You've Got it Bad

By JerrieDuhhh

603K 13.9K 18.2K

"I'm here now. I'm here to patch you back up until you're good as new. And love you until you forget what tha... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight
Seventy Nine
Eighty One
Eighty Two
Eighty Three
Eighty Four
Eighty Five
Eighty Six
Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight
Eighty Nine
Ninety One
Ninety Two
Ninety Three
Ninety Four
Ninety Five
Ninety Six
Ninety Seven
Ninety Eight
Ninety Nine
One Hundred

Sixty Seven

7K 122 145
By JerrieDuhhh

Both Perrie and Jade were running through the apartment like madwomen, trying to pack last minute things before their flight. Something they probably should've done the night before instead of sleeping in.

"Babe, did you pack our phone chargers?" Perrie asked as she breezed past Jade, running down her checklist.

"Yes." Jade answered. "Wait, no!" She ran over to the socket by their bed and grabbed both of their phone chargers, stuffing them into one of their large carry on bags.

They went back and forth like this for a good twenty minutes, with Jade forgetting most things on Perrie's list. Perrie just rolled her eyes at her never prepared fiancé. Suddenly, they heard Perrie's phone buzz and they both froze and looked up.

Perrie pulled her phone out of her joggers and read the text. "The girls will be on their way soon. Jesy is picking up Leigh Anne now."

As if they needed any more of a reason to panic. They really started running around, tossing things back and forth and bouncing off each other like tennis balls.

"Are we ready to go?" Jade asked, out of breath.

Perrie almost said yes until she turned around and saw Jade. "Babe, you're not wearing any clothes." She pointed.

"Huh?" Jade looked down and she was indeed only in her panties and bra. She remembered that she was supposed to had changed her clothes after bathing Jaden because he somehow made her fall into the bathtub with him. Which apparently she forgot to do.

She raced to the closet to throw on a pair of joggers and a t shirt and then came back to Perrie who was standing in the middle of the floor scratching her head, trying to remember what it was that they were forgetting, knowing it was something.

"Did we pack enough clothes for Jaden?" Jade asked and the two of them froze again, eyes wide.

"Where's Jaden?!" They yelled in unison. Both girls dropped the random items they had in their hands and ran over each other to get out of the bedroom. When they flung his door open and they saw he wasn't inside, they really started to sweat.

"What did you do with him?!" Jade asked, frantically.

"Me?! You were the last one with him! You got him dressed!" Perrie replied, looking at Jade.

"I never got him dressed!" Jade yelled, realizing she forgot to do that too.

"Jaden!" They both yelled as they stumbled over each other again and fell into the living room. They looked up and saw Jaden swinging his feet from the couch, and eating a popsicle. He was only in his underwear as Jade had bathed him and started to get him dressed and then realized she forgot to pack her toothbrush. After she forgot to dress herself.

When he saw the two of them literally fall into the living room, he looked away from his cartoons and down at them as if they had two heads each.

They both scurried to their feet.

"Is that a popsicle? It's 6am! Where did he get a popsicle, Perrie?!" Jade yelled, putting her hands on her hips.

"Well he didn't get it from me! I've been busy trying to pack all of the things you forgot! You had him last!" Perrie yelled back, folding her arms.

They both looked into the kitchen and saw one of the chairs pushed up against the refrigerator with the freezer door wide open. They looked at each other and then down to the other three popsicle sticks on the coffee table and the floor.

"That's his fourth one!" Perrie pointed and Jade gasped.

Jaden shrugged and went back to swinging his feet and watching his cartoons, used to his moms acting like wild women by now.

"Great, now he's all sticky! Again!" Jade ran her hands through her curly hair.

"Is that popsicle juice on my couch and carpet, Jade?!" Perrie yelled.

Jade looked down and indeed there was red and blue popsicle all over the floor and couch.

Here we go. Jade thought.

"JADE!!" Perrie screamed.

"I didn't do it! Don't yell at me!" Jade argued.

"Well I'm not yelling at him, so it's gotta be you! You're the one who bought them!" Perrie yelled again.

"Bub, back to the bathroom. Now." Jade pointed and Jaden sighed. He hopped off the couch and dragged his feet towards the bathroom. "And hand over the popsicle." He sighed again and gave Jade his popsicle.

She stuck it in her mouth, finishing it, and grabbed the other two sticks from the coffee table and the one from the floor, walking them to the kitchen to toss them out. She closed the freezer and pushed the chair back in and when she turned around, Perrie was right in her face, making her jump.

"Who is cleaning my carpet and my couch, Jade?!" Perrie asked, folding her arms.

Jade quickly kissed her cheek and slipped by her. "Don't worry, I'll do it when we get back."

Perrie quickly caught up to her. "It'll be stained by then!"

"I'm sorry but it's stained now, babe. We'll push the table over it and get a couch cover or something." Jade replied, going into the bathroom with Jaden.

"That's not solving anything, Jade!" Perrie yelled, still behind her.

"In the tub, now kid." She stripped Jaden down once again and put him in the bathtub. Instead of giving him another bath, she turned on the removable shower head and hosed him down. "Out of sight out if mind, Pez."

"What?" Perrie questioned and then cut her eyes at Jade. "Is this something you do often?"

"You wouldn't know now would you, because out of sight out of mind!" Jade replied. "Turn." She had Jaden spin around in the tub while she literally threw soap and water at him. Before Perrie could even respond, they heard the doorbell ring.

"Shit!" They both yelled in unison.

Jaden gasped and Jade smacked Perrie's leg.


"Dang it." They both tried to cover up their slips.

"You didn't hear that, baby." Jade said, taking him out of the tub and wrapping a towel around him.

"I'll go get it." Perrie rolled her eyes and walked out of the bathroom.

"Alright, now hand me the lotion." Jade said to Jaden and his eyes widened.

"Noooo!" He dropped his towel and bolted from the bathroom before Jade could grab him.

"Jesus Christ! Get back in here, Jaden!" Jade yelled, getting up to chase after him.

Perrie opened the door and Jesy and Leigh stood there smiling at her.

"Ready to go, cousin?" Jesy asked as Perrie stepped to the side and let them both in.

"Umm. Almost." Perrie replied, smiling.

They both looked at each other when they saw a naked Jaden, running for his life around the living room and Jade in soaking wet clothes hot on his tail.

"Jaden Amir!" She tried to tackle him but she just ended up falling down as he slipped out of her grasp again. "Ughhh!" She sighed frustratedly. "Fine! No lotion! Let your skin get all dry and start cracking at the age of four! Try explaining your alligator skin to your friends on your own! Just put on your clothes so we can go!" Jade ran after him and Jesy and Leigh looked at Perrie.

"So... lotion is a thing in this house." Perrie shrugged and they both laughed.

"You guys need your own sitcom." Leigh laughed.

"Are your bags at least packed so we can take them to the car?" Jesy laughed.

Perrie sighed. "At this point, they're as packed as they're gonna get."

They all walked into the bedroom. Jesy and Leigh grabbed the two large suitcases and Perrie grabbed the two large carry on bags. They walked them to the car and Jesy and Leigh got in.

"We need to be moving in no more than 15 minutes if we're gonna drop Jaden off and get to the airport in time, babe." Leigh said softly and Perrie nodded.

"I'll go get them." Perrie headed back upstairs and into the apartment. When she walked into Jaden's room, she saw Jade sitting on the floor with Jaden in her lap, holding onto her. She could hear him crying.

Jade looked up at Perrie and Perrie frowned, getting down on the floor with them. "What's the matter, baby?" Perrie asked, rubbing his back.

"I...don'!" He cried and it broke both girls' hearts.

