exchanging body heat in the p...

By cookiecrisp305

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Introduction "Hurry your ugly ass up, you're so slow and stupid." Yah that's what I have to wake up to. While... More

Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chapter 1
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chapter 2
exchanging body heat in the passneger seat wow how kinky?! chapter 3
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 4
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 5 part 1
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 5 part 2
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 6
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 7
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 8
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 9
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 10
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 11
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 12
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 13
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 14
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 15
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 16 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 16 part 2
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky!Chpt 17
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chapter 18
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chpt 19 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chpt19 part2
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 19 part 3
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 20
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 21 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 21 part 2
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt21 part 3
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky!chpt22 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 22 part 2
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 22 part 3
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! chpt 22 part 4
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chapter 23 part 1
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chapter 23 Part 2
exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chapter 25 part 1

exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky! Chapter 24

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By cookiecrisp305

Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! 

Chpt 24

He had me pinned down to the car; his hot sweet breath collided with mine I was so tempted to kiss him, but I then remember I had to get back to the apartments before Mandy got home so I could get the rest of my things. I slipped under him and ran from Detective Johnson. I turned back and waved and he smiled at me. Don't get me wrong Detective Johnson was attractive, but I only have eyes for Charles. When I arrived at the apartments I didn't see Mandy or Maygan's cars in the parking lot so I resumed to my mission impossible. I went upstairs and collected the rest of my things. When I was going through my drawers I saw the bracelet that my aunt had given me before I left, I had remember when I dropped it and Charles had picked it up. That was the first day I had met Charles. I went down stairs and took out the key Charles had given me for his apartment; no one was home I just went to Charles's room and went to sleep. 

A few hours later...  

I hear someone opening the front door and walking towards the room.  

"Hey babe" Charles said kissing me on the forehead. 


"Were you waiting for me?" 

"Yeah, but I decided to go to sleep." 

"Oh, well now you're up" 

"I guess so." 

"Your too much." Charles said taking off his clothes, staying just in his boxers. 

"I know come lay down with me." 

"I'm coming." Charles said climbing into bed right next to me. I started to kiss his neck while he pulled on my shorts. "Take them off" he said. I took off my shorts and then my shirt just staying in my underwear and bra. We kept on kissing until I felt him on me. My hands went down his boxers and he slid them off. I got on top of him and started to grind on him. (Teheee she's such a tease) he took off my bra and wanted to take off my panties. His boner felt pretty good under me. "Babe c'mon" he said pulling on them. I shook my head saying no. I wanted to tease Charles for some odd reason. "That's not fair." Charles said tickling my stomach. "Charles stop I'm ticklish" I said "I know too bad now" he said. "Alright fine I'll take them off, just stop please" I said. Charles stopped tickling me and pulled down my underwear. His hands caressed my body as if we never had had any sex what so ever. He slipped in me and it felt like the first time. After we finished we laid in bed naked under the covers.  

"Can I tell you something?" Charles asked. 

"Yeah what is it?" 

"I want to marry you some day." Said Charles, I didn't know what to respond to that. I did want a future with him, but I had plans for my education. I couldn't tell him I didn't want to marry him because I did, but I hope it would be later on in life. I turned my head to him and said "I love you Charles." He kissed me and we went to sleep.

New Year's Eve at Brian's house... 

We got to brains house around eight thirty; there was a whole bunch of people there Including Gabriel. 

"Hola chica Donde a estado?" Gabriel asked. 

"I've been busy" 

"So you're too busy for me." said Gabriel, Charles shot him a look and Gabriel's face expression changed. 

"C'mon Charles I'm just messing with her. You delivered the stuff?" asked Gabriel to Charles. 

"Yeah" Charles answered. 

"Hey babe I'm going to go talk to Sadie ok" I said to Charles. 


I walked away from Charles and Gabriel. I went to sit next to Sadie who was talking to Brian. 

"Hey you two." I said  

"Hey" they both answered. 

"What you up to." 

"Just here" Said Sadie. "I'll be back babe." Said Brian walking towards Gabriel and Charles. 

"I like your dress" Sadie said. 

"Thanks Charles picked it out" 

"My mom was mad because I wanted to come here instead of being with her." 

"It's understandable though she probably wanted to spend it with you." 

"That's not it; she just doesn't want me with Brian"  

"Why not?" 

"She doesn't like him." 

"She doesn't even know him." 

"Exactly that's what I said, but maybe because one time when he came over he was high." 

"My dad starting not to like Charles, but I could care less of what he thinks." 

"Have you told Charles yet? 

Hey guys so sorry I haven't written, but I've been caught up with some stuff (WORLD DOMINATION!!!) but I'll try to keep writing one a week since fcat is coming up. (SPOLIER ALERT: what does trinity have to tell Charles? Does trinity have something in common with the detective more than just a desired kiss? And IMF 3D April 3rd don't forget!! Toodlez for now!

AmberLee productions  

All rights reserved. 


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