Visionary; Ronald Weasley

By angelex_13

36K 1.2K 372

vi·sion·ar·y /ˈviZHəˌnerē/ adjective: visionary 1. relating to or able to see visions in a dream or trance... More



2K 58 16
By angelex_13

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═∘◦ONE: Don't Be So Insensitive◦∘═
∘◦Train Wreck James Arthur◦∘
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Late one August night nineteen-ninety-five at Greenwood Manor Adelaide Greenwood is thrashing around in her sheets, Begging for someone to help bring her out of the horrible nightmare, or rather memory, that is filling her head during her most venerable state.

"Kat, something is wrong, I'm telling you. I told him not to put his name in that stupid goblet!"

At the front of the stadium stood stood the families of the champions, and now their close friends. Fleur Delacour and Victor Krum are both to one side with their respected people and the friends and families of Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter are anxiously waiting for their return.

The older Weasley's along with the Diggory's are talking among themselves to one side trying not to show their worries to the teenagers a few feet away from them. The Weasley's that are still in school, Hermione Granger, Amanda Perkins, Katrina Bowemen, and the Greenwood siblings are all standing together.

"I'm sure everything is fine, seriously Addy. They are both going to come out of the maze any minute." Sebastion tried to comfort his sister who was on the verge of a panic attack.

"Well, when you think about it, when has Addy ever had a feeling about something and it not be right?" Amanda said trying to lighten the mood but only earned herself a smack from Hermione, "Honestly Amanda, that isn't helping,"

Mindy sheepishly smiled at the girl with a faint blush rising to her cheeks. Bash looked at his younger sisters friend and rolled his eyes, he didn't want to admit that she was right, for his sisters sake. Adelaide kept her gaze on the hedges hoping for some sign of life or anything.

"Fred, George, You're tall. Can you see anything."

"Sorry sunshine-"

"-We see just as much as you do"

Huffing she turned back to her brother and buried herself in his arms. She couldn't shake the feeling from the second the tournament was announced, and especially after Cedric had placed his name in. She knew something bad was going to happen, but what happened next, she could've never predicted.

A few moments later the band started playing a song and cheers erupted from the stands. Spinning out of her brothers arms she made her way to the front of the group as the music slowly died down and sobs became more prominent.

Sebastion immediately pulled his sister back, "What? Let me go, Bash!" Adelaide had her head held against her brothers chest, and was struggling to get free.

Amanda turned around and yelled for Bash to let go of his sister, that she had to see what was happening. He was reluctant but loosened his grip on her and she broke free and pushed her way to the front of the group.

All of a sudden the noise around her faded, and the whole world collapsed, everything was happening in almost slow motion.

Harry was gripping onto Cedric's shirt sobbing words that she couldn't hear. Turning her head to the right where the adults were, Arthur Weasley was trying to hold back Amos Diggory. She turned her head forward and looked at Cedric again.

In complete shock she continued to step forward till she could see his face. She had to see if it was real, if her suspicions were correct. And the proof was looking her right in the eyes, cold and unmoving staring right back at her was her friend.

He was there to sneak into the kitchens with her late at night when her thoughts became too much and her brother was in his own common room. He would flirt with her to make her smile if she was having a bad day. They spent countless days by Hagrid's, helping with some of the creatures and every train ride on the Hogwarts Express talking, him telling her stories real or fiction, it didn't matter. When she needed someone to walk with her to class or study with for exams, he was there.

He was her friend. Now he was gone.

She brought her hand to her mouth and let the tears come to her eyes. Sebastion walked up behind her and grabbed her upper arms to pull her back but she shoved him off. Falling, her knees hit the grass below her. She didn't know what to do, so she did the only thing she thought she could do.

Adelaide screamed so loud that a few people had covered their ears. Others held onto the things around them for support because, the ground, had started to shake. Dumbledore looked over to the girl that was literally rattling the earth, and to no ones knowledge, he had a twinkle in his eye. One that meant excitement, knowledge.

He knew something no one else did. The pieces to the puzzle were adding up.

Tears streaming down the girls face as she screamed were like acid, she felt as if they were burning her face and as if her throat was going to start bleeding at any second. Sebastion looked to their friends who all looked mortified, concern written all over their faces. Bash lowered himself to the grown next to his younger sister and wrapped his arms around her bringing her head to his chest once again. He pulled her out of the horrid scream and the ground had finally stopped shaking below them.

