TOXIC - Ariana Grande/You


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"You're a damn drug and I'm toxic." You G!P updates weekly More

10 (the real one)


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"Can you stay up all night? Fuck me 'til the daylig–." Before I could finish, the macbook had been snatched away from my grasp. I looked up to see my girlfriend walking away with it.

Man, I could have sworn she was in her walk-in closet browsing for comfortable clothes to change into.

I was lying down on her bed when I caught a glimpse of her opened MacBook sitting on the nightstand. Curiosity creeped in as I stayed longer glancing at it.

I stared at her in confusion with furrowed eyebrows, what was that? "Were those lyrics?" There were only two sentences written on the Notes app.

She rolled her eyes settling the Macbook on the top of her high-gloss white drawer.

"You want me to stay up to fuck you all night?" I gave her a smile in a mug way earning a playful glare from the woman.

I would be lying if I didn't find it cute.

I watched as she flipped her hair when she turned on her heels and walked back to resume what she was previously doing. "Not anymore since you're being nosy."

I scoffed in a playful manner, "Says you who went snooping through my phone without my consent." The audacity. It was true.

She peeked her head out with one of her brow raised, "Consent or knowledge? Because since when did I need your consent?" I threw my head back laughing making the confusion which was spread over her face grew even more.

Weren't the two the same thing?

She stood up and leaned on the door frame with her arms crossed giving me an unimpressed look. "I've always touched your phone without having to ask and you never ever mind. So what the fuck changed?"

My smile grew even more, pissing Ariana off had always completed my day, "I was joking, babe."

She rolled her eyes as she shook her head, "I wasn't snooping and I had to find out."

It was my turn to get confused, "Find out what? If the read receipts was on or not?"


"What? If i'm being unfaithful?"

Her jaw dropped and that moment I knew what went through her head, "I–What?" She tilted her head a little and took a few steps to the bed then paused, "What makes you think that?"

I shrugged my shoulders innocently, "Isn't that the common reason why girls poke around into their partners' affairs?" As soon as I finished answering, her eyes slowly squinted at me as if she was examining me.


By the look of her face she was gonna say it.

"Are you cheating on me?" There it was.

But man,

I wanted to die.

"Is it cheating if it's with Frankie?" She took a few steps again before I realised she was about to reach the pillow which was laying down on the armchair next to her. "I'm joking but what if it's with pornstars?" I knew what was she about to do so I went to grab one next to me and used it as my protection, "Yes but do not worry, nobody tastes as sweet as you, so I will keep you around longer than the rest to finish you off as a dese–."

Before I could even finish my sentence, I felt my pillow sunk in by the impact she had made. It was definitely not the pillow I was expecting. "You stop fucking playing with me, that's what you shouldn't do." I lowered the pillow to check what it was.

It was her Harry Potter Box Set.

When I said set,

I meant the complete fucking collection.

Seven goddamn books.


I glanced at her and laughed, "I had a feeling we would have something to fight about today so I had to find out to prevent it!" I felt my whole body tensed up by her wide opened glaring eyes. She's so crazy.

"And you didn't think going through my phone would be it?" Her eyes relaxed a little but the eyebrows rosed and lips pursed seemingly wasn't entirely aligned with what being asked before shaking her head in disagreement.

Was this girl for real?

"I didn't go snooping on your phone, Y/N!" She yelled in annoyance and walked back into the walk-in closet and slammed the door shut.

I laughed loudly realising she was getting annoyed, "You just said you had to find out what we were gonna fight about, you crazy."

"I didn't say that!" She called out.

"Surely that's what exactly happened. You can't go find something out without going through it." I took off my pants leaving me in my white Calvin Klein trunk.

"Will you shut up?" I heard the woman groaned from the other room as I pulled the black tank top over my head in one swift motion.

"So did you find anything other than my read receipts being turned off?" I asked teasingly.

"Shut up!" I walked towards the full length mirror that was standing in the corner of Ariana's room and checked myself out, leaving the clothes scattered on the floor.

Ariana being a clean freak, would be furious.

I glanced down at my breasts which were being supported by a white CK sports bra.

My titties looked so good.

I looked so good.

"You must be proud." I mumbled kind of losing focus on the conversation as my eyes came across the bruised from earlier.

"Y/N, you must be wishing for your death wish."

I laughed and went back to her king sized bed to lay down on my stomach. "Yes baby, choke me to death with your thighs." I said jokingly.