Jade didn't know what to say because she was too busy holding back her own tears, so this one was on Perrie.

"We won't be gone for long, baby. Just a week. And you and grandma Debbie are gonna have so much fun. She has so many fun things planned out for you to do together. Remember?" She whispered softly.

"But, I'll be sad." He looked up at Jade and then Perrie.

"We'll be sad too, baby. Trust me. But we'll take lots of pictures and bring you something really cool!" She smiled.

"Really?" He sniffled.

"Yes, of course!" She replied. "And we'll call you every day, so we'll still see each other and you can tell us all about the fun things you and grandma Debbie did! Okay?"

"Okay." He sniffled again and smiled, hugging Jade tighter.

"Good. You're such a sweet boy. Mommy and I love you very very much." She smiled at Jade and then at Jaden. "Come on, let's finish getting you dressed so you can start your adventures with grandma Debbie." Perrie got him to calm down, got him dressed, got Jade re-dressed in dry clothes and the three of them out of the door in ten minutes.

"You two go get in the car, I'll lock up." Perrie smiled at Jade. Jade started to walk off but quickly turned and grabbed Perrie's arm.

"Thank you." She said, looking into Perrie's eyes. Grateful that she had Perrie by her side in those kinds of situations.

"Anytime, love." Perrie smiled and kissed her.

"Ewwww!" Jaden yelled and both girls laughed.

"Alright. Let's go kid." Jade ushered Jaden toward the door.

"I'll be right down." Perrie smiled.

Moments later, they were all in the car and headed to Debbie's house. When they arrived, both girls got out and walked Jaden to the front door. They each told him how much they loved and would miss him, hugged and kissed him and Debbie came out to get him. She hugged and kissed both of them before wishing them safe travels and letting them go.

Perrie grabbed Jade's hand and they walked to the car.

"That was hard. Why was that so hard?" Jade whispered and Perrie squeezed her hand.

"It was hard, but you did good." Perrie kissed her head before they got in the car together and all four girls headed towards the airport. Jade snuggled up to Perrie and leaned her head on her shoulder.

"You two can stop being so cute now. The cameras are off." Jesy rolled her eyes and Leigh smacked her arm.

"Leave them alone, can't you see they're in love." Leigh smiled.

Perrie, not liking the sad mood her girl was suddenly in, nudged Jade's head with her own. When Jade looked up at Perrie, she poked her lips out and Jade immediately leaned over and kissed them. Perrie leaned down a bit to whisper in Jade's ear, all about the fun they were about to have and mostly the sex. Some of the things Perrie said made even Jade blush.

Having successfully fixed Jade's mood, Perrie smiled and sat back in her seat and closed her eyes. What she didn't realize was that she had done a little more than fix Jade's mood. She had changed it completely, and she realized this when Jade leaned over and kissed her again. She recognized that hungry kiss right away. Perrie's eyes opened and she looked at Jade, who just winked before she dived back into Perrie's soft lips.

"See what happens when you leave them alone? Now they're eating each other's faces off in my backseat!" Jesy huffed.

"Just ignore them and drive. The quicker you get them to the airport the quicker they're out of your backseat." Leigh laughed and Jesy rolled her eyes.

"I can hear them sucking at each other!" Jesy groaned.

Leigh rolled her eyes and turned the radio up. "Better?"

"Good enough, I guess." Jesy rolled her eyes again. "They have a whole week to themselves, they couldn't wait until they were out of my car to have sex?" She mumbled.

Leigh laughed again and looked at the two women in the backseat, indeed making out like they were the only two in the world. "Be nice, Jes. They're getting married."

Jesy rolled her eyes once again and turned the music up full blast, singing at the top of her lungs the rest of the way.

Jade and Perrie would kiss until their lips were sore. Take a break and then go at it again, completely ignoring their friends. Jade was the one who finally snapped out of her trance. Right when Perrie took one harsh, tear-jerking bite out of her lip.

"Jesy!" She yelled over the music.

"Jessica!" She yelled louder but Jesy was still singing at the top of her lungs.

Perrie noticed Jade trying to get her attention and whacked her in the arm.

"Oww! What the hell?!" Jesy lowered the music and Leigh looked at her to see what was going on.

"My wife's calling you." Perrie rolled her eyes.

"I was just gonna ask if you guys were planning on doing anything fun?" Jade asked, looking at Perrie, who just shrugged.

"No, gorgeous. This is about as fun as it's gonna get for me. Unless Ron decides to do something romantic, which I highly doubt." Jesy rolled her eyes and the girls just laughed.

"What about you, Leigh?" Perrie asked.

"I actually have a date tomorrow night." Leigh smiled and now it was Jade's turn to whack her arm.

"Ow! What's with the two of you and hitting! What did I do?" Leigh asked, rubbing her arm.

"I don't know, maybe asked someone out on a date and didn't tell your best friend!" Jade yelled and whacked her again.

Perrie laughed to herself at how a little while ago the two hated each other, now they were pretty much inseparable.

"Seriously, is she always like this?" Leigh asked, rubbing her arm again and looking at Perrie. Perrie just laughed.

"She asked me out, actually." Leigh replied.

"SHE?!" Jade yelled and Leigh moved out of the way.

"I swear if you hit me again, Jade!" Leigh yelled.

"Nobody's gonna hit you! When was this?" Jade replied.

"Yeah, this is the first I'm hearing of this!" Jesy scoffed.

"What's her name?" Perrie asked.

"Calm down. I didn't want to tell you guys right away, in case it wasn't serious." Leigh replied.

"Well, is it?" Jade asked and all three girls looked at Leigh.

"I don't know yet. I'll tell you guys about it after tomorrow."

Jade sat back and rolled her eyes. "Honestly, you think you know someone."

Perrie thought she was so cute, especially when she pouted, and couldn't help but lean over and kiss her again.

"Oh no, they're back at it." Jesy sighed, looking in her mirror. "You two better not mess up my seats! I just got my car detailed!" She turned the music back up and shook her head, bringing her attention back to the road.

They just laughed and continued their making out until they made it to the airport. Jesy pulled into their terminal and put her hazard lights on. Jade and Perrie hadn't even realized the car had stopped until Jesy started banging on the window like a cop, startling them.

"Would you two rest your lips for just one second?!" Jesy yelled at them, but still laughed. "Honestly, the hormones on you two."

Leigh laughed as she got out and both girls blushed, getting out as well.

"Sorry, Jes." Jade scratched the back of her neck.

"I'd much rather forget about it, gorgeous." Jesy replied, handing Jade one of the suitcases. Jade nodded and smiled. Jesy handed Perrie her suitcase and they each grabbed a carry on bag. Leigh and Jesy took turns hugging each of them.

"Why is everyone acting like they'll never see us again?" Jade questioned.

"Because you could die at any point during your vacation or get kidnapped or- ow!" Jesy stopped babbling when Leigh and Perrie both smacked her arms.

"Jessica!" Perrie yelled.

"Seriously, Jes!" Leigh face-palmed and Jesy just shrugged. "What she meant to say was that we love you guys and we will miss you."

Jade laughed. "Thanks, Leigh."

"Alright. Go on before you miss your flight." Jesy nudged them. "And don't stop in any bathrooms or dark corners." Jade laughed and grabbed Perrie's hand with her free hand.

"Ready, angel?" She asked, looking at Perrie.

Perrie smiled. "I've been ready for this since the day we met."

They both smiled and headed into the airport hand in hand. After they were all checked in and their bags were checked, they had about an hour before it was time to board their flight.

Perrie was excitedly searching on her phone for things they could do while they're there.

Jade looked over at her. "What are you so smiley about?"

Perrie directed her smile at Jade. "Just looking at the things we can do in Bora Bora."

