exchanging body heat in the p...

By cookiecrisp305

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Introduction "Hurry your ugly ass up, you're so slow and stupid." Yah that's what I have to wake up to. While... More

Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chapter 1
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chapter 2
exchanging body heat in the passneger seat wow how kinky?! chapter 3
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 4
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 5 part 1
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 5 part 2
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 6
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 7
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 8
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 9
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 10
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 11
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 12
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 13
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 14
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 15
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 16 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 16 part 2
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky!Chpt 17
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chapter 18
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chpt 19 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chpt19 part2
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 19 part 3
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 20
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 21 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 21 part 2
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt21 part 3
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exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 22 part 3
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 22 part 4
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chapter 23 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chapter 23 Part 2
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chapter 24

exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chapter 25 part 1

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By cookiecrisp305

Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! 

Chapter 25 part one.

The party finished and after we took Sadie home we went to walk along the pier. The night was chilly but warm at the same time. Charles had his arm around me which kept me warm ;) 

"I love you Trinity" 

"I love you too Charles" 

"Then why didn't you tell me you were going to leave me?" 

"Because I'm not sure that I'm going to have to leave for real." 

"Why can't you just stay with me? Try asking your dad again" 

"He said Mandy's or Ohio" 

"Then let's run away together" 

"What about your mom and school?" 

"My mom will be ok and school fuck it" 

"Charles we can't do that, I just have to figure something out." 

"Just stay with me and ignore your dad then." 

"I've tried babe, he said if I don't go back he will come over here and take me to Ohio himself." 

"Then what are you going to do break up with me?" Charles said, stopping in front of me and looking me directly in the eyes. 

"No Charles I'll figure it out I'm just going to have to go back to Mandy's" 

"I don't want you getting hurt" 

"It's that or nothing" I said while Charles wrapped his arms around me. When we got back to the car Charles opened the back seat door and sat inside.  

"I don't want to go home yet it's early" 

"It's three" 

"Exactly" he said with a grin. "Come inside" Charles said motioning me to get inside with him. Once I climbed in he closed the door and reached over to turn on the car. He rolled down the windows and unzipped my dress. He then got on top of me and took off his shirt. He commenced to kiss me; his front curl of his hair lay over his eye making him irresistible. I pulled my underwear off and he started to finger me. Once he was hard we UN buckled his pants and slid in me. He went passionately in and out of me increasing speed in each stroke. I felt him go fully in which meant he was about to cum; Charles jerked back and cummed over my stomach. He then got off of me and wiped the cum off with his under shirt. We got dressed and headed home. Once we got there we took a shower and knocked out. 

Days later.... 

Charles and I decided that I should go back to Mandy's, until I could convince my father to let me stay with Charles. Since school started I hardly saw Mandy which was good, but when I did see her I just ignored her. Danielo hadn't been coming to school but Detective Johnson was sure making it obvious that he wanted my attention.  

I was now on my way to meet with Charles to head to school. Since I hadn't seen him since yesterday morning, and he wasn't home when I got back from Sadie's house yesterday. When I got downstairs to the parking lot I saw Charles and I huge cut on his cheek. 

"Hola mi amor" said Charles kissing me on the lips. 

"What happened to your cheek Charles?" 

"Nothing just a little fight." He said opening the car door so I could sit. 

"Just a little fight?" 

"Yeah babe it's nothing" he said turning on the car. 

"You don't want me to get hurt, but when you do its ok? Well it's not Charles" 

"Well I don't go around asking for it babe it just happens" 

"If you say so Charles" I said. Charles then touched my cheek with the back of his hand. 

"I'm ok babe don't worry." 

"But you know that I'm always going to worry." 

"I know and that's why I love you" he said smiling. We stopped at a stop light and the car next to us was detective Johnson, thank god Charles wasn't looking my way. If not he would of saw detective Johnson smiling at me. 

Amber lee productions 

All rights reserved. 


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