"How about you choke me with your dick?" A smirk painted across my face.

Sounded good to me.

"How about you drown me in your wet tight pussy?" I buried my face into my arms but made sure she could hear me loud and clear, "Wanna do thirty-four plus thirty-five, baby?"

She took a few seconds to respond, probably processing the question in her head. "What?"

"Do the math, girl."I said lazily.

My eyes started feeling heavy and I felt drowsiness taking over then I heard the doorknob of the walk in closet indicating my girlfriend walked out and her footsteps fading in.

"OH MY GOD." She exclaimed enthusiastically causing me to get back to my consciousness. "That's it! That's it!" The bed next to me sunk down by her movement. I lifted my head and found her sitting next to me, her back was leaning on the headboard.

"Uh... what?" Lines started to form between my eyebrows as my head tilted to the side.

I was so confused.

"What're you doing?" I asked when I noticed she had her laptop in her hands and placed it on her lap before lifting the screen.

She placed her hand on my head before giving my scalp a quick massage that gave me chills. "Just give me a minute, my genius baby." She mumbled looking focus on the conversation.

"Man, do it later." I yawned. "I want my dick sucked." I tried closing her laptop but she quickly smacked my hand away hissing.

I sighed in defeat. She seemed excited and very interested so I let her begin whatever she was doing. I scooted closer to bury my face into her hip and wrapped my arm loosely around her thighs, behind her laptop. The action made her smile causing her to leave a hand on my scalp to massage it.

I loved when she did this and she knew it. She was aware I could easily fall asleep when she did this. I found it very relaxing and had always given me shivers from the head to my spine.

It was the little things that made me fall in love more.

I found my attention fixated on her, her eyes would squint when looking at the screen, I would smile to myself because it looked funny but in a cute way. Eventually she would caught me and shy away under my stare which I found interesting.

Ariana had told me she would still get shy around me because she thought I was perfect and she wasn't comfortable with showing her imperfect self to me or making mistakes around me. She could be very active and open around her other friends but with me in sight, there were times she would frozen up.

How crazy was that? From being a psycho girlfriend to this cute little shit.

"–What're you thinking about, baby?" Ariana asked stealing my attention from the thoughts.

I lifted my head to find her looking at me with a questionable look.

How did she know I was awake when I had my face hidden in her hi–, "–Your breathing pattern, it's irregular."

I gave her a confused look.

How the fuck?

Of course.

She knew everything, Y/N. "The first time we did sixty-nine." I lied, wiggling my eyebrows.

She cooed before sitting her Macbook down on the nightstand.

Now, I had her attention.

"I've never felt comfortable doing that position until you." She said truthfully before straddling my back. "There was always so much going on in my mind that I couldn't concentrate and enjoy the moment. Like – what if I fart on their face or something?"

I laughed into the pillow as she started massaging my shoulder, "Oh so what you trying to say is you wouldn't feel bad or embarrassed if you did on me?"

"No, babe!" She let out a loud laugh before slapping my shoulder playfully. "I mean – the feels you give is always stronger that I forget about the things which used to fly around my mind." She leaned down to give my neck a quick innocent kiss.

"I mean–." I turned around to face her and stuck my tongue out before showing off its skills by flicking it fast and making movements in circular motions.

Ariana's eyes lowered to look at it and bit her lower lip, it looked like as if she was hypnotised for a second before shaking her head and gave me an eye roll, "You're stupid."

"You know what I think?" I moaned in delight as she traced my collarbone along with her nails. I put my hands on each of her thighs and squeezed them tightly.

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"I think you started going fucking crazy when we did Anvil." She squinted her eyes trying to remember which was what, her eyes grew wide open when she got the gist.

How could she not get confused when we had done almost every position existed?

"You always beat up my cervix in that position, you go in so fucking deep it hurts but I love that shit." She playfully rolled her eyes when saying the emphasised word. "What makes you think that though?"

"I don't know, there's just something when I climb on top of you with your legs on top of my shoulders, you give me this look that I can't explain."

It was true and it was the most beautiful thing ever. Her face looked vulnerable and delicate as if me being on top of her meant she was giving everything she had even her power and expecting me not to crush it as she let me be in control.

It was between lust and love.

"I mean, you made me have my orgasm a couple of times in that position alone." She held my face and her eyes darted at my lips. She watched as she ran her thumb across the bottom lip.