It was Jade's turn to smile. "If you think I haven't already planned down to the last second, how much fun you're going to have on this vacation, then you don't know me at all, love."

Perrie looked shocked. "You what?"

Jade laughed. "One day you're gonna learn to stop underestimating me."

"Can I know what it is that you've planned?" Perrie asked even more excitedly.

"No, you can't. It's a surprise." Jade replied and Perrie pouted. "Just know that I had to make an itinerary, otherwise we'd end up having sex all day every day."

"And what's so bad about that?" Perrie raised her brow.

"Not a damn thing, love. Trust me. But we can have sex all day at home. It'd be a shame to go that far and not actually experience it." Jade flipped through one of the magazines she saw on the table across from them.

"Once again, you're hard to argue with, Thirlwall." Perrie smiled.

"It's Edwards. And are you hungry? We should eat before our flight, just in case you don't like any of the food." Jade put her magazine down and saw Perrie smiling widely at her, probably because she just used her last name.

"Sure. I could eat. What do you have in mind?" Perrie asked and Jade snickered. "You are such a child, Jade." She rolled her eyes but couldn't help but laugh too.

"Want some Chik-fil-a?" Jade asked.

"Oh my god, yes!" Perrie squealed and Jade just laughed at the appetite on her fiancé.

"Let's go then." Jade stood and Perrie followed.

They sat and laughed and joked about any and everything, just generally enjoying each other's company. While they would surely miss their loved ones, especially Jaden, both girls were excited to be alone together for an entire week.

"Keep your hands off my fries, blondie!" Jade swatted Perrie's hand as she reached for another one of her waffle fries. "You have a whole box left!"

Perrie whined. "But yours are so much better!"

"Babe, we literally watched them cook them at the same time." Jade laughed and Perrie shrugged.

"It's still not the same."

Jade rolled her eyes. "Fine. Help yourself. Do I at least get some of yours?" Jade asked reaching for Perrie's fries, only to draw her hand back when she felt a smack.

"No, J'Adore! I'm hungry!" Perrie whined and Jade just shook her head.

The girls finished up, just in time to board their flight.

First class.

They were escorted by flight attendants to their spacious first class pods that were side by side, even though they both knew that one was plenty of room and they would definitely be sharing one the whole flight. It seemed like a waste of money to Perrie, but Jade didn't really care. Plus, they had no choice since everyone technically needed their own seatbelt.

"Jade! Look at this!" Perrie exclaimed, pressing every button she could find in her pod.

Jade stood at the entrance and laughed at her fiancé, who was like a kid in a candy store.

I'd pay any amount to get a smile like that one. Anytime. Jade thought to herself.

"There's a minibar, Jade!" Perrie yelled.

"Shhhh, baby. You're gonna scare everybody." Jade laughed. She looked around and was just as excited as Perrie since it was her first time in first class too. They listened to the whole speech the captain gave and were asked to sit in their own pods so they could buckle up for takeoff.

"I'll miss you, baby." Jade smiled and blew a kiss at Perrie before she disappeared, making her heart flutter.

God, I love that woman. Perrie smiled to herself.

To Perrie it seemed like ages before they finally got to the desired altitude and the seatbelt signs went off. She clicked hers off quickly and jumped to her feet. She stepped into Jade's pod and saw that she was reclined a bit, with her hair up in a messy bun, her glasses on her nose, and her MacBook in her lap. She was typing away, with a notepad on the table next to her and a pencil between her teeth. Perrie drooled at the sexy sight and briefly wondered how in the hell she started working so fast.

Jade was so immersed in club plans that she hadn't initially noticed Perrie standing there staring at her. That was until her favorite scent filled her nostrils. She inhaled slowly.

"Mmmm. Why on earth are you all the way over there?" She asked, finally looking over her glasses at Perrie, who just stood there biting her lip. She placed her glasses, MacBook and pencil on the table next to her and patted her lap. "Come here."

Perrie's heartbeat quickened as she walked over to Jade's seat and climbed in her lap. Jade immediately wrapped her arms around her, missing her warmth, and nuzzled her face into Perrie's neck. She kissed it lightly and Perrie moaned quietly, tilting her head to the side.

"God, I'm so addicted to you." Jade whispered, causing Perrie to shiver.

She pulled back when she heard someone clear their throat. "Anything to drink ma'am? Wine? Champagne?" One of the flight attendants asked.

Jade looked at Perrie and when she smiled, Jade answered. "I'll have wine. White. Two glasses please." They turned and watched the flight attendant nod and then pour two glasses of wine.

"Thank you." Jade said and the attendant looked up at her and nodded. His eyes landed on Perrie and Jade didn't like how long they lingered. She immediately tensed up and was about to say something when she saw his eyes slide up and down her fiancé's body. Perrie noticed and gently squeezed Jade's thigh to calm her before she got too upset, knowing Jade would not hesitate for a second to break the guy's nose. The attendant saw this and cleared his throat and walked away and Perrie sighed in relief.

Jade took her glass and sipped it, looking out the window for a moment and then back to Perrie when she spoke.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to being treated like this." Perrie sighed and smiled.

Jade, finally calm, pushed a strand of blonde hair behind her fiancé's ear and smiled. "You should."

Perrie sighed again. "Seriously, J'Adore. This is too much."

"Nonsense, love. Raise your glass. Let's toast." Jade smiled, raising her glass.

Perrie did the same and smiled at Jade.

"To us. To our future. May this fire we have, never die." Jade smiled and clinked their glasses together.

Perrie's mouth was wide. She still couldn't comprehend how someone so perfect could exist. This woman was beaten down to almost nothing when she found her way to Perrie. Nobody could've known how much of an angel Jade was at first glance. Nobody tried to know. All she needed was a little bit of patience and a whole lot of love and she shed her many protective layers, revealing the goddess she'd alway been underneath.

My very own diamond in the rough. Perrie thought to herself.

Perrie was grateful to Jade for the way she loved her, but Jade was also grateful to Perrie for inspiring her and bringing that kind of love out of her. Perrie felt tears prick her eyes just thinking about it. She quickly turned her head, hoping Jade wouldn't see.

Jade gently placed her hand under Perrie's chin and turned her head to face her. "Don't hide from me, love." She whispered.

Perrie's heart literally melted right through her eyes as her tears fell. Jade set her glass down before taking Perrie's and sitting hers down. She reached up and wiped Perrie's tears with her thumbs.

"Shhh. You know it kills me when you cry." Jade whispered.

Perrie sniffled and smiled. "I'm sorry. You're just too much sometimes."

Jade smiled and pulled Perrie closer. She laid back and Perrie laid her head on her chest and snuggled into her side. They laid like this for a few more moments before Perrie sat up.

"What were you working so hard on?" She asked.

"Looking over the club plans." Jade replied, picking her glass up again and taking a sip. Perrie grabbed hers as well and did the same.

"Can I see?" She asked.

"Of course." Jade replied, reaching over and pulling her MacBook back over to them. She showed Perrie the plans that she was nearly finished with and Perrie loved them.

Perrie just laid on Jade's chest while she finished up what she started to work on, eventually falling asleep. Feeling so relaxed and at ease with Perrie on top of her, Jade put her laptop away and quickly fell asleep herself.

The girls woke up from their naps a couple of hours later. Well, Jade woke up about an hour after falling asleep and then just laid there in deep thought, looking at Perrie sleep and twirling soft blonde locks around her fingers. This was still and probably would always be one of her favorite things to do.

Crystal blue eyes fluttered open and immediately locked on honey brown ones.

"Did you sleep well, angel?" Jade asked softly, smiling at Perrie.

