Stubborn Love -Klaus

By GiBbErZz

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"It's always been you, Niklaus!" I cried at his retreating back, tears streaming down my pale cheeks. "It was... More

Chapter One - The Unfamiliar
Chapter Two- Recognition
Chapter Three -Dance With Me
Chapter Four -Remind Me
Chapter Five - Unraveling
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight -The truth.
Chapter Nine -Her Dying Compromise.
Chapter Ten - A turn for the worst.
Chapter Eleven - Monstrous.
Chapter Twelve -Manic.
Chapter Thirteen -Nightmare.
Chapter Fourteen -Sadistic.
Chapter Fifteen - Revelations.
Chapter Sixteen - Wake up.
Chapter seventeen- Awaken

Chapter Six -Will You Scream?

6.3K 142 4
By GiBbErZz

Everything in the room seemed to freeze around the two. Alice's unwavering gaze on the drawing was all Klaus could see. All he could make sense of. Alice could feel his eyes watching her intently. They were almost burning through her. But she couldn't bring herself to even glance in his direction. 
What was going on? She thought brokenly to herself. 
She's afraid. So terribly afraid of everything. She had hoped that when Kol had sort off forced his way into Alice's life just this morning, that her life would begin to start making sense. Because she was clueless. She knew nothing of the world that surrounded her and she could comprehend why. But Kol made her feel like she had a chance at adapting, growing attuned to the new world. But trusting him had just lead to more confusion and fear than she thought was possible.
This family was unreliable. She can't trust any of them. They all know something. Even if it something small and considered unimportant -they knew something about her. Whereas she knew nothing. Just her name. 
"W-why do you have a d-drawing of me?" The fear in her voice was clear. 
Even as afraid as she is, a small part of her couldn't help but be curious. Because this drawing was perfect in every aspect. The resemblance was uncanny. The lines and curves emphasised, each angle and feature of her face and the shading was done expertly. It was flawlessly and undeniably her. She hurried away from Klaus and snatched the drawing off of the wall. The corner tore from where it had been pinned but Alice didn't care, she needed a closer look. 
The paper was brittle and delicate in her fingers. It was old -ancient, even. And something unfamiliar stirred in Alice's stomach.
Klaus had remained silent during the whole thing, watching. And Alice wasn't sure whether the silence that came from him was comforting of not. Because he had not once tried to deny it. Say that it was someone else. And deep down they both knew that it wasn't. 
Alice's fingers brushed against a soft engraving on the back and she flipped the paper over. Only to be greeted with two short words and a date. 
Aleysia Whittlewood.

1492? Is that a date? That can't be a date, could it? 
Alice spun around and thrusted the drawing into Klaus' chest. "What is this?" She demanded. She was trying her hardest to remain as calm as possible and to be strong but everything was crumbling inside of her. Falling apart at the new revelation.
Klaus' grabbed the image and held it close and Alice dropped her hands, backing away from him. Klaus held the drawing as if it were the most important thing to him, carefully and purposely. 
Alice could see the war brewing in his eyes. He didn't know what to do and that's when Alice fell apart. 
Fresh tears sprung to her eyes and her bottom lip trembled. "W-why do I look like h-her?" Her tone filled with nothing but desperation. 
Klaus remained silent, his eyes flickering between Alice and his drawing. 
"I'm her...Aren't I?"Alice hoped that she was wrong, but how could she ignore what was obvious. The drawing was identical to her in every single way. 
"No!" Klaus snapped fiercely. His voice suddenly coming back to him. 
HIs eyes were hard and he looked at her angrily. Although was the anger really directed at her or himself? "You're not her!"
The anger that coated his voice sent a shiver down Alice's spine and stepped backwards. 
"You may have her looks. You may have her voice, but you will never be her." Klaus stepped closer to her, the drawing fell through his fingers and floated forgotten to the ground as he advanced. 
With every step that he took she took backwards. He was beyond scary. His blue eyes were narrowed into small points, lips pulled back and his teeth clenched together. She had only met the beautiful man today but she could feel just how ruthless he was. It radiated from him in waves. Drowning her the closer he got. 
"S-stay away from me." Alice's ankle was barely able to hold her up now. The pain was growing unbearably, shooting up her leg with every step she was forced to take. 
"I don't think so." Klaus said, his voice threatening. "All i've been able to think about for the last hour was how you'd taste. If you'd taste the same as she did." His lips twitched as Alice blanched. Her eyes were impossibly wide and she was shaking. Fear was consuming her and she could see the joy it was bringing him. "I wonder if you'll scream like she did."
And before Alice could take one more step back, Klaus was standing no more than an inch from her. His breath fanned out over her face and she gasped. 
She opened her mouth to speak but the fear had rendered her speechless. Her voice was gone. She swallowed thickly and went to move away but Klaus' hand shot out and curled around her throat and suddenly her back collided painfully against the wall. Books and papers fell from several shelves but the went by unnoticed. 
Klaus lent in close, so his nose brushed against her almost taunter her with how much power he had. How he was the one in control. His nose was cold as it moved to her cheek, and slowly he began to make his way down towards her throat. "I guess we'll find out." He mumbled before his teeth tore into her jugular. 
A scream ripped through Alice as the pain blinded her. She had never felt something so intense. So mind numbing. She couldn't think, all her mind could focus on was the pain. 
She could feel her blood leaving her. Klaus was draining her entire being. She was going to die. 
Black spots danced at the edges of her vision. Teasing her with the thought that this could be the last thing she'll ever see. Her body was loosing all feeling. It felt light and her knees gave out, if it wasn't for the arm Klaus had instantly wrapped around her waist, she would have slumped heavily to the ground. He kept her up and continued to drink from her heavily, showing no signs of stopping until there was nothing left. 
"S-stop, please." Alice begged weakly with the last ounce of strength she could find inside.
Klaus's arm tightened around her, holding her near-unconscious body close to his own. 
"Niklaus!" A voice shouted from somewhere around the room. But Alice couldn't pin-point it. Her hearing had spaced out, it sounded like she was being held underwater. Her eye lids drooped and everything had blurred together creating just a mass of fading colour.
"Stop!" Was the last thing Alice was able to understand before the darkness consumed her completely and she fell limp.

