been around. She's just discussing somethings with the other ships. The seven you see lined up are the recently developed ship.

Jacob: Oh, I see. *Turns to the woman with short, white hair* Who's she?

Bismarck: *Looks at me and sees who I'm looking at* That's Tirpitz. She's my younger sister.

Tirpitz: *Looks at me* So, you're the Commander?


Jacob: Y-Yeah...

Tirpitz: I see. *Looks back into the room*

Jacob: *Whispers* What's with her?

Prinz: She's been alone for years. She has been stuck in the North for so long by herself that people started calling her the "Lone Queen of the North."

Jacob: *Whispers* That's fucked...

Tirpitz: *Looks at me*

I won't lie, Tirpitz was a bit intimidating, but I started walking up to her and after a few seconds, I was standing right in front of her.

Tirpitz: What is it?

Jacob: Tirpitz, I'm sure you just heard what Prinz told me, she has a pretty loud mouth.

Prinz: Excuse me...?

Tirpitz: I did, what of it?

Jacob: Whatever you went through while you were alone in the North, you can talk to me about it. No matter the topic, I'll always listen to what you have to say.

Tirpitz: I see, but that won't be necessary. I tend to keep to myself.

Jacob: All that's telling me is that you really are Bismarck's sister.

Bismarck: *Looks at me* And what's that supposed to mean?

Jacob: That you keep to yourself, too.

Tirpitz: I appreciate your concern, Commander, but it's nothing you need to worry about.

Jacob: ... I managed to get Bismarck to open up to me, even if it was just a little. If I can get her to open up, you won't be an issue.

Tirpitz: Can you comprehend how it feels to watch the battlefield from afar, unable to do anything but lament the cruelty of war?

Jacob: I can't, and I won't pretend to know. It's like I said, if I can get Bismarck to open up to me... *Crosses arms and turns to looking into the room* you won't be an issue.

Bismarck: I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about me like I was a problem.

Jacob: You were a problem in more ways than one, Bismarck.

Bismarck: You're an ass...

Jacob: *Smiles and chuckles* Like I don't already know that.

That's when I turned my head a bit and looked at Tirpitz. It was slight, but I managed to catch her. Tirpitz was blushing a little as she looked at me, but when I turned to look at her, she stopped blushing and looked back into the room. I smiled and looked into the room as well, knowing that I got through to Tirpitz. That's when the woman who was talking to the seven new ships was gone. I started looking around inside the room with the new ships, but couldn't find her. I counted the people in the room, and I counted seven people.

Jacob: *Whispers* Where did...?

That's when I felt this intense stare on my back. I slowly turned around...and there she was. I jumped away from the woman out of fear because of the way she was staring at me. It didn't help the she was blushing out of control.

???: Commander.

Jacob: Y-Yes...?

Without saying a word, the woman grabbed my head, stopping me from moving, and instantly started kissing me. But that was when I felt some sort of liquid flow into my mouth and down my throat. That's when I figured out what it was. I instantly grabbed her hands, pried them off my head, and threw myself to the side and I fell on my hands and knees, gaging.

Jacob: *Continues to gag* What the *gags* hell is wrong with *gags* you?!

Bismarck: Roon, what did you do to him?

Jacob: She made me drink her own spit!

I looked back at this "Roon" woman and saw that she was staring at me with a smile on her face as her eyes were covered by a light shadow.

Jacob: *thoughts* Yandere...!

I immediately got to my feet as I lunged towards Friedrich.

Jacob: *Hides behind Friedrich* Save me...

Friedrich: Roon, scaring my children is simply unforgivable. It seems, that I will have to punish you.

Roon: Oh...? I simply want to love my Commander. If you don't get out of the way, I will have to move you myself.

Friedrich: Is that so...?

That's when Friedrich and Roon walked up to each other, resulting in this...

Jacob: *Whispers* Get her, Mama Friedrich...

Bismarck: That's enough, you two. Roon, get down there so we can finish this up.

Roon: Fine. *Looks at me* I will be back for you, my Commander.

That's when Roon started walking back towards the door that lead into the room with the new ships, but the only bad thing was, she had to pass near me. I jumped behind Friedrich and as Roon moved, I turned Friedrich to face Roon until Roon entered the room with the other ships.

Jacob: *Sighs* Thank you, Friedrich.

Friedrich: Of course. I would do anything for my children.

That's when Friedrich wrapped her arms around my head and softly laid my head against her chest, at least for a few seconds. Then, Friedrich let me go and I turned to look inside the room once again.

Jacob: So, when can we go in?

Bismarck: Not until Roon is finished.

Jacob: Well, I'm not going in that room until Roon comes out.

Prinz: *Giggles*

That's when I noticed a desk chair that no one was sitting in. I walked over to the chair, pulled it gab, and sat down in it. I was sitting back a bit, arms crossed, and feet spread a little for a few minutes since we still couldn't go into the room until Roon was done talking with.

(A few minutes later)

Roon still wasn't done talking and I was just relaxing in the chair at this point. I was leaned as far back as I could go, but that was when I felt something extremely soft press against the back of my head. I turned around to find Graf standing right behind me. she wasn't even paying attention so me, so I turned back around and leaned as far back as I could go. Not on purpose, but if Graf didn't notice, then I was gonna get as comfortable as possible.

(A few more minutes later)

Jacob: *Is about to fall asleep*

That's when the door to the room opened and Roon walked into the room with us.

Jacob: *Is on full alert*

Bismarck: Are you done, Roon?

Roon: I am.

Bismarck: Commander, you may go talk to them now, if you'd like.

Jacob: *Stands up* Alright.

I started walking over to the door, but the thing was, I had to pass right next to Roon. Making quite literally a "Life or Death" decision, I walked right passed Roon and into the room. Surprisingly, Roon didn't do anything but stare at me, which was still bad, but even I knew she could've done worse.

Jacob: *Walks down ramp* Alright, listen up everyone! I'm your commander! I want you all to line up and from the person on my left most side, I want you to state your name and type! Understood?!

Everyone: Yes Sir!

That's when I walked in front of the seven new ships, but I was a few feet away.

Jacob: Like I said, the person all the way to my left will start first, then it will move down the line and eventually ending at the person all the way to my right! Begin!

I looked to the person all the way on my left and saw a woman with short, grey hair. Not only that, she had horns as well. That's when she started to speak.

???: M-My name is Nürnberg, Commander...


Jacob: Nice to meet you Nürnberg. Please continue.

Nürnberg: ...

Jacob: What seems to be the issue?

Nürnberg: I-I'm sorry, Commander, but what do you mean by "type?"

Jacob: Oh, that. I mean are you a Destroyer, Light Cruiser, Heavy Cruiser, etc.

Nürnberg: I-I am a Light Cruiser...and I am of the Leipzig Class.

Jacob: You seem scared? Why is that?

Nürnberg: I-It's came in here yelling, Commander... I-I'm sorry.

Jacob: *Starts laughing* You serious? Well, sorry 'bout that. Trust me, I was just messing around when I came in here yelling like that. Alright, moving on.

???: My name is Weser. I'm an Aircraft Carrier.


Jacob: I see. Nice to meet you, Weser. Next.

???: My name's U-37. I'm a Submarine.


Jacob: Well, nice to meet you, U-37. Moving onto the next person.

???: My name is Z28. I'm a Destroyer. It's nice to meet you, Commander.


Jacob: Likewise. Next person.

???: I'm Z24. I'm a Destroyer.


Jacob: I see. Nice to meet you. Next.

???: Hey, hey. I'm Prinz Heinrich, a Heavy Cruiser. *In smug tone* I am actually my own class of Heavy Cruiser. Nice to meet'cha, Commander! Hehehe.

(Prinz Heinrich)

Jacob: *Blushes a tiny bit* Props to you, you're literally my new best friend. I'll let you get away with a lot of stuff. *Coughs and clears throat* I mean...

Prinz Heinrich: Aww yeah!

Jacob: And you just keep getting better. This does complicate things though.

Prinz Heinrich: What do ya mean by that, Commander?

Jacob: *Blushes slightly and scratches side of head* Well, there's someone else I know who's name is "Prinz", and I may or may not be married to said person. She can be a pain in the ass sometimes with how much she teases me though.

That's when the door to the room opened, and in walked Prinz Eugen.

Jacob: *Cold sweat rolls down side of head* Heeeeeeey! I was just talkin' 'bout you. What you doin' in here?

Prinz Eugen: "A pain in the ass", huh?

Jacob: Shit! You heard that?!

Prinz Eugen: We all heard what you said.

Jacob: I'm sorry, I only meant that you can be a pain in the ass when your teasing goes too far. I actually kinda like it when you tease me a bit...!

That's when Prinz Eugen softly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her. She was staring right into my very soul, or so it felt like it.

Prinz Eugen: Later, I'll show you just how much of "a pain in the ass" I can be. Is that clear, Da-rl-ing...?

Jacob: *Sighs and whispers* Yes ma-am...

Prinz Eugen: Good. Don't forget to drop by my room later, or else...

Jacob: I understand!

That's when Prinz Eugen let go of me and started walking back towards the door. A few seconds later, the doors closed as Prinz Eugen left the room.

*Dead silence*

Jacob: *Sighs* I can't look any of you straight in the face anymore. Oh well, putting my embarrassment aside, you all the way on the right end, what's your name and type?

???: Yes, Commander. My name is Peter Strasser. I am a Graf Zeppelin-Class of Aircraft Carrier.

(Peter Strasser)

Jacob: Graf Zeppelin class, huh...? Well, it's nice to meet you, Peter Strasser.

Peter Strasser: If you want, Commander, you may just call me Peter.

Jacob: Thanks, I'll take you up on that offer. *Looks at Prinz Heinrich* Hey, is it alright if I just call you Heinrich?

Prinz Heinrich: Sure! I don't mind one intsy-bit.

Jacob: Cool. I only asked cause I'm just so used to calling Prinz Eugen "Prinz." *Remembers what Prinz Eugen said* I'll be going now. Probably gonna get my ass handed to me by Prinz... I'll see you all later, hopefully....

That's when I started walking away, up the ramp, and into the room with Bismarck and the others.

Bismarck: Prinz Eugen is waiting for you in her room.

Jacob: *Sighs and in low voice* I know...

Without saying a word, I slowly walked away and made my way to Prinz's room.

(A few minutes later)

I was standing outside of Prinz's bedroom, not wanting to go in, but knowing that if I eventually didn't, I'd probably die later. Deciding that my fate had already been sealed, I opened the door and walked in.

Prinz: It's about time that you showed up.

Jacob: I'm sorry for taking so long...

Prinz: I think it's about time for your punishment.

Jacob: Look, I'll do anything, I swear, just let me off the hook.

Prinz: Anything, you say?

Jacob: *Cold sweat rolls down side of head* ...Anything....

Prinz: Alright then, let's have sex again.

Jacob: *thoughts* So straightforward...

Jacob: Anything but that...

Prinz: So you don't want to have sex with me again...?

Jacob: That's not what I'm saying...

Prinz: So you admit that you want to have sex with me again?

Jacob: Yes! But what I'm saying is that I won't do that, at least not yet...

Prinz: Then what's the deal? Let's get down to it...

Jacob: No! Can't I like...massage you or something?!

Prinz: So you don't want to stick it in me, but you want to touch me all over is what you're saying...

Jacob: Prinz... My patience is running thin.

Prinz: I see. I'll let you massage me then.

Jacob: That was just a suggestion!

Prinz: And a good one, now let's get started...

Jacob: *Sighs* Fine...

That's when Prinz smiled before she started to lift up her clothes.

Jacob: What the hell are you doing?!

Prinz: Hmm? I'm letting you touch my bare skin, of course.

Jacob: Prinz...I'm this close to knocking you out....

Prinz: *Giggles* I'm just teasing you. As good as getting a massage sounds, I'm willing to forgive you if you give me a kiss.

Jacob: *Sighs* Fine.

Prinz: Oh come on. We both know that when we first met, you were wanting to give me a kiss all the time.

Jacob: And I'm still willing...

Prinz: Then what's the problem?

Jacob: Nothing. If a kiss is what you want, then a kiss is what you gonna get.

That's when I walked up to Prinz, placed my hands on her shoulders, and pushed her down on her back as I fell with her. Once we fell on the bed, I gave her a kiss on the lips. The second after that, I inserted my tongue into her mouth. Then, we made our tongues play with each other for a few seconds before we pulled away as a string of saliva ran from my tongue to hers.

Prinz: I didn't mean tongue, you know? Not that I mind.

Jacob: How does it feel to get someone else's tongue in your mouth when that wasn't agreed upon?

Prinz: What are you talking about?

Jacob: I'm talking about the second time we've ever met.

Prinz: Oh, oh yeah. I did say that I didn't mind though, didn't I?

Jacob: *Rolls eyes* Are you satisfied, at least?

