Sweet Nothing (MHA Staff AU F...

By KarlaNicoleM

3K 158 35

Being a Pro Hero comes with a lot of problems. One being that you could lose your hero license for simply doi... More

Sweet Nothing (MHA Staff AU Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Not a New Chapter Sorry
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

74 5 4
By KarlaNicoleM

As I looked through the exam replays while making notes about how Aizawa should tackle their training during the camp, a small cup of coffee was placed to my left, with red painted nails over the lid. I look over my shoulder to meet with a ruby red grin.

"I figured since it's a little chilly in here, I would get you something different from your usual. Mic and Aizawa mentioned you liked hot white chocolate mochas with vanilla sweet foam and cocoa powder. Said it tasted like tiramisu cake to you." She gave a small shrug while I reached over for the drink.

"Why the treat giving all of a sudden?" I took a sip, and my lips were immediately met with the toasted coffee-flavored sweetness. I hummed a little in delight.

"You haven't gotten up from your desk nor stopped looking at your screen for a good two hours. I figured you needed a small something to break you away."

"Oh... thanks. I just wanted to review everything from the exams and make sure I got all of this to Aizawa before he takes the kids to the camp."

"You're not going?"

"Vlad and Aizawa mentioned it was best that the least amount of people knew the location of the training camp to make sure students were safe. To be fair, I would like a little break. Sometime in the week, I am expecting a video conference about my license status this upcoming Monday. I got an email about it earlier."

"Well, that's good to hear. It's been months. They should've been giving you an update sooner." Kayama sneered in disapproval.

"Yeah... so I kind of need a break from the students for at least a day." I looked over to Kayama, who looked a little worried. "I promise I won't be worrying too much about it. Or overwork myself trying to get this stuff done."

"That's not what I am worried about. Isn't Gemini supposed to be in the meeting since he's in charge of the agency you were working with?" She bit her cheek nervously, bringing up Gemini.

I sighed, "I'm trying not to think about it right now. I just want to think about the fact that I am one meeting closer to having my suspension lifted."

"I just don't want him to humiliate you or do something that will prevent your suspension from ending, that's all. He was already harassing you despite it being against the court's ruling." She rubbed my back comfortingly.

"And I changed my number to get it to stop, so it's fine. I can handle it." I gave her a smile.

"Oh, okay, but just know if anything happens, I'm always here for you. You can always just stay here and continue working in Japan." She rubbed my shoulder and made her way out of the office. "I'll be with Snipe. If you need anything, text me." She winked and sauntered off.

I continued typing out my worksheet for a little longer until my eyes grew tired and strained. I switched from my earbuds to Mic's headphones so I wouldn't get any interruptions. Clearly, someone didn't get the memo when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I swiveled around in my chair to see Aizawa and Vlad hovering over me. I took Mic's headphones off slowly as I looked at them in confusion, "Yes?"

"We decided that it would be a good idea to have you help us train the students in the training camp," Aizawa spoke up with his files in hand and a bored expression.

"That is if you want to come," Vlad added with an apologetic smile.

I blinked and looked between the two. "You decided without talking to me?"

"We're talking right now." Aizawa pointed.

I pushed my glasses up my nose and sighed, "I meant that you should've given me a heads up. First, I was sitting for hours making a whole report about tackling the students' training. If it was in question for me to come, I wouldn't have been wasting my time. Plus, you both need to know whether I am free enough to even go in the first place."

Vlad rubbed the back of his neck, "That's what I was telling Eraser when he brought it up."

"Your schedule is free all throughout the summer break. What could you be possibly-"

"I have a meeting about my suspension Monday morning." I interrupted Aizawa. Annoyance laced in my voice. "Don't assume I have nothing to do."

Aizawa closed his mouth and tensed up his jaw. He always did that when he knew he messed up and looked like an ass.

I shut my eyes, "Where is the location? And does it have wifi?" I can always just work around my meeting.

Aizawa gave me a folder with the name of the location and the owners of the location. I looked at him, "The Wild Wild Pussycats?"

"They're friends of mine." Aizawa defended.

"I swear to God, Aizawa if they're furries..."

"They're not furries!"


They were low-key furries...

