The Hidden Bionic (~Lab Rats...

By kate8800

312K 6.1K 1K

Destiny Lilac has been through a lot of stuff but when her best friend, Leo Dooley, gets a step-dad, her life... More

A/N: Before Jumping In
Creating Lab Rat D
Surprise Training
Weird Upgrade
Splitting of the Davenports Part 1
Splitting of the Davenports part 2
Mission Creek High
Dooley Leo Dooley
Birthday Movie Night
Re-meeting Donald
Meet Destiny Lilac/Dooley-Davenport
Thanks (little fake extra chapter)
Crush Chop & Burn
Commando App
Leo's Jam
Rats on a Train
Smart And Smarter
Exoskeleton vs. Grandma
Bionic Birthday Fail
A/N: Lent Holdup
A/N: Guess Who's Back?!
Death Spiral Smackdown
Can I Borrow the Helicopter?
Back From The Future
Chip Switch
Chore Wars
Dude, Where's My Lab?
Air Leo
The Living Virus
Mission Invisible
Concert In A Can
Mission: Space
Book 2!!

Drone Alone

4.7K 115 16
By kate8800

June 2015

~Edited July 12, 2015~

(Destiny's coding on her bionic chip is different from the other so she will not be majorly effected by the LEMP. She will have minor glitches that will wear off, and the glitches are not as major as the ones the trio will have. Enjoy the chapter.)

<Destiny's POV>

"Oh, this is soo exciting!! I have never been to Australia before!" Tasha fan-girled.

"Hey, maybe you'll like it so much, you won't want to come back!" Eddy popped in and out. Tasha walked over to Davenport and me and Leo followed her.

"Donald, do you have the plane tickets?" She asked Davenport.

"Honey, we're taking my fully automated private jet! Plane tickets?! Why don't we just slap a bunch of stamps and mail ourselves!" Davenport joked. Tasha laughed with him and half-way turned towards us.

"Private jet. That works." We then all said in unison, "Score!" Tasha moved away and Davenport approached us.

"Okay, Leo, this is your chance to prove that you're responsible enough to stay at home without us." Davenport pointed at Leo's chest.

"What about Destiny? What about them?" Leo asked pointing at me and the trio who were sitting on the couch doing other stuff.

"They were designed to go on mission and save the world. You were designed to break stuff." Davenport answered.

"Also, if you don't remembered my dad was a scientist going on multiple trips and my mom wouldn't be home until 7:30. I would stay at home by myself for like 4 hours or so." I say while leaning on the couch. Davenport and Leo nodded and Davenport started to look around.

"Look, don't worry, I know the rules. No touchy-touchy your stuffy-stuffy." Leo blantly repeated.

"Leo, I'm serious. There's millions of dollars' worth of technology here. So no goof-ups, no explosions, no fires! You know what? I'm not going, I'm not going!" Davenport ranted on while moving around. Me and Leo followed him around and he went towards Tasha.

"Donald, Leo will be responsible. He is a big boy!" Tasha then turned to Leo. "Sweetie, I left your flame-retardant undies on the dresser." I started laughing but Leo hit me on the shoulder.

"Big boy hit me!" I said and Tasha glared at him which made me laugh even more.

"Mr. Davenport, Leo will be fine! What's the worst that can happen?" Bree said to Davenport while sitting up straight along with Adam.

"Funny you should ask. I've made an actuary chart which covers enery possible catastrophe. You have and 82% chance of coming back to a perfectly normal house." Chase took out papers out of a folder and Davenport snatched them right out of his hands. I looked over his shoulder, wanting to know what could happen. "Happy travels!" Chase added.

"Don't worry, Eddy is here to moniter every room in the house. He is like a virtual baby-sitter."

"Yeah, but if only this baby-sitter would do his job!" I crossed my arms above my chest but was still looking at the papers Davenport still had.

"Yup, she gets it!" Eddy popped back out and Davenport flipped to other pages.

"Big D, don't worry. No explosions," Leo was pushing Davenport out the door and I joined his rant. "No goof-ups," "No fires." "No floods-"

"I didn't think about floods!!" Davenport exclaimed worriedly. Tasha urged him to hurry up and we all said out loud goodbyes. I was about to close the door when Davenport's head popped behind it.