Prinz: I am, unless, you're not?

Jacob: *Starts blushing* I did it for you, so...

Prinz: Looks to me like you aren't satisfied.

Jacob: *Starts blushing a bit more*

Prinz: *Giggles* I knew it. Why do you always hid your feelings with me?

Jacob: ...

Prinz: *Giggles* Come here...

I started to lean down towards Prinz as she leaned up, our lips seconds away from locking. That was until I got a call on my phone.

Jacob: S-Sorry. let me see who it is.

I pulled away from Prinz and pulled out my phone, the caller ID, "Illustrious."

Jacob: Give me a minute, I need to take this.

I stood up and answered the call as I put the phone to my ear.

Jacob: Hello?

Illustrious: *Through phone*Commander!

Jacob: Yes?

Illustrious: *Through phone* There you are! Something bad has happened!

Jacob: Calm down and tell me what happened.

Illustrious: *Through phone* It is Andi...she's.... She's been captured by the Sirens!

Jacob: Wait, what?!

Illustrious: *Through phone* I'm sorry, Commander. They caught us by surprise, we weren't able to protect her.

Jacob: Is anyone hurt?!

Illustrious: *Through phone* No one in Azur Lane nor the base has been damaged. It seems they their target was Andi alone.

Jacob: But why?! Dammit! Thank you for letting me know, Illustrious.

Illustrious: *Through phone* I am sorry, Commander.

Jacob: Don't apologize, Illustrious. Which way did they go when the Sirens took Andi?

Illustrious: *Through phone* They headed West.

Jacob: West. Got it.

Illustrious: *Through phone* Are you going to attempted a rescue? If so, then please give the word for the rest of us.

Jacob: No. We are only going to get Andi back. We could ruin the chance at getting her back we everyone goes.

Illustrious: *Through phone* I see.

Jacob: Listen, I know you want to to this to make up for the fact that the Sirens captured Andi cause you knew she was my cousin, but don't worry about it. I'm not mad at anyone. Well, except for the Sirens.

Illustrious: *Through phone* I understand.

Jacob: If it'll make you feel better, I'll let you make it up to me when we return, with Andi.

Illustrious: *Through phone* Understood. Please be safe, Jacob. *Hangs up phone*

My eyes got wide for a second as I heard Illustrious say my name, but now, it was time to get serious.

Prinz: What was all that about Andi?

Jacob: She's been captured by the Sirens. Everyone in Azur Lane is safe nor is the base damaged in any way.

Prinz: What are you going to do?

Jacob: We're gonna got get the others and go rescue Andi.

That's when I turned for the door and started walking towards it. Then, I reached out and grabbed the door knob.

Prinz: I thought you didn't like Andi?

Jacob: *Stops and slightly turns head* She's my cousin... Of course I care about her. Now come on.

That's when I twisted the door knob and walked out of the room and Prinz followed.

(A few minutes later)

Me and Prinz ran into the room with Bismarck and the others. Gladly, they were all still there.

Jacob: Enterprise, Belfast. We need to go.

Belfast: What is it, Master?

Enterprise: What's going on, Commander?

Jacob: Illustrious called a few minutes ago... Andi's been captured by the Sirens.

Belfast: Miss Andi?

Jacob: Yeah. I want you two to come with me and Prinz to go rescue her. Bismarck, I'd like you to come as well.

Bismarck: Understood.

Prinz Heinrich: What about us, Commander?

Jacob: Sorry, but I want the rest of you to stay here. No offence, but the seven of you are new and we barely know each other. I couldn't ask you to risk your lives for something personal.

Prinz Eugen: What about us, Commander?

Jacob: Enough chatter, let's go.

Enterprise, Bismarck, Belfast, & Prinz Eugen: Right!

After that the five of us left and headed towards the exit of the building.

(A few minutes later)

We were all standing outside of the building now.

Jacob: Listen up. Illustrious informed me that after the Sirens took Andi, they headed West. Azur Lane's main base is to the West of here, which means if we want to find Andi, we'll need to head East. Our mission is to rescue Andi, nothing more. Got it?

Enterprise, Bismarck, Belfast, & Prinz: Understood!

Jacob: Alright. On me!

After that, I took off to my right, down the road as the others followed me. We got to the end of the road in five seconds flat. The road turned down to the left as it went down the side of the hillside, which meant that against the road on the right side, there was a rail to prevent vehicles from running off the road. As I got to the rail, I jumped off the road and now, I was falling down the side of the hill. Enterprise and the others, jumped onto the rail before jumping off as they started falling down towards the water as I started sliding down the side of the hill. It was mostly loose rocks and gravel, so it's not like I could hurt myself. Enterprise and the others landed on the water a few seconds later, so I jumped off the side of the hill and seconds after, I landed on the water in front of them as we made our way East.

(Several minutes later)

We made great time heading to where Andi was being held. We were standing outside of what looked like a huge Siren facility. We were standing on the side of the facility, so we moved to one side to try and find the entrance. As we got to one corner, I stopped before peaking my head over the side and that's when I saw two Sirens standing guard. I pulled my head back and looked at the others.

Jacob: *Whispers* Two Sirens standing guard. Probably guarding an entrance. Stay here while I take them out.

Enterprise: *Whispers* You can't just attack them head on, so what are you gonna do?

Jacob: Hmm. *Looks up* *Whispers* Leave it to me...

That's when I made my sword appear as I unsheathed the sword at my hip before I jumped up and stabbed one of the swords into the wall as I was now hanging there.

Prinz: *Whispers* So, what's your plan?

Jacob: *Whispers* Get over them and take them down at the same time.

Without saying another word, I stabbed my other sword higher into the wall and pulled up before pulling out and stabbed the wall with the opposite sword even higher into the wall. I moved upwards several, several feet before I started mover to my right and eventually, I was almost right over the two Sirens. I stabbed one of my swords into the wall again and that's when one of the Sirens looked up. I took both my swords out of the wall as I started to fall towards them.

Siren 1: It's him!

Siren 2: Sound the...

Right before the second Siren could finish her sentence, I fell right in between them as I slashed down both their chests and stomachs, ending their lives. I looked over to the corner where Enterprise and the others were and that's when I saw Enterprise's head peak out from around the corner. I gestured for them to come over and that's when Enterprise's head disappeared behind the corner for a second before the four of them came around the corner and headed towards me.

When they got to me, I told them they we'd hide the bodies where we hid so that no other Siren could find them. Once we finished with that, we headed inside the facility, were we found a vent big enough for us to crawl through. I opened up the vent and gestured for the others to crawl through, where Enterprise went first, then Belfast, then Prinz, then Bismarck, which left me... I crawled in and now, literally the only thing I could see was Bismarck's legs, thighs, and panties...

Jacob: *Starts blushing* *Whispers* Do you think we could go faster?!

Bismarck: *Whispers* Why? We are going as fast as we can, Commander.

Jacob: *Whispers* Well, for starters, I can see up your damn skirt!

Bismarck: *Whispers* Please stop looking, Commander...

Jacob: *Whispers* Bismarck...I literally can't!

Bismarck: *Whispers* Just...look down or something.

Jacob: *Whispers* Yeah, and then when we suddenly have to stop, I won't know that you girls stopped and I'll get a face full of your ass!

Bismarck: *Whispers* Then, just don't focus on my underwear, please...

Jacob: *Whispers* Why? You wearing a naughty pair?

Bismarck: ...

Jacob: *Whispers* Oh, now I'm fucking curious. *Sighs* Look, just keep going and I'll try to not focus on your panties.

Bismarck: *Whispers* Thank you.

Jacob: *Whispers* Holy shit, they're black...!

Bismarck: *Whispers* I thought you said you weren't going to focus on them, Commander?!

Jacob: *Whispers* I did say that I was curious, now didn't I?

Enterprise: *Whispers* We are about to get out of the vent, be ready.

Jacob: *Whispers* Right. Your call, Enterprise. Make sure the cost is clear.

(Insert "Azur Lane THE ANIMATION Soundtrack 1 ( 09. Sinister Plot )" here)

(Once again, yes, I know that the audio is not the best, but I'm still gonna add the song(s) in anyway. Please just bear with me.)

That's when I heard the vent door open and I assumed that Enterprise was checking to see if we were clear. That's when everyone started to move up and I followed. A few seconds later, Bismarck stood up in front of me and then I crawled out of the vent and stood up next to everyone. I looked at Bismarck, who was blushing a little.

Jacob: *Softly closes vent door* *Whispers* Look, sorry for looking at your panties. Let's just keep moving.

Bismarck: *Whispers* Right.

Jacob: *Whispers* This way. We'll stick to the shadows, got it?

Enterprise, Bismarck, Belfast, & Prinz: *Whispers* Understood

I looked to my left and saw that the wall to the facility, and there was a space big enough for us to move through, while staying hidden, so I started that and the others followed.

(A few minutes later)

We made it to the end our our little pathway, but now, we had to cross a spot where light shown.

Jacob: *Whispers* Listen, I'll cross and let you four know if it's safe to cross.

Belfast: *Whispers* Understood, Master.

Without saying another word, I pressed my back against the wall and peaked my head around the corner. Seeing that it was clear, I took off across the area and as I was about to make it across, I dove for the other side. I rolled back onto my feet before standing up, pressing my back against the wall, and peaking around the corner.

I saw that the coast was clear, so I waved my hand to the others, who then started over towards me. Once they made it, we started down the hall again.

Jacob: *Whispers* This facility is pretty freakin' huge.

Belfast: *Whispers* It will be quite difficult to find Miss Andi in here.

Jacob: *Whispers* I'll say. It doesn't matter, our mission is to find and bring her back home, and we're gonna do just that.

Belfast: *Whispers* But of course, Master.

Jacob: *Whispers* C'mon, let's keep moving.

Everyone nodded their heads and we continued down the hall.

(A minute or two later)

We were still walking down the hall, until we came up to two huge doors. I stopped and so did the others as I checked the doors. I mean, they were closed, but I was just trying to be as safe and stealthy as possible. I gestured for the others to move across. Once they did, I stepped out and started down the hall towards them, but that was when a small sliver of light shined on my face. I turned towards the door with my mouth slightly open. That's when I decided that I was gonna check out what was on the other side of the door. I slowly started to open the door and that's when I felt my entire body froze as I looked up, a cold sweat running down the side of my head.

Jacob: *Whispers* What the...hell is going on here?!

Enterprise: *Whispers* Commander...?

I took a step back as I watched a bunch of machines put an arm onto a huge body.

Jacob: *Whispers* The hell is this?! They're building Siren Mechs now?!

Belfast: *Whispers* Oh my...

At this point, I wasn't shocked anymore, I was pissed.

Jacob: *Whispers* The fuck it all this?! I knew, I knew they were planning something big, but not this big!

Bismarck: *Whispers* What should we do, Commander.

I heard Bismarck, but I was still too caught up in what this was to even answer her. But, that's when I calmed myself and started to think.

Jacob: *Whispers* As much as I'd like to find out more about this...

Belfast: *Whispers* Master...?

Jacob: *Whispers* We have our mission, to rescue Andi. Finding out about this isn't apart of the mission...

Enterprise: *Whispers* So we're just gonna ignore this, Commander?

Jacob: *Whispers* For now, until we can find out more without the Sirens holding hostages, at least.

Enterprise: *Whispers* Understood.

Jacob: *Whispers* Let's go. We still have a mission to complete.

Without saying a word, the others started down the hall again as I did the same, before turning back to the door for a second or two, before turning back around as I followed the others down the hall once again.

(A few minutes later)

I was in front of everyone now as we made it to the end of the hallway. That's when we heard talking. I stopped at the corner of the hallway and put my ear in the open to heard what was being said. That's when I heard a Siren talking.

Siren: What are you writing in the dirt?

???: Nothing.

Siren: Why are you erasing it? I want to read it...

???: No...

That's when, whomever the Siren was talking to, started to scream.

???: What are you doing, you Siren?! How violent! Untie me--- Ga ga ga...

Siren: If you don't shut up right this second, I'll put a gag on you.

???: Ga ga *Shuts up*

Siren: Guess that got your attention.

Jacob: *Pulls head back behind cover*

Enterprise: *Whispers* Do you think that could have been Andi?

Jacob: *Whispers* Andi wouldn't say "Ga ga ga..." *Looks around corner and sees Andi in the cage* *Pulls head back around corner and looks at Enterprise* *Whispers and raises one finger* Not a fuckin' word, Enterprise.

Enterprise: *Whispers* Huh?

Jacob: *Whispers* Nothing.... *Sighs* Let's just get Andi out of the cage.

That's when I slowly started around the corner as I snuck up to the Siren, who are looking at Andi. Andi saw me so I put a finger over my mouth to tell her be quite. A second or tow later, I punched the Siren in the side of the head, knocking her out. That's when I grabbed the body, some rope and duck tape as I started to drag the body towards everyone else. I drug the Siren around the corner and out of sight as I started to tie her up before slapping duck tape over her mouth. I walked back out and up to Andi's cage.