Perrie smiled in return and let out a cute little yawn that made Jade giggle. "I did. Did you sleep any?"

Jade nodded and kissed the top of her fiancé's head.

"How many hours of this flight have we managed to kill?" Perrie asked and Jade laughed.

"A whole three." Jade replied and laughed even harder when she saw Perrie frown.

"Well, now I'm bored." Perrie huffed, making Jade laugh again.

"You are too cute, you know that?" Jade asked, reaching over to finish her glass of wine.

Not wanting to be too far behind, Perrie did the same, even though their tolerance levels were nowhere near the same. As if the flight attendants sensed the empty glasses, a new one appeared next to them again with a bottle of wine, and Perrie was grateful it wasn't the same guy. Jade nodded and he filled both glasses again. Jade was about to thank the man so he could leave but her eyes widened when they landed on Perrie, gulping her glass of wine down and asking for another.

"Thank you." Perrie said and the man nodded and looked at Jade.

"Thank you, sir." Jade smiled and he nodded again and walked away.

"Umm, baby.... what are you doing?" Jade raised her brow.

Perrie just shrugged. "I don't know. I'm bored."

"You know you have little to no tolerance." Jade laughed. "You're about to be on your face in a second, love."

Perrie smiled. "No. I'm about to be on your face in a second, love."

Jade's eyes widened. "Oh damn. Okay then." She sipped her wine. Her mouth fell open as she watched Perrie down her drink once again, finding something about the girl's throat bobbing up and down as she swallowed, oddly attractive. Perrie then took the glass out of Jade's hand and finished hers as well.

Perrie reached out to get the attention of the flight attendant again. "Hi sir, can we please have more wine?"

"You've had enough for now. May I please have more and a bottle of water for my fiancé." Jade asked the attendant who just nodded and filled her glass. He reached in his cart and handed Perrie a bottle of water and she just frowned.

Jade raised her brow. "What do we say, love?"

"Thank you." Perrie sighed, looking at the attendant.

"Thank you, sir." Jade smiled at him as she sipped her wine. Again, he nodded and walked away. When he was out of sight, Jade turned her attention back to Perrie, who still had a frown.

"Drink your water, love." Jade said and Perrie's frown grew.

"But I don't-"

"Now." Jade said. She didn't yell, but it was firm enough to make Perrie look at her. When she saw Jade's eyes, she immediately popped the cap off her water and chugged it.

"Good girl." Jade smiled and Perrie blushed.

"Can I have more wine, please?" Perrie asked, putting the water down.

"Finish your water." Jade replied, still sipping her wine. It was starting to give her the light buzz she wanted so she knew Perrie's was about to hit her soon.


"You might want to stop talking back to me and do as I say when I say it, love." Jade said and finished her glass. "I'd hate to have to punish you on this long flight." She heard Perrie swallow.

The attendant returned with the bottle, but Jade waved him away, having reached her desired state.

She watched as Perrie opened the other half of her water and drank it down slowly. She reached out and put her hand on Perrie's throat and Perrie stopped drinking.

"Keep drinking." Jade said with her hand still on Perrie's throat. Perrie kept going until she finished all of the water. Something about the way Jade was touching and looking at her throat made Perrie shift in her seat.

"Good girl." Jade whispered softly and Perrie blushed again, quickly noticing the change in Jade's eyes. She remembered Jade telling her that she would know whenever she got in that mood, and Perrie felt like this had to be the look that let her know.

Jade looked around her, taking in her surroundings and thinking of ways to manipulate the small space. Perrie watched her, filled to the brim with a mixture of excitement, arousal, and fear.

Jade smiled at her still flushed fiancé as she hit the button to close the door on their pod. Perrie's eyes widened and Jade's smiled widened.

"Lay down, baby girl." Jade said softly and nodded towards the chair they were on.

Baby girl.

Perrie was right. She's definitely in that mood.

Not wanting her to repeat herself, Perrie quickly laid down on the half reclined chair and bit her lip, looking over at Jade in anticipation.

"Jade, I don't think-"

Perrie stopped talking when Jade slowly brought her finger to her full lips signaling for her to be quiet. Her breath caught in her throat as Jade turned around and leaned down to kiss her lips. It started off soft and sensual and Perrie closed her eyes, but then Jade savagely bit down on her lip, causing her eyes to shoot open and tears to quickly form. She winced in pain, but Jade soon sucked Perrie's sore lip into her mouth to soothe it.

Jade sat upright on the edge of the chair again and left Perrie panting and writhing. Perrie wanted to say something but she thought better of it since Jade had already told her once to be quiet. Jade leaned down and started digging through her carry on bag, and Perrie couldn't help herself. She would just have to take whatever punishment she was going to get. She got up on her knees and crawled up behind Jade, gently massaging her shoulders and kissing the back of her neck. Jade didn't say anything but Perrie saw and felt the goosebumps and the hairs standing on the back of her neck, so she just kept going.

"Lay back down." Jade said in that same quiet seductive tone, once she stopped fidgeting in her bag and Perrie briefly wondered what she was doing down there.

Perrie kissed her neck one last time before laying back down on the chair and Jade hit the button to recline it all the way until it turned into a bed.

Perrie's heart was ready to jump out of her chest as she stared up at the ceiling of the plane. She smiled to herself, thinking about how she was probably about to join this mile high club that Jade wouldn't shut up about, and how exciting it actually was.

"Close your eyes." Jade whispered and turned to face Perrie again. She did as she was asked and squeezed her eyes shut. "Good girl. Keep them closed until I tell you to open them. Do you understand me?"

"Yes." Perrie whispered and trembled.

Perrie felt Jade straddle her and lean down to kiss her lips, causing her to moan quietly at the softness of her lips. Her skin tingled and goosebumps sprouted all across her skin as she felt Jade glide her smooth warm hands up both of her arms and lift them over her head.

"I need you to be very very quiet, baby girl. Can you do that for me?" Jade whispered into Perrie's ear before nibbling on it, still holding both of her wrists above her head.

"Y-yes." Perrie shivered and squirmed, unsure of how much more of Jade's unintentional teasing she could take.

"Mmmm, you're such a good girl." Jade moaned and whispered into her ear again, causing another shiver.

That shiver quickly turned into a chill that slid down her spine, though, when she felt cold metal on her wrists. Her eyes shot open to see Jade smirking at her. She quickly closed them back, remembering Jade told her not to open them.

"You can look at me, baby." Jade whispered and Perrie opened her eyes again. She started to speak but Jade brought her finger to her mouth again to let her know to keep quiet and Perrie obeyed, even though her heart was being anything but quiet. She had never in her life been in cuffs before.

Jade swiftly and expertly cuffed Perrie's hands to the bar at the top of the chair. Noticing the fear in Perrie's eyes, Jade leaned down and kissed her softly. She knew this whole thing was still relatively new to Perrie, so she expected her to be a little nervous.

"Do you trust me, baby?" Jade whispered, looking into Perrie's eyes for any doubt.

Perrie searched her eyes right back and saw the sincerity. "With my life." She whispered.

Jade leaned down and kissed her again softly. "Then we're gonna have a lot of fun together, baby. I promise."

Perrie relaxed as Jade sweetly kissed all over her face and then her lips once more before pulling back to look at her. She noticed that glint had returned to Jade's eyes almost instantaneously and it made her squirm again.

Jade reached down next to her and pulled a black velvet bag out of her carry on. Perrie's heartbeat quickened again, wondering what it was. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when Jade opened it, revealing a cute small black vibrator.

"Ummm, Jade?" Perrie squirmed.

"Hmmm?" Jade hummed, looking at the toy from all angles, imagining the damage she could do with it.