"There is an inflatable raft in the closet!" Davenport told us and I finally closed the door. I leaned on it and looked worriedly at Leo and then glanced at the trio.

"Woohoo!!! Partah in the lab!!!" Adam cheered while Bree joined him. They were all smiling until Leo shot them down.

"Did you here why Davenport said!?! We're supposed to be responsible." Leo said, thinking they would not misinterpret it.

"I'll be responsible for the snacks! You two are responsible for blowing up that raft!!" He commanded while pointing at me and Leo. "Woohoo!! Partah in the lab!!!" Adam repeated happily. They all happily ran towards the elevator and me and Leo looked at each other.

"And he's worried about us?! Mostly me?!" Leo asked mostly to no one in particular.

"I know right! Probably forgot about their teenager side of their lives." I say while crossing my arms and squinting my eyes. Leo nods and we both run into the lab, totally forgetting about what the trio were able to do.

Once we reached the lab, we saw Chase on Davenport's computer, Adam with a bunch of random snacks, and Bree absolutely no where in the lab.

"Chase what are you doing on Davenport's computer?!" I ask him while looking at him and stealing quick glances at the computer. His bank account?!?!

"I'm pulling a prank on him. The next time he checks his bank account, it'll be in euros! Bam!"

"You know it's the same value right?" I ask him as I cross my arms.

"Yeah, but still funny, right?!" Chase exclaims. Leo pulls Chase's chair, along with him and Chase grabs the keyboard. I grab the keyboard and placed it on Davenport's desk. Suddenly a breeze came in and we saw Bree in weird clothing. Her hair was up weirdly and she even had fake long nails!

"Where were you?!" Leo shouted at her.

"More like what are you wearing, girl?!" I ask. I gestured to her clothing by raising my hand up and down while it was pointed to her.

"Well, I was headed for New York City, but I got stuck in Jersey! Check out ma bling. Boom! How'd you like dem sparklez!" Bree told us in, what I think, a Brooklyn accent. She showed us her 'bling' and it was huge hoop earrings that dangled in her hair.

"Bree! Look at what you did! You got butterscotch all over my broccoli!" Adam said, which I never expected him to ever say. He grabbed a price of broccoli and ate it and me and Leo looked disgusted. "What a delicious mistake!"

"Oh sorry Adam. I meant to get it on ya face!" Bree grabbed the spoon in the butterscotch and threw the butterscotch. Me, Leo, and Adam ducked and the gloop collided with Chase's face. I stood up and covered my mouth to stop laughing but failed. Bree cheered and I high-fived her while Adam wanted to lick Chase's face, and yuck! We all stood up and Chase was angry.

"Bree, you are going down!" He threatened.

"Bring it! Destiny, hold my hoops!" She took her earring off and gave them to me and I admired them while Bree as Chase got in position to food fight each other.

"Stop, stop, stop! I really want this weekend to go good for me." Leo told them.

"Chill out, Leo. What's the big deal. We're just having a little fun!" Chase answered.

"I'm not! If Big D trusts me to stay home alone, then he'll give me a project in the lab, and then he'll let me go on a mission with you! Do you guys want me to join you?!" Leo told them.

"Ehh." "Not really." "Not so much." They responded.

"Well Destiny wants me to join you guys. Right Destiny?!" He asks while nudging my arm.

"Well, most likely no since you are Davenport's responsibility and Tasha will kill him if you get hurt in a mission. Let alone kill him if she finds out you even went on a mission." I answer while looking at him. The others nod and Leo rolls his eyes.

"That's it. No more crazy foods. No more pranking Big D. And no more breaking your curfew to go to New York." Leo commanded.

"New Jersey! Whateva." Bree corrected. "This guy! What a nudge!" She leaned towards her brothers while saying that.

"Let's just go to sleep..." I say and I turn to see Leo nodding and nudging them to go to their capsules. "So we can have super loads of fun tomorrow!!" I shout out the last part. They run to their capsules and I glance at Leo, who was looking angry.

"I'll turn on a nightlight for you." Leo turned something on and we both left the lab while Adam complained about his stomach. 


I woke up in the middle of the night and I felt weird. What happened? I rub my neck, where my bionic chip was and went outside my room to get some water in the kitchen. I was only half-asleep when I realized that I accidentally super speeded to the kitchen. Hopefully Eddy didn't catch that! I got some water and super speeded back into my room and went back to sleep. Hopefully nothing bad happened.


