His Darkest Desire ||Taekook||

By mochibae14

145K 5.4K 703

[Completed] Taehyung's long term trauma has never ceased to an end when his parents had both died in tragedy... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve (1/2)
chapter twelve (2/2)
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Thank you

chapter sixteen

4.5K 202 16
By mochibae14

"Any news regarding the patient?" Namjoon sighs leaning against the wall as the doctor in front of him pinches the bridge of his nose and lifts the clipboard that's tucked under his right arm.

"Fortunately, you're lucky enough to have bumped into me while rushing the boy in for immediate check up. His vitals are fine. We just had to remove the bullet and bandage his shoulder. He had some difficulty breathing so we used an oxygen mask to keep his breathing under control. Other than that he's alive and normal." Doctor Han reads over Taehyung's information and has checked every sign for the patient's health.

After explaining the whole process, Namjoon was able to breathe in relief not realizing that Doctor Han had just saved the boy’s life. Namjoon has never seen or been in such a situation. Especially saving a person whose life was at risk had him in panic. Now he's much calmer after Doctor Han explains that the boy is alive.

"What about his family? Did you get in contact with anyone?" Namjoon asks, thankful that the boy had a phone which didn't really malfunction after his fall in the water. While Doctor Han got a hold of it, he's not yet sure if anyone had picked up.

"Hmm..I checked his contact, but there were only two names there. So I called the first one on the list. The person who picked up claimed that they were his sister so I had given her information on which hospital he's at." Namjoon listens intently confused as to why he had only two contacts, but it wasn't his business to meddle in other people's lives. He's just a stranger after all.

"The other assumed to be a close friend and heard about his condition. I'm guessing he's on his way. Regarding Kwon Taehyung. He's still resting and we're keeping tabs on his health. The bleeding wasn't too much, but it did leave quite an open wound so It'll take time to heal." Doctor Han lifts his glasses from the bridge of his nose and purses his lips. He’s hesitant to ask this although this comes from any situation. 

He’s not a therapist but he’d say that it wasn’t a suicide attempt, more like someone trying to murder him with how much of a wound being planted in the boy’s shoulder.

"By the way, how did you get caught up in such a mess? How did you find him in that state? He was barely able to breathe with the amount of water in his system." He looks at his friend with worry. 

Doctor Han and Namjoon have been very close friends who had both moved abroad to study in France. Doctor Han graduated from medical school while Namjoon is in the process of getting his PhD and is working hard to reach his goal in life. Apart from his studies, Namjoon loves to take his boat out to the waters to let himself breathe for once, to feel free. At least that’s how today was going to be like, instead he rescued an injured male who’s not older than he is.

"I took the boat out to the river early in the morning and found him hanging off the edge of the bridge. He fell in and I went in to save him. Don't know much about what happened to him, but his shoulder was bleeding." Namjoon clearly remembers and gulps at the thought of a bullet going through his shoulder. It was traumatizing even for someone like him.

Doctor Han sighs at this, having already guessed but doesn’t want Namjoon to explain any further. He hasn’t calmed down yet even when he rushed the boy in, he was frantic.

"Let's not talk about it. I'll go check in on how he's doing. Last I checked he was still unconscious." Namjoon nods as Doctor Han  turns around and strides towards his room.


"How are you feeling Taehyung?" Doctor Han asks. Taehyung nods, body still quivering from the cold and his throat burns with the amount of water his lungs had sucked in.

"O-okay.. except my throat burns..but where is my sister Mina. Is she okay?" Taehyung asks since his sister is his first priority and has been on his mind ever since he woke up a while ago. Doctor Han nods and hands him a glass of water and a pill. He scratches his throat to reduce the burning and suddenly a slight pain shoots up in his right shoulder.

"Take those, they'll reduce the pain in your shoulder and not to worry. Your sibling is on her way. I'm sure she must be worried." Everything around him didn't make any sense. He was still in a state of shock after waking up and couldn't put his mind into anything. It was all mixed up as well as his emotions.