As the students were forced to get to the Wild Wild Pussycats headquarters on their own, much to my dismay, I was attempting to use Aizawa's hotspot to connect to my meeting. Aizawa and his friend Mandalay and her teammates were silently and awkwardly watching me stress out refreshing my laptop.

"Please work, please work, please work," I mumbled mainly to myself.

"Is she usually like this?" I heard Mandalay said to Aizawa.

"Eh... depends on the situation. With hero work, she's pretty calm and collective." Aizawa responded.

"I would be nervous too if I was about to miss a meeting about my license." Ragdoll chimed in.

Ding "You are now in the chat!"

"Yes! Oh, thank God!" I squealed in relief.

"Ms. Montoya? Is everything alright?" An old masculine voice came out of my laptop.

"Oh, yes, sorry. I was having connection problems... How are you today, Mr. Malcolm?" I smiled brightly even though I was ready to implode.

"Yes, I am doing well, thank you. Um, where are you currently?" The man's bushy grey eyebrows furrowed together.

"Hehehe, I am on a bus on my way to a training camp for my hero course students. I couldn't get out of coming since I was their counselor. I hope you don't mind this." I scratched the back of my neck.

"No, it's alright, just happy to see you were able to work this meeting in with your schedule. I hope you are enjoying your time in Japan. The rest will be joining us in a moment. If you don't mind, can you wear any earbuds or headphones? That way, the meeting stays confidential."

I nodded, "Of course, sir. Just give me a second while I find..." I shuffled around to my purse to look for my Bluetooth earbuds but struggled to find them. The next thing I knew, they were in my face. I looked up to see Aizawa holding them out for me. "Thank you. Alright, I have them now."

Shortly the rest of the people showed up at the meeting. The last person being Gemini. He looked extremely pleased to be in the meeting, which made me nervous. Which was probably the point. I stayed silent as they read over my file and my case. It had everything from when I enrolled in U.A. to my internships all the way to my job right now as a counselor. "So, from the updates, we have gotten from your boss Nezu and your coworker and pro hero Eraserhead, it seems that you have been following the guidelines of your suspension, which is good to hear. However, there seems to be this information about these phone calls that Gemini wanted to address." Oh no... it was hard to hear what was said. My heart was thumping in my ears. "It seemed to be located through the Gemini Agency and U.A., meaning there was possible communication between you and someone at the agency. Which does violate the terms of the suspension."

That's why he kept calling...

"So, I am sorry, Ms. Montoya, as much as I would love to lift your suspension early. We would have to wait until the beginning of next year to review everything again and see if you can work in the U.S. again. However, we will allow you to continue your counseling job at Cal A if you decide that you don't want to stay your whole suspension in Japan. I hope you have a good day."

"Thank you. Have a good day." I attempted to not look upset, but who knows if I was able to mask it or not. I clicked the leave button once everyone started to leave and closed my laptop. I saw Aizawa and the Wild Wild Pussycats waiting patiently from the corner of my eye to see what happened. I chewed my bottom lip to prevent myself from crying in front of people I barely knew. I felt like that was a sign for Aizawa to come up and sit next to me, gently grabbing my laptop out of my hands. He then wrapped an arm around my shoulders and softly moved my head to rest on his right shoulder. He then looked at the team of heroes and gave them a sad smile, and shook his head to motion them not to talk about the meeting or ask anything.

I felt him stroke my hair and rest his mouth just an inch away from my head to whisper, "You'll be okay, Mai."

The rest of the bus ride was short but quiet, so it felt agonizingly long. I felt bad that I let the mood shift so low. But we did end up there before the students were even halfway through the forest. Aizawa helped me with my suitcase while we walked off the bus into the building. "Huh. I expected an actual camp. But that's because Eraser didn't give me much description about your headquarters."

"Oh yeah, that's mainly because it's his first time here. He's only been to our old location a couple years back." Mandalay explained. "I hope you don't mind, but you'll be rooming with me. The building might look big, but most of the rooms are meeting rooms, tech rooms, or just empty."

"Oh, no, it's fine. Don't worry about it. I just appreciate that you made room for me to come." I quickly waved my hands in front of me as she giggled at my reaction.

"She's a cutie, Eraser. No wonder you used to like her!" Mandalay teased.

I just looked behind me at the man standing with my suitcase. "What is she talking about?"

Aizawa's face was mixed with embarrassment and discontent, "Nothing, I'm putting our stuff inside, and then I'm taking a nap. The students won't be here for another hour."

