Her innocent flower

By maca_katt

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Lilianna works at Victoria's Secret, wanting to be one of the lead designer(s). Moving from the Big Apple to... More

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By maca_katt

When I got finished getting dressed and finished with my hair I gave myself one final look over. I was happy with the final look. I placed on some shoes that were my size. I was surprised that Ronnie even had a shoe size my size. I then walked out of the room to see Sean waiting for me to walk out. I smiled at him and he smiled at me bowing a small bit. He motioned me to walk first and so I did. As we walk we make it to the door, opening it he led me to a black car.  Getting in I started to feel nervous, I looked out of the window, I see building and building. The street lights bright and traffic lights looking like Christmas lights I felt myself smiling at the thought of this date and finally learning about the truth. 

"We'll be there soon Miss." The diver said as he looked at me and I smiled nodding my head at him. After a few short minutes, we arrived at the building that we were going to be eating dinner.

The driver opened the door for me and helped me step out. I thanked him and soon Sean is by my side once more. When we enter he lets go of my arm and pointed me to where Ronnie was I thanked him and he walked off. Everyone was looking at me and I looked to see Ronnie joining them. I walked to her and she smiled at me. Seating me down she took her own.

"You look beautiful." She says to me and I smiled at her feeling like the word. A waiter brought us two menus and started to talk I drowned out his voice and his words, but Ronnie said something and smiled at the man. I read the menu and saw the food, with the highest prices.

"Lili, don't worry about the prices," Ronnie told me and I only nodded. To late. "Oh, and by the way, under any circumstances will you be ordering a salad as a meal." She said as she looked at her in surprise. This is totally different.

The waiter came back with two wine glasses and a bucket of ice with a bottle of red wine in it. He asked if we knew what we were going to eat but I was still looking. Ronnie said something to the waiter and he smiled and nodded his head leaving. 

"If you were hungry, you could have ordered for yourself," I told her and he only smiled and shook her head. Reading the menu I found something that I liked to try. 

"Nah, don't want you to feel stressed about picking something." She said to me and I smiled at her. My heart swelled at her words. 

"Evening ladies, did we find out what we are going to be having this evening?" He asked and I nodded my head. He looked at Ronnie first and she gave him her order.

"I'll have the tomato spinach shrimp pasta." She says. 

"Awesome, now, for the pasta what would you like, we have Capelli d'angelo, Cappelletti, Farfalle, and Penne." He says. She seemed to sit and think for a moment.

"I think that I'll have the Penne." She says as she smiled up at him.

"And for you miss?" He asked me and I smiled at him.

"Um, I think that I'll have the Bruschetta shrimp pasta, please," I say to him and he smiled at me and nodded his head, and left with our orders.

"Hey Ronnie, why call me Lili? I mean why not call me by my name?" I asked her as someone poured the wine for us. She hummed and shrugged her shoulders, as she took a sip of her wine.

"Maybe it's because you seem so sweet, and soft. Like a lily flower." She said with a smile. I started to blush at what she was saying. 

We waited in silence as she just smiled and stared at me. I smiled at her and took a sip of my own glass of wine. The young man came back with two plates for us both. I thanked him and looked at the food in front of me. It looked so tasty. The lights slowly dimmed and an older man started to speak.

"Welcome to the anniversary dinner of the late Sebastian Baker. He was a wonderful father and friend. Even if he did steal from us!" He said and everyone started to laugh. "Now, may we have his Daughter speak, give us a speech?" He said and motioned to Ronnie. She smiled and nodded her head as she got up, fixed her suit and tie, and walked up the stage. 

"Well, thank you, I mean. I've been coming to these dinners since I was 13 years old. And every time I go I just can't give you all the thanks that you all deserve," She says as she looked at everyone. "I know that we have had different issues that we have had, and I am so thankful that we all can push that behind us. Now let us enjoy that food that the many chiefs had prepared for us." Ronnie finished. She got down and walked back to me. 

"How come there's an anniversary about your father?" I asked, but Ronnie only picked up a glass that had the wine and took a sip from it. 

"Well, my father, is a or was a." Ronnie looked around and took a breathe in. I looked at Ronnie she seemed to be so stressed out about something. Ronnie looked at me and the to someone behind me she winked and blew a kiss to whoever is or was behind me. I stared at her confused. 

"Your father is here." She said to me but before I could turn around Ronnie pulled me by my chin to not look in his direction. "I think he has a crush on me, he keeps following me around. I could only giggle at Ronnie's remark. 

"Now, Lili, I need to tell you something. You have the right to scream and yell at me if you want to." Ronnie spoke as if she was trying to explain something so simple to a child. Like the child's dog dies or when they have to be put down, the parents try to explain that this dog will never come back. I looked at her confused but then something came to my mind and I had to stop it before it got out of hand.

"Ronnie, if you're going to propose to me. I'm going to have to decline. But I still want to be with you." I said quickly, hoping to not upset Ronnie. But Ronnie only stared at me in disbelief. 

"Uh, right, yeah cool," Ronnie said. As she looks around and then Ronnie became jumpy I don't understand why though. She was looking at, I can only assume, my father. She kept looking at the only entrance and exit that they have for this room. We got up to greet everyone. But something told me that she had to go.

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