Frat House // harry styles

By plainlystyles

351K 6.6K 7.8K

[DISCONTINUED] (for now) After giving up on finding a place to stay after being accepted into WSU, Ariana res... More

✧ chapter one ✧
✧ chapter two ✧
✧ chapter three ✧
✧ chapter four ✧
✧ chapter five ✧
✧ chapter six ✧
✧ chapter seven ✧
✧ chapter eight ✧
✧ chapter nine ✧
✧ chapter ten ✧
✧ chapter eleven ✧
✧ chapter twelve ✧
✧ chapter thirteen ✧
✧ chapter fourteen ✧
✧ chapter fifteen ✧
✧ chapter sixteen ✧
✧ chapter seventeen ✧
✧ chapter eighteen ✧
✧ chapter nineteen ✧
✧ chapter twenty ✧
✧ chapter twenty-one ✧
✧ chapter twenty-two ✧
✧ chapter twenty-three ✧
✧ chapter twenty-four ✧
✧ chapter twenty-five ✧
✧ chapter twenty-six ✧
✧ chapter twenty-seven ✧
✧ chapter twenty-eight ✧
✧ chapter twenty-nine ✧
✧ chapter thirty ✧
✧ chapter thirty-one ✧
✧ chapter thirty-two ✧
thirty four

✧ chapter thirty-three ✧

5.1K 126 100
By plainlystyles


My final class for the day finally ended. The day had dragged on after the painting incident, but luckily for me I was finally finished and had to make my way to work.

I was walking out of the school with Nova, dragging my feet against the concreted floor. I wasn't necessarily dreading working today. I of course did enjoy my new state of employment- but with everything that happened today, going to the mall with the girls sounded a whole lot better.

"You alright Ari?" Nova's melodic voice ringed in my ear. I didn't bother raising my head as a hummed a soft 'yeah' from under my breath which quite obviously didn't satisfy her as a response. I continued to trail my eyes downward, watching as my vans scuffed along the floor. This would usually really annoy me but I hadn't had the energy to care at this point.

"Are you sure you can't just call in sick?" Nova whined as she stepped in front of me quickly and grasped my shoulders to halt my sluggish steps.

"Nove I started only a few weeks or so ago and I really don't want to risk becoming on bad terms with my boss. Besides I start in 20 minutes anyway so it's a bit too late and unfair if I called in sick now." I ranted. Nova nods her head with a pout and moved to the side to allow me to continue the trek to my car.

I noticed the other girls all waiting around Amelia's car from across the street as I neared where I had parked. Nova turned to me again and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Try to get you mind off it. Okay?" She says whilst pulling away. "Oh and try to have a good shift too. I'll make sure to buy you something."

"I'll try and you better." I grin as she chuckles, looking both ways before running across the road towards the other girls. They all waved at me and called out for me to enjoy my shift as well which made me laugh lightly and shake my head before hopping in my car and starting the ignition.

I plugged my phone in and selected my favourite songs playlist to try and hype myself up for work, needless to say it slightly worked...

I drove the way towards the cafe and found a parking spot right down the side of the building. Something about finding a parking spot for work is so anxiety blooming that it's actually quite funny. Like, if there's no spot close then you have to keep driving around to park. Then even worse, if you can't find a spot and the start of your shift is drawing nearer.... absolutely not- I would cry.

I took my keys out of the ignition and threw them into my bag. I then proceeded to make my way towards the entrance of the cafe.

Once I entered I immediately noticed Leah already working. I gave her a small smile and wave which she returned of course, just before heading behind the counter and into the staff room.

I must admit I wasn't completely paying attention as I opened the inward swinging door. I heard a small "ow" from the other side which made me widen my eyes and quickly step inside the staff room, closing the door swiftly behind me.

"Shit. I'm so sorry Kat." I hold my hand to my mouth and it's a small laugh as she rubs he back of her head from the impact.