Andi: *Whispers* Thank you for coming rescue me, Jacob.

Jacob: *Whispers* We're cousins. We scratch each other's backs.

Andi: *Whispers* Finally starting to accept me as your cousin?

Jacob: *Sighs* *Whispers* Listen, now is not the time for jokes, but yes, I am.

That's when I slashed through the lock on the cage and I lifted it up as Andi crawled out before I put the cage back down. Then, Enterprise and the others came out to meet us.

Andi: Enty, Belfast!

Belfast: I'm glad you are safe, Miss Andi.

Jacob: Not to be an ass, but we got what we came for, so now it's time to go.

Belfast: Right. Understood.

That's when an alarm went off as red lights started to flash. Then, a voice came onto an intercom. It wasn't a real person's voice, though.

Intercom: Intruder Alert! Prisoner has escaped in Sector 3!

Jacob: Shit! We gotta go! No point in sticking to the shadows now, we'll just make a run for the exit!

Everyone nodded their heads and we started running towards the exit. A few seconds later, a whole bunch of Sirens ran around the corner behind us as they started shooting at us. I spun of my right foot and turned around as I drew my sword and started blocking the bullets. That's when Enterprise and the others turned a corner and I started to slowly back up as I continued to block the bullets. I backed up a bit more before I jumped to my left and I was now next to Enterprise and the others as we continued to run for the exit.

We ran into a huge open area. I looked to my left and saw where we entered into the facility.

Jacob: Everyone, left!

Everyone turned left as they started running for the exit. That's when Sirens lined up on the metal walk-ways above us as they started shooting down at us. I started to slash and block bullets, but it caused me to slow down a little.

Jacob: *thoughts* I have to take out those Sirens or we'll be filled with bullet holes!

Jacob: Girls, just keep running and leave the Sirens to me! Make sure to protect Andi!

Enterprise: Understood!

Belfast: Please be careful, Master!

Jacob: I will, just keep going!

Without saying another word, I jumped into the air to my right and slashed the metal walk-way, causing it to bend down and fall. I landed on one side as I started running down the walk-way towards the exit, cutting down Sirens and deflecting bullets as I would run down. I'd occasionally cut down the walk-way to prevent Sirens from using them to shoot at us. But, that was when I noticed something blocking the exit. My eyes immediately shot open as I saw one of those Mechs standing in between Enterprise and her group, and the exit. It was holding a massive sword in it's right hand. That's when It lifted it's sword into the air as I started to bring it down on Enterprise and her group.

I immediately jumped onto the railing and used it to launch towards the Mech. Right as the Mech was about to cut down Enterprise and her group, I slashed as the side of the sword and caused it to cut the ground right next to Enterprise and the others. That's when Enterprise and the others made it passed the Mech and now, they were standing outside the facility.

Jacob: Whatever you do, just don't stop running!

Enterprise: What about you, Commander?!

Jacob: Don't worry about me! Just get Andi back to base! NOW GO!

That's when the Mech threw it's fist forwards, punching me and sending me bouncing off the ground, farther into the facility. I bounced off the ground a few times and now, I was sliding on the ground, on my side, for a few seconds before I came to a stop. I started to stand up as I looked at the Mech, but that was when I noticed that the Mech wasn't going after Enterprise and the others, it was walking towards me.

Jacob: *thoughts* Why isn't it going after the others? Shouldn't it be stopping all of us from escaping?

That's when the Mech lunged for me. I dove to my side as the Mech missed me. I got to my feet and started running for the exit. I was almost there, when Belfast called out.

Belfast: Master! Behind you!

I turned my head to find that the Mech lunged at me again and now, it was trying to slash at my stomach. I jumped into the air, but I found out that that was a mistake. As I was in the air, the Mech grabbed my body in it's fist, only leaving my head and my right arm sticking out from it's fist.

Enterprise: Commander!

Jacob: I said to keep going and get Andi back to base!

Bismarck: We can't just...!


I looked at the others and saw that Enterprise was running towards me. Already decided that I wanted the others to escape with Andi, I made my sword appear in my right hand before throwing it behind me. A few seconds later, it stabbed into a control panel and now, the door to the exit slammed shut, purposely cutting myself off from Enterprise and the others.

Jacob: *thoughts* Please, just get Andi back home.

That's when I turned back around and looked at the Mech. But, that was when the Mech started squeezing me in it's fist. I let out a scream of pain as I started to feel my body being crushed. But then, I heard a voice, a Siren's voice to be exact.

???: Stop.

That's when the Mech stopped squeezing me in it's fist.

???: Let him go.

On command, the Mech let me go and I dropped to the ground with a thud. Unable to move my left arm, I used my right arm to lift myself up as I looked towards the Siren who was giving the commands to the Mech, and that's when I saw Arbiter.

Arbiter: Well, nice to see you again.

Jacob: *Grits teeth* The hell do you want?

Arbiter: Oh nothing really, but since you're here... *Looks at the other Sirens* Capture him.

That's when a few of the Sirens jumped on me and pinned me to the ground. Then, I heard a click as I felt something around my wrists, arms behind my back.

Arbiter: Don't be too rough with him, we still need him alive.

That's when a Siren grabbed my by the hair and picked me up to my feel and put me facing Arbiter.

Jacob: The hell do you want with me anyway?

Arbiter: Well, I guess I can answer that since you asked. You broke into my home and damaged it, so it's not like I couldn't take action.

Jacob: So you captured me because I damaged your home?

Arbiter: Not necessarily. We'll talk later, for now, why don't you get some rest?

Jacob: Huh...?

That's when Arbiter struck me across the head and my vision slowly fell into darkness.

(Time Skip)

I slowly started to open my eyes. Before long, I noticed that I wasn't in a prison cell, even though I was captured.

Jacob: Where the hell, am I?

???: You're in my room, welcome.

I turned towards the voice, only to find Arbiter standing at a door.

Jacob: You captured me, yet you didn't put me in a prison cell? You Sirens really are stupid.

Arbiter: What makes you say that? Could it just be your hatred for us?

Jacob: No, this time I'm serious. Who puts their prisoner in you own personal bedroom?

Arbiter: Would you rather a prison cell, or a nice bed to sleep in.

Jacob: If you want me to be honest, the prison cell.

Arbiter: Well I bet you're wondering why I brought you to my room instead of a prison cell.

Jacob: *Breaths in*

(Just in case you all don't know, what Kirito said in the video is Jacob's dialogue...)

Arbiter: *Giggles* Come now, don't be like that.

Jacob: I'm more interested in, one, why did you kidnap my younger cousin, and two... Mass producing Siren Mechs? The hell are you Sirens planning? And while you're at it, tell me why you attacked my village. Not only mine, but why'd you attack Andi's village and family as well?

Arbiter: Well, capturing your cousin and the Siren Mechs tie into one another believe it or not.

Jacob: Would you just fucking tell me...?!

Arbiter: Alright, no need to get so angry.

Jacob: I'm literally face to face with the leader of my enemy, and you tell me "no need to get so angry." You realize how fucking retarded you sound, right?

Arbiter: Do you want to know or not.

Jacob: *Blank expression* Just tell me.

Arbiter: Well, for starters, we only needed your cousin for one "simple" little thing.

Jacob: *Sighs* *thoughts* This is getting annoying...

Arbiter: You see, the only reason we needed your cousin, was so we could capture you.

Jacob: *Sighs* Why am I not surprised? Leave it to Sirens to resort to that kind of tactic.

Arbiter: Now, about the mass produced Siren Mechs...

Jacob: *Stares at Arbiter*

Arbiter: We made them...for the sole purpose...of combatting you.

Jacob: So you literally made huge Siren Mechs to fight me? I knew you couldn't do it yourselves, but I think that you went a bit overboard this time...

Arbiter: Ignoring your insult, I believe you wanted me to tell you why we attacked your village, killed your family, and then your cousins?

Jacob: That's right, so spill it.

Arbiter: *Whispers* It was because of him...

Jacob: Huh? What did you say?

Arbiter: It was all because of him. He took her away from us.

Jacob: What are you talking about? Who took who away from you?

Arbiter: Your father... He took her away from us. That's why we attacked this world, and attacked his family.

Jacob: So you came here and killed my family out of petty jealousy?! I don't know who my father killed that was so important to you, but....

Arbiter: She was the post powerful Siren of us all. Not only that, she was our leader. He took her away from us, so I took his family away from him.

Jacob: You're fucked...! You'd go this far just to satisfy your jealousy?! But what does that have anything to do with Andi?!

Arbiter: I did say we came here to kill your father's family, didn't I?

Jacob: *thoughts* At least this clears any doubts about whether Andi is actually my cousin...

Arbiter: But we didn't come here just for that, we also came here for evolution.

Jacob: Evolution? What the hell does that mean?

Arbiter: Us Sirens, everything we do is for evolution. You could say that we're obsessed with it.

Jacob: So you came here for two reasons?

Arbiter: Yes, and so far, I'm extremely satisfied with the evolution I've seen here.

Jacob: What do you mean by that?

That's when Arbiter started walking up to me.

Arbiter: I guess you could say...that I'm extremely satisfied...with you.

Jacob: *Cold sweat rolls down side of head*

Arbiter: You're a human, yet you took in a Mental Cube. That's something I thought I'd never see.

Without saying a word, Arbiter crawled onto the bed and slowly crawled towards me.

Jacob: *Starts blushing a tiny bit* If you come any closer...I'll head-butt you.

Arbiter: *Continues crawling towards me*

Jacob: *Blank expression*

Right as Arbiter got within reach, I pulled my head back before throwing it forwards, head-butting her in the forehead. That's when Arbiter put her hands to her head and started backing off.

Jacob: I told you that I was gonna do it.

Arbiter: You didn't have to do it so hard, you know.

Jacob: Well, I actually did. You see...I have no interest in making love to a damn SIREN! Especially if that Siren is you, Arbiter.

Arbiter: Oh well.

Jacob: Like hell I would fall in love with you after you killed my family! *Sighs* How long have I been here anyway?

Arbiter: About a day.

Jacob: You know, I'm surprised you are acting this way towards me. Even though you still have these hand cuffs on me, you're treating me more like a guest than a poisoner. The fuck is up with that?

Arbiter: I didn't think you'd be into that kind of stuff.

Jacob: I will head-butt you again.

Arbiter: I was just joking.

Jacob: So, when are you gonna put me in a prison cell?

Arbiter: You really don't want to be in here, do you?

Jacob: Absolutely not.

Arbiter: *Sighs* Fine. Come with me.

Jacob: I want a pillow, though. I won't have Shoukaku's lap to lay on this time...

Arbiter: So needy.

Jacob: Fuck off.

Arbiter: *Sighs* Fine, I'll get you a pillow. But you know, if you were to stay here, you could use me as a pillow.

Jacob: I'd rather die...

Arbiter: I was joking anyway.

Jacob: Whatever...

Arbiter: Get up and let's go.

Jacob: *Whispers* With pleasure...

That's when I stood up, jumped out of the bed, and followed Arbiter to the prison cells.

(A few minutes later)

I was standing outside of a prison cell. Arbiter opened up the door and I stepped inside. That's when Arbiter took the cuffs off my wrists before pushing me deeper inside the cell.

Jacob: New question.

Arbiter: What is it?

Jacob: I feel like I've lost connection with the Mental Cube...

Arbiter: Yes, how did you know?

Jacob: My body suddenly felt sluggish.

Arbiter: I see. Well, this cell is special in that if anyone or anything that hosts a Mental Cube were to step inside, they will loss the connection they have to the Cube. It's only temporary in that when taken out of the cell, the connection is restored.

Jacob: I see. Oh well, looks like I'm stuck here now...

Without saying a word, I grabbed the pillow from Arbiter and walked to one of the far corners of the cell before placing the pillow down as I laid down on the ground. That's when Arbiter closed the cell door and locked it.

Arbiter: Don't get too comfy.

Jacob: *Waves hand* Yeah yeah. Get outta here already.

Arbiter: You seem a little too relaxed. Is it because you know that your friends will come to save you?

Jacob: Nope. They won't be coming to save me.

Arbiter: And why is that?

Jacob: Because they know I'm more than capable of getting outta here myself.

Arbiter: Oh?

Jacob: Just give it time...

Arbiter: Sorry, but you're not going anywhere.

Jacob: Right, right. Now leave so I can get some sleep.

That's when Arbiter walked away as I rolled to where I was now laying on my side with a worried expression on my face.

Jacob: *thoughts* I can't believe I bluffed like that. As long as I don't have the connection to the Mental Cube, I won't be able to get out of here.

After that, I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

I slowly started to wake up as I sat up and looked out my prison cell. That's when I stood up and walked over to the door as I grabbed the bars. At that moment, a Siren walked passed, and that's when I noticed it. A key on a keyring, hooked to the Siren's hip.