"How are you gonna keep that quiet? Let alone me?" Perrie asked nervously.

Jade lowered the toy and smiled. "Well, you're gonna be quiet because that's what I asked you to do, right?"

Perrie nodded quickly. "Yes."

She held the toy up again. "And this may be small, but it's supposedly one of the strongest, quietest vibrators out there. I paid a lot of money for this little thing. Let's see if it was worth it, shall we?" She winked.

Perrie nodded again, nervously. Sure that there was no way in hell she could be quiet now.

Jade turned it on and her eyes widened. "I can't even hear it, can you?"

Perrie shook her head. "N-no."

Jade smiled and turned it back off. She put it in her mouth, rather than lay it down as she undressed her fiancé, and it turned Perrie on even more. She slowly pulled Perrie's joggers and panties down and off and moaned quietly at the sight.

"Hold this until I'm ready for it, and don't drop it." She put the vibrator in Perrie's hands.

"Yes." Perrie replied breathlessly.

Jade leaned down and lightly kissed her stomach, right above her belly button and used her soft hands to push her shirt up her body and over her head. She wanted to cover Perrie's face so she couldn't see what was happening, but she didn't want to deprive herself of seeing the face Perrie makes when she orgasms, so she decided against it.

Jade positioned herself to hover over Perrie, but not really touch her, which she knew drove Perrie crazy. She licked a very wet strip from the top of her belly button all the way to her neck, up her chin, and right to her soft lips, but didn't kiss them like Perrie desperately wanted. She arched her body into Jade and moaned quietly. Jade only quickly nipped one and pulled away. The lack of touching caused Perrie to tremble at any slight contact. Just the kind of reactiveness that Jade liked.

Jade put her finger in Perrie's mouth and had to bite back her own moan when Perrie stared at her and started to suck it and swirl her tongue around it hungrily. She pulled it out and dragged it down the center of Perrie's body, taking her breath away and causing her to arch into her touch once again.

When she reached Perrie's center, she heard her breath hitch, then she moaned as she dipped her finger in between her slippery folds. This time, Perrie arched so violently up off the chair, Jade had to literally lean on her to hold her down.

She watched Perrie's eyes roll as she started to swirl her one finger around, mouth watering at the sight and the sounds it made as she got it nice and wet. Perrie whimpered and moaned quietly, trying desperately not to rock her hips up into Jade's one teasing finger. Jade noticed and smiled.

"You're being so good, baby girl. You deserve this orgasm I'm about to give you. Remember to keep quiet though, and I'll make it a real good one, okay?" Jade said quietly, nearly losing herself in her girl's wetness and quiet whimpers and moans.

"Y-yes." Perrie whispered. "J-Jade?"

"Yeah, baby girl?" Jade whispered, now busy watching the wetness increase around her finger as she continued to swirl it around slowly.

"W-what if I can't?" Perrie whispered.

Jade stopped to look at her. "What if you can't, what?"

"Be q-quiet."

"Then I'll have no choice but to leave you right here, handcuffed to this chair, just like this. Writhing and squirming for the rest of this flight, while I go over to your pod and ignore you." Jade frowned. "It's a long flight, baby. Don't make me do that to you."

"Please don't-"

"And then, when we get to our hotel, I'll drag you up to our room and bend you over again and spank you until you cry. You liked that, didn't you?" Jade whispered and Perrie just swallowed, remembering the stinging that hurt like hell and did make her cry, but also nearly brought her to orgasm.

When she didn't answer, Jade roughly grabbed her throat. Loving it whenever Jade did that, Perrie couldn't help the way her eyes rolled and the small moan that escaped her lips.

"Y-yes, I did." She choked out, scared that she would not be able to keep quiet, especially since she couldn't even cover her own mouth. Although the spanking would again hurt like hell, it would be over quickly. The thought of being left tied up and unbearably horny for hours, scared her to death. That was the last thing she wanted.

"As much as I love hearing you scream my name, among other things, I need you to learn how to be quiet if needed. There will be times and places where I'm gonna fuck you and they will require us to not make a sound, love." Jade said and Perrie's eyes widened, finally realizing just how wild her fiancé could be. Something told her though, that they were barely scratching the surface.

Jade brought her attention back down to her finger that was now practically swimming between Perrie's thighs. She looked directly at Perrie as she pushed it inside. Perrie gasped and arched off the chair, knowing that if Jade's first touch with one finger felt that good, she wouldn't stand a chance.

Jade crawled down Perrie's body and hooked both of her thighs over her shoulders. Perrie wanted it bad but at the same time she didn't because she knew Jade was gonna test her and have no problem making her scream.

When she felt Jade's tongue slowly slide across her clit, she shook and melted into the bed.

"Oh god." She whispered and Jade looked up at her, while still slowly working her tongue like magic, feeding her own cravings for the taste first. Perrie made the mistake of looking down into Jade's eyes and her whole body tensed, almost releasing too soon. She closed her eyes to calm her body down.

So far, as good as Jade's mouth felt, she managed to keep her moans low and quiet. That was until Jade decided to suck and slurp on her really loudly. Perrie twitched and moaned just as loud and her eyes shot open when Jade stopped and looked at her.

She shook her head rapidly. "No, please! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! It slipped!" She cried, knowing that Jade actually would leave her like this and praying she would have mercy. She had to know how good her tongue was and how hard it would be for Perrie.

Jade pulled back and Perrie whimpered. "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! Please give me another chance! Please don't stop!"

Jade, feeling sorry for her girl decided to give her one more chance. "That was your one chance. You make anymore loud noises and I'll take my time dragging your body to the brink of ecstasy and leave it so close there it hurts, love. Am I clear?"

"Y-yes. I'm sorry." Perrie quickly replied, squirming and trembling even more now beneath Jade. Her aggressive yet sexy tone made all of the blood run south of Perrie's brain, fueling the swelling, throbbing and pulsating between her thighs.

Jade dipped her head back down and resumed her incessant sucking and slurping. Trying her hardest not to scream, Perrie squeezed her eyes shut and bit down hard on her bottom lip as her body burned and trembled, completely overtaken by the heat and pressure in her lower belly.

She eagerly rocked her hips up into Jade's mouth, matching each plunge of her soft, long tongue perfectly and helping Jade drive her body to it's brink. Jade let her for a moment, but then grabbed her hips to still her. Something that sent Perrie into a deeper level of pleasure.

No longer wanting to draw it out, Jade picked up her pace and sucked and slurped at Perrie like she never had before. She shook violently and her ears were full of tears because she had been biting so hard on her lip.

"I know you want to scream, baby." Jade whispered against Perrie's thigh, only making her tremble more. "And there will be plenty of time for that. For now, just breathe through it." Jade realized she was probably being a bit harsh expecting her fiancé to automatically know how to keep quiet, something it took her a few tries to learn to control, herself. She decided to coach her through it instead of torture her.

Perrie nodded and focused on her breathing as Jade continued to greedily feast on her, still slurping and nibbling. The faster Jade went, the faster Perrie's breathing got until it was ragged and labored.

"Deep breaths, baby. Good. Just like that. Now cum for me. Cum in my mouth." Jade whispered and that was all it took to snatch Perrie's mind and body into another dimension. Her thighs quivered around Jade's head and she tried taking deep breaths but they only came out broken. Tears streamed from her face and into her ears again as she arched up off the bread praying she could keep her mouth shut as this orgasm stirred inside of her, threatening to erupt.

Jade looked up at her, seeing her chest heaving up and down and sucked the rest of her orgasm out with ease.

