Accidentally in love [{Hiccst...

By NameIsHiccup

69.4K 2.5K 3.3K

Can the Adam (Hiccup) to our Eve (Astrid) win against the Knight in Shining armor (unknown) that Eve has alwa... More

Chapter 1 - Accident
Chapter 2 - Serious
Chapter 3 - Fake Boyfriend?
Chapter 4 - Caught
Chapter 5 - Handcuffs
Chapter 6 - Wedding!?
Chapter 7 - Falling for him
Chapter 9 - Haiden
Chapter 10 - Past or Present
Chapter 11 - Paul
Chapter 12 - She likes you
Chapter 13 - Admitting
Chapter 14 - Fight!
Chapter 15 - Round 2
Chapter 16 - Danger?
Chapter 17 - Choosing
Chapter 18 - Graham to the Rescue!
Chapter 19 - Memories from the past
Chapter 20 - Mysterious Guy
Chapter 21 - Final
Sneak Peek
Sequel is up

Chapter 8 - Developing

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By NameIsHiccup

Astrid pov

The past few days or should I say month, I couldn't think straight. I daydream about my life and children, oddly enough whenever I think of Paul, I feel nothing Like he never hurt me or I never loved him but when I think of Haiden, weird but I always blush, my hands get sweaty when ever he kisses my cheeks, my knees goes far too weak whenever he smiles, I get this weird feeling of not letting his smile fade and you know what's weirder than that?

My heart beats like a maniac! It feels like it was going to break away from my chest and give it self to Haiden.

Naughty, naughty heart of mine!

My training also I'm getting better at it. Haiden would always accompany me and cheer for me at the bleachers which got the girls on Track-and-field jealous of me for having such hot and supportive boyfriend which I am also proud of, even though it's just a fake relationship. I wonder what would happen if I give up on Paul?

''Good job, Asty baby'' Haiden cooed and complimented and handed me a bottle of water which I gladly took and devoured with big and loud gulps.

I just finished my daily TAF training and was sitting on the bench to cool down when Haiden came up and handed me a water

''Thanks, Hiccy boo boo'' I also cooed which earned a laugh at the both of us. He wiped the sweat on my face with the clean white towel that he always bring for me, like the gentleman he was.

''Even though, your ankle just healed you still run like the wind, Astrid.'' He smiled and wrapped his arm around me. Also this has become usual thing for us, not that I mind though because I obviously don't. We randomly flirt at each other which I enjoyed truly. The feelings I once had for Paul was slowly fading away. Weve been pretending to be a couple for a month now and we got each other gifts even though we only have a fake relationship.

''Ankle sprain is not enough to stop me from running and pursuing my dreams!'' I answered as he rested his chin on my shoulder and we both watched the others for a while.

''Gee! You smell, Asty Baby.'' Haiden playfully said and I hit him also playfully of course with a smile on my face

''I just finished practicing and as you can see, I'm covered in sweat!'' He just nodded and pointed his lips for a kiss,I blushed and flicked his lips. He pouted. I don't know if he was just teasing me or if he wanted the kiss but that is still too embarassing for me.

''Gosh, would you two get any more cuter?'' I heard Ruffnut from behind. We turned around and found her grinning at us with amusement.

''Oh, hey Single lady!'' I grinned and Haiden chuckled and also said, ''Hey, Rebecca.''

I don't have any idea as to why Ruff still don't have a boyfriend, she goes out on a blind date 7 days a week. Imagine that!

''Hey, Brown Hottie.'' Ruff winked at Haiden. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tounge out at her childlishly and Haiden only laughed at my childishness.

''What's up, Single lady?''

''Were having a party this Friday, you two coming?''

''I'm not coming.'' Haiden answered and I looked at him frowning

''Oh, that's a bummer''

''Babe, come on, let's go!'' I tried to convince him but it only rewarded me with an apologetic smile

''Sorry! Friday is a no-go for me this week.''

''Nah, it's okay, maybe next time then Brown hottie. Are you coming, Astrid?''

I thought about it and looked over to Haiden. He smiled and nodded but I was still hesitating. ''I'll think about it.'' I answered

''Okay then. See you two love-birds around!''

As soon as Ruff was out of sight I sighed. ''So, what do you wanna do today?'' Haiden asked

''Is it stalking? Evesdropping? Following? Bumping to the date?''

I sighed, ''Were not doing any of that today.''

I said and Haiden furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. ''What do you mean?''

''Your taking me out on a date!! A real date not a fake one!!'' I squeeled in glee and delight, Haiden grinned

''So you finally realized, I'm better than Paul huh?''

I gave him one of my own grin, ''Maybe I am.''

''What kind of date?''

''What do you mean?''

