Sister of Their Enemy

By Hirotakawin

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~Warning this story was written when the author was very young so sorry for the grammar mistakes and long nev... More

Sister of Their Enemy
do you like narwhals?
off to nyc
third and last day in nyc
One Less Lonely Girl.... WHAT!
what do you mean?
im sorry
i love you guys
i dont get it
cough syrup
Tell me did you sail across the sun
introducing people
Love Like Woe
need a change of view
shockers and secrets
new dreams
competitions bring out the best and worst
One More Day
is something wrong?
Moves like Jagger
best night of my life
I'm Ashamed
why do bad things come to those who dont deserve it
the end for a new beginning

oh twitter update really

786 17 0
By Hirotakawin

i got up in the morning and took a shower then got on my outfit today friday and i want it to be a good day. i out on my jeans, heels, cropped long sleeve sweater that said 'take it easy', my favorite belly ring thats had a red diamond and then a heart with a rose in it. i put my glasses on and my hair in a bun, i got my stuff then went downstairs and tried to hide my ring from sebastian because well he didnt know i got my belly button pierced. i drove to school and when i got out i took my books then walked to marley, jake, ryder and kitty "hey guys" they turned to me smiled and said "hey" then kitty said "is that a belly ring" i nodded and she said "its pretty" i smiled and said "thanks" then we went to class. four casses later and i had free period so i went to the glee room and sat down at the piano no one was in here well at least i though no one was "oh look its little miss im perfect and your not" kitty said "kitty whats your problem really please tell me" "you want to know what my problem is ever since you came here everyone seems to like your right well wrong they are only acting everyone actually thinks your a wannabe and need to go back to your private school where you belong" "oh and what are you gonna do about it" "well one im going to kick your ass two im going to make your life a living hell and three im going to make sure you never came out of that coma again" "oh wow now tell me why you think your better than me" "oh easy i have ryder and i have hooked up with many more people that you ever have" "oh someone twitter update" i yelled sarcasm in showing in my words and like that she slapped me so i slapped her right back and then she scratched my face and thats how it started we just got into a fight like that until ryder, jake and blaine got us apart.

marley and blaine pulled me to the door while ryder and jake pulled kitty to the chairs, i turned my head to the hallway because i just cant look at her without wanting to rip her head off, thats when i noticed hunter, sebastian and jeff running here and sebastian didnt look to pleased. "did you call them" i said to blaine he nodded his head and when they got here hunter first said "what happened to you face" and then sebastian said "why the hell would you get into a fight with someone" tears started to form in my eyes because i rethought kittys words and well maybe she was right "because im a wannabe and i need to go back to private school where i belong" jeff walked over and gave me a hug and i hugged him back, out of all the warlbers besides hunter and sebastian ive grown to be really close to jeff hes my best friend. i saw over his shoulder blaine was trying to get sebastian to calm down and hunter was talking to marley about what happened and he took a glance towards me with sad eyes. i just closed my eyes and jeff said "wanna tell me what happened" i nodded and he said "guys im gonna go take sam for a little walk so she can calm down" they nodded but hunter looked a little jealous, we started walking and he took me to the football feild and we sat down on the bleachers "ok so what happened" i took a deep breathe and told him everything start to finish "wow that was so rude of her to say" "yea but i dont know i feel like they actually might think of me like that like seriously i was told from blaine about every glee membr always gets slushied ecspecially the new ones yet i never did" "hey dont think that shes only saying that to get into your head and mess with it shes just jealous of you ok now come on you need to get back school is still going on"

i sighed and we got up then walked back inside and kitty was standing in the glee room with a smirk and ryder, jake, tina, and the others except for blaine and marey were standing next to her with disapproving faces on "whats going on" i said and then kitty said "oh nothing just that your being kicked out of glee club" "what" i said barley above a whisper and then sebastian came over from standing next to blaine and said to me "they believe kitty" "guys you didnt even hear my side of the story and you already believe her she was right you all dont actually like me you just think im a wannabe who needs to go back to private school am i right" then jake, ryder, tina and arties faces softened and they said "what no we dont why would you think that" i pointed to kitty and her smirk disappeared "what i never said any of that" then marey said "um yes you did i heard your whole argument i just didnt stop it until i saw you scratch her and it get bad" she took a big gulp and then mr.schu walked in and said "whats going on guys and why do kitty and sam have scratches on their face" we told him what happened my side of the story though because kitty lies and he sighed then said "well if you guys can try to work it out please because we cant lose any more members" we nodded and the bell rang jeff gave me another hug along with sebastian and then hunter gave me the longest hug and kissed me then said "we have to get back to school bye" "bye" and i they left along with the others for lunch i went to my locker though and put my books away then closed it and turned around only to be face to face with all the jocks and they had cups in their hands "well we put this off way to long time to finally welcome you to glee club our way" and then 14 cups of red, blue and green slushie was thrown at me and i was covered they laughed and said "welcome to glee club" and they walked away to lunch i walked down the same way and then right before the doors to the lunch room i turned and went to the bathroom

marleys p.o.v.