I woke up in the morning and got out of my sleeping clothes. My head hurts like crazy. I was able to push away the headache for now and I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I saw Leo was setting up his cereal and he saw me while he was getting the bowls.

"Hey..." I say sleepily.

"Hey. Let's eat and then check up on Adam, Bree, and Chase. What do you think?" Leo asked me while placing the two bowls on the counter.

"Sure." I opened the fridge and got the milk and we both made our breakfast. We talked for a bit but hurried up to hang out with the trio. We placed our bowls in the sink and we went into the elevator. When we opened the doors to go into the main part of the lab we saw the lab was a wreck, Adam was lying down on the raft with a paddle, Chase standing on the cyber desk, and Bree no where to be seen.

"Good morn-ahh!" Leo screamed.

"Leo? Destiny? Is that you?" Chase asked us while facing the totally opposite direction.

"All we did was go to sleep!! Seriously!!" I exclaim.

"Leo something happened to my vision. I can only see pixels." Chase told us. He looked in the direction of where we were and he tripped. "I'm okay."

"Buddy up what's? Destiny hey!" Adam said.

"He sounds abnormal." I state out the obvious.

"Yeah, that's because he's talking backwards. It was fun for the first five minutes but now I want to rip his head off."

"Thanks for the info, Spike!" I sarcastically remark at him.

"Wait, where's Bree. And if you say she went to Paris for crepes, I'm gonna loose it!" Leo asked Chase while walking to the other side of him.

"I don't know where she is." Chase grabbed onto Leo's shoulders and was facing towards me instead of Leo. "Something woke us up in the middle of the night. She started running around the room like a pinball. And I haven't seen her since. I haven't seen anything since." No wonder I woke up in the middle of the night.

"Alright. I'm gonna call her and get her back." Leo walked over to where the monitors are. "Call Bree." It connected and we saw Bree and a statue of a dinosaur behind her.

"Please don't tell me you've gone back in time." Leo told her.

"No. I just woke up and started running. Next thing I know, my shoes are smoking, I'm in the middle of the desert, and my navigation system was all goofed up!" Bree told us. "Oh no! My phone is gonna die. What am I gonna do?-" the connection was lost and Chase was in a corner. We brought him out of the cornor and once he was out, Adam pushed him. I stiffle a laugh while Adam starts cracking up. We helped Chase up and an alarm went off.

"What is that!?" I yell. I cover my ears and close my eyes. My bionic hearing is glitched up like how their's are. I re-open my eyes and I look at the guys.

"Well, it's either Mr. Davenport's gas alarm...or it's his emergency phone. And being that none of us has passed out yet, IT'S HIS EMERGENCY PHONE!!!" Chase yelled out the last part. I saw a box with a blinking light about it and I went towards it and opened it. Adam and Leo were following but before I could see what was inside, Leo snatched it and pushed Adam away. The alarm finally stopped and I stopped covering my ears.

"Davenport Industries Home Of The Little Man's Big Dreams; Leo, how may I help you?" Leo said quickly into the phone. I cross my arms and he glared at me before saying something which made Adam speak up.

"Cartoons! Watch wanna I!!" He said before Chase and I covered his mouth. Leo made up an excuse about the backwards speaking man and told whoever about what Bree was doing.

"What am I saying!?" Leo whispered while glancing at me and I shrughed my shoulders. Leo walked over to the console and looked at the thing he turned on last night.

"Oh, you mean the night light?" He asked, possibly Davenport. "No, no I did not!" Leo unplugged a plug from the outlet which was connected into the thing that had 'LEMP' on it.

"Anyways, tell my mommy I love her." Leo said in a baby voice. I raised my eyebrows in surprise and anger and I tried to take the phone away from him. Before I could get a hold of the phone, Tasha screamed that they were gonna go back home. Leo hung up and placed the phone on the table while I groaned in anger.

"They're going home right now." Leo said.

"Oh, really. I didn't hear that at all. All I heard was Tasha yelling it!!" I sarcastically tell him.

"Tell my mommy I love her?!" Chase repeated.

"I'm sorry, when I'm stressed out I talk baby talk. Now, will you excuse me! I'm gonna go take a night night with my binky!" Leo started walking out of the lab but I pulled on his collar.

