Her innocent flower

By maca_katt

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Lilianna works at Victoria's Secret, wanting to be one of the lead designer(s). Moving from the Big Apple to... More

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By maca_katt

The sun was so bright. I hated it, can someone turn off the sun. I groaned and mover to lay on my side. When doing so I felt a weight on my arm. Opening my eyes I see Lili on my arm. I smiled and kissed her neck, this made her moan and stretch her limps.

"Good morning, Lili," I say as she looked at me. She looked at me in shock and smiled.

"I thought it was a dream." She said as her arm went to the back of my head pulling me down and kissing me. Pulling away and I pecked her lips lightly. When it was getting heated there was a phone ringing. The ringtone was so loud it made me groan we tried to ignore it but it kept going. 

Lili got out of the bed and walked to her jeans that lay on the floor. Taking out her phone she answered it.

"Hello?" She said. I got up out of bed with a smiled and started to kiss her back, trailing up her spine with my lips, I felt her jump. I trail up to her neck and started to lightly kiss her soft skin. I wasn't paying any attention as to what she was saying all I wanted was to kiss and cuddle with her.

"Sam! Hi, why are you calling me with an unknown number? Did something happen?" She asked and I froze.

'What did those morons do now?' I questioned in my head. I pull away and started to get dressed. 

"What do you mean? I'm not understanding you, listen I have a ride and she'll take me to my Condo." Lili said as I was mid-way putting on my sports bra I turned to her.

"Coraline is giving me a ride. Catherine got too drunk so she's already in the car waiting for us. We just stopped at a motel for the night." She said as she looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at her. Once my bra was on I grabbed my shirt and jacket. Putting them on I looked at Lili and she looked like she was irritated as she was still on the phone.

"So the Mafia in Vegas has you and the boss of them is going to come and torcher you in the basement?" She said as she scoffed and shook her head in disbelief. "Please, Samuel." She said. I then got a call. It was from Damon.

"You better have a good excuse for calling me right now," I said harshly to whoever was on the other line of the phone.

"Sorry ma'am, but we have Samuel, he has cheated us on his side of the deal," Damon spoke.

"Which deal?" I say as I walk to the living room and started to clean up. I sat on the couch once the room was cleaned.

"The deal about, him getting money and vital information about other gangs, in the area, and the world. However, he jumped one of our men and got information about you." He said. "We need to discuss what we may do with him and to him." He said. 

"Who knows?" I asked.

"Lilianna's father ma'am. It seems as if little Sammy here kept in touch with the guy." Damon said, "and he is on his way as we speak." He finished I froze at the hearing of such information.

"I'll see you when you get here ma'am." He said as he then hung up the phone. I started to feel my blood boil in anger. 

I felt a pair of lips on my neck and arms wrap around my torso. Instantly, I relax under the touch of Lili's hands.

"Is everything okay?" She asked in between kisses. I nodded my head placing a hand on her arm in a loving way. She hummed in understanding. 

"I think I better take you home," I say as I look at her and she nodded her head but when doing so she had a pout on her face. I tried my hardest not to laugh at her expression. We get to the bike that we came on and when getting on and starting it I felt Lili jump and squeak a bit. I chuckled and then we were on our way to her home.


I walk through the doors of my home. When walking I kept feeling the anger rise inside of me. I make it to the room in which Samuel is. I stare at the door that was in front of me. I take a deep breath as I opened the door. I heard him screaming in pain. I open the door where the screams reverberated from, once I walk in I see Samuel tied to the chair with nails in his thighs. I picked up some gloves and walk over to him. Sitting in front of him I light a cigarette. I breathed in and blew out the smoke into his face.

"Tell me, Sammy Boy, what do you know?" I asked him as I look into his eyes. Both brown colored irises filled with fear. "Don't keep me waiting I need an answer now," I said as I put the cigarette back into my mouth and breathe in, inhaling the chemicals that were in the small cylinder. 

"I know that you were an orphan, not even your parents wanted you." He said to me, his head now hanging. 

"Is that all?" I asked he froze in shock and one could only describe it as fear. 

"That's I know." He said I could tell that he was lying to me. I placed a finger underneath his chin, making him look at me. His brown irises filled with fear as if I were to be pouring tea into my cup. 

"Your lying to me," I said as I looked at him. His face grew with even more fear. 

"Why would I lie when I am about to die?" He asked me as he groaned in pain as I pulled him, the nails in his thighs going deeper into his skin and bone. 

Looking at him, I smirk. "Dead men always do. Samuel, you told, Lilianna's father about me and my past and everything in between such things. You called him here, to my hideout." I finished as I grab a gun that I had on the table. Placing the tip underneath his chin I cocked the pistol. 

"I wonder, how would you look with your pretty splattered all over the room?" I asked looking at him and smiling. He looked even more fearful about the idea. "How sad, you don't seem too excited about the idea," I say as I put the cigarette back into my mouth breathing in and blowing out smoke. 

"Ma'am, he's here." One of my men said as he looked at the black and blue man. He got here so quickly, though he would be here tomorrow. 

"Perfect, send him to my office and have him watched by the maids and the other men," I say, he nodded and left, as I pointed the gun at his foot, and pulled the trigger. The bullet ripped through his skin and bone. He screamed in pain, with one final breathe in I put out the cigarette. Giving the now empty gun to Damon I walked out headed to my office. I fixed my hair and then entered the room. 

There a man sat in one of the two chairs that were in front of my desk. I walk around him, to my desk chair. Once I sat down I look at him.

"Welcome to my humble abode, what do I hold of the pleasure?" I asked as he only groaned.

"I think you know why I'm here," Dion said with anger rising in his voice. "You bitch took one of my best men. You have him here and not to mention you might have my daughter!" He yelled at me and I only stared in irritation.

"Dion, we both know that Samuel wasn't one of your best men. You're just saying that because he's dating your daughter. Not to mention your so-called 'best man' made a deal with me and broke it. He was snooping around my past and when he got dirt we had to make him dirty." I said as I pulled out two files, placing them down on the desk. "Samuel said he told you some vital information about me. Now, I cannot tell if he was bluffing but if he did, here are two files one has the right information and the other has some bullshit. Pick one and you leave with that file, freely." I said. He looked at both of the files and then at me.

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