The Show Must Go On [boyxboy]

By SkeneKidz

550K 25.8K 16.6K

Alexander Sullivan has money, looks, charisma, a cunning mind, and constant boredom. When feisty Neo Bartosz... More

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The Show Must Go On {17}

19.8K 986 391
By SkeneKidz

                “Bennett,” I said, going up to him the next day.

                “Alexander,” Bennett said, stuffing a notebook in his locker. “You’re way too far into this relationship. Sex, with Neo Bartosz?”

                “How in the hell did you know that?” I asked.

                “The way he was walking this morning,” he said, shutting his locker. “You better hope Donnie doesn’t pick up on that.”

                “The walk of shame,” I said with a sigh.

                “It’s going to end badly. But you already know that,” he said.

                “Thanks for the vote of confidence.” I looked around. “Where’s Scott?”

                “Late. Did you even have to ask?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

                I looked over at Neo’s locker. He was crouched down awkwardly, staring intensely at a crumpled piece of paper. He sighed and tossed it back into his locker, pulling out a different crumpled piece and squinting at it. Looking content, he stuffed it in his bag and pulled himself to his feet.

                Donnie went over to him, and the two began to talk casually. I watched as Clifton joined them, saying something that made both of them laugh.

                “Stop staring before they notice,” Bennett said.

                “Bennett, I’m sick of this,” I said, throwing my arm out to stop him when he tried to walk past me. “I’m happy. Just because you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean you have to fuck over MY happiness.”

                “You’re happy now. You won’t be if- no, when things go bad,” he said, glaring at me.

                “That’s life. Take some risks, deal with the consequences,” I said, matching his glare. “Quit trying to ruin this for me. I’m happy with Neo. I…shit, Bennett, I love him. It’s none of your business in the first place, so if you’re not going to just be happy for me, then shut your damn mouth about it. You are really starting to piss me off.”

                “James,” he hissed. “When you and Jake started dating, I told you I didn’t trust him. I told you. And when you pulled this ‘oh but I’m happy’ card, I shut my mouth about it. And then he forced you to have sex, he emotionally manipulated you, and he tore your heart out of your chest like it was his to own when he finally ditched you. If that wasn’t a lesson to listen to me, then you’re a moron, and I don’t pity you.”


                I forced my anger back as I turned to face Donnie. “What?” I asked, straining my voice to sound casual.

                “I saw you staring at Neo,” he said, crossing his arms, glaring at me. So much glaring so early in the morning.

                “He’s cute,” I said. “What of it?”

                “I keep telling you to stay away from him, and you keep ignoring me. So either you leave him alone, or I ruin your damn reputation. I know things about you, Alexander.”

                “And we know things about you, so before you threaten Alexander, maybe you should consider if his reputation is worth it,” Bennett said, his mood already sour from our confrontation.

                Donnie snorted. “I’m not scared of you, Bennett.”

                Definitely the wrong thing to say to an already angry Bennett.

                Bennett stepped forward, gathering himself up, towering over Donnie despite their similar height. Donnie glanced at him nervously, seeming to realize his mistake too late.

                “I’m sure your mother would love to know that your dad fucks his coworker,” Bennett said.

                Donnie’s mouth dropped open in shock. “That’s…that’s not true! My dad isn’t a fucking cheater!”

                “Katy Franklin,” Bennett said. “Your dad has been having an affair with her for three years. You knew about it. Just kept it hush-hush from mommy.”

                “You’re a sick fuck,” Donnie spat. “My parents’ marriage isn’t a game!”

                “Bennett,” I said, sensing a fight about to break out. “Bennett, come on man, cut it out.”

                “No, don’t you dare tell him to cut it out! I know how you work, Alexander! I can’t believe you! You made sure that your stupid friend got the darkest of secrets about me just so you could control me even when we weren’t dating!” Donnie exploded, shoving me against the lockers roughly. “Everyone is just a pet to you! Just something to control! Even your own friends!” He gripped my shirt, getting in my face. “You are the biggest mistake of my life. I. Hate. You.”

                “If you hit him, you might as well file your parents’ divorce yourself,” Bennett said coldly.

                Donnie reluctantly released me. “You’re a sick person, Alexander. I hope karma shatters you. I’d love to do it myself, but your side bitch plays dirty.”

                He shoulders his way past Bennett, storming off down the hall and out of sight. I chanced a glance at Neo and, sure enough, he was watching us suspiciously. He slightly shook his head at me before grabbing Clifton’s arm and following after Donnie.

