Voice of the Mafia

بواسطة JanineJemmaJames

409 0 0

Sophia Black joins the mob out of desperation to get out of a bad situation. She has to make hard decisions t... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 Epilogue

Chapter 20

12 0 0
بواسطة JanineJemmaJames


My only thought was that this place... this moment... must be hell.

The following days were terrible and for most of it I was weak and unable to fight back. Male after male had come to my cell to defile me and one after another I drew farther and farther away from the real world into this living hell.

I would cry out for Boss to save me and in my dreams he would. But then I would awake to the sound of my door opening and more men entering to seek their releases. Thank the lord, if he was even still there, that Boss had me on birth control as the torture would never lead to a child. I would never wish this kind of reality on them. On any one.

Days could have passed or weeks, I didn't know. My cell was always dark and I was never let out after the meeting with Mario.

I couldn't remember what number this guy was who entered today but I just laid still on the floor, too weak to do more than close my eyes and wait for the inevitable.

"Seraphine," the man whispered. I winced and pushed my face into the ground. I didn't want them speaking my name. It made thinking about my past too painful. The past where I wasn't locked in here.

"Pst." With tears running down my crusted cheeks I glanced up to see what this male wanted. He looked maybe a few years over twenty five and had the body shape of an athlete. Where most of the men who came in here were darker skinned, this guy was a bit fairer. In fact, I recognized him. I wanted to cover myself in front of him but I was too weak seeing as they barely fed me.

"James?" One of the J's here in Brazil with me? This had to be a dream. He came over to me and took off his t-shirt that was at least two or three sizes too big for me and helped me to sit up. I whimpered at the sore bruises that Mario and his men had inflicted on me and with more gentle fingers he slipped the shirt over me.

"My home-girl should not be in a place like this. Let's get you home." He wrapped my arm around his shoulder and put his arm under my knees where he hoisted me into his arms.

"This is a dream. You aren't really here. I need to wake up." A small grin was on his lips as he went over to the door and knocked lightly twice. It opened to reveal Josh, another of the J's. There was a pistol in either one of his hands and he had a look that spoke volumes. Pity didn't look good on him.

"Seraphine..." I reached out and put my finger on his nose. If this was a dream I was going to enjoy it.

"Boop fucker," I said and let my arm fall back limply against me. The smile that graced his lips looked much better than the frown.

"Boop little bird. Time to go." The change in their demeanor as they started towards the stairs was not that of my friends but instead of soldiers ready for battle. Up ahead Jesse met us as well, an automatic rifle in his arms and pistols attached to his sides.

"Boss is already up ahead with Jonah and Johnathan. Jacob is clearing our way to them now. Let's move." My dream was getting real creative if the J's were all rescuing me with Boss. I was carried quickly and quietly through halls as I could hear the occasional pop of a gun or two going off. If I was actually being rescued instead of this being just a dream, it wouldn't be this easy to be rescued.

"Seems too easy," I whispered and even in the darkness I saw my friends take pause at my words. In fact, the shared look between them was considering the same. It was too easy. With more urgency in their steps they hurried around a corner where Jacob came into view. Blood oozed down his right arm at an alarming rate that had me trying to move to take care of it. He put an arm up to stop us from continuing on our path out.

"Two just down the hall." I glanced down to the floor to see three men laying in pools of blood. There was no way they could have been alive. No one could live without that much blood. I would have wept for the dead men had they all not defiled me. Instead, I wished them a swift trip to hell. Louder gunshots ran out as Jacob fired at men around the turn we couldn't see just yet. A quiet voice that sounded fuzzy echoed at Jesse's hip and he reached for a black walkie asking for them to repeat what they just said.

"Two more at this last turn-" A shot rang out followed by a cry of pain and the thump of a body falling to the floor.