''I meant if you want, a movie date, dinner date?'' He asked with a grin

I smiled, ''I want a date where we won't have to spend anything at all.'' It's not like I don't have any money because I can have many! I would just tell my parents that I have a date with Haiden today and they would give me tons of money to fix myself. That is why I love the both of them. The real reason is, I just want everything to be naturally perfect, do you get me?

''Hmm.. Okay, I can arrange something like that. So Tomorrow night you up?''


He rubbed the back of his head and grinned lopsidedly. ''Sure thing.''

Hiccup POV

A date huh? It's the first time Astrid had requested something like this in a month and so I wanted to have this extremely special. I dropped her off to her house and told her that I would pick her up this night.

As soon as she was inside her house I drove towards mine and called my dad. After a few rings He picked up

''Gerome Haddock, Mayor of Berk, anything I can help you with?'' Dad answered formally on the other line

''Dad, it's me, Hiccup.''

''Oh? Son! Do you need anything?''

I grinned even though he couldn't see me. ''I would like to have a full-access to the cove.'' The cove was a government property and can only be accessed if given special permission by the mayor which is my father and knowing him, he would do anything for me to date and give him children to spoil.

''I can do that but can I ask why?'' Dad asked in wonder

''I got a date with a special someone tonight at 8pm.'' I smiled when I remembered Astrid. I would definitely make this the best date she would ever have.

''Oh.'' My father only said though I can feel him grinning at the other line. It's a father and son connection. ''Sure! Sure! Do you want me to get you anything? I'll get the best chef's for you two's food! I could prepare some fireworks for the ending!''

I laughed at my father excitement. ''I don't need the Chefs but the firework thing sounds great. Don't let my date see your workers, dad!''

''Great! I'll make preparations then! Good luck!'' Dad said before he hung up.

Dang. He was literally the best dad ever. I pulled up to my garage and went inside. I took a quick shower it was 4:36 when I went in and got out at exactly 5:20. I prepared sandwiches, fruits and got the expensive wine that was resting on our bar. Yes, we have a mini bar inside the house and game room, sport room, exercise room, sparring room and so on. Now you see why kids used to bully me because my dad and I were filthy rich.

I texted Astrid to be ready for I was coming soon. I got upstairs took out a blanket that I would use to have our night picnic, some jacket, extra phone battery, digicam and a breath spray in case some smooch happens. Yes, I'm ready for that.

My phone rang and I answered it was my dad. ''Dad.''

''Haiden, the fireworks is set, just give  them the thumbs up signal and they'd light it up. Don't worry, they're hid well, just lift your thumb and Boom! Fireworks!'' Dad excitedly announced which made me chuckle

''Thanks dad.'' I said before hanging up. I was wearing Black V-neck shirt, leather jacket, gray pants and white-black converse. I was hot.

I was set. I already placed the things behind the car and all other more unnecesarry tools.

I went inside my Blue BMW and off I go to Astrid's.


I pulled up in front of Astrid's house and got the flower that I brought on the way.

I took a deep breath, ''You can do this, Haiden.'' I chanted and stepped out of the car and walked towards their door and pressed the doorbell button. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard a muffled voice of Astrid saying, ''Were going on a date! Not a honeymoon!!'' Her parents must've been excited too.

She opened the door with a smile. I gave her the flowers. ''You look beautiful tonight, babe. You do everyday.'' I said with a playful wink

''Thanks, you look hot too.'' She smirked. Our moment was interupted when Astrid's father came into view.

''Evenin' Haiden.'' Mr. Hofferson greeted and held out his hand for me to shake which I gladly took

''The greatest evening to you sir!''

''I heard you were dating tonight...'' Mr. Hofferson trailed and I saw Astrid roll her eyes, ''I just want to tell you to take care of my Sassy Queen for me!''

I smiled, ''You didn't have to, sir. I'll take care of her.''

And I meant it.

Astrid POV

My parents are one of the weirdest of all.

Can you imagine? My parents are a lot more excited than I do to get a baby!! They've been itching me to 'marry' Haiden after college and give them children to spoil.

Haiden is far by the only guy my dad appoves of from all my previous relationship. The past month Haiden would visit every week ends and bring my mom and I flowers and my dad some expensive looking wine, If I didn't know better I'd think he was really courting me.

So when I told my mom that were going out on a date she literally jumped up and down in Glee and giggled like a love struck teenager!

Now were in Haiden's car, comfortable silence surrounding us.

I cleared my throat, breaking the silence ''Where are we going, Hic.''

''The cove'' He looked at me and smiled

''Were going on a picnic, Asty baby.''

End of Chapter

Since I'm a terrible teaser. I'm ending it here.

Stay tuned for next update


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