"Awe, the poor grump is embarrassed." Mandalay leaned against me, smirking, "We met around the time you were last in Japan a few years back. So he mentioned you and was annoyed by the fact that he wasn't over you. I thought it was cute but stupid that he didn't do anything about it." Someone doesn't mind keeping things to herself. "That's actually the reason why we didn't work out when we tried dating. I kind of felt that his heart wasn't in it because he was still caught up in what could've been with you." She gave me a genuine smile, "Don't worry, my heart wasn't in it either, so there aren't any hard feelings. I'm just happy to finally meet the one that got away."

My mouth was left hanging as my cheeks heated. I didn't know how to respond to that. How would anyone respond to that?

She laughed again, "You are so cute. C'mon, let me show you around the place. Maybe this camp will be like a week-long slumber party with us girls?" This was going to be an interesting week for sure. Why did I agree to this?


The poor students were exhausted and took about an extra hour longer than expected. I felt terrible, but Aizawa dropped this on me like he did them, so I couldn't do anything but nag him about it. Luckily, their actual training wasn't starting until tomorrow. I just continued to act as if everything was normal and try to push past the news I got early.

As the Pussycats were giving them a tour around the place, I was just unpacking my suitcase to get my training outfit ready for tomorrow. It wasn't anything special, just some running pants and a sports bra. I was also getting my nightshirt and shorts ready for when I needed to change later for bed. The Pussycats also provided the students a meal since they felt bad for leaving them to work so hard to get to camp. I sat with Mandalay and her nephew, who was looking for an opportunity to sneak away from the room.

"Mai, can I ask you a huge favor?" Mandalay spoke up. I simply nodded in response, "Do you think you can maybe talk with Kota? I feel like he needs to see someone about what happened to him and his parents. But I don't want to take him to a therapist yet since he's so young."

"Well, there are children psychologists, but I don't mind helping you out. It's better than doing nothing." I gave her a reassuring smile when all of a sudden, my phone vibrated. I looked down and saw it was an unknown number with a video message. "Excuse me for a second, I have to check this. We could talk about a time to set up a meeting with Kota when I come back."

I got up from the table and into the hallway as I opened the message.

Unknown Number

It was nice seeing you again, my lovely flower. I just wanted to give you a little momentum for our time together. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Maybe now you'll remember to never test me. I own your career. With one simple video, you can kiss your hero career goodbye. You can always just apologize for defying me and stay being my little flower.

I regretted opening the video file. How can someone be so vile? I felt like I was going to throw up.

The video was of the night that would haunt me in my nightmares. The only view the camera had was of my face and body being violated. No one watching the video would never know who was the one filming or the one violating me. I was seventeen, drugged up, and influenced by Gemini's mind control quirk. And it was all filmed. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the horrifying sight. I was trying to not be upset all day, and he knew it. He somehow always knew what I was doing. It was like once he got in my head, he knew my every thought and move. My privacy, my autonomy, were not really mine after him. I quickly got out of the conversation and put my phone away. I'll just pretend it didn't happen and sleep it off.

To say I was jittering the rest of the night would be an understatement. I felt uncomfortable like bugs were crawling all over me. I would jump whenever the students or Aizawa would try and talk to me. I even shrunk away from Aizawa when he tried to grab my shoulder to get my attention. He looked a little offended but didn't press me. It wasn't until Mandalay mentioned something that I had to explain why I was so jumpy.

"I'm just thinking about my meeting, I was trying to ignore what happened, but it sneaked up on me." I shrugged.

"I understand. Do you maybe want to use the hot spring after the students to relax and wash the bad news and stress away?" I gave her a nod and a tight lip smile. "Cool, I'll get the robes and towels then so we can get started." Mandalay was really nice. And really pretty, I could see why Aizawa liked her. Such a shame they didn't last. They would've been perfect.

When she came back to the living room, Midoriya came running in with an unconscious Kota. "What happened?" We both went up to look at Kota. I moved out of my spot on the couch to have Midoriya set Kota down.

"Mineta was climbing up the wall to try and peep at the girls on the other side, and Kota stopped him but fell. I don't know how he passed out, though. I caught him before he fell into the water." Midoriya explained awkwardly, standing in a towel. I went to grab another towel to wet it so it could be placed on Kota's forehead.

