Worth The Wait (A One Directi...

By JustMe52

239K 6.7K 2.3K

(SIUTK and Rockstar 101 sequel) You all heard the story of how Tori and Liam got back together. But how about... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Author's Note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Worth The Wait (A One Direction Fan Fiction)

43.5K 522 236
By JustMe52

"I can't believe you did that!" I scream at my boyfriend, Chase, as I storm into my tour bus.

"It's not that big of a deal." Chase shrugs, plopping down on one of the couches.

I toss my duffel bag on the floor. "Not that big of a deal?! You were a complete jerk to my fans!" I glare at him, angrily.

"They wouldn't shut up, and I was getting a headache." Chase sprawls out on the couch, grabbing the remote to the flat screen tv.

"I don't care if you had a headache! Those are my fans! You told them to all shut the eff up! That is the most disrespectful thing to do!" I snatch the remote out of his hand.

Chase rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed. "Does it look like I care? All of your fans are annoying. They never shut up. Someone needed to put them in their place." He walks over to the mini fridge.

"My fans did nothing wrong! If anything you are the annoying one. What happened to the old you? You used to be so sweet and caring. Now you are a complete jerk!" I push him against his chest.

Chase straightens up to his full six foot height to tower over me. "You want to know why I changed? I changed once I realised that you have been using me this entire time! You were never into me!"

My mouth drops open in shock. "What are you talking about?! I've always liked you! I have never used you!"

"Bullsh*t!" Chases shouts, causing me to flinch. "When did you think that I would figure out that you never loved me? You have always been in love with him! I am so stupid for not noticing before!"

My eyebrows furrow together in confusion. "What are you talking about?! I'm not in love with anyone!"

"Don't lie to me!" Chase screams at me, slamming the fridge door shut. "You have been in love with him ever since we started dating!"

What is he talking about? I don't love anyone.

I throw my hands up in the air. "Who are you talking about?"

"Louis Tomlinson!" Chases screams, loudly. I open my mouth to respond, but freeze when I hear my ex's name. "And, that proves that I'm correct. We're done." Chase pushes past me and storms out of my tour bus.

I'm not in love with Louis. I haven't heard from him in two years. After the world tour with Olly, Louis and I lost touch. We haven't spoken since. Why would Chase assume that I still love him?

"Carter? Carter, wake up."

My body shakes from side to side gently, pulling me from my dream. My brown eyes flutter open to see Riley, standing above me, with a small smile on his face. Why is he waking me up so early?

"Did you dream about it again?" Riley guesses.

I nod my head once. "Yeah. I don't know why I keep dreaming about that night." I sit up to lean against my headboard.

"Maybe because you know it is true?" Riley suggests with his eyebrows raised.

My head snaps to look at him. "What?! Why does everyone assume I still love Louis?"

Riley chuckles. "Do you not remember what you searched on the Internet when you came home from your tour?" I frown at Riley, confused. "You stayed up to three in the morning to see if Louis was dating that Tori girl."

A warmth spreads across my cheeks like a wildfire. "I was curious. Everyone was saying they were together." I defend myself.

"Why did it bother you so much? You haven't heard from Louis since Olly's world tour." Riley walks over to my bedroom window to open the curtains.

I purse my lips, annoyed. "Why does it feel like I am on an episode of Doctor Phil?"

"Because I have to ask these questions until you admit you still love Louis."

"But, I'm not in love with Louis."

"Yes, you are. Everyone knows it, but you." Riley places his hands on his hips. "Now, get dressed. We are going shopping. You have ten minutes to get ready." Riley tells me, shutting my bedroom door behind him.

I glare at my bedroom door for a few minutes before deciding I better get up. I don't love Louis. It has been two years since I have talked to him. When I went on Olly's world tour, Louis and I tried to remain friends, but the distance was killing me. We slowly fell apart. The day that Simon offered for me to go on my own tour was a six monthes after Olly's. I agreed. My tour was amazing. That was when I met Chase, my ex-boyfriend. Back then, he was sweet and a great boyfriend. After my last concert, Chase cussed my fans out because they were 'too loud'. They are fans. They are supposed to be loud.

We broke up that night. Chase had this crazy idea that I was still in love with Louis. I hadn't talked to him in two years and six months. How could I still love him?

It has been six months since we broke, making it officially three years since I'be seen or even heard from Louis. Yet, everyone believes I still love him. Did I google him to find out if he was dating that Tori girl? Yes, but only because I wanted to see how he was doing. I'm sure Louis would have done the same thing to me.

I match over to my closest to change out of my pyjamas. I slide into a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a black and red striped long sleeve shirt. It is December which mean the weather is freezing. I wrap a black scarf around my neck to keep me warm. Now, where are my black boots? I know I wore them the other day. I check my closet to find them not in there. I find them underneath my bed, hiding from me. When I'm finished, I snatch my phone off of the charger and jog downstairs to see Riley chatting with my mum.

"Morning, sweetheart." Mom kisses my cheek when I plop down in the stool next to her.

"Is there any-"

Riley hands me a yellow mug with whipped cream on the top. "One hot cocoa."

