2:Fire & Ice || Yizhan Ff ||

By Script-Symphony

393K 27.7K 2.6K

Completed!! They were like Yin and Yang, good and bad fire and ice. Both from different world, different back... More

01; Just Wanted to Burn For Once
02; Only Family
03: Second Encounter
04; Coldness
05; Not again
06; New Job
07; An Asshole Boss
09; Meeting The Brother
10; Short Tempered
11; Sharing a Bed
12; Furious Uncle
13; Hint of Jealousy
14; Taste of Craziness
16; Ten Percent of The Truth
17; Defensive Xiao Zhan
18; What Lurks Within
19; Ambush
20; Different Direction
21; A Mob Boss
22; Mr Xiao Ying
23; Wang Haikuan
24; Forgiveness
25; Thunderstorm and Bedtime Stories
26; Her Boyfriend
27; His Ex
28; HeartBreak.
29; Savior
30; Gone Wrong
31; Pain and Anger
32; Too Late
33; Numb
34: Played With Fire&Ice
35; Ice
36; Talk With Uncle
37; Talk With Haikuan
38; The Club I
39; The Club II
40; One Down
41; Problematic
42; Fight It! 18+
43; A Taste of Her Own Medicine
44; Done Running
45; Gotcha
46; Another Twist
47; How Would it End
48; Chilling Feeling
49; A Sudden Betrayal
50; Her Point of View
51; Is It Over?
52; Five Years Later
Special Thanks!!!
Epilogue 01
Epilogue 02
Extra Chapter; A Happy Ending
Author Note

08; Triggered An Attack

9.1K 711 70
By Script-Symphony

'Do you wish to die today...?' the question still rang in Xiao Zhan's head. Why did he have to slap the man...?
Traces of sweats could be seen on his forehead and his hands tremble at their side as a deadly aura could be felt around them and it was raging from none other than Wang Yibo, who looked like a monster as his eyes had turned a darker color than usual and his stance was not what Xiao Zhan liked.

"Has the cat caught your tongue, you seem to be rapping a few moments ago" the monster stepped forward, cornering poor Xiao Zhan against the wall again. "Answer Me...!" Wang Yibo's voice rised in fury and that was what Xiao Zhan needed to finally snap. His breathing took a sudden turn, heavy and brutal like he just ran a long race. Sweats ran down his forehead like water and his eyes started to water as they stared at Wang Yibo with so much twinge and adversity, his eyes pop out as his breathing went even.

"What is wrong with you?" Panic rised in Wang Yibo's chest as he watched the other clench his chest.

"Save our child!" Cried out Xiao Zhan before he finally collapsed in Wang Yibo's arms. The bold man wasted no time in thinking as he immediately carried his baby's mama in a bridal style and dashed the house to his car and speedily drove to the hospital.


Wang Yibo slammed his fist against the hard white wall of the hospital waiting lobby. He groaned in aggravation and not in pain as his knuckles bleed from the impact. He rack his hair in frustration as let out another lamentation. He was only scaring the other a bit, he had no idea he would pass. Anything happening to Xiao Zhan or the child would his fault...how stupid of him.

In outrage, he slammed his fist against the wall again and this time, he cried out in agony and the worse part, the doctor had been in Xiao Zhan's room for hours now. What the fuck were they even doing, it wasn't like he was dead...or was he?. Wang Yibo couldn't bring himself to think of such.

After a few more minutes of waiting in a not so patient manner, the doctor finally came out. Wang Yibo immediately ran to her. "How are they...?"

"Are you his husband?" The woman asked as she took him the man's condition. His hair was messy from continuous scratching, his white sleeves were fold up to his elbow and traces of sweats could be seem all over and his knuckles were bleeding, which he didn't seem to care. He must really love his husband.

"Yes I am" Wang Yibo answered without thinking. What was the point of thinking anyway.

"Come with me Mr Wang. We'll talk in my office" the doctor said and he followed her to her office and both settled themselves on the chairs.

"How are they?" Wang Yibo continued to asked. He had no idea why the freaking doctor was delaying his questions, his patience had already ran thin.

"Luckily you got here before it became too late. We were able to pull both of them out of danger" the doctor reported and Wang Yibo sighed in relief.

At least they were both okay.

"Why did he suddenly faint?" Wang Yibo wanted to know.

The Doctor soughed "He had an anxiety attack after coming encounter with fear and uneasiness which had trigger his hormone. A little bit longer and he would have gone through a painful miscarriage"

"What?, Why...?" Wang Yibo couldn't believe his ears. Xiao Zhan would have lost their baby  because of him and his shitty attitude.

The Doctor continued. "You see Mr Wang, his pregnancy is abnormal and very fragile. The fetus is weak, any negative emotion could lead to an afflictive miscarriage. I suggest you watch over him and make sure he stays away from any negative effect because it may cost him his life as well. For now you can take him home, his body is weak and needs proper nutrition"

When she doctor finished explaining, Wang Yibo let out a heavy breath. He made the poor man go through an anxiety attack. How cruel of him. "Can I see him now?" He asked as calm and nicely as he could at the moment.