"Damn you got some muscle." She chuckles to try and alleviate her attention from the pain. "I was just in a rush more like it. I wish I had some sick guns.." I correct with a laugh, squeezing my pathetic excuse for biceps.

"Are you working the close tonight?" I change the subject with a smile. She nods along whilst tying her apron around her waist.

"Well let's make this a good one shall we? Get your butt up and get ready to serve some customers! From the Karen's to cute old people!" Kat claps her hands together before shimmying out of the staff room to the front of the store.

I shake my head and laugh at my new found friend. Although I've only been here at the store for a few weeks, I feel as though this tight knit group of people were so fun and welcoming. It wasn't hard to get along with everyone and enjoy working with the people I did. Who would have ever thought that one?

I place my bag down and reach for my work uniform, quickly relocating into the single cell toilet to get changed out of my school clothes and into my work uniform. I shove my school clothes in my bag and then tie my apron around my waist as I leave the change room.

"Let's get this show on the road." Kat rubs her hands together somewhat maniacally. I pull a face at her sudden "moment" and she laughs it off, slapping my shoulder lightly.

We begin with doing some of the jobs we are suppose to do at the start of a close shift. The ones that help us close quicker and more efficiently. I shot-gunned doing the wash up today because I really wasn't in the mood to deal with customers.

After taking out the removable parts of the coffee grinder and the coffee machine I made my way into the wash up room and began to clean up everything.

OCD can be both a blessing and a curse...

Of course Kat had no problem with me doing wash up. It was suppose to be her turn today as we usually swap each shift, but as noted- I was going through some scary shit.

The kind of scary shit that makes your heart throb because you're afraid of the concept of love. I know, it sounds stupid. But ever since Carter I thought I understood what love was. Heck, I don't even know if I was in love with him. All I know was whether it was love or not, the way he made me feel by betraying my trust and breaking my heart is not worth it in the end. And if I wasn't "in love" with him I couldn't bare to imagine how much worse it would've felt after our break up.

I rinse off the suds off the parts and sigh. What if I was falling for Harry? We clearly did say that we weren't going to catch feelings and we both didn't fancy each other. He was such an asshole and I'm terrified of falling for someone like that.

Wow, this is way too deep for a wash-up monologue. I recollect myself and take a long breath out, leaning against the sink.

"Hey slacker." Kat's voice echos into the room, making me jump and turn around. She stands there smiling but quickly averts her gaze to the front of the store behind her. "I need your help out here I'm getting slammed!"

"Oh sorry." I mutter and apology, tucking the loose strand of my hair back behind my ear. I watch her shake her head with a chuckle before racing back over to what I assume to be the coffee machine. I take her departure as incentive to the swiftly grab the machine parts from the drying rack and race out to put them back onto the machine.

I place the parts back and jump on the milk portion, whilst Kat continues to provide the coffee shots for me for each order. I pour some full cream milk into the allocated jug and begin to heat and froth it.

I allow my eyes to wander around the store while it heats. I observe and see how much mess I'm going to have to clean up after this. It's not too much, a few stray coffee cups and a small spill on the table furthest from me by the window.

I turn off the heating wand and pour the freshly heated milk into the coffee base, putting some more full cream milk on for the next order. Kat does the honours of calling out the coffee and I continue to allow my eyes to wander around the store.

I trail my eyes to land on the unfamiliar head of curls, well only unfamiliar as I'm still trying to adjust to the lack of length of his hair.

He is in his usual seat, with his focus deeply imbedded into whatever homework or assignment is laying in front of him. He looks at the paper with furrowed eyebrows and taps his lower lip with his pencil in concentration.

I guess you could say I was lost in concentration too as next thing I realise his eyes are locked with mine. I widen my eyes and quickly regain my attention on the coffee.

"Easily distracted?" Kat sing songs, looking between Harry and I. I swat her slightly as she chuckles lightly. "Hey who can blame you. Look at that man."