He could have died. If not for the stranger who pulled him out of the water, he could have lost all the energy to swim up and fight for his life. Taehyung owes him a lot for saving him. He hesitantly sits up still stuck on the fact that Junghyun almost killed him. What if Jungkook finds out about what happened to him. What will he do?

"Excuse me..but is the person who brought me here still outside? I want to thank him." Taehyung asks as he pops the pill into his mouth and takes a large gulp of the water. His throat still burns but he couldn't care less. The pain in his shoulder is much more agonizing than his throat.

"Well as far as I know he is. But you're not allowed to have any visitors unless you've had some rest. Once your guardian comes I'll let them know. Now you should think about your health. It's more important." The silver haired sighs and lays back down while he stares up at the white ceiling. He wants to go home. He misses Mina, Yoongi, and Hoseok.



A while ago...Mina has not stopped crying, her hands visibly shake as she stares at the crystal clear water. No this can't be happening. Just why? Why does she have to lose the people she loves? She'd risk her life to save her loved ones, but now she was stuck in a dark hole. Face and body drained out the last of her energy. As she stares out into the waters, her phone rings and she hastily grabs it from her pocket. An unknown number pops on the screen, but she picks up, wiping the tears on her staining cheeks.

"Hello. Is this Mina-ssi? I want to inform you on behalf of your brother Kwon Taehyung." Mina’s eyes widen, her hand grips tightly on the phone as she listens to the person on the other line. Taehyung..

"T-Taehyung..how do you know about Taehyung? Where is he?!" she can barely keep herself under control after hearing his name.

"Taehyung-ssi has been sent to the hospital. He's being taken care of. If you'd like to see him then please come to the main hospital." Mina furrows her eyebrows, still bothered by the call, but nonetheless she doesn't care and hangs up and races to go find Taehyung.

"Taehyung!" The door bursts open and in runs Mina looking distressed, hair disheveled and eyes as wide as saucers. She covers her mouth in shock and finds him sitting on the bed when Taehyung lifts his head and when their eyes finally meet, she breaks down.

"Mina..I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for scaring you." she shakes her head and sits down on the bed and gently pulls him into a hug. She cries on his left shoulder, not caring how loud she is because at that moment he realizes she's scared. She's scared of losing him.

"It's not your fault. I thought I was going to lose you." she chokes out a sob. Taehyung shut his eyes, feeling a sharp headache coming along, but he needed comfort. Mina has always played a main part in his life. When no one had brought the fun and light in his life she had always managed to make him smile and for the first time he felt like he belonged.

She was like a mother figure although it sounded weird since she's younger, she cared a lot. He thought it was hard to get along with her, but as time passed by he realized how kind hearted and loving she's been and he’s grateful. Grateful to have such an amazing younger sister.


Loud footsteps could be heard as they pitter pattered against the polished floors of the hospital. All three of them rushed inside and the first to slam his palms on the check in desk is Yoongi. The receptionist flinches and looks up to find a messy haired Yoongi gawking at her in panic.

Jungkook and Jimin stood behind him and watched as the latter breathed in air and Jungkook could only stare waiting for the older to speak up even though he was barely keeping himself together. Jimin worried that the news of Taehyung getting hurt had completely made Yoongi numb and he could barely stand on his feet. It was like the ground had finally cracked and was slowly pulling him in, but he stayed focused.

"Bonjour, je suis ici pour le patient Taehyung." (translation: "Hello, I'm here for the patient Taehyung.") Yoongi says in the softest tone even when he was panicking and Jimin's eyes widened not expecting Yoongi to speak french, but when the receptionist opens her mouth to say something, they hear a voice call out to them.

"Ah you must be here for Kwon Taehyung." all three of them snapped their heads in the voices direction and looked baffled at the korean man or most specifically the doctor.

"Yes. Is he okay? You're the one who called me." Yoongi looks at the doctor’s ID and Doctor Han nods and tilts his head to look at the other two standing behind the first male.