all of the glee club were sitting waiting for sam to come when the doors to the lunch room opened and in came in all the jocks with slushie cups and threw them away laughing and i said "guys um i think sam may have just got herself her first encounter with slushies come on" we all got up and went out in the hallway to see and puddle of red, blue and green melted slush go into the girls bathroom so me tina and brittany walked in to see sam on the floor and just sitting there doing nothing

sams p.o.v.

i was sitting on the ground not crying or anything just thinking about how i wanted today to be awesome but just that it turned out to be the worst day ever. i looked up and saw tina, marley and brittany "oh hey" i said in a flat tone. tina walked over gave me a hand and said come on lets get you cleaned" i nodded and we walked to ms.pilsbury office where she gave me a towel and said to go wet my hair then she cleaned it so it wouldnt be sticky and i looked outside into the hallway to see blaine, ryder, jake, and finn. i smiled towards them and when i was done and dried i said "can i please just stay in here for the rest of the day im not up to learning" she sighed and said "of course i understand with everything that happened today but the rest of you off to class now" i smiled and sat down again while she wrote the others a pass they left and she told me "well im actually going to go eat so are you ok to be here by yourself" i nodded and she left and i texted hunter ( bold-sam itallics-hunter )

hey :) <3333

hey shouldnt you be in class :) <3

yes i should but im not because of things that happened after you left

oh what happened should i be worried do i have to go beat up someone

nonononono you dont need to worry or go beat up someone its nothing

im going to worry if whatever hapened is making you not want to go to class and i worry because im your boyfriend and i really care about you

awww ok i got slushied by the jocks and today just isnt my day i just dont feel like going to class at the moment thats all no need to worry

you got slushied by the jocks.......... YUP THATS IT IM COMING AND BEATING THEM UP

no stop dont really i dont want you to get hurt please :(

awwww baby fine i wont but i swear if they do another thing to you im coming and theres no stopping me just dont be sad

yay and ok i guess thats alright but thats only if they do it another time :)

ok but i have to go now the teacher almost caught me texting bye babe see you later <3

ok bye <3

i put my phone away and saw the time was about 2:45 so the school ends in 5 minutes i got up and left a note for ms.pilsbury saying thanks for letting me stay in there and i went ot my locker and got my stuff then left right when the bell rang i got in my car and drove home, i knew for a fact that sebastian and hunter cant be home because they have the warlbers rehersals and they cant leave for it so i took a shower and got the rest of the sticky and smell of slushie off of me. when i got out i out hair into a bun again, put on red and blue plaid pajama pants, black tank top, blue hoodie, black mini button uggs and my glasses. i went downstairs picked up my book 'the scorch trials' and sat down on the couch and read. i finished the book in only like half an hour then picked up the next book in the whole series 'the death cure' i got like half way throught the book when the door opened and closed and i heard three voices talking and laughing. "no you know what was funny when david and thad tripped over each other while learning the moves" then they all laughed i ignored them and tried to block them out while i kept reading because it was just getting good although the series always has me on edge while reading its just so suspenseful. "wait guys wheres sam she texted me a while ago and i want to see her" hunter said i grinned but kept reading and i actually managed to block them out. the couch sunk and thats how i knew someone probably hunter sat down. then my book was taken from my hands and placed down on the table still opened to my page though "heyyy i was reading that" i whined and and my brother of course laughs and i stick my tounge out at him and jeff just shakes his head laughing a bit. "what youd rather read then talk to me your lovely boyfriend" "well kind of the book was just getting good" he looked shocked and jeff and sebastian burst out laughing and fell to the ground holding their stomachs. hunter just pouted and i kissed him and said "sorry just that the book is so good and i need to finish it"

he sighed and said to me "ok but are you okay obviously you took a shower but i wasnt joking i will beat those jocks if they slushie your again or anything"  i nodded kissed his cheek and said "yes im fine but i dont want you to get hurt by them" "ok how about me and all the warblers go beat them up" then sebastian said "what beat who up" i sighed and hunter said "oh the jocks next time they slushie or even do anything to her i am going to beat them up and said you guys could come with me" "what they sushied you those bastards" "hey guys no need to worry please whats done is done i dont want you to get in trouble because of something that happened with me" they sighed and then jeff said "im actually gonna go out with clare now bye" "oh bye jeff tell her i said hi please" "ok see you guys later" and he left then sebastian said "im going to blaines house see you two love birds later" and he left. "hunter theres something ive been wanting to talk to you about" "really what is it" "well i um i think i love you" there was the longest pause and i guess he didnt love me back or think he loves me so i sighed took my book put the bookmark in and sat up then went to walk away when he grabbed my arm pulled me back down then kissed me. "i think i love you too" he said when we pulled away i dropped the book put my hands around his neck and kissed him again. he put his hands around waist and pulled on to his lap and we made out for a bit. when we pulled away he said "lets go get coffee" why not "sure" he picked me up while getting off the couch and said ok were walking or i could give you a piggy back ride" i laughed and said "piggy back ride please" he laguhed set me down then let me hop on his back i wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he grabbed my legs so i would fall. we were walking and laughing with each other when we got to the lima bean