Whispering things in her ear as she sobbed, he couldn't get her to look away from Cedric's body long enough to get her out of the place. She kept reaching forward to grasp on to him shouting 'no' every few seconds. Harry had finally gone somewhere else and Amos was cradling his only child, his boy, tightly in his arms.

Behind them Hermione and Amanda were leaning on each other for support tears streaming down their faces. George had quickly taken hold of Katrina letting her burry her face in his chest as she sobbed. Fred stood there, not knowing how to react to the sight before him, but his hand was placed on his younger brothers shoulder in a comforting manor. Ronald held Ginny trying to keep his sister from seeing such a horrible sight, that he couldn't quite take his eyes off of.

Amos finally turned to Adelaide and her brother nodding to him between his sobs. Sebastion moved forward with Adelaide who practically crawled over to Cedrics body and held him one last time. Sebastion let her lean on him as she let the sobs rack over her body once again.


"Addy, wake up! Come one, Goldie!"

Adelaide jumped up from her bed, sweat dripping from her body and tears streaming down her face. She looked at her surroundings, she was in her bedroom at the manor. She looked to her right and Bash was kneeling on the ground next to her looking at her with pity.

"W-what time is it?" she finally asked him as he sat on the edge of her bed.

"Like four in the morning,"

He shifted so he was sitting on the other side of her, against the headboard, she shifted and let her head fall on his chest and listened to his heart beat. Ever since that night she found it reassuring, listing to his heartbeat, it assured her that he was still alive and breathing.

That he wasn't leaving her.

She had sent her friends multiple letters over the summer to try and ensure that they were alive. It had become a new thing she had developed because of what happened. She had to be sure everyone was okay, she couldn't lose anyone else.

Her brother was sure that this would become a problem during the school year that was starting in two days, but he wouldn't voice that to anyone but his friends. Although he was sure he would have to have a quick chat with his sisters friends about her new habits especially Kat, since he couldn't be with her at nighttime anymore.

"Why don't you try to get some sleep Goldie?" He said kissing the top of her head before going to get up from her bed. Adelaide shook her head and grabbed his arm pulling him back down to lay with her, "Tell me one of your stories,"

Bash nodded and went on to tell his sister about one of the pranks he, the twins, and Lee Jordan pulled. After a while he realized she had fallen asleep and he too decided to get some rest. Knowing he would wake her if he moved he fell asleep sitting up against her headboard with Addy cuddled into his chest, letting out quiet snores.

A few hours later Adelaide was woken up by Sebastion opening her curtains and jumping on top of her. He was smiling like an idiot and Adelaide couldn't help but give him back a tired smile, "Whats got you all happy?"

Bash rolled his eyes but his smile didn't falter, "What? Can't your lovely, handsome, hilarious brother be happy at nine in the morning?"

She rolled her eyes at him and pulled the covers over her head blocking out the light from the windows. It was too early to be awake, especially after the night she had, plus they were going back to Hogwarts tomorrow. To say there was a lot on her mind would be an understatement.

Adelaide was extremely worried of how people would treat her, she didn't want anyone to be cautious around her out of fear of her reaction. Although she was extremely terrified of what being at school would be like without Cedric, but she decided not to dwell on that aspect and to concur that when she got there.

One day at a time, right?

" Come on! You have to get up, breakfast is ready and if we aren't downstairs in ten minutes father will get mad." Bash said ripping the blankets off of his sister and grabbing her arms to pull her upwards into a sitting position.

Adelaide pouted, "Fine, I'll be down, give me a second."

Satisfied, Bash left her room and went to his own so he could get rid of his 'just rolled out of bed' look.

Adelaide stood up and walked to her closet pulling a white floral sundress over her figure and running a brush through her thick hair. Once she was done she opened her door and stood in the hallway waiting for Bash to be done. She didn't think she'd ever have the ability to face her father alone. He didn't like her very much and, in her opinion, was overly aggressive for no reason.

After a few seconds Bash opened his door. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a sage green sweater. His hair was still sticking up in all directions and he was still zipping up his pants. Adelaide rolled her eyes and walked over to him flattening his messy hair.