A smile spreads across my lips as I wrap my fingers around the warm mug. "Thank you." I lift the warm liquid to my lips.

"You guys are going shopping today?" Mom asks me, wiping the small dot of whipped cream off of my nose.

"Yep. I need new winter clothes." I nod once. "I don't have many warm clothes."

"Do you have money?"

"I have plenty. Those world tours definitely paid off, and now that my album has gone platinum, I would have to say that we will never have to worry about money again." I set my mug down, smiling at my mom.

We have never been poor, but we've never been rich either. My mom would always be worrying about money, she just never told me about it. I'm happy to be able to pay for everything without struggling anymore. My tours and my album has given us a lot of money. Money that we have never had before.

"I never thought I would hear those words." My mom pulls me into a hug.

"I want to be in this hug." Riley pouts, joining in on our hug.

"I think we bought too much." I groan, collapsing into a booth at Panera Bread.

"You can never have too much." Riley replies. "I'll go pick up our order." He walks off.

My cell phone vibrates on the table top and heads for the edge. I catch it quickly before it can fall to the carpeted floor to its death. An unfamiliar number flashes across the screen as it vibrates in my hand. I shrug my shoulders and press ignore. A few seconds later, the same number starts to call me again. Who the heck is this?!

"Hello?" I answer, hesitantly.

I hope my number hasn't been leaked on the Internet again. That happened to me about a year ago, and I had so many fans calling me that week.

"Is this Carter Shay?" A female voice questions.

There is two ways this will end; the girl will scream when I answer or she will remain calm. I highly doubt she will remain calm. That rarely happens.

"Yes." I prepare to cover my ears.

"Perfect! I'm Tori Adams." The girl replies, surprisingly not screaming. Wait. Tori Adams? Is this the same Tori Adams that I thought was dating Louis?

"May I ask why you are calling?" I run my hands through my hair.

"Oh, right." She giggles. "Well, this might sound strange. You probably don't know who I am, but maybe you-"

"You are dating Liam Payne, right?" I interrupt her.

"Yes. That's me. Hopefully, this won't seem so strange then." Tori tells me. "Here's the thing, I'm going on a vacation with One Direction to a log cabin in North Carolina in a week, and we were wondering if you would like to join us? Oh gosh, that sounds so weird." Tori mumbles the last part to herself.

"You want me to go on vacation with you? I haven't talked to any of them in three years. Wouldn't that be weird?" I ask her, taking a sip out of my iced tea.

"Well, the boys really miss you. Especially Louis." Tori answers before whispering to someone else.

Louis misses me? It's been three years. I thought he would have forgotten about me. They want me to join them on vacation? That would be rather awkward, but I would get to see all of them again. I could see Harry and Niall. I miss my best friends. I wonder how Liam and Zayn are doing? Maybe this is a good idea.

"Wait. How do I know that this isn't some fan pretending to be Tori Adams?" I ask, suddenly suspicious.

"One second." Tori says.

"Carter?" An Irish accent speaks from the other end of the phone.

I bite my lip, grinning. "Niall?" Riley walks over to me, and sets our food down. I press my finger to my lips to keep him silent.

"Do you believe Tori now?" Niall chuckles. "You better come with us. I haven't seen you in three years-"

"Is that Carter?!" Another voice screams from Niall's end. "Give me the phone, Niall!"

"But, I just started talking to her!" Niall whines.

Riley jumps up from his side of the booth over to mine, and press his ear against the back side of the phone to listen.

"Carter?!" Harry's voice comes through clearly.

"Haz!" I exclaim.

"How have you been?" Harry asks me.

Riley snatches my phone from hand. "Is this Harry Styles?"

"Riley!" I reach for my phone.

Riley slaps my hands away. "How have you been? Really?" Riley glances at me. "She is going...I'll force her if I have to...In a week?...Perfect...She will be ready...Great...Talk to you later."

"What did you just do?!" I grab my phone from Riley.

Riley grins, moving back to his side of his booth. "I just told Harry that you would be joining them on their vacation. Were you considering on not going? Louis will be there. You are going."


"No buts." Riley points a finger at me. "This vacation will be your way of proving to me that you aren't in love with Louis. If you can go to North Carolina and stay in a cabin with them, and not admit you are still in love with Louis, then I will never bother you with it again."

"Promise?" I bite my lip.

"I promise."


Author's Note:

This is the prologue for the the sequel to Rockstar and SIUTK. This will be the only chapter in Carter's POV. The rest will be in Tori's point of view.

I planned on posting this on Christmas Eve, but I couldn't wait. Merry (Early) Christmas!

Most of you probably thought I wasn't starting this until February, but I lied! I wanted to surprise you. I thought that this would be a pretty awesome Christmas present. Hopefully, you like it.

If you have not read my message that I posted about updating my stories in order, then I'll just put it in here. I decided that I would try doing this while I'm Christmas vacation to see if I will like it. Here is the order:

Like We Used To

If It's Love

Worth The Wait

Love Me For Me

Hidden Truth

Hey, Princess



Dance With Me Tonight

Both Sides of the Story

Question...What do you think so far?

So, yeah!

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