"Oh god. Oh god. Oh god." Perrie whispered as she shuddered violently. "Oh fuck." She breathed through it just like Jade said until she started to hyperventilate. When Jade's mouth pooled with her favorite flavor, she smiled proudly. She continued to suck until she cleaned her girl up and then feathered butterfly-soft kisses all the way up her hot, damp, trembling body and to her swollen lips.

"You did good, baby girl. I'm proud of you." Jade smiled and kissed her still shuddering fiancé's lips. She pulled back and wiped her tears. "You'll be rewarded for that."

Perrie exhaled shakily. "T-that was hard."

"It'll get easier, baby girl." Jade kissed her lips again before sucking her bottom one into her mouth, running her tongue across it to soothe it. "Ready for more?"

Perrie's eyes widened. "Do I s-still have to be quiet?"

"Yes, love." Jade replied, kissing her way back down her girls body. She stopped when she got to her nipples she had accidentally neglected, and were now straining against nothing but air. "Until we're to ourselves, I need you to hold all of that in." She grabbed both in her hands and squeezed as she spit on one and then swirled her tongue around it before sucking it into her mouth, causing Perrie to tremble again.

"God, Jade." Perrie whispered, watching her girl's hands and tongue do wonders all over her body.

Jade sucked harder and then nibbled at it, before giving the other one the same attention. Still squeezing and caressing both at once with her soft hands. Perrie let out a quiet throaty moan that Jade felt in her chest. After giving her a moment to calm down, she planted wet, sloppy kisses all the way down Perrie's body and back to her glistening center. Her legs twitched but automatically opened.

"Watch me." Jade whispered as she ducked down and sucked up all of the delicious wetness she could hold in her mouth. Perrie watched dizzily and trembled. When Jade lifted her head up, never breaking eye contact and let everything she just sucked up trickle from her tongue and lips back down onto her girl's center, Perrie's eyes rolled and her head fell back.

"Oh fuck, I can't do this." Perrie whispered, still shaking.

Jade laughed and dived in once again, thoroughly enjoying her meal.

She was able to snatch two more orgasms from Perrie's body back to back, with her mouth alone, and was about to go for another when Perrie begged her for a break.

"But I'm just getting started, love." Jade pouted, reaching up to grab the vibrator from Perrie's hands. Perrie whimpered and twisted and turned, but was unable to form words at this point.

Jade smiled and turned it on. She put it in Perrie's mouth and then trailed it down her body until she reached her clit. Jade watched Perrie as she jerked hard and uncontrollably while she pressed the quiet little thing up against her sensitive bud. Jade couldn't believe just how quiet the thing actually was, and felt it just may be worth the money.

"J-Jade. Please. It's t-too much." Perrie whispered with a shaky voice, crying already.

"What was that, baby? You said turn it up?" Jade smirked as Perrie bit her lip and shook her head quickly.

She hit the button a couple of times and Perrie nearly started vibrating with the thing. Tears started to fall into her ears again as she bit down hard on her lip, this time she could taste blood.

"J-Jade, please..." Perrie whispered, shaking and arching into the toy now.

"Please what, baby girl?" Jade bit her lip. First Perrie was begging for a break, now it seemed like she was begging for more.

"That feels so good." Perrie whispered, now rocking into the toy.

"Yeah?" Jade asked, pressing it down harder. "You like it? You want more?"

"Y-yes. Please." Perrie whispered, quickly nearing her fourth orgasm.

Jade smiled and turned it up to the max. It was still quiet, but she could feel the power of the vibrations through Perrie's whole body.

"Oh god. Oh wait. Wait. Oh!" Perrie whispered, starting to shake and cry harder. She bit down on her lip again, tasting the blood from the last time.

Jade knew it would be especially hard for Perrie to keep quiet with this one. She could see by how heavy she was breathing, how hard she was shaking, and how hard she was being on her own lip. Deciding to help her out, she held the toy in position and leaned down to kiss her lips, tasting blood, but ignoring it. She put her hand over Perrie's mouth to absorb the sounds she made as her body twitched and convulsed violently and tears continued to stream down her face.

When Perrie had enough, she tried to move away from the toy but Jade was still holding it in place.

"P-please, baby." She begged, unable to control her own body and the way it shook. Since she had been so good, Jade smiled and turned it off. She went to put it away, but when she saw just how creamy and wet it was, she had to lick it clean, making Perrie's eyes roll to the back of her head.

When she put it away, she took a key out of her pocket and unhooked Perrie's wrists, that were now red. She looked at them and kissed both, with apologies in her eyes and Perrie smiled to let her know she was alright.

Jade put the cuffs back in her bag and kissed her way back up her fiancé's sweaty and trembling body once again and finally relaxed on top of her. Perrie instantly wrapped her legs around Jade and pulled her head down for a lazy, sloppy, breathless kiss.

Jade pushed herself off of Perrie and helped her get her pants back on, of course leaving her panties off and stuffing them in her pocket. Perrie could only shake her head and smile lazily, as the wine had finally caught up to her. She was two different kinds of drunk. Jade pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight, ocean eyes." She whispered, still licking her lips.

"Where are you going? Don't leave me." Perrie whined sleepily.

"I'm right here, angel." Jade smiled and sat on the edge of the chair/bed.

"Come to sleep with me." Perrie reached her hand out for her.

"In a minute. I have to finish something first." Jade took Perrie's hand and kissed it, before tucking it back in the covers. She put her glasses back on and pulled her laptop back out. When she got her notebook and stuff set up again, she opened the door to their pod to ask for more wine, while Perrie dozed off.

Jade only meant to work for a few minutes, but she got so into it, that she looked up and she could see the daylight out of the small window. She yawned and looked behind her to see her angel sleeping beautifully and peacefully. She smiled and turned her attention back to her computer, typing for a little while more.

She had completely remodeled the club in her head and was starting to bring her ideas to paper. In doing so, she learned that she was kind of a natural and had a thing for architecture. She felt like it was the art she loved, but used to construct something that was actually tangible. She was excited to see her ideas be brought to life.

Deciding that she had typed out a decent amount of her business plan, and that she was in a good place to leave it for now, Jade closed her laptop. She pushed it aside and took her glasses off, yawning again as she rubbed her now heavy eyes. She hit the button to close the pod again as she kicked her slippers off and turned off the little lamp that was on the wall, crawling into the small bed next to Perrie.

Perrie was on her side, resting her head on her hands and when Jade positioned herself in front of her, Perrie quickly scooted as close as possible and dropped her arms around Jade. Jade felt Perrie kiss the back of her head and she sighed, enjoying one of the best feelings in the world. As wild as Jade was when it came to their sex life and as much as she enjoyed the dominance, nothing could ever beat being held by Perrie, in her eyes. Jade pulled the blanket up over the two of them and lightly kissed Perrie's arm.

"I love you, angel." She whispered before closing her eyes and surrendering to the sleep.


Perrie was the first one awake this time, having no idea what time it was. She looked down at Jade, who was still asleep and smiled. Her smile quickly turned into a smirk when she got an idea.

She climbed from her spot and gently pushed Jade onto her back. She turned over and positioned herself between Jade's legs and pulled the covers back up over her shoulders.

Leaning down, Perrie couldn't help the moan that slipped out as she kissed Jade's soft lips. Something about those lips. Jade stirred and moaned quietly, but her eyes shot open when Perrie ducked down to her neck and sucked on one of her favorite spots.

"Mmmmm." Jade moaned and Perrie could feel the vibrations in her neck.

Perrie looked at her and smiled. "Oh, good. You're awake."

"I'm awake, alright." Jade smiled. "What are you up to?"

Perrie giggled. "Just wanted a little breakfast."

"Oh, is that right?" Jade raised a brow.

Perrie nodded and leaned down again to kiss Jade's lips. When they needed air, Perrie pulled back, leaving both of them panting.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Jade smiled, wiping the corners of her mouth.