He just stood there and smiled goofily down at her, "What would I do without you, Goldie?"

Adelaide rolled her eyes at the nickname. Their entire childhood he called her that, because according to him she had a heart of gold and was of great value to him. It was extremely sweet and endearing, but he was her older brother, she had to pretend it bothered her sometimes.

"The sarcasm hurts Bash, really." She held a hand to her chest as they walked down the stairs.

The boy just rolled his eyes and playfully knocked into her shoulder before they entered the dining room. Upon opening the door Adelaide felt the light-hearted atmosphere from her morning disappear into a heavy and gloomy one.

She smiled half-heartedly at her mother before nodding in acknowledgement to her father. Adelaide sat in her seat across from her mother and next to Sebastion and waited for her father to allow them to start breakfast. The brooding man looked up from his copy of The Daily Prophet at his children and placed it down next to him before serving himself to breakfast.

Melinda initiated the conversation trying to keep her husband from saying something that would result in a fight, "Are you excited for school?"

Bash smiled apprehensively, "Yes, I'm excited for my final year. I can't wait to see my friends."

Their mother looked satisfied with his answer, and turned to sip her morning tea. Edward made a noise, clearly irritated with something, causing all three at the table to tense slightly.

"Your mother asked you a question Adelaide, you will answer."

Adelaide immediately looked up with wide eyes, "Oh... Well..." she eyed Sebastion for some sort of help.

She wasn't necessarily excited to go back, especially after the loss of her friend, but she didn't want to voice that. He would be angry if she said anything of the sort, but Adelaide wasn't very good at lying.

Sebastion sensed her uneasiness and spoke up, "I think Adelaide is a bit nervous."

She smiled gratefully at him. That wasn't a lie, and she could go with that, "Yeah- yes, I have my O.W.L.'s this year. I have a lot of studying to do and many important decisions to be making."

Melinda nodded at her child, "Yes, that is true. I am sure you will succeed academically this year." She waited a moment, and almost hesitantly added on, " Dear, don't let your grieving affect you too much, I'm sure you will get past it sweetheart, it takes time."

Adelaide stopped moving around the eggs on her plate and froze at her mothers words. Tears started to form in her eyes and she felt Bash reach under the table for her hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Thank you."

Edward aggressively cut whatever food he had on his plate, "She better. The Daily Prophet has been talking about her and that Potter boy all summer. To think I was foolish enough to assume you couldn't bring anymore embarrassment to this family. You go off and have a breakdown in front of all these people, for a boy that has no respectable name!"

Adelaide had no idea how to respond and neither did anyone else at the table. The silence after his yelling was loud and heavy, she absolutely hated it.

Rubbing circles around the back of her hand Bash finally spoke up, "I don't think she meant any harm by it, father. He was her housemate." Edward threw his fork and knife down on his plate, "That does not matter! She is being made out like a madwoman, our last name plastered around the paper with affiliation to those bloodtrators."

Adelaide squeezed her brothers hand knowing that he was loosing his patience with their father. "If someone you grew up with's dead body was dropped in front of you, you would be traumatized as well!"

"Sebastion-" Adelaide tried to reason with him, but he was already in his protective brother head-space.

"You dare raise your voice at me, boy! I suspect that those irritating screams in the night are from the 'traumatic' experience!"

"Of course they are father! She looked her friends dead body in the face, no normal person-"

"Exactly! Normal, something she is not! A mud-blood for all I am concerned about!"

"Edward," Melinda finally cut in placing her hand on her husband's arm trying to bring him out of his enraged state.

Adelaide shook her head, fighting the tears that pricked her eyes as she looked down at her lap. Both the men at the table were standing and glaring at each other with pure disgust and anger. Edward decided to exit the room, leaving the three of them to sit in awkward silence.

"May I be excused?"

Adelaide didn't wait for an answer before getting up and walking to her room. With tears finally falling freely down her face she decided to pack her things for Hogwarts. She placed her trunk on her bed and stated neatly folding her clothes and packing them away.

Her cat, Peaches, jumped onto her bed curling herself into the Hogwarts trunk. She was a Aegean cat with mostly white fur and orange markings around her head and tail. Sebastion had gotten her for Adelaide's thirteenth birthday, considering that she didn't have a pet of her own and was completely terrified of owls.

