Her innocent flower

By maca_katt

200 0 0

Lilianna works at Victoria's Secret, wanting to be one of the lead designer(s). Moving from the Big Apple to... More

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8 0 0
By maca_katt

I felt my heart pounding in my chest. Why did he just kiss me like that? I don't understand. I guess it's just what he does. I looked at Samuel as he looked so angry.

"Sam? Is there something wrong?" I asked as I looked at him. He snapped out of his thought and smiled at me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Let's get you to that interview." He said and I nodded my head. 

"I just need to call my dad," I said as pulled out my phone and I can see that a sweat bead going down his head. I giggle a bit. "You're still scared of my dad after all of these years?" I asked him and only chuckled. I hit the call button that was under my dad's number. The phone rang and I waited patiently for his answer. 

"Hello, Angel are you okay. I'm coming to pick you up it's okay that you started to get cold feet." He answered.

"Dad, no, I'm fine. I just wanted to call you to tell you that I landed and I'm with Samuel. Also, some guy was here. His name was Ronnie. I guess you wanted to check up on me." I said with a chuckle. I heard him stiffen and suck in a breath.

"Who, was with you?" He asked. 

"Well, he left. But he said that his name was Ronnie." I said.

"Angel, please hand the phone to Samuel." He said in a stern yet calming voice. I did as he asked and handed the phone to Samuel. 

"Hello, yes I know. I was just as surprised as you are right now." Samuel spoke and nodded his head in understanding. "Well, yeah, um, he left." He said as he then sighed and then hung up the phone. 

"Am I in trouble?" I asked. Samuel looked at me and smiled at me warmly. 

"No. We both just didn't expect him to be here, that's all." He told me. I nodded my head.

"So ready for this interview. Hopefully, Catherine and Coraline will sweeten them up for you." He said and I giggled. We make it to his car and he placed my luggage in the trunk of the car.   I nodded my head and then got into his car. As he starts the car I look at him and grab his hand our hands intertwine our fingers together and I smile. As we drive I look at the many buildings and the many other things that I can see. 

"Okay, so, when I go to the interview, they will tell me today. So, when or if I get the job, then myself, and the twins will be going to the club that they said was fun." I said as I look out of the window. I turned my head to see him smile and nod his head.

"Okay, I'll be here or around here. You're going to be near the Fashion Show anyways." He said I looked at him confused. He smiled at my dumbfounded face. "The Fashion Show Mall. It's near the area." He said I then nod head understanding. As we continue I look at all of the buildings, there was a hotel in a shape of a pyramid. It looked so cool. There was another one that was a castle.

"It's so pretty," I said as I see all of the people walking and laughing. 

"It's only ten so we won't see a whole lot of people right now. Mainly tourists but nothing major." He said, soon we get to an area that had a giant lion it looked like it was made out of gold. He turns into a parking lot, he parks the car and we both get out of the car. 

"Okay, so I'll walk you in. The twins will meet you in there, yeah?" He asked as I scanned the building to the very top. I nod my head, I start to become nervous. I check if I have everything, once I knew I did I started to walk into the building. I wasn't even five steps in when I heard screaming and heels clicking on the marble flooring. I don't look up in the time since when I did I felt arms around me squeezing me so tightly. 

"I'll be at the Fashion Show, okay girls," Samuel said as he waved me off and walked out of the building leaving me with the twins as they drag me to the top floor for my interview.

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