"Yes and I'm assuming you're Yoongi and the others must be your friends. Anyways I'm Han, Taehyung’s doctor. You must be worried so I'll take you to him. He's fine." he reassures seeing how tense they look and turns and they follow behind the doctor. Jungkook’s been holding his breath for the entire time and finally releases it and can finally sigh in relief.

Jungkook knows that he has to control his anger at some point. Which is why he let Yoongi do the talking although he's not familiar with the country nor its language, but for once he's not bothered to have the older around. Well for now. Even then he would have lost his temper and caused a raging mess in the hospital. All he cares about is that Taehyung is okay. His heart pounds against his ribcage as he comes toward his room. He wants to see him as soon as possible.

But guess luck was never on his side as they finally make their way to his room and the doctor excuses himself leaving the three males at the front door. That is until the door pulls open and Mina steps out, that Yoongi is the first to question and hug her. She furrows her brows at Jimin, but nevertheless she lets him pass as he walks after Yoongi.

That leaves him and her alone, but he doesn't have time to deal with her even though he can feel daggers being sent towards him. He ignores her and decides to step into the room when Mina stands in the doorway and blocks the path. Jungkook clenches his jaw and finally their eyes meet.

"You're not allowed to go in there. Leave!''she spat out, eyes cold and venomous as she looks at Jungkook in disgust. Jungkook almost snorts seeing her anger build up knowing what it's about. It's about her parents.

"Say all you want because either way I'm going into that room." she tries to keep that intimidating gaze, but she has no power. He towers over her like a bear ready to pounce on its prey which he has no sense in doing. His figure makes her look smaller in his appearance and she almost cowers back, but still she stood her ground.

"Wow..isn't it amazing." she chuckles bitterly. "That you have the audacity to come here after turning Taehyung's life upside down and you don't have any shame to say that you basically ruined his life. You turned it into shit." Her words sting and Jungkook’s face only darkens since he does not want to be pushed to his limit.  She knows nothing about him or Taehyung.

"How about you fucking close your mouth and move." he hisses running a hand through his hair. Her lips part to say something when the door opens and both Jimin and Yoongi walk out already feeling the tense atmosphere. Mina turns to him and moves to let them out. Jimin narrows his eyes at the two but doesn't say anything.  He knows that something definitely happened.

"Taehyung's awake. I asked him if he’s hungry. So I'm going to go buy him food. I'll be back." Yoongi clears his throat and walks away, but stops midway and turns back around. Jimin looks at him like a lost puppy, but suddenly he feels a warm hand grabbing his wrist.

"Come with me..let's go together. I'll buy you something." Yoongi smiles softly and pulls Jimin out of his daze as he stares at his wrist that's held by the older. The blondes cheeks flush into a crimson red even if it was such a simple gesture it made his heart beat rapidly.

"O-okay.." he stammers and follows the older as they make their way to the exit. Jungkook looks perplexed with how the two are suddenly acting towards each other when they were basically at each other's throats 2 months ago.

He ignores them and focuses on the situation in front of him. Jungkook doesn't say anything and pushes her gently to the side and walks past her without bothering to close the door. Once he steps inside, his heart almost drops to his stomach at the sight of Taehyung.

His heart is definitely tearing apart once he gets a glimpse of him. A huge lump forms in his throat and he tries to swallow it down. There he sat, blankly staring at the wall and on the right of his shoulder is a bandage wrapped around a wound that Jungkook assumes to be where he'd been shot. Jungkook knows this and fuck did he feel guilty. Fuck. Fuck. It was his fault. All his fault.

"Taehyung." he calls out in almost a hush whisper when the silver haired finally shifts his gaze from the wall and looks at him. There is a deep emotion lingering in his irises before they darken and at that moment he realizes he’s in rage.