"Yeah exactly, since then you became way fucking crazy. The craziness you had been hiding came out." I traced my fingertips on her thighs in circular motions, "I must have went too deep in you to tear that hidden treasure apart."

She threw her head back laughing before leaning down to give me a peck, "Do you remember when we were just a month of dating, I begged you to come inside me because it felt so fucking good that having your babies popped in on my mind out of fucking nowhere." We were both now laughing as we reminisced.

I couldn't blame her, my dick was good.

"I remember that baby, I honestly thought you were being crazy. But look at you, you are one psycho son of a bitch. What an upgrade!"

"Well stop giving me good dick!" She giggled boosting my ego.

"Then stop giving me good pussy." My smirk widened, "You're dickmatised, girl."

"Mhm baby," She nodded slowly, slowly reaching behind her to grab – oh, my member. "This is all mine." She huskily said and began to stroke my clothed cock then stopped,

"Now pick up your damn clothes!"


"I already told you my answer, Ariana. You know what 'no' means." I groaned walking towards Ariana's pantry to get a box of Ritz.

"Yes, that you don't love me." I turned on my heels to look at her ridiculously. She had her arms crossed, vertical wrinkles appeared between her eyebrows and nostrils were flared outwards, she was giving me a strong glare.

"Oh my god." I shook my head trying to withstand.

Since we started dating, Ariana had been asking me to go vegan. She had been vegan herself since twenty thirteen, very long time ago. She wasn't simply an animal lover but believed it was moral to avoid animal products, but she also believed it was healthier and better for the environment.

But me becoming vegan? Never in a fucking million years would I ever found myself to be one.  Vegan diets lacked essential nutrients. Vegan diets also made it difficult to obtain adequate amounts of protein as well as zinc and iron. Our bodies absorbed animal protein much better than plant protein. And well,

Burgers were my favourite, they tasted so fucking good, it was as simple as that.

I walked out of the pantry, Ariana still following behind me. I could feel her eyes burning holes in the back of my head. I placed the box of Ritz on the top of the counter before turning around to face her once again.

"Babe you know you've been asking me to go Vegan for months now–about a year probably. Never did I tell you I would consider it, what made you think I changed my mind?" I asked calmly as I leaned over the counter behind me.

She scoffed, "So what you're trying to say is, you don't love me?" Her arms were still crossed and the facial expression never changed.

I threw my head back laughing at her shaking my head as I grabbed her hands to hold them before lowering, "That's very far from what I said, baby."

She was such a spoiled brat.

Always wanting to get what she wanted.

'I want it, I got it.'

"That's what it means."

"No it doesn't." I shook my head before leaning down to plant a kiss on her lips. "Me being non-vegan doesn't have anything to do with what I feel towards you, dumbass."

She huffed making a sad face and thrusted her lower lip. "Please, you know how much I love animals."

When something didn't go her way and she got annoyed about it, she would do this.

"I do." I nodded, giving her a light smile.

"I love animals more than most people, you know this." Her pout deepened

"Mm hmm." I hummed as I went to dive my face into her neck. I inhaled the perfume she was wearing giving me the urge to bite and lick a spot.

She giggled slightly when I found a ticklish spot in her neck. "And you know eating meat gives you heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and other health conditions, babe."

She placed my hands around her waist as her arms found themselves around my neck, pulling me down to her closer. "No baby, it just means you have lower risk of getting those than non-vegans."

She pulled away making both our eyes meet, "Yes, and I don't want you risking it."

I simply smiled not wanting to answer trying to cut the conversation short finding it useless as I knew there wasn't anyway she could make me.

"K," She said pushing me off of her, suddenly I felt the coldness laced around her voice, "I understand."

I watched and followed her in confusion as she went to grab her white Chanel bag which was sitting on the dining table.  "You do?" Unsure.

"Yeah," She smiled, it was obviously fake. "You don't love me enough to go vegan." She mumbled attempting to grab the keys in the pocket of my jeans. "Give it to me, Y/N."

"No little girl, i'm dropping you off." I was still laughing causing her to send daggers at me.

There was no way I was going go let her drive by herself, she couldn't even drive without hitting the curbs even being accompanied by anyone let alone by herself.

Surprisingly she didn't fight off but stepped her heels hard and quickly, making a loud noise to express her anger as she walked out.

"I don't hear her complaining when she has my meat in her mouth." I mumbled to myself under my breath.

"I heard that!!"

comment & vote pls?

i hope yall liking this shit so far😭

i got 4 drafts already but will be updating every week max.

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