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Exiting the room I didn't wait for Marcus to get me. I started to wander around the building. I walk to door after door. I made my way to a lonely book self, I grabbed a book that seemed interesting, Opened Doorways. When I pulled it, it moved like a door. I gasped, I thought about the trouble that I could get into with Ronnie. But I did anyway, she wouldn't hurt me. Walking into the hallway I see an opening. When I walk closer I see Ronnie, Sam, and Dad in a room talking.

"Do you know what you have done? Not just to me but her." Ronnie asked sternly.

"Ronnie, I don't think you have a say in my family dynamic," Dad said.

"I do if it concerns her! She has no clue about this world that the three of us are in. This is something that we all need to agree on." Ronnie said.

"Sir, I am afraid I have to agree with her. We have to be upfront and tell her." Sam said as he looked at dad. Dad just groans.

"No, I am not doing that," Dad said.

"It's that or, I do it," Ronnie said. Her voice was stern and untrembling. "My father did the same for me. He would know the changes I would have to go through. Everything making sense, and all that." Ronnie said as she grabbed three glasses and poured a liquid in. 

"Your father was a fool," Dad said. 

"My father dyed all because of you, but I do not want to argue, this is not about me, this is about her, Lili," Ronnie said.

"Lili?" Sam asked. "You gave her a nickname, you've only met her once. Unless, oh, this is rich! You and she have been meeting each other!" Sam said and I looked at him.

"Again let's stay on topic," Ronnie said. "Please Dion. Differences aside, please agree to this, if not I will do it with or without your word." Ronnie said as she took a sip of the liquid. 

"Dion, please. I think you should agree on this, again, the three of us have been through shit, hell and back, deaths and differences. Think about Lilianna." Sam said.

"I am and my answer stays the same," Dad said. "She must know nothing. It's better for her." Dad finished. He rose from his seat and was about to leave but, the door flung open. Marcus looked at Ronnie out of breathing.

"She's gone, she left the room! I can't find her." Marcus said I ran out of the hallway knowing that they heard my shoes clacking on the floor. Once I was out I ran into the room. The door was wide open. 

"What is it that you're not telling me, dad!" I asked. "I have the right to know right now!" I spoke my voice getting louder and louder by the minute.

"Lilianna, please come on let me take you home," Dad said gently and walked towards me his arms outreached for me.

"No!" I yelled. I walk over to Ronnie who seemed more irritated and scared. "Ronnie, please tell me," I asked her and she took her hands into mine own. She smiled at me and I smiled at her. I moved to behind her. I didn't want to leave with a man who won't tell me the truth about what the hell is going on.

"Lilianna, please this is ridiculous, come on we are going home," Dad said as he reaches out to me. I coward more behind Ronnie.  "Baker, what have you done to my daughter!" Dad yelled at her. I looked at Sam and as if he knew he placed a hand onto Dad's shoulder.

"Dion, sir, let's go. She'll come home when she wants to." Sam told Dad. Dad looked at him, his face went red in anger, and stared at Ronnie I looked up at her face and saw her have a blank stare, that seemed so scary, threatening, maybe intimating. 

Dad groaned and with one final stare off for a few seconds, they both left. I let out the breath that I held in. Ronnie turned to me and smiled down at me and I smiled up to her.

"We don't have to rush into the explanation, it's too much to take in. Also, my story is different than Dion's, your father." She said brushing a strand of hair out of my face with her pinky. The gesture was so gentle. I leaned into her touch. I nodded my head. 

"I understand, I'm just glad someone is willing to tell me the truth," I said with a smile on my face. I hugged her once more. 

"Let's go eat something, to lighten the mood okay?" Ronnie asked as she looked down at me. All I could do was smile and nod my head as she began to walk away, she took her hand into my own and as she walked she now had my hand in her own. I smiled at the sight. I liked it my hand in hers' and hers' in mine. 

We get to her room and tells me to pick any kind of dress in her closet. I nodded my head smiling. She kissed the top of my head and left. 

I looked around the giant closet. I looked at gown after gown, each one beautiful than the last. I couldn't pick one. There was a knock on the door. 

"Uhm, yes?" I asked. The person behind the door open it and walked through. 

"Still deciding?" I turned to the voice to see Ronnie. 

"Yes, you have many beautiful gowns," I say as I looked at the dresses once again. She walked into the room and looked at the many gowns. She then looked up to a white box. Reaching up to it she took it down from the shelf that it once rested. When the box was finally down she blew on the top of the white box, dust flew around us. 

"My father gave this to me, he said that I should wear it when it's for me to meet the perfect man." She said, air quoting the "man" part of her sentence. "I am not going to get the perfect man, possibly the perfect woman." She said handing me the white box. I opened it to see white tissue paper. I looked up at her and then walked to the bed to open it fully. The tissue paper was being held by a small sticker. I carefully peeled off the sticker from the bottom piece of tissue paper. When opening it revealed a red dress. I pulled up the gown by its sleeves. 

"Wow, this is a beautiful gown, Ronnie," I say as I place it back into the box. "I can't wear this."

"Yes you can and you will." She said to me and kissed the top of my head. I smile and nodded my head. "I'll leave you to it." She said as she left the room once again.

Her innocent flowerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant