Her innocent flower

By maca_katt

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Lilianna works at Victoria's Secret, wanting to be one of the lead designer(s). Moving from the Big Apple to... More

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7 0 0
By maca_katt

The walk to the club was tiring, even though it was just around the corner, just the walk was scary. Men whistling at us. The club was on the strip and it seemed that we looked like any other person who lived or was visiting here. But we made it to the casino Planet Hollywood, we walked into the building and as we did we went to the back where a bouncer was. 

"Hey, Coraline and Catherine with a plus one," Coraline said to him and he looked at the three of us. He opened the red rope and let us through. Walking into the building I saw how lively it was. The room was a light blue with some dark and purple. It seemed like it was in outer space. I saw the girls on the stage dancing men from the balcony whistling I look up and I see the man from the airport today. He was standing with a girl to his left and his right. He looked downward probably feeling my stare. He smiled and waved at me. I grabbed Coraline and Catherine.

"Let's go up here," I said as they looked at me in confusion.

"We can't go up there," Catherine said as she looked at me.

"They why is it open?" I asked and saw no red rope anywhere. Walking up I see the man from the airport. The twins sit down and take a cup of alcohol on the table in front of them.

I take a cup myself and walk to the man from the airport. He was sitting down watching the women dance on stage. Laughing at the other men in the area. He looks at me and smirks up at me.

"Why hello, take a seat." He said patting the cushion next to him. I take the seat next to him and with a smile, he looks at me. "You look beautiful tonight, any special reason?" He asked me. 

"Well, you already know that I just moved here so I and my girls wanted to hang out tonight," I said as I took a sip of the drink. It was pure vodka, I coughed as it started to burn down my throat. He only laughed at me.

"Let me get you and your girlfriends over there something better to drink." He said as he looked for someone. "Steph, can you take the drink orders for this lovely lady and her friends." He said. The girl that was named Steph smiled and nodded her head as she took out a notebook and got ready. 

"What's your name sweetheart?" She asked me. I looked at Coraline and Catherine, waving them over they left their drinks, I guess they took a sip of it too and didn't like it either.

"Lilianna, and Coraline, Catherine. I'll like The Blue Hawaiian Long Island." I said as I looked at Catherine.

"Strawberry Daiquiri, for me please," Catherine said as she looked at her sister.

"I'll take a Sex on the Moon, but can we get a blow job for a starter." She asked and Steph only giggled and nodded her head. 

"Okay so that's a Blue Hawaiian Long Island, Strawberry Daiquiri, and Sex on the moon, finally for starters blow jobs, I'll bring over a couple of rounds for the three of you." She said as she read over her notes and added a few more notes then left. I looked at Coraline and she looked at me in confusion.

"What? It's Vegas, they have it all here." She said as we all giggled. 

"I'll give you the money to pay you back," I said as I looked at the man.

"No, it's fine all on me." He said.

"Thank you, sir," I said, he laughed.

"Ma'am actually." He said I looked over in shock then he took off his coat revealing his breasts.

"Oh, fuck I am so sorry," I said as I buried my face into my hands. She chuckled as if she was used to it.

"All is good, I am so used to it." She said as she placed a hand onto my back the warmth from it was nothing like I had ever felt, it felt like I was safe.

"So Lilianna, right? Why did you choose to come here, all the way, to Vegas?" Ronnie asked. I looked at her as she looked at me, there was something in her eye.

"Well, my boyfriend was here for a job, and my friends were here," I said in truth. She only stared at me and nodded her head. Steph came back with our drinks and placed the blow jobs onto the table. 

"Okay, Lilianna has to go last she always wins this game," Coraline said as Steph started to place the whipped cream onto the drink and trail it to the edge of the table. Coraline, Catherine, and I waited for one of us to say go. Coraline looked at us and stuck her tongue out. The men that were on the balcony turned around to watch us. Coraline licked the edge of the table and that was the signal to go. I licked the table clean to the cup. I picked up the cup with my mouth. Lifting it I poured the liquid into my mouth and down my throat. I then placed the cup back down neatly. I looked at Coraline and Catherine as they were now placing the cup down. Coraline's cup fell onto its side. Catherine's said still had some liquid in it. The men whistled and chanted.

"As always she wins!" Coraline said as Steph walked over and now set our drinks down and we all relaxed as she picked up the shot glasses. 

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