I roll my eyes and look back over at him. This time I notice him gesturing me over. I quickly nod and lift up my pointer finger, urging him to wait until the customers had left the store.

I notice as the line slowly diminishes as the two of us work together to get orders out. We've been here an hour altogether and the other two I hope to be a breeze. I was exhausted.

"You can go hang out with your man candy for a second. Only because you did wash up and I didn't have to." Kat winks at me with a laugh as she pours milk into the last latte order we had at the end of the rush.

"Your generosity baffles me every day." I mock her with a smirk. She smiles in return and pushes me away so I can go to sit with Harry.

I waltzed over to the table he was sitting at and sat down on the chair across from him. He looks up from his homework and looks at me. However I was too focused on whatever he was doing. It was a lot of writing however, maybe it was business studies?

"Ahem." Harry clears his throat. I quickly look up to his smirking face and roll my eyes.

"You summoned me?" I began. Folding my arms I swiftly turned my head to check if Kat was still doing okay. She was wiping over the counter and no other people had walked in the store.

"Please don't tell me that's your shit box sitting out the front." He mused, shaking his head and looking outside. I tried to follow his eyes but couldn't exactly pin point exactly where he was looking.

"I don't know what you mean." I scrunch my brows together, waiting for his elaboration.

"That Suzuki Swift. That's not yours right?" He continues. I gasp and take my hand to my mouth, shaking my head.

"How dare you diss Taylor like that!" I snap at him. "She's my pride and joy." I look out to her. I've had that car for years now. I love it to death, it's been good to me through and through.

"Taylor... the Suzuki Swift. Funny..." He rolls his eyes childishly.

"Taylor Suzie Swift is her full name. My gay friend named her." I laugh, the image of Riley flashes into my head at the mentioning of him.

"You think that's cute?" He states, seeming unamused.

"Do you think it's cute?" I smirk, tapping my fingers lightly on the table. He looks at me with a slight stagger, as if he wasn't expecting it to come out my mouth.

"I use to have a crush on Taylor Swift... use to. So no, I don't think it's cute. Nice try princess." He replies with a cocky expression.

"Well cute or not I love my baby and she's my pride and joy." I stand up for my car as if she wasn't just a vehicle.

"What's your dream car?" He adds. I frown at the random odd question and look at my car again.

"Well as a kid I always wanted a Suzuki Swift. I got one but my friends in Australia and I joked about it being a slutty girls car. I guess my dream car is obviously a Tesla, but if we are going for a more realistic goal- I want a Hyundai Veloster, turbo manual, matte grey." I ramble looking down at my fiddling hands. I look back up at Harry and observe his amused expression.

"I wouldn't picture you as a car girl, Ariana." He chuckles, tapping his pen on his book.

"Oh I'm not, I just want that specific car." I shrug. "I wanna be heard leaving the house every morning- is that so much to ask?" I smile.

"Not at all."

I watch him for a couple of seconds with the same smile. I quickly clear my throat and notice Kat staring at me with an expected look. She cocked her head to the side quickly to indicate she needed me back.

I stood up from the chair and placed my hands on the table. "Well that's my queue. See you around pretty boy." I wink before walking away back behind the counter. I feel Harry's eyes burn into me as I walk.

It was such a strange conversation. I could've sworn he knew about my car. Oh well.

"Was that worth the trip?" Kat laughs as I shake my head. "Of course." I reply with a smirk and a roll of my eyes.

I look back over at him one last time before taking my full attention back to work. I have a little bit left to do so if I muscle it out we should get out on time.

Thirty minutes later Harry had packed up his things and waved goodbye to both of us. I think he mouthed something along the lines of "my room, 12" but of course I couldn't be certain.

Rest assured. I would be there.

I'm so bad at updating I'm so sorry 😞

I will try to get weekly updates out from now on as I'm letting you all down! I have more of a plan which will help with updating. I just hope you all stick around!

Make sure you vote and comment!

All the love, Tash x

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