Jacob: *thoughts* This might be my only chance.

Jacob: Excuse me.

Siren: *Looks at me* What is it?

Jacob: I need to speak with Arbiter. Can you go get her?

Siren: Fine.

That's when the Siren walked back towards me as I staid against the bars.

Jacob: *thoughts* Your worst mistake was listening to me.

The moment the Siren stepped in front of me, I reached out, grabbed her by the collar of her shirt, pulled her close and slammed her head against the bars, knocking her out. I reached out and grabbed the keyring before unhooking it and I let her fall to the floor. I quickly walked over to the door and unlocked it before stepping out into the hall. That's when red lights started to flash as an alarm started to go off.

Intercom: A prisoner has escaped in Sector 4! A prisoner has escaped in Sector 4!

Jacob: Well shit... Sirens will swarm me in about a minute, give or take.

That's when I looked down the hall to my left, deeper into the facility. I looked up and saw a sign that said "Armory" with an arrow pointing to the left.

Jacob: This may just get me killed, but I'm not leaving without my sword.

After deciding to head to the armory, I took off deeper into the facility. I made it to the end of the hallway and it turned into a four-way. I looked up and saw that the sign that said "Armory" was now pointing straight, so I kept running straight. That's when a small sign hanging above a door came into view, the sigh reading "Armory."

Jacob: *thoughts* Here we go...

I slammed my right foot to the ground as I slid to a stop while spinning. I spun 180 degrees and as I stopped completely I kicked the door to the armory down before running inside. Weapon lockers lined the walls, RPG's lined the walls above the weapon lockers. I turned to my right and looked into one of the weapon lockers and saw Shotguns and what looked like Assault Rifles. I made my sword appear as I slashed the lock on the locker. I grabbed what looked like an "M4A1" before I put the strap around my shoulder and put the gun hanging at my back before I grabbed a Shotgun that looked like a "Franchi SPAS-12."

(If you don't know what those guns look like, then look them up if need be. I can't put in a picture cause I still need to put in two pictures for the story and once I put those in, I won't be able to put in anymore pictures. In case you don't know, Wattpad only lets you put in 20 pictures per part and as of this point, I'm at 18 pictures... Sorry for the inconvenience.)

Jacob: *Whispers* It's weird, these all look like guns humans developed, but they are Siren Tech. Unless... *Eyes go wide* This wasn't originally a Siren facility, it was a facility the Military used for developing guns and ammo. The Sirens took it over and transformed it into a facility to develop new Siren Tech. They've been mass producing those Mechs and they've messed with these guns and added a "Siren" touch to them. At least these guns will pack more of a punch now...

I placed the Shotgun on the ground before I looked at the bottom of the weapon's locker, where I found a few different types of pistols. I grabbed two pistols, both being a "1911" before grabbing pistol holsters. I strapped the holsters to my sides before putting both pistols in their holsters. Then, I grabbed several clips of pistol ammo, putting most of them in my pockets, but I left two out. I strapped those two to the sides of my holsters, softly, enough to where if I had to take them out, it would be easy, but tight enough to were they won't slip out when I run.

I bent down and picked up my Shotgun before I turned around and saw another weapon locker, but this one was smaller than the others. There was a huge crate on the side of the locker. That's when I saw it. My sword was inside the weapon locker and it looked like it was the only thing in there.

Jacob: *Whispers* I'll be sure to grab you on my way out.

That's when I walked over to the crate and opened it, where I found several Frags, EMPs, and other goodies. Just like the guns, they were turned into Siren Tech.

Jacob: *Whispers* This should be fun.

I grabbed three Frags and two EMPs before I strapped the three Frags on my left side and the two EMPs on my right side. I turned back towards the exit of the Armory and took one step towards the weapon's locker my sword was in. But that was until I heard a faint voice. I couldn't quite make out what it was saying, but I quickly turned around, however, no one was there. That's when I saw a faint glow coming from a small box. I walked over to the box and opened it, and inside was a Wisdom Cube.

Jacob: *Whispers* The hell...?

It was weird, the presence I felt from the Cube, it felt vaguely familiar, but at the same time, very different. I grabbed the Cube, and at first, nothing happened. But then, I felt something deep inside my soul, no, inside the Mental Cube inside of me. That's when the Mental Cube that I was holding started to glow a bright blue for a few seconds, but before long, the blue glow went away.

Jacob: Weird, that didn't happen back when Shoukaku found those three Cubes. Whatever, I don't have time to think about it, I still need to get outta here...

That's when I found a small pouch. I placed the Cube in the pouch before I tied the pouch at the back, right side of my waist. That's when I walked over to the weapon locker that my sword was in before I made my sword appear again as I slashed the lock. I grabbed my sword and took it out of the locker before I strapped it to my side.

(Insert "Rip And Tear (DOOM 2016 ost reupload - Mick Gordon" here.)

(I'm sorry guy, I had to do it... *Starts laughing* Also, don't hate me if this isn't an original and it's a remix, I actually like it...)

I looked up at the exit to the Armory before I stepped out into the hall I looked to the left and saw a bunch of Sirens running right for me.

Siren 1: There he is!

Siren 2: Get him!

Jacob: It's time to rip and tear. *Pumps shotgun*

That's when I started running towards the hoard of Sirens as I grabbed a Frag and pulled it off my belt, which pulled the pin. I waited a second or two before I threw it into the hoard of Sirens. The next second, I dove to my left into a hallway as the Frag blew up in the hoard of Sirens. I peaked my head around the corner and saw that only a small group of Sirens remained. I pulled my head back around the corner before I took off to my right and now, I was in the open area where we were running for the exit as Sirens shot at us from up top.

I ran across the area and was now running down a small hallway and before long I was about a few seconds away from reaching the end before I had to take a left, which would lead to where Andi was being held. Right as I got to the end of the hall, I dropped to the ground as I was now sliding on the ground with my legs in front of me. I turned my upper body to the left as I switched my Shotgun to my Assault Rifle, my foot pressing against the wall as I was now on one knee. The very moment I slid around the corner, I saw a bunch of Sirens and I immediately started to unload on them.

A few seconds later, all of the Sirens dropped to the ground and I took off down the hall and eventually, I was at the cage where Andi was being held. I turned right and I was now in the shadows that me and the others took to get here. I started running down the pathway and in a minute flat, I was outside of the door where I found the Mech production line. I ran inside and started to look around. That's when I saw a bunch of explosive barrels stacked up near a wall.

I grabbed a Frag and pulled it off my belt, which pulled the pin, before I threw it at the explosive barrels. I immediately grabbed my other Frag, pulled the pin and threw it onto the conveyer belt before I ran and dove out of the room right as the first Frag blew up. I started running back to where we crawled out of the vents as a chain of explosions happened inside the room, the entire room exploding behind me. I continued to run and now, I took a right turn and was now in the open area. I turned to my left and started running towards the exit.

That's when a bunch of Sirens started shooting at me from the metal walk-way up top on my left. I instantly switched to my Shotgun as I jumped up to the walk-way before I pulled my Shotgun up in front of me as I shot a Siren in the chest. I landed on the walk-way before I started running towards the exit again, shooting Sirens as I got close to them. Once the walk-way was clear, I jumped down the ground again, that was when the Siren Mech stepped out in front of the exit. That's when I put my Shotgun down as I drew my sword.

The Siren Mech lifted up it's sword before bringing it down at me. I placed my the plat part of my sword against my hand as I angled the tip of my sword to the ground right as the Mech's sword struck mine. It's sword slid off of mine as I spun. That's when the Mech tried to grab me, but I side stepped to my left and the Mech missed the grab. I jumped forwards and underneath the Mech's legs and I was now almost out of the facility. But that was when something slammed into me and I was thrown to my left as I slammed into a wall.

I slowly looked up as I saw the Siren Mech raise it's sword above it's head before bringing it down at me. I immediately got to my feet and dove out of the way as the sword slammed into the ground where I last stood. I landed on the ground and rolled to my feet as I looked at the Siren Mech. That's when the Mech pulled the sword out of the ground and was now slashing for my stomach. I jumped back, but the sword just barely cut me. It wasn't deep, but if I didn't give it attention, I could come very close to dying. That's when the Mech punched me, which caused me to fly towards the exit.

Right as I was about to fly through the doors, I aimed my Shotgun at the control panel and shot. Right as I flew through the exit, the doors slammed shut as I hit the water and bounced a few times before I landed on my feet as I slid to a halt. As I stopped, I got down on one knee as I placed a hand to my stomach.

Jacob: Damn. I sure in the hell almost died there. Oh well. I need to make my way back to base now.

I stood up and started walking away. It was dark out, but I knew where I had to go. That was when the doors to the facility flew open and the Siren Mech came running out of the facility.

Jacob: Dammit! I don't have time to deal with this!

I instantly grabbed an EMP off my belt and threw it at the Mech. Once the EMP went off, the Mech stopped running as it looked like it started to lock up.

Jacob: Now...I'm getting out of here.

I turned around and started running away from the facility as I was now on my way home.

(Time Skip)

(Akagi's P.O.V)

I was walking down the hall towards my dear Commander's office. When I got to his door, I opened it and walked in.

Akagi: Good morning, my dear Commander.

I waited for a response, but I didn't get one. I opened my eyes and looked into the room, but it was empty.

Akagi: I wonder where the Commander is? Oh well, I will simply wait for him here.

I walked over to one of the sofas and took a seat. But that was when the door to the office opened and standing at the door was the Commander.

Akagi: *Stands up* Commander! Akagi is...

Jacob: A-Akagi... I....

That's when the Commander started walking over to me, but something was off about him. He wasn't walking, he was stumbling towards me as he started to breathe heavily.

Jacob: A-Akagi...

That's when the Commander took something off of his chest and placed it on the table.

Akagi: Commander? Are you okay?

Without saying a word, the Commander reached behind him and a few seconds later, he pulled out a Mental Cube. Right after that, the Commander placed it in my hand as he fell against me.

Jacob: A-Akagi... I need hold onto this....for me....

That was when the Commander's body went limp.

Akagi: Commander! Commander!

(Jacob's P.O.V)

I slowly started to open my eyes as I let out a small groan and that's when I heard several people shout my name. I slowly turned to my right and saw Enterprise, Belfast, Illustrious, Bismarck, Akagi, Prinz, and Andi standing next to me.

Jacob: Hey girls. *Starts to sit up* Sorry I took so long to get back.

As I sat up, a spike of pain ran through my stomach and I immediately placed my hand to my stomach. That's when I noticed that I wasn't wearing a shirt and that over the cut on my stomach, bandages rand around my entire stomach.

Belfast: Please, you must get more rest, Master.

Jacob: I... I'll be fine. I'm a trooper... *Smiles*

Enterprise: Commander, what happened after the doors closed?

Jacob: *Looks at Andi* I'd like to talk about it with Andi first, just us two.

Illustrious: Would you like for the rest of us to leave, Commander?

Jacob: No. I'll just tell her later.

Akagi: Commander... Um.... You gave this when you came in this morning. *Pulls out Mental Cube*

Jacob: I did? Hmm, I don't remember that, hell, I don't even remember getting back to base, but even still, I was gonna ask you to hold onto it for me, at least for a little while.

Akagi: I see.

Prinz: Commander, what's with these guns?

Jacob: That's something I was eventually gonna bring to the Higher-up's attention. Those guns were originally developed my humans. The facility we were in, I have reason to believe that it used to be a facility that the Military used to develop weapons and ammunition.

Enterprise: Are you sure? These guns look like Siren Tech.

Jacob: I was getting to that. Like I said, I have reason to believe that the facility we were in used to be a Military facility, but also, you girls saw it too, it seems that the Sirens took it over and is now using the facility to develop new Siren Tech. Those guns were probably augmented and changed by the Sirens.

Bismarck: Which means that they turned human technology into Siren technology.

Jacob: That's right, and Bismarck...

Bismarck: Yes, Commander?

Jacob: I'd like for you to take the guns to the lab and research them. Figure out exactly what was done to these weapons to turn them into Siren Tech. Think you can do that for me?

Bismarck: Consider it done, Commander.

Jacob: Good, now... Would you all back up off me? I'm just fine.

Illustrious: Absolutely not! You will lay here and rest up!

Jacob:'s literally only a cut and a bunch of bruises.

Illustrious: ...

Jacob: Look...don't get me wrong. I'd love to rest right now, but I don't want to be caught off guard.

Enterprise: Why would we be caught off guard?

Jacob: Remember how we saw that Mech production line? Well, when I escaped from the facility last night, it came after me. I hit it with an EMP and it started to lock up, which allowed me to escape, but there's no telling when it'll come after me.

Belfast: Then what should we do?