"Not happening." I say while pulling him back to where Chase was. Chase grabbed a hold of his shoulders and yelled at him.

"How could you turn on the LEMP!? It's a giant glitch machine. That's what goofed us all up!" Chase explained. I put my hand over my right ear, without anyone noticing, and thought the same. It goofed some of my bionics too.

"This is definately one of the things that Davenport says not to touch." I say while crossing my arms. Chase and Adam nod with me.

"We need to fix this before Mr. Davenport gets back." Chase says. "I'll track down Bree and send her the cordinates to find her way back."

"I thought you couldn't see." me and Leo say in unison.

"Genius has no boundaries, guys." Chase scoffed.

"Well, nice to see that your lack of sight doesn't effect your sense of superiority." Leo said. I turned around to see the moniter and I tapped on Leo's shoulder.

"It's saying Signal Recieved. That's good but what about you guys?" I say to Adam and Chase.

"Well, Mr. Davenport installed an emergency video file inside my hard drive. But we're only supposed to watch it in an emergency." Chase told us. I face-palmed myself and I groaned.

"Oh, up wake! Emergency an is this!" Adam hit Chase and guided his finger to a usb port. His finger opened up to have a usb connector and it went in. We saw Davenport and he said some...unimportant things.

"So, if you're watching this, I may have gone to the big...hard drive in the sky." Davenport trembled. What. The. Heck. Why!? "HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED!? I WAS SO YOUNG!!" No. No you weren't. You are in your late 30's for goodness sakes! "LOOK AT ME! I WAS SOO BEAUTIFUL!! TALENTED AND SMART!! THIS IS AWEFUL!!" Davenport cried. My mouth was open for the entire rant and I was looking at everyone else.

"I'm sorta glad I can't see that." Chase said to anyone.

"Is that seriously what he's going to wear on his final farewell?! Slap on a suit, dude. You're on a stair way to heaven!" Leo said.

"So you're probably in crisis, so first things first, if you didn't have me cryogenically frozen just chuck me in the freezer. It will have to do." Davenport said after his crying fit.

"Don't you dare let him near my cold cuts." I told Leo and Adam. They nodded and we returned to the video.

"Oh, and I'll like if you would play my super funeral mix at my service." He held up a CD and added some more things. "Also money is no object so I would like a super huge blowout for a man who was so awesome like...I...was." Davenport covered his mouth and was crying some more. "I'm sorry. You guys must miss me soo much!"

"Umm...Is there a fast forward to this? This is getting pretty awkward." I ask Chase. I saw in the corner of my eye, Leo and Adam nodding.

"Yup, there are different chapters." Chase replied. He was scrolling on a control on the control panel and lots of chapter titles were showing on the screen.

"There! Someone didn't listen and turned on the LEMP!!" Leo read the title.

"Wow. Isn't that irrally specific." Chase said.

"Get in the middle capsule with bare feet and press your hand against the sides of the cylinder. This connects a circuit and initiates a re-boot and will repair all the damage." Davenport explained.

"Okay, once I restore my settings, we can get things back to normal before Tasha and Mr. Davenport get home. And he won't know how badly you messed up." Chase pointed at me on accident instead of Leo and I moved his finger to point at Leo. Adam pushed Chase toward the middle capsule and he did what Davenport said. He came out in a stumble and looked at us.

"So??" Me and Leo ask.

"Where am I? Who are you people!?" He asked us.

"Great another person to kill." I say. Chase looks at me in shock and I laugh. "Haha, got you! Adam, you're next."

"Luck me wish." Adam told me and Leo. We pushed him away and he took off his shoes and entered the capsule. We all took a step back and Adam came out.

"Woo! I think I'm okay! My voice isn't coming out of my butt is it?!" Adam asked us.

"Yup he's back."


Me and Leo placed pillows on couch and Adam placed the red foot stool down.

"Okay, we fixed everything. All we need is Bree." I tell them.

"No problem. I'm tracking Bree right now and she should be back any minute." Chase replied. Bree came super speeding through the door and glared at us.

"That took forever! My phone died and I had to buy a map! A paper map!! Do you know how hard it is to fold this thing up!?" Bree complained.