"Eraserhead mentioned that one of you boys was a little girl crazy. So I posted Kota up there to make sure the boy didn't do anything. I could assume that it was the fall that made him pass out. Thank you." Mandalay spoke while I handed her the wet towel, and she placed it on Kota. Midoriya shifted around a little, worried about the kid. He then asked about why Kota was so inanimate about pro heroes. Since Mandalay already told me about it, I suggested that I leave them alone to talk while I check on the rest of the students and lecture Mineta.

I waited until all the students were in their rooms to go talk to them. All went well on the girls and with the rest of the boys. However, with Mineta, let's just say my lecture went in through one ear and out the other. So, I opted to go disrupt Aizawa to talk to Mineta. Unfortunately, he was not in his room. I ran into Tiger in the hallway as I was walking out of Aizawa's room, "Hey, Tiger, have you seen Eraserhead? I need to talk to him about one of the students."

"Last time I saw him, he was heading to the hot spring after the students went to their rooms." The large man was in his normal civilian wear now, a t-shirt with a cat face on it and some Capri running pants. He was wearing some kitten slippers to walk inside the building with. It was different from his uniform but not far away from the cat theme. And Aizawa used to wonder why I didn't hang around cat people back when we were kids.

"Thank you, Tiger. Have a goodnight, bub." I grinned up at him as I rushed to the hot spring. He chided a goodnight as I passed by and went into his room.

Sure enough, the grumpy slug was relaxing in the hot spring like he had nothing to do. I removed my slippers to slip into some sandals laid out at the entrance to the hot spring and quietly made my way behind the man hovering over his peaceful frame in the water. He was laying back on the rocks displayed at the edge of the spring with his eyes closed and arms stretched out. His hair was damped and was pushed back out of his face. His breathing was steady, with his chest slowly rising and falling. I couldn't help but stare a little as I crossed my arms and waited for him to notice me.

"Take a picture. It will last longer, pervert." The man leaned his head back and opened his charcoal grey eyes that reflected the night sky above us.

I raised an eyebrow at him and started tapping my foot, not amused by his comment.

"What do you want, Mai?"

"Mineta tried to peek at the girls while they were using the hot spring, and he didn't want to listen to me, so I need you to scare him."

"Right now?" The man started to close his eyes and moved his head back to its original position.


"I never get to relax. Can I do it in the morning? Maybe I can make him do extra training as punishment along with the lecturing?" He suggested. I stayed quiet because I didn't feel like that was enough of a punishment. Maybe it was my own personal feelings kicking in, but I really wanted this kid to learn to not be such a perverted creep. I didn't want him to be doing the same shit Gemini was to his future women colleagues. Aizawa leaned back again to look at me, "Is that not a good punishment?"


"Then what do you suggest?"


Aizawa's eyes widened, and then he stood up from his spot and turned his whole body in my direction. Which he shouldn't have done. The water cascading down his body was a little distracting. How did I not notice his muscles like this when I was bandaging him up? Since when did he have body hair? And why do I like it? God, Mai, this is not the time... "Should I be concerned that you want to castrate a student?" He had a happy trail... and toned wet abs.... Jesus Christ, I'm acting like Mineta. "Mai?"

I looked up to his eyes as he looked at me, waiting, "No, it was a joke. That's all." I turned my cheek to hide the blush creeping up my face.

He folded his arms, which made both his arms and chest bulge and not helping me pay attention to his face, "Is there something wrong?" He raised an eyebrow at me and had a subtle smirk plastered on his face. Great, he knows that I was unintentionally checking him out.

"Nope, nothing's wrong, just a student harassing other students."

"Right, nothing else?"


"You know when you lie, your voice gets higher, and your eyes start widening while you get pouty and raise your eyebrows." He gave me a knowing smirk. I hate this. I would prefer not to get teased right now.

"I do know that. That's why I choose not to lie. Because I am a bad liar." I honestly said. Not budging.

We stared at each other with folded arms in silence.

"Fine, you can talk to him in the morning. Only because it's really late." I gave in, letting out an exasperated sigh and unfolding my arms.

"Okay. I promise I'll castrate him while I'm at it." He chuckled, making me let out a breathy one of my own.

