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As we get on from the high roller. Ronnie took ahold of my hand and we do to her bike. She takes us to what I am guessing is our last place. She parks in the garage and when we get off of the bike, as we walk into the building she looks down at me.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but would you like to have a sleepover with me?" She asks in an innocent tone like how high school girls act. I laugh at her playfulness and nodded my head.

"I guess I mean it's just us girls, I'll tell the twins and Sam that I'll be staying over with you," I said as I looked over at Ronnie and pulled out my phone. She smiled down at me and giggled at my response.

As we walk we make it to the hotel receptionist. Ronnie started to talk to them and handed them her card. After the transaction Ronnie looked at me and smiled, walking to me she reached her hand out and I took it. 

"I'll have all of those things up there right away ma'am, you two enjoy your stay!" The receptionist said to us with a smile on their face. I smiled back and thanked them. Walking to the elevator I got reminded of the movie Fifty Shades of Grey. I felt my face heat up from the thought. As the ride came to an end we walked down the hall. 

"So, what room are we staying in?" I asked as I noticed we passed all of the rooms. All of them have a keypad lock on each one. 

"We, my lovely Lili, are staying in the presidential suite." She told me I stopped and stared at her back from the nickname she gave me. Noticing that I was no longer walking with you she stopped and turned around. She started at me. 

"Lili?" I squeaked and stared at her. She smirked and walked to me she grabbed my hand gently and started to walk again.

"Do you not like it I just thought it was cute," Ronnie said as she looked at me and I smiled. I stared up at her and smiled. We stopped in front of a door. Ronnie put in the code and with a smile, she opened it for me. Motioning me to walk in first, walking in first I see that the room looked like a whole apartment! The living room was so big, with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Turning my head I see the bed it was huge. I walk over to the bed and feel the sheets they were so soft. The sheets were silk, I then heard a knock on the door. Ronnie must have opened it since I heard a hello and a goodbye.  I walked out to where Ronnie was and she had a bottle of Champagne, two wine glasses, a bag of Taco Bell, and one other back from Mc Donald's. 

"I doubt you had anything to eat," Ronnie said as she placed the tray down and looked at me. I looked at her in awe at what I was seeing.

"You got us food?" I asked her and she laughed at me and nodded her head. She opened the bottle and poured me and herself a glass of tan liquid. The bubbles rise to the top like little circle beings trying to get air only to pop and no longer live once they reach the top. 

"Ronnie, why are we here?" I asked as she hummed and took a bite out of a burrito.

"Well, I know you're new so I wanted to show you around I've lived here since birth so your boyfriend Sam, probably won't know a whole lot of this city," Ronnie said as she took another bite. She turned her head to the window to see the city that lit up. I followed her action and turned my head to the window and looked at the night sky. I didn't realize that she turned her head to look at me.

"Beautiful isn't it?" She asked as she looked at me. I nodded my head and then turned my head to see that she was looking right at me. I felt my face start to heat up from the way her eyes were glossed over. 

"Listen, Lili, I know that what your little boyfriend had said about me but, I can bet that he told you to stay away from me." She said and I nodded my head.

"He did, tell me to stay away from you," I said. Her pointer finger went under my chin and made me look at her. 

"Do you know why he told you to stay away from me?" She asked and I shook my head. She smiled and took her finger out from under my chin. "It's because he knows that I will spoil you." She smiled and I smiled and giggled.


After eating everything I smiled in content. We started to talk about so many things and played games that we made up just for the fun of it. 

"Okay, okay. What is the most badass thing you've done, or what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?" She asked me. We were just asking random questions trying to get to know each other better.

"Um, the most badass thing I've done was, when I was still in high school, me and my best friend, at the time, were with our boyfriends. She was with hers and I was with Sam. Anyways, we were shit-faced and my best friend asked us if we would want to jump off of the rocks that were near the beach. W all agreed and went to the beach. None of us had our bathing suits so we all got naked." I was cut off by Ronnie laughing I joined her in the laughter.

"After that, we climbed up of the rocks and in all of our naked glory, we all jumped. I, however, climbed higher and higher. At this point, I could die if I fall. Rocks were at the bottom. I seriously looking at death and laughing at him. I had a running start and jumped off. With the help of God himself, I missed the sharp rocks and landed in the safe part of the ocean. Walking away unharmed." I finished and I see Ronnie laughing even harder. 

"Okay, the most embarrassing thing." She said as if she had to hear more from me. But I shook my head taking another sip of the champagne that was in my glass. 

"No, you," I said she let out a breath and nodded her head.

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