Her innocent flower

By maca_katt

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Lilianna works at Victoria's Secret, wanting to be one of the lead designer(s). Moving from the Big Apple to... More

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By maca_katt

After getting home I started to change. Things were looking brighter for me, starting work soon, I am so excited. Going into my bedroom I opened the curtain and looked out to see the city, filled with lights. People walking along the strip and others going to work in the casinos. I smiled to myself my eyes trailed to a hotel room where a man was sitting and looking at me. I shrugged it off, maybe he was looking at the view as well, I shut the curtain and started to get changed. I put on a white tang-top and some sweatpants. Walking into the living room. I looked out of the window to see the same man still watching me. I pulled out my phone and was about to call Sam but instead, I called Ronnie. The ringing gave made my fears come to life. But then the phone was picked up. 

"Hello?" A groggy voice answered I hope I didn't wake her up.

"Ronnie, can you come to my house?" I asked scared. 

"Lili? What's wrong?" She asked how she was becoming more awake. 

"There's this guy that is in a hotel nearby and he keeps watching me," I answered.

"Okay, what does he look like?" She asked, I walk over to the window and saw him clearly and described him the best that I can. 

"He's tall, with jet black hair, he also seems well built," I said as I look at the man.

"Do you have a clear shot of him, like can you see his facial features?" She asked. I hummed in response. "I'm to take that as a yes." She answered for me. "Does he have a  scar on his left eye, like Scar from Lion King?" She asked.

"Yeah," I responded.

"You are in no means danger." She answered.

"How do you know," I asked.

"I'm coming over and explaining everything." She said. I was about to question her but there was a knock on my door, it was loud and forceful. It terrified me. 

"Hold that thought, okay, I'll call you back," I told her as I hung up the phone and tossed it onto the couch. Walking to the door I opened it. Waiting outside was Dad. 

"Hey, dad. What's with the sudden visit?" I asked him. I look behind him to see Sam. He was beaten up, he didn't even look like him and all. I turn to look at dad and he paid me no attention. He walked around my condo. 

"Dad, what are you looking for?" I asked as I grabbed Sam and pulled him to the couch and then went to the kitchen to get warm water and a rag. Walking back my dad had a gun in his hand, he opened the sliding glass door, walking out he looked at the building, there I see that man on the phone. My dad cocked the gun, getting ready. When I was about to stop him I was then pulled away from dad by Sam I looked behind me to see Sam's face. The trigger was pulled. I saw him relax and turn towards me. 

"You are no longer living here!" He said as tears rolled down my face. I wiggled out of the grasp of Sam and ran to my balcony. I look over the hotel and I see, a dead bloody body, where the man once stood. 

The balcony where he was covered in his blood and other goopy things. I screamed in terror. Just as I was about to collapse, the door was kicked open. There stood Ronnie, she had a gun in her hands pointing it at everything and anything. I ran to her, Sam was about to grab me from in the dark but I made it to Ronnie I walked straight into her chest. She looked down at me and then she looked back up pointing the gun at my dad. 

"He shot that man. He shot him." I cried into her chest. She pulled me behind her, shielding me. She also cocked the gun in her hand. I placed a hand on her arm. 

"Please, Ron, don't," I said to her, she jumped at my touch. She said something but I couldn't hear her. She grabbed my hand and we left. As she dragged me through the lobby of the building. We made it to her car. Slowly placing me into the passenger seat she ran to the other side of the car. Getting into the seat she started the car and we left.

"You'll be staying in one of the houses I own, I told your dad that you'll be in my house but that wasn't true at all." She said to me. "However tonight you'll be with me for your safety. I'd rather you be with me than be alone." She said as she kept driving. Making a few turns we made it to what seemed to be her house. 

"What do you do for a living," I asked her, she stiffened, her grip on the steering wheel grew tight. 

"I can't tell you just yet. But I'll you this, I own a lot of buildings, I'm a businesswoman." She says as she looks at a man waiting at the gates. He only had to nod his head and the gates opened. She drove forwards and when we do we make it to a parking garage. She opened the door for me and I got out. Once I stepped out we started to walk to the door, that I assume was the entrance to her home. I followed her to a room, where a bed with fine sheets. I turn around, to see Ronnie with an expressionless face. 

"Need to do a couple of things. I'll be back soon." She said. I nodded my head. Closing the door I looked at the bed. Walking to it and then crawling under that sheets. It was so warm, and it smelt like her, it smelt like Ronnie. I smiled as I covered my whole body with the sheets. I felt safe in her sent, it was comforting.

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