Jacob: Don't know, but honestly, we should just wait. I'm in no condition to fight that thing as I am now. *Looks at Andi before standing up* Hey, I need you to come with me to my house, Andi.

Andi: ...

Jacob: Andi? You okay?

Without saying a word, Andi stepped towards me and immediately wrapped her arms around my back, tears in her eyes, as she tightened around my back, face pressed against my chest.

Andi: You reckless, self sacrificing, dumbass!

Jacob: ... *Smiles*

Andi: Why would you do that?!

Jacob: I did it so you and the others could get back safely.

Andi: I was so worried about you, you know that?!

Jacob: Yes, I know.

That's when I wrapped my arms around Andi's back as I pulled her close.

Jacob: Listen, your big cousin will always be there to protect you, understand?

Andi: *Slowly nods head*

Jacob: From now on, we'll live together, as a family.

Andi: ...okay....

Jacob: *Smiles*

Bismarck: I'll get started on researching these weapons.

Jacob: Okay. If you don't mind, leave one of the pistols?

Bismarck: Understood.

After that, Bismarck took my Shotgun, Assault Rifle, and on of the pistols before she left the office.

Jacob: Andi, I'd like to talk with you privately about something. Do you think you can handle it?

Andi: Yes.

Jacob: Good, I like that determination. *Turns to the others* If you don't mind, could you please wait outside in the hall?

Illustrious: Of course, Commander.

Belfast: We will come back once you are finished, Master.

Prinz: See you in a bit, Darling.

After that, the five of them left and headed out into the hall.

Jacob: Listen, Andi. There's something I need to tell you.

Andi: What is it?

Jacob: I... I'm sorry.

Andi: Huh? What for?

Jacob: Everything that happened to you, it's because of my family. I don't blame him for it, but my father killed a Siren way back when. She was the strongest Siren and because of that, she was actually the leader of the Sirens. Like I said, my father killed her and Arbiter, well, she wanted revenge for that, so she came to this world and targeted my fathers family. which of course, means you too since you're his niece. It's because of what my father did that you lost your home and your family, and since my father isn't here today to apologize, I'll do it in his stead.

Andi: ...

Jacob: I wouldn't blame you if you hated me or anyone else in my family for the rest of your life now that you know what happened, but even still, I'm sorry.

Andi: So, this all happened, because of your father?

Jacob: Yes.

Andi: We're family, or at least, the only family we have now. I don't blame you or your father for what happened way back then. When you look at it, your father was just trying to protect this world and his family, but that caused this whole war with the Sirens. Now that your father is dead, you're fixing that problem he caused, so no matter how you look at it, you both had good intentions.

Jacob: *Smiles* I see. You really are understanding, aren't you?

Andi: *Smiles* I am.

Jacob: Thanks for the little pep-talk, but now, it's time to get down to business. *Turns to the door* You five can come back in now!

A second later, the door to my office opened up and the five walked back in.

Enterprise: You two are done talking?

Jacob: If we weren't, I wouldn't have called you back in.

Enterprise: That's fair, now, Commander...what happened once we escaped?

After that, I explained everything that happened up until I got back to base last night.

Illustrious: I see. Well, with all things considered, I am glad you are safe, Commander.

Jacob: Yeah. With this kidnapping though... *Looks at Andi*

Andi: What is it?

Jacob: I need you to come with me, Andi. I'll need both Enterprise and Belfast to come along as well.

Belfast: Understood.

Enterprise: What for?

Jacob: *Stands up and smiles* You'll know when we get there...

(A few minutes later)

I was standing outside with Andi, Enterprise, and Belfast. We were standing in the middle of a shooting range. Enterprise and Belfast were standing off to the side in some shade as me and Andi were standing more in the middle of the range, a table in between us. Sitting on the table were various weapons such as knives, daggers, swords, bows, and my Sirenafied "1911."

Andi: What's with all the weapons?

Jacob: Like I said earlier, with this kidnapping, it has brought something to my attention.

Andi: Which is...?

Jacob: You don't know how to defend yourself. So, myself, Enterprise, and Belfast will teach you a bit of self-defense.

Andi: I see.

Jacob: On the table in front of you, as you can see, various weapons are laid out. Swords, knives, daggers, bows, and my gun...

Andi: I wanna use your gun...

Jacob: Not happening.

Andi: *Puffs out cheek* Meanie...

Jacob: That's a piece of Siren Tech. There's no telling if you'll be able to handle it, so until I evaluate your skills, you will not be touching that gun.

Andi: *touches gun*

Jacob: *Slaps Andi's hand* I mean it.

Andi: Meanie.

Jacob: Which weapon do you want to try out first?

Andi: I wanna use the sword.

Jacob: Alright. Go ahead and pick it up.

Andi: *Picks up sword*

Jacob: Now, you'll be fighting a robot who has the same weapon at you.

Andi: So you're telling me that I'm fighting a robot who's using a real sword?

Jacob: Yup. *Starts walking over to Enterprise and Belfast* Good luck...

Andi: Wait, shouldn't I at least see if I can swing the sword first?!

Jacob: *Sighs* You can barely hold it up, can't you?

Andi: I think I can... *Picks up sword above head*

That's when Andi started to fall backwards. I instantly flash-stepped on the side of Andi as I grabbed the sword with two fingers and stopped Andi from falling.

Jacob: I'm gonna take this away from you before you hurt yourself. *Takes sword from Andi* Let's try something else... *Turns around and places sword back on table* How about we try...this.... *Picks up knife and turns around*

Andi: *Tires to grab knife*

Jacob: *Pulls knife away from Andi* A little lesson about grabbing a knife from someone. When wanting to hand over a knife, the person with the knife holds the knife by the blade. Now, I get it sounds like I'm telling you to grab the sharp in, but don't be stupid, you grab the sides of the blade. When handing a knife over to someone, hold the knife by the blade and hold the handle of the knife out to the person you're trying to give it to, like so.

That's when I tossed the knife up and caught if by the sides of the blade as I held out the handle to Andi. Andi then grabbed the handle before she tried to pull it away from me, but I kept a tight grip on the blade.

Jacob: Once in your hands or someone else's hands, don't pull it out of their hands right away. Even though they see you have the knife in your hands, say "Got it."

Andi: Got it.

That's when I let go of the blade and handed Andi the knife.

Jacob: Listen, I'm not coddling you, this is the proper way to give a knife to someone, not only that, it's the safest way.

Andi: I understand.

Jacob: Good, now get ready to fight.

Andi: Will it have a real knife?

Jacob: *Starts walking towards Enterprise and Belfast* Yes, or it might have a real sword. Who knows...?

Andi: I could die!

Jacob: Just avoid the attacks.

Andi: That's easier said than done.

Jacob: Try fighting Sirens who shoot at you when you have a sword, then we'll talk.

Andi: God, you're suck an ass!

Jacob: Just get ready to fight already...

Andi: Fine! But if I die, I blame you!

Jacob: That's fair.

That's when Andi got ready to fight as the robot walked out from the shade all the way to my right. I looked and saw that the robot was holding a sword instead of a knife.

Belfast: Don't you think this is a little too much for her, Master? I mean, she is just starting off.

Jacob: She'll be fine. It's not like she's gonna die...

Enterprise: But...

Jacob: I believe in her, so you should do the same.

That's when the robot walked up to Andi and stood there.

Jacob: Are you ready, Andi?

Andi: Not really...

Jacob: Good, now begin!

Andi: Damn you, Jacob!

Jacob: *Chuckles a bit*

That's when the robot lifted it's sword and started attacking Andi. Andi dove out of the way as the sword struck the ground.

Andi: Jacob, please help me!

Jacob: It only swung once and you're already asking for help?

Andi: I'm up against a robot with a real sword, dammit!

Jacob: Just stay calm. You already have everything you need to beat it.

Andi: *Jumps away from an attack* The power to believe in myself?

Jacob: Nooooo, a knife! Stab it!

Andi: I... I don't think I can do it...!

Jacob: *Sighs*

Without saying a word, I started walking forwards, and that's when the robot turned to me as it readied it's weapon. The next second, it rushed me as it picked up it's sword above it's head. Then, it brought it down at me and all I did was stand there to take the hit.

Andi: Get out of the way, Jacob!

That's when I was struck with the sword. The moment the sword hit me, it bent back.

Andi: Wai...wha...?

Jacob: The sword's fake, dummy.

Andi: You told me it was real!

Jacob: Your first mistake was believing me... I had to have a little fun...

Andi: I will end you.

Jacob: Yeah-huh... Look, the sword's fake, but don't take hits just cause you know that. Treat it as if it could actually cut and kill you.

Andi: Fine...

Jacob: Let's see, if you don't feel comfortable with close-combat, then the bow might work out for you. Wanna give it a try?

Andi: S-Sure... *Starts blushing a bit*

Jacob: What are you blushing, Andi?

Andi: W-Well...E-Enterprise uses a bow....

Jacob: And...? What about it?

Andi: W-Well... *Whispers* I kinda admire her...

Jacob: I see. Let's give the bow a try then.

Andi: Promise you won't tell her!

Jacob: No promises...

Andi: Ass!

Jacob: Your insults mean nothing if I know that said insult is true...

Andi: I will shoot you...

Jacob: With what?

Andi: The bow...

Jacob: I could easily disarm you even if you had a ranged weapon.

Andi: ...

Jacob: That's what I thought, now go grab the bow, this time, you won't be fighting a robot right off the bat.

Andi: Then what am I gonna do first?

Jacob: Target practice. *Turns to Enterprise* You're up, Enterprise.

Enterprise: You want me to teach her?

Jacob: Who else would I get to do it? Your probably the best person I know with a bow.

Enterprise: I mean, I don't mind teaching her.

Jacob: Well, I'd like you to teach her, but you don't have to.

Enterprise: No, I'll do it.

Jacob: Cool.

That's when Enterprise started walking towards Andi as I started walking away from Andi. Right as Enterprise was about to pass me up, I placed a hand on her shoulder.

Jacob: *Whispers* Listen, Andi admires you. Teach her well for me, okay? *Removes hand and continues to walk away*

I walked up to Belfast before I stopped.

Jacob: Listen, there's something I need to do for a few days.

Belfast: Do you require assistance, Master?

Jacob: Not really, but I wouldn't mind the help. I need to know which camp has the most Subs so spare?

Belfast: I would have to say the Iron Blood Camp. If you don't mind me asking, but why is it that you need Submarines?

Jacob: I'm about to be going on a little diving adventure of a few days. There's something I need to get done.

Belfast: I see. Then I will assist you for the next few days, Master.

Jacob: Thanks. Let's head out.

Belfast: As you wish.

Jacob: *Turns around to face Andi* Oh yeah, I have somewhere to be, Andi, but before I go, I just want you to know that every weapon that was on the table, my gun excluded, gives their wielder the ability to stay on top the water like the rest of us. With that being said, I don't expect you nor do I ever want you to go into our fights with the Sirens, but if the situation ever called for it... Well, you get the rest.

Andi: I understand!

Jacob: Good. I'll be off now.

After that, Belfast and myself left for Iron Blood once again.

(Time Skip)

We were now in Iron Blood and I was in a room with a bunch of Subs.

Jacob: Okay, listen up. I need as much help with this as I can get. Whomever wants to help can, but we'll be going on a deep sea dive to retrieve lost fragments of a ship. It is important that we get this done sooner rather than later. The Sirens have increased their forces, which means that we will do the same, understand?

Everyone: Yes Sir!

Jacob: Alright, let's get to it then.

After that, I stood up and so did all the Subs. We left Iron Blood in search of the lost fragments of a ship.

(Time Skip)

(A few days later)

(Guys, I'm doing this time skip because all that really happens is Jacob and the Subs diving into the sea. I'm just doing it this way because if I typed out every part that happened over the course of the few days, it would just get repetitive. I hope you all understand.)

I started swimming up and before long, I breached the surface of the water. I started taking off my scuba mask as I was being lifted up onto one of the ships we brought with us. Once I was on the deck of the ship, I placed my mask on the deck and started taking off the rest of my scuba gear as Belfast walked up to me.

Jacob: *Whispers* It's a good thing I asked Akashi for this devise. It was a great help in locating the remains of the ship.

Belfast: How did everything go, Master?

Jacob: Well, when you almost get eaten by a Great White and almost get bitten by at least twenty eels, I'd say it's been a good day...

Belfast: Please tell you that you are joking.

Jacob: Fine, it was more like I almost got eaten by two Great Whites and bitten by like, twenty-five eels...

Belfast: Master, that isn't any better.

Jacob: I was joking about the eels...

Belfast: But you were speaking the truth about the Great White Sharks?

Jacob: *Finished taking off scuba gear* Yeah, I wasn't joking about that.

Belfast: I see.

Jacob: Needless to say, I almost became shark chow, but I won't lie, I had a bit of an adrenaline rush...

Belfast: It seems that you are also quite the dare-devil, Master.

Jacob: Nah, I just think that things are boring when there's no risk involved.

Belfast: I see. Well, I am glad that you are not hurt.

Jacob: Eh... I think I could tussle with a Great White if I had to.

Belfast: But, you said that there were two Great White Sharks.

Jacob: Yeah... And...?

Belfast: Nothing.

Jacob: Oh well, we got the last piece we need, so let's go put it with the other pieces.

Belfast: As you wish.

After that, we headed to where we were storing the other pieces of the ship.

(The next day)

(Akagi's P.O.V)

I was in Sakura Empire, walking down a hall towards the docks.

Akagi: I wonder why the Commander is in Sakura Empire? It doesn't matter, if he's here, then I shall go pay him a visit. Now that I think about it, I wonder why he asked me to hold onto that Wisdom Cube, only to ask for it back yesterday?

I continued walking towards the dock, but that was when I met up with Nagato.

Nagato: Hello, Akagi.

Akagi: Hello, Nagato. have you seen the Commander?

Nagato: I think I heard that he was in the lab near the docks.

Akagi: I see. Thank you, Nagato.

Nagato: You are welcome. I'll be on my way now.

Akagi: Yes, I as well.

After that, Nagato and I walked passed each other as we continued with what we were doing before we met up.

(Jacob's P.O.V)

I was fixing something, but now, I finished.

Jacob: There, *wipes sweat from forehead* that should do it. Now I just need to get the cube and insert it into this. Thanks to Vestal and a few other ships, they managed to pull off the repairs and put the ship back together. There's still some damage that they couldn't fix, but I'll work that out eventually.

After that, I inserted the Mental Cube where it needed to go.

Jacob: Now, if this works, the cube should...

That's when the Mental Cube slowly floated into the air before it shot right for the ship. That's when the whole ship started to glow a bright blue. I put my arm over my eyes as the light got even brighter. That was when the door to the room opened, and Akagi walked inside, but I ignored her.

Jacob: C'mon... Work!

That's when a strong gust of wind blew passed me causing my shirt and hair flowing in the wind, my Commander's cap flying off my head.


Akagi: Commander, what's going on?!

That's when the light faded for half a second and right after that, something flew right for me and a second later, it slammed into me, causing me to fall backwards to the ground.

Akagi: *Runs up to me* Commander, are you...

I was laying on the ground with something, well, someone, in my arms. The person's face was against my chest, but a few seconds later, she picked up her head in one of the cutest ways possible. I looked at Akagi, who looked like she had just seen a ghost.

Akagi: H-How can this be...?

The person looked at Akagi for a few seconds before she looked at me and smiled.

???: Thank you for catching me, Commander.

Jacob: And so it begins...

???: *Giggles*

That's when the woman got up from on top of me and I stood up as well.

???: My name is Amagi. It's nice to finally be meeting you, Commander.


Jacob: Same here. I knew the presence from the Cube felt familiar. Almost like Akagi's...but it still felt different....

Akagi: There's no way... Is that...really her?

Jacob: *Turns to Akagi* It is. At least, it should be.

Akagi: Dear sister, Amagi, Do you, remember me?

Amagi: *Smiles* Of course I do. How could I forget my Dear little sister?

That's when tears started to form in Akagi's eyes as she started at Amagi. The next second, Akagi jumped at Amagi and wrapped her arms around her as Amagi did the same. Then, Akagi started to cry in her sister's arms.

Jacob: *Turns towards exit* Well, I'll let you two catch up now. I'd like to get to know you more Amagi, but that can wait. Family comes first, doesn't it? *Turns head, winks, and smiles before walking out of the room*

After that, I left and headed back to Azur Lane's main base.

(The next day)

Time: Evening.


I was sitting in the living room on my PS4, playing "The Division 2." I had just finished soloing a, stronghold when I heard a knock on the door. I paused my game, stood up, and walked over to the door before opening it, only to fin Enterprise standing outside.

Jacob: Oh, hey, what's up?

Enterprise: C-Commander, may I...come inside?

Jacob: *Looks a bit confused* Sure... You don't really need to be embarrassed or anything.

After that, I stepped aside and Enterprise walked into the house. We walked into the kitchen where I took a seat, but for some reason, Enterprise staid standing.

Enterprise: Commander, there's something I'd like to talk to you about.

Jacob: *Yawns* Okay...? What is it?

Enterprise: I gave this a lot of thought and I decided that...that I want to start a family with you!

Jacob: Okay, sounds good...


Jacob: Wai... Wha...?

Enterprise: I said that...I would like to start a family with you, Commander.

Jacob: ... Do you know what that means, Enterprise?! Like... Do you know?!

Enterprise: I... I do....

Jacob: So you know what needs to be done in order for us to do that, right?!

Enterprise: Of course! I'm still a woman, after all.

Jacob: Yes, but that honestly doesn't mean anything. You know that there are girls out there who think that they can get pregnant when they kiss a guy, right?!

Enterprise: I know that, but even I knew that that's not how a woman gets pregnant. You're making it sound like you don't want to do this, Commander.

Jacob: *Sighs* It's not that. I just...never expected you to be the one to bring that up to me...

Enterprise: Is it really that strange?

Jacob: Yes, considering how you used to be...

Enterprise: How I...used to be?

Jacob: It's nothing. Look, if this is what you really want to do.... Then let's do it, but only if you're absolutely positive...

Enterprise: I am.

Jacob: *Sighs* Good. If you would have had any doubts, then I would be pretty reluctant to do this. Starting a family isn't an easy decision.

Enterprise: I know.

Jacob: Well... *Starts blushing a bit* Off to the bedroom, I guess....

Enterprise: *Starts blushing a bit*

After that, I stood up and we walked into my bedroom. Once we got there, I expected Enterprise to still be standing there in her clothes, but it turned out that she took the initiative because she started to get undressed right in front of me.

Enterprise: *Starts blushing a little more* P-Please don't stare so much, Jacob...

Jacob: *Blushes a bit more* R-Right. Sorry...

I turned around to give Enterprise some privacy as she continued to undress. I was a bit embarrassed to be honest, but I put that feeling behind me as I started to get undressed as well.

Enterprise: I-I'm done, Jacob.

Jacob: *Continues to undress* Give me a few more seconds...

After a few seconds, I finished undressing as I stood there for a little bit, but I turned around to face Enterprise. That's when Enterprise started to blush a little more as I was now fully facing her.

Enterprise: I-I'm sorry, but I don't have any experience with this...

Jacob: I-It's fine... I'll... I'll lead, if you want...?

Enterprise: That would for the best...

Jacob: Alright... Then, do you mind coming lay on the bed...?

Without saying a word, Enterprise walked passed me before she crawled into the bed and laid on her back. In all honestly, all I could do was stare at her for a few seconds. I honestly couldn't tell you why, but I felt a bit mesmerized that, quite literally, the strongest person in Eagle Union was not only my wife, but we were about to start a family.

Enterprise: Wh-What are you waiting for...?

Jacob: S-Sorry...

Without saying another word, I crawled into bed and got on top of Enterprise.

Jacob: Listen, I'm gonna put it in, okay?

Enterprise: O-Okay...

Jacob: Because it's your first time, please let me know if it hurts at all. If it hurts, let me know and I'll stop for a bit until it stops hurting, understand?

Enterprise: I...understand....

Jacob: Alright. I... I'm going to put it in now.

Enterprise: Okay...

Without saying another word, I grabbed the shaft of my dick as I placed the tip right against Enterprise's vagina. Then, I slowly started to insert it inside her. I barely got anywhere when I noticed that Enterprise was gripping the bed sheets.

Jacob: Does it hurt?

Enterprise: A-A little bit, but you can keep going if you want...

Jacob: Alright....

That's when I started to push even farther into her and a few seconds later, I was about halfway inside Enterprise.

Enterprise: C-Can you hold on just a bit...?

Jacob: Sure...

I stopped as Enterprise requested, but a few seconds later, she let me know that I could continue. I started to push into Enterprise even more and a few more seconds later, I was all the way inside of her.

Jacob: *thoughts* I made it... Now, the only question is how fast can I go before it hurts her?

Enterprise: Jacob... If you don't mind...could you start off slow?

Jacob: Sure. I'm gonna start now...

Enterprise: O-Okay...

Without wasting any more time, I slowly started to pull out before I pushed back in.

Jacob: Does that hurt, Enterprise?

Enterprise: N-No... You can...go faster if you...want to....

Jacob: Only if you're comfortable with me going a little faster.

Enterprise: I'm okay with it...

Jacob: Alright. Then, I'll go a little faster.

As I said, I started to thrust a little bit faster. The moment I started to go faster, I felt Enterprise tighten up, like a shit ton. Because of that, my eyes shot open as did my mouth and now, I was breathing heavier.

Jacob: *thoughts* How the hell...does she feel this good?! It doesn't make any sense! Do I dare say that, she feels even better than Prinz, or even Friedrich?! *Continues to thrust more* This's....too much. I won't be able to hold out any longer if she were to get even tighter.

As if she read my mind, Enterprise got even tighter. Instantly, my head drooped down as I almost lost the strength to keep myself up. I started to fall towards Enterprise, but managed to stop myself before I fell on her.

Enterprise: Are you okay, Jacob?

Jacob: you...feel so damn...good?!

Enterprise: *Starts blushing*

Jacob: This, is too much... Enterprise...I'm about to.... *Starts breathing heavily*

Enterprise: If you're about to let it out, then don't hold back....

Jacob: Dammit it, Enterprise!

Unable to hold it in anymore, I thrusted one last time, as far as I could go, into Enterprise as I came inside her. That's when my vision started to get blurry and I felt like I was about to loss consciousness. Well, let's just say that that's what happened... I fell off to my left, face right next to Enterprise's as my vision went completely dark and I passed out.

(Enterprise's P.O.V)

Jacob had suddenly pass out and was now laying a bit on top of me, but his head was right next to mine. He was still inside me, but he wasn't moving at all.

???: Oh my, you really are a Eagle Union's most powerful ship. Quite the legend in fact.

I quickly turned to the bedroom door, only to find Belfast standing there.

Enterprise: B-Belfast?! What are you doing here?!

Belfast: I had things I wished to discuss with Master, but it seems that the two of you are busy.

Enterprise: *Starts blushing a bit* What do you mean by being a legend?

Belfast: Well, as far as I know, you are the first person to take out Master to quickly.

Enterprise: I see.

Belfast: So, do tell, whom was it that brought up the idea?

Enterprise: *Starts blushing a bit more* I did...

Belfast: *Puts hand over mouth and looks surprised* You did, Miss Enterprise?!

Enterprise: Why does that surprise you?

Belfast: Well, you never used to express your feelings back then, so I'm a little surprised that you were the one to ask Master.

Enterprise: That's what Jacob said too.

Belfast: I see. Well, this is actually what I had wished to discuss with Master, and seeing how you two are already in the middle of it, I will just join in.

That's when Belfast started to undress. Several seconds later, Belfast was fully undressed and now, she crawled into bed on the other side of Jacob.

Belfast: Master is simply adorable when he is asleep.

Enterprise: Now that you mention in, he does...

Belfast: In a way, it makes me want to know what he looks like when he is in immense pleasure...

Enterprise: Easy girl...

(Jacob's P.O.V)

I slowly started to open my eyes as my vision was now back to normal.

Jacob: *In a low voice* God, that was embarrassing. I didn't think I'd cum so damn fast...

???: Oh, he seems to be awake now.

Jacob: *Eyes shoot open* *thoughts* That wasn't Enterprise's voice!

I quickly shot up and turned towards the voice, only to find Belfast, naked, in the bed next to me.

Jacob: B-Belfast?! What the hell are you doing here?! And why are you naked?!

Belfast: I had something I wished to discuss with you, but when I arrived here, you and Miss Enterprise were already in bed.

Jacob: Wh-What did you want to discuss with me?

Belfast: Well, I had wanted to discuss us starting a family, but when I arrived and saw you and Miss Enterprise already doing it, so I just decided to join in.

Jacob: *Starts blushing even more* You also wanted to start a family with me?

Belfast: If it is not too much trouble, Master?

Jacob: I mean... I don't mind, but...

Belfast: But what, Master?

Jacob: *thoughts* I didn't think I'd cum so fast against Enterprise, but taking that into consideration, if I took on the Grey Ghost and the Head Maid at the same time, I don't think I'd survive.

Belfast: What is the issue, Master?

Jacob: It's nothing.

Belfast: Why must you always hid your feeling when speaking to me, Master? Well, even if I say that, that is actually one of the many things I find adorable about you, Master.

Without warning, Belfast leaned up to me and now, we were kissing. After a few seconds, Belfast pulled away, but that's when she put her mouth up to my ear and softly whispered into my ear.

Belfast: Just for tonight, allow me to indulge myself in my selfish desires...?

Jacob: O-Of course...