"My fiancé." Perrie whispered, kissing Jade's lips again and then trailing her kisses down her jaw and to her neck again. "I'm not gonna be the only one joining this mile high club you speak so highly of."

Perrie trailed her tongue from Jade's neck to underneath her ear and Jade giggled. Perrie pulled back and looked at her questioningly.

"That tickles, baby." Jade smiled.

Perrie smiled and continued her kisses. She reached down and pushed Jade's shirt up, kissing every inch of exposed skin as Jade arched into her and moaned. She started to bite and suck viciously, knowing Jade loved it when she left hickies all over her body.

"You like that, baby?" Perrie whispered against her skin, her cool breath giving Jade a chill.

"I love that, baby." Jade moaned, closing her eyes.

"Can you show me how to be quiet?" Perrie asked, kissing her way down to the band of Jade's joggers. Jade knew what she was going to do next and no amount of preparation would ever get her ready for the feeling. It always tingled so good and felt beyond amazing.

As soon as Perrie tugged her pants down some and put her lips on that spot, Jade arched off the bed. Perrie had learned by now to move her face whenever she put her mouth there because Jade had no control over the way her body would jerk. Perrie had already received a couple of busted lips and a busted nose because of it.

Perrie looked up and noticed that Jade was indeed breathing strategically. She started to slide her pants all the way down, but Perrie felt something in Jade's pocket and remembered what it was. She went to reach inside but Jade grabbed her hand.

"No, no. Those don't belong to you anymore, love." Jade smiled.

"Are you just never gonna give any of them back?" Perrie asked.

"No, I'm not." Jade replied and Perrie shook her head.

"I'm gonna run out of panties, Jade." Perrie rolled her eyes.

"God, I sure hope so." Jade sighed and Perrie just shook her head again.

She continued to kiss her way down her girl's body until she reached her center. Perrie's mouth immediately watered as she peeled her panties away and tossed them with her pants.

Jade moaned quietly. "Now that's something that belongs to you, baby."

Perrie smiled and wasted no time digging in, the sweet familiar taste immediately filling her mouth. Jade moaned again and arched up off the bed.

"God, I love that mouth." She whispered, lacing her hands in Perrie's soft hair. "Just like that, baby. Right there."

Perrie kept her mouth right where Jade asked and ate her just the way she knew she liked. It was only seconds before Jade started to shake and moan. Her legs locked tight around Perrie's head and with a sharp inhale and a shaky exhale, she released right into her fiancé's waiting mouth, flooding it completely. Perrie was impressed. Not only did the breathing thing work, it was also extremely erotic.

Never having enough, Perrie went right back in and Jade welcomed her, this time riding her face for dear life. Perrie did that thing that Jade loved when she was still and just stuck her tongue out, allowing Jade to go whatever pace she needed. Jade's fists were in Perrie's hair as she furiously glided her hips up and down and all over Perrie's now slippery face. Every little bump of her nose, tongue, and chin sending her closer and closer to the edge. If there was one thing Perrie knew her girl loved, it was riding her whole face. Sloppily and deliciously.

Jade was breathing heavily and close to rocking herself over the edge when a knock on the door startled them both. Instead of pulling away, Perrie snatched Jade closer by her hips and buried her face between her thighs. No way was she letting this one slip away. She was determined to finish her girl off and drink some more of that deliciousness.

"Fuck, Perrie." Jade whispered, throwing her head back and tightening her grip in Perrie's hair. "God damn baby, don't you dare stop that."

There was another knock. "Miss?"

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Jade whispered, dangerously close to her high. "Oh my god, you're so fucking good."

Perrie picked her head up briefly and was about to say something about the knocking, but Jade quickly pushed her face back down. "Please don't stop. Make me cum, baby. Please, I'm so close." She whispered shakily, body starting to convulse. Perrie didn't need to be asked twice. She immediately went back in, wetness pooling around her whole face.

Another knock. "Miss, are you in there? Are you okay?"

Perrie looked at Jade with her mouth still in place and the way her chest was heaving up and down, sweat trickling down her stomach, hair sticking to her face, and her body shaking like a leaf, was almost too much for her to look at.

"I'm gonna cum, baby. Yes. Right there. Right there. Fuck." Jade whispered and with one final exhale, her body shook the hardest Perrie had seen. She fell back onto the bed and filled Perrie's mouth with spurts of her delicious cum. When she had none left, she melted into the bed, a sweaty trembling mess. Perrie gratefully licked her lips and swallowed everything her girl gave her, only making Jade shudder more.

"Oh my god." Jade tried to watch her for a moment, but fell back on the bed weakly.

They could hear shuffling around outside of the pod and another knock. "Miss, are you alright in there?"

Perrie got up to answer but Jade quickly pulled her back down with her legs. "Your face is all wet, baby. Come kiss me. Let me taste that."

Perrie crawled up Jade's body and before she could even lean down to kiss her, Jade locked her legs around her and literally started licking and kissing all over her face.

She pulled back and reached down and grabbed Jade's pants, wiping the rest of her face and tossing them under the bed.

"I hope you're not tired, because my appetite has only grown." Perrie raised her brow at Jade.

"Mmmm, I promise I'll feed you well, baby. Make them go away." Jade moaned and teasingly spread her legs.

"God damn." Perrie whispered as she licked her lips, ready to get right back to it. "Keep it warm for me."

"As you wish." Jade winked, sucked two of her fingers into her mouth and slipped them between her thighs, immediately arching her back and moaning quietly. Perrie watched with her eyes and mouth wide.

"That is not what I meant, but fuck that's hot." Perrie whispered staring at Jade's fingers gliding around effortlessly.

"The door, baby." Jade smiled, covering her body and making Perrie groan.

She yawned as she pressed the button to open the door.

A- list actress. Jade thought.

"Can I help you?" Perrie asked angrily.

"Oh um... I'm sorry miss. We just wanted to know if you needed anything? You'd been kind of quiet." The attendant said.

"No sir, we're fine. Just trying to get some sleep, if that's alright." Perrie rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Sorry. We won't bother you again. Just hit the call light if you need something." The guy said and scurried down the hall. Perrie quickly ducked back in and closed the door.

"You're sexy when you're mean." Jade smirked.

"And you're just plain sexy." Perrie replied, snatching the covers off Jade and crawling between her legs, immediately replacing Jade's fingers with her own. They went round for round in the small bed for hours. Both girls fell back, panting, sweaty and exhausted, with their hair all over.

Perrie's stomach was the first to growl and Jade laughed lazily.

"Come here, baby." She opened her arms and Perrie laid down on top of her. She smoothed back the wet hairs that were stuck to Perrie's face. "What do you want to eat, angel?"

Perrie smiled, too exhausted to even entertain her dirty thoughts. "Is there a menu?"

"Somewhere around here." Jade laughed and felt around until she found the piece of paper. They both looked at the menu and nothing really looked appetizing. Jade also wondered how fresh their food could be 30,000+ feet off the ground.

"I'll have a salad." They both said in unison and laughed.

"I'll feed you properly when we land, love." Jade kissed Perrie's head sweetly.

"We should probably put on clothes." Perrie pointed out and Jade whined. She always loved the naked cuddling after good sex.

"Umm our clothes are dirty." Jade replied.

"They gave us pajamas." Perrie said.

"What? When?" Jade asked and Perrie rolled her eyes.

"I see you didn't press all of your buttons over here." Perrie said and Jade shrugged.

"Oh shit!" Jade exclaimed when she saw the pajamas.

"I need you to put them on and then go get mine." Perrie said.