"One more at this last turn. Boss is here and Johnathan is keeping up our rear so that we don't get flanked. Get ready to run." Jacob aimed down the sights of his pistol again and after a few more shots another thud echoed from down the hall. Using his uninjured arm, he motioned for us to go down the hall. Jesse went down the path first followed by James who carried me and Jacob followed to watch our backs.

They jogged urgently and once we hit the last corner I could see the rest of the J's followed by Boss who was not in his usual attire. Instead he was donning a black t-shirt and a bullet proof vest along with black pants. He looked like a knight in dark armor but I will take it for a dream. At the sight of me though, the determined look in his eyes turned to utter outrage at my state. I would have moved to cover myself but I didn't bother.

"Seraphine. Are you alright?" he asked as he came up to me and took my hand. I gave him a weak smile and nodded.

"For a dream this will do." His eyes narrowed and he shook his head.

"This is no dream little bird. We are leaving tonight for the states and will be home soon. Ill have Doc look at you once we get to the jet." He released my hand and turned back around, his shoulders tense as he motioned for two of the J's to take up the lead and two to take up the rear as one would be by Boss's side and one was carrying me.

If this was no dream then everything around me was real including the scent of fresh blood and the J's and Boss rescuing me. How he even managed to get all six J's here was impressive there was no doubt in that but I was grateful that my dreams are finally coming true and that the torture of being touched by disgusting men was over.

A few times we came across some of Mario's men who tried to stop us but we had the advantage on our side of trained men and stealth. I could see the front door in sight and that was when the lights of the house came on. More men surrounded us from all sides. We stopped and the J's closed rank around me and Boss.

"Alexander. I knew you would come for your little whore. How careless to be caught in such a trap. Certainly you didn't expect for me to make it that easy did you?" Mario was standing that the top of a staircase and looked as smug as a man of his stature could look.

"Mario, you should have known better than to take my things. I can only assume that our deal is off an that you are rescinding our invitation into your territory?" The plump man shook as he laughed and pulled a gun from behind him, aiming it at Boss.

"I don't believe you ever had the intention of setting up trade routes with me. You wanted that whore to take my money as you had her take my brother's. That was all. Too bad I caught on to your plan before I was taken in by her witty banter. No matter now though seeing as she is no longer such a valuable prize." My eyes, swollen but still usable were in slits as I kept my gaze trained on Mario. I wanted him to pay for my condition. I wanted him to feel the pain I felt at being defiled over and over again, of being beaten until there was no voice left in his throat.

"Set me down," I whispered to Jacob who looked like he wanted to do anything but. When I switched my eyes to his own, he must have read something in them enough to do as I asked and he helped me to stand. On my own to legs, I wobbled a bit before steadying and I trained my gaze back to Mario who had watched my movement like a rabid beast.

"I guess I didn't break her enough." Something in the J's snapped and gun fire echoed around me as Mario's men dropped like rain during a storm. When another shot rang out that echoed from up the stairs to where Mario was, I reached for a gun on James's side and cocked it, aiming and firing it at the Brazilian mafia boss who dropped down the stairs, blood splattering everywhere as he tumbled down to land before us at the landing. He was face up, the bullet hole just above and between his eyes still oozing blood from my shot.

The sounds of guns stopped and whatever men were left on Mario's side froze and ran at seeing their boss lying dead on the ground. I should have been shaking in disbelief at taking a life but I just smiled seeing as how the J's and Boss were all okay save for a few scratches.

"Boss..." I looked over to the man I cared very much for and saw his hand on his side blood staining his palm. Where I had been smiling before, terror shown on my face now as I rushed to Boss's side and put my hand over his to help stop the bleeding. I couldn't let him die. I cared about him too much to let him go.

I would even venture to say that I loved him.

"Hurry. We have to get him to a hospital." Boss shook his head, the beads of sweat pooling on his face from the pain dropping onto his vest.

"No hospitals. We need to leave before the authorities catch us here and put us behind bars." I nodded and followed the J's out to a van waiting for us. We all climbed in and once the doors were closed, we were on our way to getting out of this hell hole.

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