"Mother, are you sure that we received an invite?" The pale, red-headed, young woman asked quietly. Her waist length curls were clipped up delicately bar a few that hung loose framing her face. And she stood watching her mother fold away unneccassary dresses, as she searched for the perfect one.
Her mother, who shared the same beautiful red hair, looked over her shoulder and smiled at her daughter. "Of course.  Worry not, darling. We'd not attend, had we not been invited."
The young woman shuffled on the spot uncomfortably, her old worn-down, cream dress hung limply down her body, the bottom catching under for feet every-so-often as she moved. "Why now?" She questioned.
Her mother sighed, folded the next dress and stood up. She smoothed down the front of her dress and approached her daughter. "What's the matter?"
The young girl seemed lost. She didn't quite understand how she came to be in this situation. "We've never had the privilege of being invited before. Why the suddden interest?"
Something sparked in her mothers eyes and her lips stretched wider into an affectionate grin. "You." She admitted softly. "You spiked the lords interest, Aleysia."
Aleysia's eyes widened. "Me?"
Her mother nodded. "Word's spread across the entire village about you." She reached forwards and brushed a curl from Aleysia's face and tucked it behind her ear. "You'd be suprised how highly the little ones speak of you. They adore and look up too you, as do the rest. But you've changed them. And the a Lord has personally requested your pressence tonight."
Aleysia swallowed thickly, nerves growing wildly within her. "What if I wish not to attend?"
Her mother looked at her knowingly. "Is that truely what you want?"
Aleysia looked down, away from her mothers gaze. Her fingers played absentmindedly at a couple of loose thread on her dress. "No," She finally admitted. "It's not.
" She looked back up at her mother. "But i'm scared."
Her mother let a hand cup her daughters cheek soothingly. "What's there to fear?"

Aleysia looked her mother in the eye. "Everything."

Alice woke with a start, her heart beating away in her chest rapidly. Her eyes flitted around the room trying to place where exactly she was. Her apartment. She as in her apartment, in bed.
How she had gotten there, she had no clue. Last she could recall was having Klaus rescue her from his crazy mother...And then nothing. It was like there was a swirling darkness hanging over her memories, stopping her from remembering. And the more she tried to push it away the darker is grew until it was a pure solid black, with no cracks. No way through.
Alice shook herself, giving in. Maybe she'd hit her head or something. She was sure there was some logical explaination as to why she couldn't remember and brushed it off, her thoughts immediatly traveling to her dream.
It had felt so real, every touch, everything she could see. It was like she had really been there...And there was that name again. Aleysia. Ester had called her that and so had Niklaus when they were first acquainted. That couldn't have been a coincidence, could it?

Feedback is appreciated :D

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