Jade got dressed in her comfy pajamas and went over to get Perrie's. After Perrie got dressed, they hit the call button and the attendant came right over. They ordered their salads and a couple more drinks.

"How much longer on this flight, sir?" Perrie asked. The man looked at his watch.

"About 15 hours ma'am." The attendant responded and Perrie sighed loudly.

"Thank you." Jade laughed and the attendant walked away.

"What the hell, Jade? It feels like it's been days!" Perrie groaned.

"It does. Imagine being in coach seats right now with a stranger breathing down your neck." Jade said and Perrie rolled her eyes. "Come here my little drama queen." Jade lifted the seat about a quarter of the way so they could sit up.

Perrie sighed and sat in between Jade's legs, leaning back into her and Jade wrapped her arms around her.

"Pull that table around and open up my laptop please, love." Jade asked and Perrie did it.

Jade wrapped her left arm around Perrie and hugged her, while scrolling through her movie selections with the other arm. Perrie was busy playing with Jade's ring, in deep thought.

"Are you looking?" Jade asked.

"Huh?" Perrie looked up.

"Which movie do you want to watch?" Jade asked softly.

"Anything scary on there?" Perrie asked and Jade laughed.

"Not on this laptop, hun."

Perrie rolled her eyes. "Fine. Can we watch a romantic movie?"

"Sure. Any one in particular?" Jade asked, scrolling through her romance selection. Perrie picked a movie and Jade wrapped both arms around Perrie as they watched.

Their food soon came and they ate and drank, finishing two movies. Both girls had lost all sense of time at this point.

"Can I ask you for your help with work?" Jade asked, into Perrie's hair. "I need a second eye."

Perrie tilted her head back and smiled. "Only if we can play first."

Jade smiled and shook her head at her seemingly always horny fiancé. But then again so was she, so that was far from a complaint. She pushed the table with her laptop away and giggled excitedly as she started to strip her clothes off, with Perrie doing the same.

Who knows how much later, both girls put their pajamas back on and Jade sat up and put her glasses on, but Perrie still hadn't had enough. She got on her knees behind Jade and massaged her shoulders again. Jade let out a small moan and pulled up the business plan she'd been working on.

"Can you read this and tell me if it makes sense?" Jade asked.

Perrie leaned in close to her ear and started nibbling on her earlobe, making Jade sigh and moan. Jade didn't think Perrie was actually reading, the way she was licking at her ear. That was until Perrie started to point out a few typos.

"Turn the page." Perrie whispered into Jade's ear as she continued to play with it between her teeth, making her shiver. Jade moaned and turned the page too many times, distracted by her fiancé's mouth on her.

Perrie giggled and reached over to turn back to where she wanted, and continued to read and edit until they made it to the end. At that point, Jade was beyond horny and as soon as Perrie said she was finished, Jade closed her laptop and pushed Perrie back down, this time being way too aroused to even bother taking off all of their clothes.

By now, Perrie had mastered being quiet, even though it took Jade a while to learn. Jade was proud and praised her girl extensively and repeatedly until they both fell asleep.

They both slept for a few hours, woke up and talked for a few hours, played a few games, cuddled and then watched more movies until Perrie fell asleep again, leaving Jade awake with her thoughts. At first, all of her bad and painful memories started to creep up on her, but then Perrie shifted in her arms, bringing her thoughts back to the present. The love she felt now, heavily outweighed anything else she'd ever felt. She smiled down at Perrie and kissed her head.

"You're so beautiful. Especially when you sleep." Jade whispered.

"You should try sleeping with me sometimes." Perrie whispered and Jade laughed.

"How long have you been awake?" Jade asked.

"Not long." Perrie admitted. "Can you tell me what we're doing when we land?"

"I think it's gonna be night when we land, so I guess we're showering and going to bed." Jade shrugged.

Perrie sighed. "That's no fun."

"Who says going to bed can't be fun?" Jade smirked and tickled Perrie, making her laugh.

She groaned. "I'm bored to death J'Adore. I'm gonna start banging my head into a wall."

"Please don't do that. I happen to enjoy your head. Quite a bit, actually." Jade said, and Perrie smacked her arm, making her laugh.

"How are you not bored?" Perrie asked.

"I'm satisfied." Jade smiled. "Very satisfied."

"So am I." Perrie folded her arms and Jade laughed.

"I don't want you to be bored. How can I entertain you m'lady?" Jade said in a weird accent. "Shall I dance for you?"

Perrie raised her brow. "Would you dance for me?"

"Oh, absolutely." Jade said and stood up. "Ready?"

Perrie leaned back and bit her lip. "I am."

Jade started to do her little weird freestyle dance and Perrie threw a pillow at her.

"I hate you!" Perrie yelled and Jade fell to the floor laughing.

Perrie rolled her eyes but couldn't hold back her own laugh at her annoying fiancé.

"Seriously though, do you want to be corny for a moment with me?" Jade asked, getting up off the floor.

"How so?" Perrie asked.

Jade opened her laptop again and went to her Spotify playlist. She hit play on their song and held her hand out for Perrie.

"Dance with me." Jade smiled charmingly.

Perrie looked at her for a second to see if she was being serious.

"Come on, don't make me dance by myself." Jade smiled, starting to rock side to side.

"You'll make fun of me." Perrie said.

"Have I ever made fun of you before, baby?" Jade smiled innocently and Perrie glared at her.

"I don't know how to slow dance." Perrie sighed.

"Well, you won't learn sitting over there, angel. Come here." Jade smiled for real this time and held her hand out for Perrie.

She sighed and took her fiancé's hand. "I've got two left feet, J'Adore."

"That's okay. I've got two right feet." Jade winked and Perrie shook her head.

Jade held up her left hand. "Put your hand in mine." Perrie did as Jade said.

"Good." Jade rested her hand on the small of Perrie's back. "Now put your other hand on this arm." Perrie did that too and they started to sway.

When Jade started to move back and forth, Perrie nervously watched her own feet to make sure she didn't step on Jade's.

"Hold your head up, love." Jade took her hand off Perrie's back and used it to lift her head.

Perrie looked at her nervously. "I don't want to step on you."

Jade giggled. "I promise I won't break if you do. Just follow my lead." She placed her hand back on Perrie's back and they continued to sway back and forth. "See. There you go. Now I'm gonna spin you."

"What does that mean?" Perrie asked.

"I'm gonna do this," Jade lifted their hands, "and you're gonna turn in a circle and come back to me like this." She helped Perrie turn and then come back to her, and they did it again perfectly.

When the song was going off, Jade smiled. "Ready for your dip, ocean eyes?"

"My what?" Perrie asked, but before she could get an answer, Jade had already dipped her backwards and lifted her back up, smiling.

"How was that?" Jade asked.

"Perfect." Perrie smiled.

Jade replayed the song and they swayed perfectly and in sync to the whole song, looking into each other's eyes, even spinning and dipping in the end.

"You're very charming Mrs. Edwards." Perrie smiled.

"Why thank you, Ms. Edwards." Jade smiled and curtsied.

"God, I love you." Perrie whispered and Jade smiled.

Jade went to sit down, but Perrie grabbed her arm. "Can we keep going?"

"Sure." Jade smiled again. "Let's try this one. It's the easiest."

She got close to Perrie and placed both of Perrie's arms around her neck and then placed her own arms around Perrie's waist. "It's just like a big long hug."

They held onto each other and swayed to the next couple of songs, not even realizing how long they were dancing. They both got lost in their thoughts and in each other's warmth. When the second song ended, Perrie lifted her head and kissed Jade sweetly.

"I love you." She whispered against her lips.

Jade smiled. "I love you more."

It was Perrie's turn to smile. "I love you most."

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