"Alright, well, I'm going to go to bed now and leave you alone. Goodnight." I had an effortless and genuine smile on my face. Leave it for the grump to get me in a better mood without even trying.

"Mai, wait." I turned back to see Aizawa lean forward on the edge of the hot spring, his head resting on his forearms. "Do you want to talk about what happened in the meeting? Or maybe what happened in the hospital? Whichever is easier to tackle first. I kind of want to get things between us situated."

I sat down on the floor across from him, "What did you want to situate?"

"Well, you seemed to be getting serious with Vlad, and well, we can't ignore how we keep having certain moments with each other. I don't want to string myself along, and I don't want to hurt Vlad. And I'm sure you feel that way too."

"This is the first time I'm having you talk about your feelings." I joked a little.

"I thought I was over my feelings for you from high school. But I don't know what's been happening. I don't know if my feelings are genuine or just me indulging in old forgotten feelings because I never got closure. It's irrational. And I don't act irrationally." He looked at me seriously, "I think we need some sort of boundaries."

Part of me agreed with him. Part of me also wanted to tell him that Vlad and I weren't that serious. We were just new. Part of me wanted to jump into the spring and kiss his wet plump lips. They were just begging me to kiss them. Part of me wanted to ask him what he wanted to tell me at the hospital. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. Most of me wanted to crawl into a hole and be forgotten.

I am not someone that Vlad or Aizawa should be with. It wasn't fair to either of them if they were with me. So I made it up in my mind that I shouldn't be with either of them. Though, something in Aizawa's midnight eyes was telling me to not agree with him. Like he was pleading for me to say something else. "Maybe we should. It's just juvenile to let old feelings dictate what we do. You're right. It's irrational." I avoided his eyes. They tempted me, to tell the truth, which was buried in the pit of my heart. As I played with my fingers, my lips slipped out a question, "What were you going to tell me at the hospital before Midoriya interrupted?"

Now it was his turn to avoid my eyes and bury his face in his arms. It took him a minute to speak up. "I was going to say that I really wanted you to... I really wanted you to know that I loved you when we were kids. That it was never just a childish crush. I was just stupid and thought it was foolish to do something about it."

"Hmmm... well, I guess I should tell you that I loved you too, I was just too naive to know that I was. So I just assumed I was misplacing my feelings because I never knew what love felt like." Sadly, it took me dealing with everything I did after leaving to realize it was the real thing. "But I guess we were too late," I muttered mainly to myself, not really wanting him to hear it.

"I guess."

"Vlad and I aren't that serious. He doesn't even feel comfortable enough for me to call him by his given name. And it's been a little awkward since that. So, I don't think we're going to last. It's probably better off that way. I shouldn't really be with anyone." I hugged myself while looking at my knees. "I like Mandalay. She told me about you guys. I think you guys would've been cute. You guys both like naps and cats." I joked a little more to lighten the mood.

"She's a furry."

"I thought you said that the Wild Wild Pussycats weren't furries?"

"Oh, so you're defending them now?" A small teasing smirk broke out of his face.

"At most, she's a catgirl. Which is right up your ally." After a second of thinking, I started to burst into laughter. "Ally cat!"

Aizawa looked incredibly confused, "Huh?"

"Ally cat! You're an alley cat because you're an underground hero!" It made no sense why I thought it was funny. Honestly, I would be confused too if I was in Aizawa's position. But for some reason, it was funny to me at the moment. Maybe it was the sleepiness kicking in?

He still looked at me confused, but his eyes were warm, and he was grinning like an idiot. "You have such a broken sense of humor. I blame Oboro for that. He corrupted you with his stupid jokes."

I pouted, "I think I have a great sense of humor. It's a little on the dark side, but at least you know I can make light out of any situation!"

"Yeah, sure."

"You think threatening students with expulsion is funny. You can't judge anyone else's humor." I yawned. "Alright, I think now, I should go. Anything else we need to discuss before I hibernate?"

He looked at me with a soft boyish closed-lip grin, "No, go to sleep. You need to rest before training tomorrow. Have a goodnight, Mai."

I yawned again as I got up, "Goodnight, Sho. Get some sleep too, don't stay up too late."

"I won't. Lov..." I couldn't hear the last part once I returned to the entrance of the hot spring. All I was able to hear was that Aizawa stopped himself before he finished it. 

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