i hopped off of his back and we walked in holding hands and went to order "ill have a coffee and" he turned to me and i said "and ill have a hot chocolate" the girl behind the counter got it and then handed them to us and she honestly looked like a real babrie with fake tan and everything "here you go have a nice day and please come back again" she said to hunter flirting and i got a little jealous because he wasnt even trying to get her to stop.  i took my hot chocolate and then sat down and the door opened and i saw the jocks from school they all poked each other then pointed towards me and i gulped i just sat there like i didnt see them and then they walked over and said they all sat down around me and said "oh look she cleaned up all the slushie already" and "what happened to you today at school did you go home and cry" i just ignored them and kept watching hunter standing at the counter talking to the chick like seriously he tells me like what 10 minutes ago he thinks he loves me also and now what oh yea he goes and flirts with another chick infront of me. "hey are you even paying attention to us" one said i sighed and then turned my head away from the sight of hunter and said "what" they then said "are you ok like are you upset we slushied you or is it something else" "its nothing i just dont get one thing why are you guys rude to glee club members were not bad we just like to sing thats all" "you know we never really thought of it i guess it was because it was what karofsky always did" "so you just kept doing it not thinking about how others felt" "yea and now thinking about it it sounds horrible" "yea" then one of them saw hunter and said "hey isnt that one of those guys from that all boys school" "yea dalton academy" "you know him" "yup i know him for sure" "oh cool well again were sorry were gonna change now that you got us to open our eyes more clearly bye" "bye" and they left i finished my drink and then walked to the door and the chick just smirked at me and i sighed and left. i walked all the way home thinking why would hunter just ignore me the whole entire time and.

when i got home i opened up the door and saw sebastian and blaine sitting on the couch kissing i closed the door quietly and thought about how cute they were i then got out ice cream and took the tub with me to my room with a spoon but not quick enough because sebastian saw me and said "what are you doing with the ice creamtub and wheres hunter" "probably still at the lima bean talking to the counter girl" "what that doesnt sound like him" sebastian said "well thats what happened left me alone there to talk to her so if he calls or comes over i dont want to talk to him ecspecially beause 10 minutes before we both said we think we love each other i just cant trust anybody can i" and then i rushed upstairs locked my door closed my window and shut the shades then put on the titanic and ate my ice cream.

blaines p.o.v.

wow i didnt think hunter would do something like that "i dont get before i left them they were fine and now hes talking to some chick in the lima bean ignoring sam he told me when she was in a coma he thinks he loves her" sebastian was over thinking i took his hand stood up put my hands on his shouldersand said "calm down ok please we need to hear from hunters side of the story maybe he wasnt flirting maybe the chick wouldnt let him leave" "ok your right god i dont know what i would have done without thinking that" "easy your would have killed him" he nodded hugged me and then we kissed each other. then the bell rang and i said to sebastian "sit down ill get the door" he nodded and sat down i went to the door opened it and saw hunter "is sam here" he asked worried, i closed the door behind me and said to him "look shes hurt by you, you guys went to get drinks together and you ignore her the hole time talking to another girl" he sighed and when he looked up to me i saw in his eyes clearly visable sadness and hurt and said "that was my ex-girlfriend who moved here like a week after i moved here i tried to leave but she wouldnt she was digging her nails into my sking everytime i tried to leave here ill show you my hand" and then he held his hand up and sure enought there were four nail marks that looked like it hurt alot "ok i believe you but give her some time she locked herself up in her room" "ok i will but i dont think i could stand being away from her i i love her" i hugged him and said "everything will get better" he walked off and i went inside and sat with sebastian talking and joking around.

sams p.o.v.

i got up to take the movie out when i heard "that was my ex-girlfriend who moved here like a week after i moved here i tried to leave but she wouldnt she was digging her nails into my sking everytime i tried to leave here ill show you my hand" i looked out the window and saw hunter oh my god what i didnt know oh my god "ok i believe you but give her some time she locked herself up in her room" "ok i will but i dont think i could stand being away from her i i love her" what he loves me i love him also but now i feel bad he thinks i probably hate him because of that. he walked away with his shoulders slumped and his head down he looked back to my windown sighed and then turned around and walked away. i shut my lights off and put the empty ice cream tub next to my bed then fell asleep sad and crying.

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