"Yes you can. He will be discharged tomorrow and Mr Wang, I suggest you treat your wound to avoid getting infected"

Wang Yibo nodded before leaving the office and headed towards Xiao Zhan's. Reaching there, he slowly twisted the door handle and made his way in to find the other sleeping peacefully but when Wang Yibo got closer, he saw a slight frown on the other's face. Even in his sleep, he was still worried.

Slowly, he sat down on the seat beside the bed and watched the man bearing his child, their child sleep, completely unaware of his surrounding. Wang Yibo didn't realize when a small smile appeared on his face as the thought of Xiao Zhan carrying their child entered his head but it wasn't just his imagination anymore, Xiao Zhan was indeed carrying their child, their little ball of light.

Unknowingly, his hand slowly stretched out, caressing Xiao Zhan's hair, his little bunny was cute. He wanted their child to look just like his little bunny. Almost an instant, the frown on Xiao Zhan's face disappeared and his features turned into a more relaxed one but a fast asleep Xiao Zhan took Wang Yibo's hand that was touching his hair to his flat stomach, caging his hand where their little one was resting. Wang Yibo's eyes widened in shock as he tried to calm his raging heart. Xiao Zhan, what are you doing, he thought as he gulped down his saliva.

Wang Yibo tried to pull his hand away but Xiao Zhan tightened his grip and that also woke him up as his eyes slowly flatter opened and the first thing that came to his sight were stunned orbs of Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan's gaze went down and he saw how he was caging the other's hand on his tummy. Almost immediately, he let go of it and woke with a jerk, sitting up in the process as he took in his surrounding, it was obvious he was in a hospital.

Coming to that realization, his gaze went back to Wang Yibo and his pupils widened as the past events came rushing to his head in full force. He promptly covered his stomach with his arms as he shifted away from the monster.

"Stay away from me. Get lost or I will scream!" Xiao Zhan verbalized, his eyes held alarm and terror.

"Calm down Xiao Zhan" Wang Yibo stood up as he took a step forward, trying to calm the other person carrying his child but Xiao Zhan wasn't buying as he continued to shift backwards. "You can't have another attack, it would hurt you and the baby. You need to stop panicking. I promise not to hurt you"

"W-what happened to m-me?"

"The doctor said you had an anxiety attack, any form of negativity would lead you losing the baby. So, you need to calm down" the frosty person was trying to keep calm and explain as nicely as he could. Snapping at the other might not end well for the three of them.

"Why do you care...!"

"Of course I care, you are with my child!" His voice rised more than intended. He immediately shut his eyes. This person was bringing out emotions he had been trying so hard to bury forever since five years ago. This person was doing things to him beyond imagination.

"Y-your c-child?" Xiao Zhan stammered, trying to be sure of what he just heard. "How can you be so sure am carrying your child?"

Wang Yibo reopened his eyes. "You told me" he relied in a calm tone, his expression masked by his poker face.

"And you just believed me!" Xiao Zhan yelled out angrily. Just few days ago, he was wondering on how to break the new to the man, thinking the bastard would call him a slut and throw him out.

Wang Yibo's orbs darkened while Xiao Zhan's body tensed up at the sight as he scene the sudden change in the other's de​mean​or.

"Do I look stupid?" He questioned in a not so friendly tone.

"O-of c-course n-not!"

Wang Yibo soughed. These new found emotions were working him up. He was not used to feeling, he did not ever want to feel again but this person was breaking down all his walls. "Look Xiao Zhan, am not trying to scare you..."

"Could have fooled me" Xiao Zhan interrupted him sarcastically.

" Yes am not. I know you are with my baby because well, I have been watching you for quite a while and have seen the type of person you are. I just wanted to hear it from you. The thing is, I wasn't expecting a slap from you." Wang Yibo stopped talking as he suddenly chuckled out. Now that he thought of it, it was actually funny how someone like Xiao Zhan could slap a person like him. Wang Yibo was sure if it had been someone else, the person would had been begging to see his grave already but this person hit him and got away with it. Earlier, he was only trying to scare him, but not to an extent of giving him an anxiety attack.

How troublesome.

Wang Yibo thought as he turned his gaze back the other to find Xiao Zhan gaping at him, then he realized what he did. He just laughed. Immediatelly, he cleared his throat and sported a serious look, knocking Xiao Zhan back to reality. "I got angry since you are the first person who was bold enough to hurt me physically"

"Are you apologizing or what?"

Wang Yibo groaned. " Don't make this hard for me Xiao Zhan. Am trying my best here. If you want an apology then am sorry. I don't want anything to happen to you or our child"

Xiao Zhan suddenly blushed at the thought to Wang Yibo saying 'our child' His gaze went down to his tummy and slowly caressed it as a soft and lovely smile took over his face. "You heard that baby, Daddy is accepting you. Papa was being paranoid for no reason. You are going to have two complete parents that would love you dearly" he whispered to his baby in a way only a mother could do.

Wang Yibo, who was watching the scene could feel his heart melting, the ice was slowly melting and he kinda liked.

"You are moving in with me..."

Gosh, this is the longest chapter I have written so far. Hope you liked it. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts. Thanks.

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