"Get out! G-Go!! Leave!! Go away!!" he screams at the top of his lungs telling him to leave when all Jungkook could do is stand stiff looking at the anger on his face. He doesn't understand. What had suddenly gotten into him. His heart painfully clenches as Taehyung grit his teeth and a look of pain washes over his beautiful features. He wants to kiss his pain away.

"What-" before he can think, his feet move unconsciously trying to reach for him, but then Taehyung’s screams become much louder and painful to hear.

"WHY THE FUCK CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! GET OUT!!" Jungkook halts in his steps and bites down on his bottom lip. His shaky hand forms into a fist and soon Mina rushes in after hearing the commotion.

"He said to leave. Get out." she hisses and Jungkook nods feeling the ache in his chest expand as he turns around and leaves the room.

Mina's eyes narrow in on Taehyung’s figure and she can’t really tell what happened, but the look in her brother’s eyes confuses her.

"What was that about-wait..do you even remember him?" The silver haired sighs loudly and leans his head back to stare at the ceiling above. Mina waits for a response knowing that something is on his mind. Why would she even ask this? It's not like he lost his memories.

"Me..I'm just giving him a taste of his own medicine." Mina furrows her brows, only then a look of disbelief forms on her features. Great now how was she going to deal with this. Not that she cared, but she most certainly was concerned about him. Something else was bothering him. How did Jungkook find him? Did Yoongi tell him?

"Taehyung look, even I hate him more than fucking anything after he killed mom and dad. But I know that there is no way he'll fall for it. He'll know soon anyways. I want to help, but these decisions aren't for me to make." the emotions he’s well hidden falters and soon he feels warm tears streaming down his cheeks. 

Why can't his life be normal? Why can't he have one day of peace and happiness? Why does his heart ache for someone who ruined his life and can’t turn back to when he lived with the Kwons and never met Jungkook. But he’s all he can think of and maybe for once he wants Jungkook to feel pain. To feel his pain.


Jungkook stood in the hallway feeling lost and hurt. He sighs deeply and walks further down the hallway, mind clogged with thoughts as he suddenly bumps into someone. He looks up and finds Taehyung's doctor standing in front of him. The doctor apologizes and walks away but Jungkook grabs his wrist and the man turns to look at him with a questionable look.

"Can I ask you something?" the doctor hums and waits for him to continue his speech. "Does Taehyung possibly have amnesia?" Han, Taehyung’s doctor, quirks an eyebrow and tilts his head. He chuckles making Jungkook even more confused as to what is happening.

"No. We always check on his health and if he had forgotten it would be less likely that he had asked for his sister. So no he doesn't have amnesia." Jungkook blinks and then it suddenly washes over him. Taehyung was faking all along. He was just trying to avoid him.

"Wait before you head back, there is someone who wants to meet you."  Doctor Han gestures and Jungkook hums feeling his muscles tense as he follows the doctor down the hall. There were still so many questions circling in his head, but he'll soon figure this mess out.

As he walks down the hall, Jungkook comes near a bunch of chairs and spots a male figure. As soon as he gets there, the man looks up surprised and quickly stands up. Han then leaves as both males stare at each other as if trying to figure out the other.

"I'm Kim Namjoon." he extends his hand for a shake when Jungkook looks at the open palm and wavers for a moment. The man has a smile on his lips, but Jungkook sighs and reaches out to shake his hand.

"Jeon Jungkook." Both nod at the acknowledgement and Jungkook licks his dry lips not understanding why the doctor brought him to this stranger. The man doesn’t look suspicious so Jungkook lets it slide and focuses his attention on the tall man, his gaze still intense.

"Right as you know..I'm the one who brought Kwon Taehyung to the hospital and I wanted to meet his guardian." Jungkook's lips part slightly as he realizes that this man in front of him saved Taehyung and brought him here. Yet Jungkook isn't one to trust people easily.

"Since you brought him here. I want to ask you a few questions. Where did you find him and when you did, did you see the person who shot him?" Jungkook's face is void of emotion, but his jaw ticks slightly at the occurring thought. Fuck once he gets his hands on the bastard, he won't live long. Namjoon shakes his head.