Belfast: Then, shall we get back to it, Darling?

Jacob: *Starts blushing even more* Yeah...

Belfast: Then, allow me to begin...

Without saying a word, Belfast lowered her head and now, she started sucking me off. My head instantly shot back due to the warmth of Belfast's mouth, the feeling of her tongue wrapping around my dick was heavenly.

Jacob: Oh...God....Belfast!

Belfast continued to suck as she grabbed my shaft with her hand, moving her hand up and down as she moved her mouth up and down.

Jacob: Oh...shit.... This damn good.... *Starts breathing heavily*

Jacob: *thoughts* I won't be able to hold out much longer at this rate... She's sucking so skillfully, it's so hard to hold back.

Belfast continued to suck, but now, she was sucking a bit harder and faster.

Jacob: Oh shit! I don't think...I can...hold on anymore. Belfast!

Without warning, I grabbed Belfast's head and forced my dick to go as far as it could go. I felt a bit of my dick in her throat, which was tight and only added to the pleasure. After a few seconds, I let go of Belfast's head as she pulled away.

Jacob: God, I really need to stop doing that. I'm sorry if I hurt you, Belfast.

Belfast: No need to apologize, Darling.

Enterprise: D-Don't forget that I'm here too.

Jacob: S-Sorry.

Belfast: Would you like to stick it inside of Miss Enterprise again, Darling?

Jacob: I mean... I don't mind if she doesn't. If I pass out again, I blame you, Belfast.

Belfast: *Giggles*

Jacob: *Sighs* Let's get it done... *Looks at Enterprise* Do you mind, Enterprise?

Enterprise: I don't, but please be gentle still.

Jacob: I will, don't worry.

After that, I crawled over to Enterprise before I stuck my dick inside of her again. I saw that Enterprise was softly biting her lip, but once I put it all the way in, she wasn't biting her lip anymore.

Jacob: *thoughts* Well, here goes nothing...

Without saying a word, I started to thrust inside of Enterprise. Instantly, a wave of pleasure hit me. I don't know if it was just because I had came not even a minute ago, or if Enterprise just felt that good, but it already felt like I was about to cum.

Jacob: *thoughts* Dammit! I know I'm not turning into a quick shot...! I will hold out for more than a minute...!

Enterprise: J-Jacob, I'm about to cum...

Jacob: Feel free to cum whenever...

Enterprise: Jacob, I can't...hold on!

That's when Enterprise came. The very moment she did, her entire pussy got even tighter and I was even closer to cumming myself.

Jacob: *thoughts* There's no way she feels that good.

Enterprise: Jacob, you can go faster, if you want...

Jacob: Dammit! I can't...take much more of this...

Enterprise: Y-You don't need to hold back, you know...?

Jacob: Yeah, well...I might not have a choice in the matter if I keep this up...

At that very moment, Enterprise got even tighter and it simply became too much.

Jacob: Enterprise...I'm cumming....!

I thrusted as far as I could one final time as I came inside of Enterprise once again. My arms started to shake as the pleasure was too much. I almost lost all the strength to keep myself up again, but I managed. Sweat rolled down every part of my body, which was new to me, but I guess it happens to everyone. I slowly started to pull out of Enterprise and the very moment I did, I felt Belfast wrap her arms around my chest, her chest pressing against my back, as she softly whispered into my ear.

Belfast: Would you please do me next, Darling?

Jacob: Can't I rest a bit?

Belfast: *Smiles* Fine... You can have a minute to rest...

Jacob: *thoughts* She's thirsty as hell...

That's when Belfast let go of me and I fell on my side as I started to breath heavily.

Jacob: way too much.... I almost passed out again...

Belfast: Miss Enterprise really is a legend...

Jacob: What makes you say that?

Belfast: She's the only one to make you fall unconscious after one go, isn't she, Darling?

Jacob: I hate that you're right...

Belfast: I'm sorry, Darling, but I can't wait anymore. I want you in me...

Jacob: Well shit...

I sat up and looked at Belfast, who was looking back at me. She was on her hands and knees, but she had one of her arms at her stomach with her hand at her vagina. That's when she used two fingers to spread open her pussy. I swallowed hard as I sat up and crawled over to her before I grabbed my dick and inserted it inside of her.

Belfast: *Moans* D-Darling... You are so big....

Jacob: *Groans* Belfast... You feel so...good....

Without warning, I leaned forwards and grabbed both of Belfast's arms before I moved my hands down to her wrists as I held her up. That's when I started to thrust inside of her I didn't start off slow like I did for Enterprise, but I wasn't going overly fast either.

Belfast: *Moans* Darling, you're being so rough...!

Jacob: I'm sorry...but I can' it.... You feel too good.

I could tell that Belfast wanted to say more because every now and again, I heard her voice escape a bit.

Jacob: Belfast, you wanted to indulge yourself in you desires... Tell me what you want me to do...

Belfast: *Bites lip* Darling, please go faster...!

Jacob: If that's what you want.

As Belfast requested, I started to thrust faster and even a bit harder, but that's when I noticed that I was about to cum.

Jacob: Belfast, I'm about to cum.

Belfast: There's no need...for you to hold back, Darling. Whenever you're ready, let it all out inside of me. I'm about to cum as well.

Jacob: Shit! I...can't....

Before I could say more, I thrusted one last time, as far inside Belfast as I could go, as I shot everything I had inside of her womb.

Belfast: Darling! I'm cumming...!

That's when I felt Belfast get even tighter as she came as well.

Belfast: *Starts breathing heavily* You came so much, and it's so thick, even for your fourth time. I'll definatly get pregnant....

Jacob: ... B-Belfast...?

Belfast: What is it, Darling?

Jacob: C-Can you use your breasts next?

Belfast: You'd like me to use my breasts?

Jacob: Y-Yes...

Belfast: Then please, lay down on your back...

I pulled out of Belfast and did as she said. That's when Belfast crawled up to me before she placed my dick and sandwiched them between her breasts. My eyes and mouth shot open just from their softness. Then, I gritted my teeth as Belfast giggled a bit.

Belfast: You really do love my breasts, don't you, Darling?

Jacob: *Slowly nods head*

Belfast: *Giggles* Then please, enjoy the breasts you love so much.

That's when Belfast started to move her breasts up and down. I tried, but her breasts were just too good, my mouth shot open again due to the pleasure, my tongue sticking out a bit as a bit of saliva ran down the side of my mouth.

Belfast: It seems that you are really enjoying this, Darling...

Jacob: ... *Groans*

Belfast: *Giggles* Please, just relax and enjoy it.

Jacob: B-Belfast! I... I can't...hold on.... *Gasps*

Belfast: Oh? Your thing is twitching so much, you must be close to cumming.

Jacob: *Starts breathing heavily*

Belfast: Please, do not hold it in.

That's when the pleasure grew even more and it almost became too much. I clenched my bed sheets in my hands and at the very moment, Belfast pressed her boobs together even more, which sent me over the edge.

Jacob: B-Belfast! I'm cumming again!

With the pleasure becoming too much to bare, I thrusted up as I came, my cum flying out of Belfast's breasts, landing on top of them, on her face, in her mouth, and some even landed in her hair. Once I shot that, more cum started to flow out of my dick as it all went in between Belfast's breasts.

Belfast: This is your fifth time cumming, yet you came so much and it is still so thick.

Jacob: *Continues to breath heavily* *Whispers* I... I want more....

Belfast: What did you say, Darling?

Jacob: I want... more....

Without saying a word, I sat up and grabbed Belfast's arms as I made her lay on her back, where I was just laying.

Jacob: I'm sorry Belfast, but I'm not satisfied just yet...

Belfast: *Smiles* Then go ahead, Darling. We are trying to start a family, remember? Do what you need to...

Jacob: Then...are you ready?

Belfast: I am.

Jacob: Alright, here I go...

Without saying another word, I stuck my dick inside of Belfast again as I started to thrust inside of her.

Belfast: *Moans* You feel so good, Darling!

Jacob: You feel amazing too, Belfast. I feel like I could cum already.

Belfast: Please, if you are about to cum, then don't hold it back.

Jacob: I'm not quite there yet...

As I continued to thrust inside of Belfast, I looked down at her breast and watched as they bounced up and down as I thrusted. That's when I reached and grabbed her right boob before I squeezed a little bit, my fingers sinking into her breast.

Jacob: Holy shit! They are so damn soft! My fingers just sunk right in...!

Belfast: Darling, if you keep playing with my breasts like that, I'll end up cumming.

Jacob: Is that so...?

Without saying a word, I bent down and started sucking on Belfast's left breast while I started playing with her right nipple, all while thrusting inside her.

Belfast: *Moans* Darling, wait...please!

Jacob: *Stops sucking for a bit* I'm sorry, Belfast, but your moans are too hot. I just want to tease you more.

Belfast: But, if you keep that up, I'll cum in no time...!

Jacob: Go ahead. I won't stop you... *Starts sucking on her breast again*

Belfast: *Moans a little louder* Darling! Darling! I'm cumming again...DARLING!

That's when Belfast wrapped her legs around my waist and forced my dick into her pussy, as far as it could go, as she came and I felt her get even tighter around my dick. The pleasure grew even more and it became too much. I groaned as I pulled out a bit before thrusting one last time, as far as I could go, inside of Belfast as I came into her womb again. Once I finished, I pulled my head away from Belfast's breasts as I felt her legs loosen around my waist.

Jacob: That felt great, Belfast.

Belfast: It did. Thank you, Darling.

Without warning, my vision started to get blurry again and now, I started to feel light-headed.

Jacob: I'm sorry, but I think... I think I've reached my limit....

That's when I fell forwards and fell face-first into Belfast's chest as I passed out.

I awoke a few minutes later, according to Belfast and Enterprise, and the three of us decided to go again. At one point, Enterprise gave me a blowjob which felt awesome. Not only that, at one point, both Belfast and Enterprise gave me a boobjob at the same time, which felt so damn great. After that, the three of us decided to go to sleep for the night. I still never figured out why Enterprise felt so damn good, but some things are better left unsolved, I guess...


I slowly started to open my eyes and that's when I felt something soft pressing against my side. I looked to my right and saw Belfast laying there with one hand on my chest as her head was resting kinda on my chest but kinda on my arm as well, still asleep. I looked to my left and saw Enterprise laying there the exact same way that Belfast was. I wanted to rub my eyes, but considering that two women were laying on my arms, I couldn't quite do that, so I turned and looked up at the ceiling for a few seconds before I turned tow my right because I felt movement. That's when I saw that Belfast had her head up as she looked at me.

Belfast: Good morning, Darling, and a very Merry Christmas.

Jacob: Morning... Wait, it's Christmas already?

Belfast: It is.

Jacob: *Cold sweat rolls down side of head* I... I didn't get anyone anything... I completely lost track of the days with everything I've been busy with....

Belfast: It is fine, Darling, you gave me my present last night.

Jacob: *Starts blushing*

Belfast: *Giggles*

Without saying a word, Belfast leaned down and a second later, our lips locked as we were now kissing. A few seconds later, Belfast pulled away and I was left there blushing a bit. That's when I felt movement on my left, so I turned my head to find Enterprise sitting up.

Enterprise: *Rubs eyes and looks at us* Oh, morning.

Jacob: Morning.

Belfast: A very good morning, Miss Enterprise, and Merry Christmas.

Enterprise: It's Christmas?

Jacob: That's what I said too, but apparently it is Christmas, so Merry Christmas, Enterprise.

Enterprise: Oh, well, Merry Christmas Jacob and Belfast.

Belfast: Well, we should really get going now.

Jacob: Why's that?

Belfast: Christmas is being held in Iron Blood this year.

Jacob: I see, then we really should be going.

After that, the three of us got up, got dressed and headed to Iron Blood.

(Time Skip)

We were in Iron Blood now, walking down the side walk, looking at the different shops to see if I could buy anything, but Belfast kept reminding me that we would be late if we were to look for a present I had to suck it up and face any consequences that would befall me because I didn't get anyone a gift.

(Several minutes later)

We walked into a building where the Christmas party was being held and that's when I saw practically everyone from the four major camps.

Jacob: How in the hell do we all fit in here...?

Enterprise: Who knows?

That's when a voice rang throughout the building as it talked through a mic.

???: And the Commander has arrived! Commander, why not come up here and wish everyone a Merry Christmas?

Jacob: *Sighs* Okay...

I started walking passed everyone and eventually, I was standing on stage with a mic in my hand.

Jacob: *Taps mic with finger and clears throat* Good morning everyone.

Everyone: Good morning, Commander!

Jacob: I wasn't planning to do it this way, but I was told to wish you all a Merry Christmas, so... Merry Christmas, Everyone. It's time to celebrate!

Everyone: Merry Christmas, Commander!

That's when I handed the mic back to whomever and walked off stage. After that, I started walking around as I started talking to people. But a few minutes into walking and talking later, I ran into Amagi.