How she was a witch and terrified of owls was something no one had an answer too, but the girl was utterly terrified of the things. Especially her brothers, which she claimed had it out for her since day one. Of course that wasn't necessarily true, but the owl definitely sensed her fear and didn't like her as much as he liked other people.

"Hey, we're going back. You excited Peaches?"

There was a timid knock on her door. Knowing it was Bash she wiped her eyes and muttered a 'come in'. He didn't say anything before closing the door behind himself, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let it go that far."

She turned to him and smiled, it was clear she had been crying. Her eyes were puffy and red, she also had tear stains going down her cheeks. Bash walked over to her and pulled her into one of his bear hugs which she felt there was no greater sense of comfort.

The siblings spent the rest of their day avoiding their parents and helping each other pack for Hogwarts. Both of them knew this year was going to be interesting to say the least, but that wasn't either of their concerns at the moment.

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"I don't understand what they could possibly be having another meeting about,"

"Well, Harry, I reckon it's probably about you," Ginny announced from the bed where she was sitting.

In Ron and Harry's shared room, all the kids sat discussing the events that occurred during the past weeks. Hermione said they should have a meeting of their own before they returned to school. Fred and George sat on the floor by the door, Hermione and Ginny were sitting on Harry's bed, Harry sat against the door, and Ron was leaning against the bed the girls were sitting on.

"When's it not about me?" Harry asked rhetorically. The twins exchanged a look and smirked, "There was one time-" George started, "-when they were discussing a certain... Sunshine." Fred finished.

Hermione looked up from her book, "What do you mean?"

Ron sat up against the bed, the conversation suddenly interested him more than before.

"A certain Adelaide Greenwood has stumped the dear old Order I reckon," George said smiling. "Not once since I've been here have I heard any sort of discussion about Addy," Hermione stated matter-of-factly.

"Well, then I guess you don't want to know what we know about the topic," Fred said smirking to George. "Well, no one said that," Ron said rolling his eyes.

Harry shot his best friend a look and smirked to himself, "What were they saying about Addy?" He decided to ask for his friend.

"They were talking about the night of the final task-"

"-Saying stuff about her screaming-"

"-says she's connected to something-"

"-not sure what though."

"Oh, thanks that's so much to go off of." Ginny rolled her eyes at her older bothers. "You'd think you'd have known something of substance with the way you were talking,"

"Have you heard from Bash?" Hermione asked. Fred nodded to her, "Yeah, he's doing well. Just worried about Sunshine, says she's not doing too great."

"He says not to mention it though, doesn't think she'll want people talking about it." George adds on. Hermione nodded satisfied with the answer and going back to her book.

"Sad isn't it?" Ginny asked uncrossing her legs. "What?" Harry asked from the floor.

"Adelaide of course,"

"Oh come off it. She's going to be perfectly fine the second she steps foot onto the train. I'll bet she's handing out some cookies, asking everyone how their holiday has been while she finds a compartment." Ron said rolling his eyes.

Ginny kicked the back of his head, "Don't be so insensitive. She just lost a friend, don't forget how she reacted."

The entire room went silent, they all remembered how she had reacted to Cedric's death. Even Ron could admit it was quite heartbreaking to watch the girl who had been known to be an optimist and a all around cheerful person break down and shatter to pieces like that.

Ron rubbed the back of his head where his sister had kicked it, "I remember, no need to get violent," Harry laughed at the siblings before deciding to call it a night. The rest of the teens filed out of the room and to their own.

Ron sat on his bed flipping though a quidditch magazine, his bedside lamp on while he looked at the pictures. Harry had long since turned his own off and was rolled over, facing away from Ron. Deciding to finally try to sleep, Ron turned off his light and laid flat on his back looking up at the ceiling above him.

He let his mind wonder to many different places, but it always found its way back to Adelaide Greenwood. Not understanding why he couldn't shake the thought of the brunette, he tried to push away the thoughts. Thinking about someone who irritated you before you fell asleep wasn't something entirely enjoyable.

But he couldn't help it. Why had The Order been discussing her? What was she connected to? He had so many questions that he knew he couldn't flat out ask anyone, they wouldn't give him answers. Except maybe Sirius, but that's a different story.

Ron rolled over and looked out the window at the sky outside of Grimmauld Place for a while and eventually drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

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