"No I didn't see who the person was, but I found him hanging off the bridge and he fell so I saved him. He wasn't breathing so I had to give him CPR and brought him here." Jungkook thinks that last part is unnecessary but he tenses at the information and then grits his teeth. Does he mean mouth to mouth? Kissing.

Jungkook knows better than to let his jealousy take over, but he had this possessive side to him that said 'he's mine so fuck off' even though the man saved him. He takes a deep breath trying to calm his rage as he was on the verge of exploding.

"Can I ask what your relation to Taehyung is?" Jungkook stops breathing for a split second as he takes in his words. He doesn't know. What are they? He’s not his boyfriend or husband. What is he? Namjoon notices that Jungkook stilled for a moment and coughs.

"A-Ah he's my friend." he groans internally at the words that slip past his mouth. They sound bitter and he didn't like the words one bit. Namjoon nods and tucks his hand into his front pocket.

"Anyways it was nice meeting you. I'll take my leave then and tell Taehyung to get better soon." he gives Jungkook his dimple smile and turns around to leave.

As he walks away Jungkook turns and watches him leave, not before-

"Thank you." Namjoon stops in his tracks and turns around. Jungkook says it again. "Thank you for saving him." the aforementioned nods again hearing the genuineness in Jungkook's words and takes his leave. Now Jungkook is left alone in the hallway and has to figure out the other shit. He groans in frustration and places his forehead against the wall.


Taehyung’s been stuck in his thoughts lately. Mina had left a while ago to find his doctor and he was alone. The weather outside must be chilly because Yoongi and Jimin were wearing coats. He blinks in confusion. Yoongi and Jimin? Since when did they meet up and look much more comfortable than before?

The sound of the door opening has him lifting his gaze up hoping to find Mina when his eyes spot Jungkook entering and his jaw drops open. His heart begins to beat harshly against his chest as Jungkook  sets gaze on him and he bites back a gasp.

"You..what are you doing here? I told you to leave!" Jungkook ignores him and strides his way to the bed silently and he finds his lips twitching up into a smirk. When he comes closer, Taehyung shuffles back until he’s pressed into the side of the bed and the latter stands in front of him looking nonchalant as ever.

"You should really quit the acting Taehyung. I know that you know who I am. I know you're lying." he moves his face closer and with that stupid smirk of his. Taehyung flushes in embarrassment and could already feel the heat in his cheeks.

When he doesn’t reply, the raven haired simply picks him up, his one hand going under his thighs and other hand on the small of his back. Taehyung’s eyes widened at his actions and he can't help but shriek in surprise. Fuck he's taking advantage of him. Not going to happen.

"What are you doing?! Put me down. My arm is injured, not my legs." 

He once again ignores his whining and kicking. It was no use. Jungkook finds it funny and amusing as he struggles to get out of his hold. Taehyung finally gives up not really caring anymore since it almost felt nice to be in his arms, but his stubborn self isn't going to let him have his way.

"Shhh babyboy..sleep." Taehyung groans feeling tired and exhausted from the events that happened today and just wants to go home but Jungkook must have other plans as he walks out of the room.

Mina hears loud shrieks and yellings and runs to the door, heart pounding so fast as her mind invades with so many images. Did Taehyung finally snap and pull on Jungkook's hair? What if he ripped his hair out. Nah Taehyung isn't that crazy. But still. Mina was trying to find a doctor, but with their busy schedules it was hard to grasp one.

Her jaw hangs open as Jungkook walks out with Taehyung in his arms. She gawks at him for a moment and gasps. What the hell? She notices that her brother’s eyes are closed and panics. She is ready to pull Jungkook's hair off but stops when she sees Taehyung breathing slowly. A sigh escapes her lips before glaring at Jungkook who looks at her with a bored look.

"Call Yoongi and tell him to bring Jimin. We're leaving."

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