"A map? Didn't you get the cordinates I gave up?" Chase asked.

"What cordinates? I didn't get any cordinates." Uh oh.

"If Bree's here then what are you tracking?" Adam asked while pointing on the laptop Chase had.

"I don't know. Maybe a bird?" Chase replied.

"A bird with a GPS chip? I don't think SOO--!!!" I yelled out the last part because something crashed through the window and landed on the floor. We all went towards it and it was smoking.

"Guys. This is one of Mr. Davenport's drones! I must've sent it the cordinates instead of Bree!" Chase explained.

"A giant peice of flying metal and a teenage girl! I can see how you can mix those up!" Leo sarcastically told Chase.

"His vision was still pixaled when he sent it." I counter.

"Yeah! It was because of you! You Mr. Touchy-Stuffy-Mommy-Misser!" Chase also said.

"Let's not play the blame game." Leo replied by pulling his hand in between their faces.

"This is the drone that controlls all of Mr. Davenport's gps device, including the plane he's on...right now!" Chase explained once again.

"Seriously?! Why would he have this flying in the sky!?" I ask.

"Well, because Leo's down here." Chase replied and I stiffle a laugh.


Me, Leo and Bree cleaned up the glass and Adam and Chase fixed the drone. Adam joked about Chase being tiny and he failed to counter Chase's comeback. Leo went out the front door and immediately went back in.

"They are walking up the driveway! I repeat, THEY ARE WALKING UP THE DRIVEWAY!!" Leo shouted. Adam ran off with the drone to make it back up into the sky again. Davenport and Tasha came inside the house and Eddy popped up.

"You're on the list, cupcake!!" Eddy screamed.

"OKAY!!" Tasha screamed back while facing him.

"What do you know? The house is still in one piece!" Davenport exclaimed.

"Welcome home, mommy." Leo said while going to hug Tasha.

"All right. What are you guys up to?" Tasha returned the hug, Leo gave her.

"Chillin'. Hanging out with Bree. Right, girly?" I put my arm aroung Bree who was close to me. She nods and puts her arm around my neck as well.

"Mmm..okay. I don't smell any fires. No one is in a full body cast. Wait, where's Adam!?"

"Adam! Is..." Chase started but Adam came in just in time.

"Right here!! Warming up your welcome home hugs! Come over here you two!!" Adam hugged both Tasha and Davenport and ran over to us.

"Okay, I guess we over reacted." Davenport admitted.

"I will reschedule our trip to Australia. This time with a big plane with an actual pilot." Tasha told him. Beeping suddenly went off and we all looked at each other with worried looks. The drone came in from the cieling and crashed on the floor. I cringe at the sight of the damage and Adam leaned over to Chase.

"We forgot to reset the cordinates..." He told him.

"RESET THE CORDINATES!!! I GUESS SOMEONE...TOUCHED MY STUFF!!!" Davenport yelled at us. He started to angrily point at the drone and Leo said, "Mommy."


We were all in the lab talking but Davenport walked in.

"So nothing else happened while we were gone?" He asked while approaching us.

"Nope, just the drone thing." Adam said.

"Yup, just the drone thing." Chase repeated.

"Just the drone thing, huh?" Davenport grinned. Oh dear. He saw something. Hopefully not me super speeding! "Anyone want to see a slideshow?" They all got excited, except for me and Bree got out of her chair.

"Is it Australia!?" She asked.

"Nope! It's my survaliance cameras that show almost everybody's movements in the house!" Davenport smiled. Oh no! No, no, no!!

"I never thought of using my priceless guitars as a hammer." A picture of Adam, Bree, and Chase holding his guitars were taken. "What happened to stick my head in here?" A picture of Adam and Chase inbetween the elevator. "Now that my hair is big, I can ride on all the rides!" It was then a picture of Bree's hair when she went to New Jersey. He showed us one more picture and he laughed. I guess my super speed was too fast to be detected so it just looked like I went down and up.


"So...that means you're all grounded...Forever!!" Davenport laughed and left.


Thank you for reading this chapter! Sorry for how late this was. I hope you liked the chapter and hopefully you guys can see the new cover! Made it myself...Vote if you like the chapter and comment anything you like, whether it's something to help improve my writing skills or something to just say hello! Thank you guys for reading and have a great day/night!! Bai!!! 

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