Jacob: Oh, hey. How's your first Christmas back, Amagi?

Amagi: I am enjoying myself quite a bit. What about you, Commander?

Jacob: I'm having fun, but I'm still a little tired. Not only that, I'm a bit scared...

Amagi: Why is that?

Jacob: ...I didn't get anyone a Christmas present.... I got so tied up with recovering your ship parts that I forgot Christmas was so close...

Amagi: *Giggles* I see. That reminds me, I wanted to thank you, Commander?

Jacob: Huh? For what?

Amagi: For allowing me another chance to be with my Dear sister Akagi.

Jacob: *Starts blushing a bit* Oh, that? It was nothing...really. I just figured that, maybe if I found a way to bring her sister back, she would be happier. That, and as I'm sure you know, she's kinda obsessed with I figured that if I brought her sister back, she wouldn't cling to me as much. A selfish reason, I know, but I don't want her to only rely on me to make herself happy.

Amagi: I understand. You only wanted what was best for her, and as her older sister, I thank you.

Jacob: Th-There's really no reason for that...

Amagi: Of course it is.

Jacob: *Starts blushing a bit more* Soooo... Where is Akagi?

Amagi: I think she's actually trying to find you, Commander.

Jacob: Oh God. I can only imagen what she'd do once she finds me...

Amagi: *Giggles* She really has taken a liking to you, Commander.

Jacob: *Sighs* You have no idea...

I just opened my mouth to say something else, but that was when I looked to my left and saw Akagi staring at me, but it wasn't the good kind of stare, at least not for me...

Jacob: *Starts backing away towards the door* I' with you later, Amagi. Akagi... Akagi's in her Yandere mode, which isn't good for me...

Amagi: *Giggles* Good luck, Commander.

Jacob: Thanks. Something tells me I'm gonna need it this time.

That's when Akagi started running towards me. I quickly turned around and ran straight for the door. A few seconds later, I burst through the doors and I was now outside. I looked to my left before looking to my right. Then, I took off running to me right. A few seconds later, Akagi ran through the door as she continued to chase me. She was pretty slow, so I was able to outrun her...

(A few minutes of running later)

I was running down a side-walk, but that was when I came up to a building. I quickly looked behind me, but I didn't see Akagi. Once I got in front of the doors to the building, I threw myself through the door and a second later, I was inside the building on my hands and knees, but I quickly turned to where I was sitting on the ground, hands behind me as I kept myself up.

???: Darling? What are you doing here?

I slowly turned around, and that's when I saw the best thing ever, but also the scariest thing ever. Prinz, Bismarck, and Roon were sitting at a bar table, looking at me...

(Prinz, Bismarck, & Roon)

Jacob: *Starts blushing as mouth drops*

Prinz: It seems that he likes what he sees.

Roon: It appears so.

Jacob: *thoughts* Does Bisco always wear black underwear?

Prinz: Care to join us for a drink, Darling?

Jacob: *Continues to stare at Bismarck* *thoughts* Goddamn, she's so damn hot in that! Well all of them do, but Roon be lookin' thirsty right there...

Bismarck: You're staring at my underwear again, aren't you, Commander?

Jacob: Yeah... *Eyes shoot open as I realize what I said*

Bismarck: *Sighs and turns to face away from me* Honestly, you really are a pervert, Commander.

Jacob: Like you can blame me, you're the one who's hot as hell! *Eyes shoot open again as I realize what I said*

Bismarck: *Turns back towards me*

Jacob: *Starts blushing even more before sighing* I'll just drown my sorrows now...

That's when I stood up and took a seat next to Prinz. Prinz handed my her mug of beer before she grabbed another mug from over the counter as she poured herself some beer. I grabbed the mug and started drinking the beer.

Jacob: *In a low voice* Why am I such a pervert...?

Prinz: Come on now...

Jacob: *In low voice* Just end me...

Prinz: I think you broke him, Bismarck...

Bismarck: *Sighs*

Jacob: *Chugs the rest of the beer before slamming mug to counter* Prinz, I need some love...

Prinz: Aww, come here, Darling.

That's when I leaned over as Prinz wrapped her arms around me and now, I was resting with my head on top her breasts.

Jacob: Why is Bisco so mean...?

Bismarck: Stop acting like you're hurt, Commander.

Jacob: *Sighs* Fine, but I'm staying like this...

Prinz: *Giggles*

I staid laying against Prinz for about a minute before I picked myself up.

Jacob: Thank you, I needed that...

Roon: Commander, you could come rest your head on my breasts as much as you'd like.

Jacob: I'd rather take on Akagi than test my luck with you...

Prinz: *Giggles*

Jacob: *Sighs* God, I really feel like an ass.

Bismarck: Well, that's probably because you are always an ass, Commander.

Jacob: Bisco...

Bismarck: What?

Jacob: You're being more of an ass than me right now.

Bismarck: Fair.

Jacob: *Squints eyes*

Prinz: *Giggles* Why do you feel like an ass, Darling?

Jacob: *Sighs* Because I've been busy and I completely forgot to buy presents for people... I guess if you want to count me bringing Amagi back as a Christmas present for Akagi...

Prinz: I see.

Jacob: Sorry...

Bismarck: Well, you did barely manage to escape that Siren facility with your life...

Jacob: True... Even still, I feel bad that I didn't get anyone presents....

Prinz: All I really want is a kiss, Darling.

Jacob: Okay...

That's when me and Prinz leaned towards each other and our lips locked. We pulled away after a few seconds before we sat there and started talking for a while longer. But, that was when the doors to the bar flew open and standing at the door, was Akagi.

Jacob: *Stands up from bar stool* How the hell did you know I was in here?

Akagi: You can never escape from me, my dear Commander. All Akagi did was follow your scent.

Jacob: *Starts walking towards Akagi before grabbing her by the wrist and drags her outside* What do you want, Akagi?

Akagi: I want you, my dear Commander.

Jacob: *Sighs*

Without saying a word, I leaned down and kissed Akagi on the lips. A few seconds later, I pulled away.

Jacob: Happy now?

Akagi: Very. but there was something else I wanted to say.

Jacob: And...?

Akagi: Thank you for bringing my Dear sister, Amagi back, Commander.

Jacob: Don't mention it.

After that, as if we read each other's minds, we both leaned towards each other as we kissed again. We both pulled away after a few seconds and I walked back inside the bar.

Jacob: C'mon you three. The party already started.

Bismarck: I think I'll stay here.

Jacob: That's wasn't a was an order....

Bismarck: *Sighs*

Jacob: It's for your own good, Bismarck, now let's go.

After that, the five of us headed back to the party.

(Several minutes later)

I walked through the doors as everyone turned to face me.

Jacob: What's the hold up? Don't stop the party just cause I'm here. *Smiles*

That's when everyone started to party again.

Jacob: *thoughts* Not gonna lie, I'm a little surprised that we haven't been attacked by that Mech yet. It's like they're letting us have Christmas off...

Amagi: What are you thinking about, Commander?

Jacob: Oh, nothing...

Akagi: Commander...

Jacob: Yes...?

Akagi: Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention to me.

Jacob: I have to always pay attention to you. If I don't you'd get the upper-hand on me...

Amagi & Akagi: *Giggles*

Jacob: So Amagi, I wanted to ask... When I brought you back, you said "It's nice to finally be meeting you, Commander." What did you mean when you said finally?

Amagi: Oh, that. I've been keeping an eye on you.

Jacob: Oh...

Amagi: Ever since you came into contact with Akagi, actually.

Jacob: Man, that long, huh? That's when...

Amagi: Azur Lane and Crimson Axis were at war with each other, yes. But it was you who put an end to that war.

Jacob: *Starts blushing a bit* Aww shucks. You're making me blush...

Amagi: *Giggles* It wasn't an easy task, but you managed to get the two sides to work together.

Jacob: Look, not that I don't appreciate it, but I don't really like to toot my own horn...

Amagi: I understand.

Jacob: Wait, you said that you've been watching over me ever since I met Akagi, right?

Amagi: That's right.

Jacob: *Eyes get wide* *thoughts* Then the means that she saw when me and

Amagi: Commander, is everything okay? You look pale.

Jacob: I'm so sorry, Amagi!

Amagi: What for?

Jacob: I... I had pre-marital sex with Akagi....

Amagi: That is true...

Jacob: I'm so sorry, Amagi!

That's when I felt something hit me in the head. I quickly put my hands on my head where I was hit as I looked up, only to find that Akagi was also holding her head. I looked at Amagi to find that both her hands were fists.

Amagi: Pre-marital sex is not okay, Commander, Akagi.

Jacob: I'm truly sorry, Amagi.

Amagi: Well, I'm at least happy that you took responsibility and asked for Akagi's hand in marriage, but that doesn't make it right, understand, Commander?

Jacob: Yes, I understand.

Amagi: Good, as long as you understand... Well, now that that's out of the way, Commander...

Jacob: Y-Yes...?

Amagi: I have a favor I'd like to ask you.

Jacob: O-Okay...?

Amagi: I was wondering if you could take me on a date. I'd like to see everything that has changed since I passed from this world.

Jacob: *Starts blushing a bit* I mean, I don't mind at all, but...

Amagi: But...?

Jacob: Like I said, I'd love to do that for you and I'll make it happen, but if you were watching over me, then couldn't you have seen everything that has changed that way?

Amagi: I have, but it is different to see what has changed rather than experience what has changed.

Jacob: That makes sense. I wasn't trying to say that I didn't want to take you on a date, I just just curious.

Amagi: *Giggles* No need to worry, Commander. I understood what you meant.

Jacob: Awesome! It's a date then. When did you want to go on the date?

Amagi: Well, seeing as how it's Christmas, I think it would be better to wait a few days.

Jacob: True... Hey, I'm gonna go talk with a few others. I'll catch ya later, okay?

Amagi: Getting bored of talking to me already, Commander?

Jacob: *In a panicked tone* Th-That's not what I meant!

Amagi: *Giggles* I was just teasing you, Commander.

Jacob: *Scratches back of head* I'll see you later, kay?

Amagi: Alright. Have fun, Commander. *Smiles*

Jacob: *Smiles* Same to you. Have fun, Amagi.

After that, I walked away to go find other people to talk to. I was searching for about a minute, but that's when I ran into Andi.

Andi: Jacob!

Jacob: Yes?

Andi: Just wanted to say hey.

Jacob: I see. Well, hey. You enjoying the party?

Andi: Yeah! It's so fun talking to everyone!

Jacob: I see. You getting along with everyone?

Andi: I am. Everyone's so nice! *Smiles*

Jacob: Good. So hey, how's your training with Enterprise going? I haven't checked up on you in a while so...

Before Andi could answer, someone walked up to us to join in the conversation. I turned and saw Enterprise walked up to us.

Enterprise: Andi has been doing surprisingly well. So far, we've done about 5 days of target practice and she's only missed one arrow. She has a lot of natural talent with a bow.

Andi: *Starts blushing a bit* B-But I'm no where's near as good as you, Enterprise!

Jacob: *Laughs awkwardly* Good. I'm glad to hear that.

I was about to start talking again, but that's when someone else walked up to us.

Sovetskaya: Hello, Comrade Commander.

Jacob: Oh, hey Sovetskaya. You enjoying the party?

Sovetskaya: I am. And what of you, Comrade Commander?

Jacob: You bet.

Andi: Who's she?

Jacob: Oh! You two haven't met. Andi, this is Sovetskaya Rossiya. She's with the Northern Parliament camp. Sovetskaya, this is Andi. She's my younger cousin.

Sovetskaya: Greetings, Andi.

Andi: Hello!

Jacob: So, are the others from Northern Parliament here as well?

Sovetskaya: They are.

Jacob: Cool. Glad you could all make it.

I was talking with Sovetskaya for a minute, but that was when Andi tugged on my sleeve.

Jacob: *Looks at Andi* What?

Andi: *Points at someone* I'm gonna go talk to her.

Jacob: *Turns and sees that Andi was pointing at Chapayev* *Immediately stops Andi*

Andi: What?

Jacob: *Shakes head* Do not go talk to her...

Andi: Why?

Jacob: She's a masochist...

Andi: Oh... I think I'll just stay here then....

Jacob: Good idea...

After that, I talked with Sovetskaya, Andi, and Enterprise for a while longer before I talked to a few other people.


End Part 30: The Grey Ghost and the Head Maid! (Contains Lemon) (Christmas Special)

Announcer Jacob: Alright, I won't say anything here other than at the end of the next part is where I'm gonna do the whole "announcement thing." Another thing, the next part is a direct continuation to this part, even though the title of the next part will be different. But the fist thing you read at the beginning of the next part happens straight after the ending of this part. Also, sorry that the Christmas Special was so short. I didn't really have an idea I wanted to do other than the Prinz, Bismarck, and Roon thing....

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