                Bennett shot me a dirty look before walking away from me. I slumped against the lockers, raking a hand through my hair in frustration.

                “What did I miss?” Scott asked, coming up to me.

                I sighed and told him what had just happened. He listened casually, unaffected by any of it.

                “Bennett will calm down eventually. Let’s go to class,” he said as the warning bell rang.

                We went to class, and the day dragged by until it was time for lunch. I went to my locker, and sighed.

                “You, come with me, now,” Neo said, pushing off of my locker and walking towards the locker room.

                I followed after him. He shut the door and checked to make sure we were alone before spinning to face me.

                “What the hell, Alexander?” he demanded.

                “What happened to you?” I asked in surprise. He had a bruise on his cheek, and a cut on his lower lip.

                “A fight yesterday. Don’t change the subject. Why the hell are you threatening Donnie’s parents?” He watched me expectantly.

                “I didn’t threaten him! Bennett did,” I clarified. “Look, Bennett always finds out that kind of stuff about my ex-boyfriends. It’s a sort of…insurance. To make sure they don’t cause any problems.”

                “So what ‘insurance’ do you have on me?” he said bitterly.

                “Nothing,” I said in surprise. “I wasn’t planning on breaking up with you.”

                “I bet,” he grumbled.

                I stepped forward, gripping his chin and forcing him to look in my eyes. “I’m not breaking up with you. You’re not entertainment. I love you, Neo.”

                He bit his lip, hard. Then he buried his face against my shoulder. “If you ever, and I mean EVER, threaten my best friend again, I’ll bite you so hard you’ll need prosthetic limbs when I’m done.”

                I hugged him. “I’m sorry. Bennett was angry because of me. He doesn’t usually do things like that.”

                “You said you loved me,” he mumbled.

                “I meant it,” I said, kissing him.

                “I love you,” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist. “For some crazy reason.”

                MY stomach growled and I sighed. “Lunch calls. I’ll see you later.” I kissed him again before leaving the locker room.

                I sat down with Scott and Bennett. Bennett was telling Scott some story about one of his dad’s friends, and didn’t look up or stop as I sat down.

                “I hate awkward lunches,” Scott said, taking a bite of a chip.

                “You’re preaching to the choir,” Bennett said.

                “Don’t act innocent. It’s both of you,” Scott said, raising an eyebrow. “But I’m not a part of this. Work it out yourselves.” He leaned back in his chair dismissively.  

                “Aaron Foose,” Bennett said.

                “What?” I asked in confusion.

                “That’s who your boyfriend got in a fight with. I figured you’d ask me to find out anyways,” he said. “I told you Neo got in a lot of fights. It happened last night. Aaron pissed him off by throwing around the word ‘fag’, Neo bit him, Aaron punched him, it turned into a fight, Aaron’s brother broke it up.”

                “Dammit Neo,” I said with a sigh.

                Bennett shrugged and went back to eating his lunch. I copied him, the three of us falling into silence.

                I kept peeking over at Neo’s table. Donnie still look pissed off, glaring down at his food. Clifton was talking to him, and Donnie would occasionally nod along. Neo was sitting there silently, staring at the wall absentmindedly as he ate.

                I mentally sighed, hoping that Neo wasn’t too mad at me for this morning. I forced myself to stop peeking at him before Donnie noticed. The last thing I wanted right now was for Donnie to make a scene in the cafeteria.

                The rest of lunch passed in silence. The bell rang, and we went off to class, my mind crowded with thoughts of Neo. I barely even registered the dirty looks Donnie shot me all through our last period class.

                When the day was over, I went to the locker room and sat down. Sure enough, Neo came in a few minutes later. He sat next to me, not saying a word. He placed his hand on top of mine, staring at the floor as he did so.

                After a few more minutes, I look over at him. “Ready to go?”

                “I’m still sore,” he said.

                “I’m sorry.” I kissed his cheek.

                “You will be when we get to your house,” he said, pulling me to my feet.


                I lazily glanced up at the sound of scratching. Vesper’s claws continued to drag down my locked door.

                “Your cat is a pervert,” Neo said, curled against my side.

                “I’m aware.” I kissed his head.

                “So what do you do if your parents have one of their ‘surprise we’re home’ days when you’re getting your freak on?” Neo asked.

                “It’s never happened before. I’m pretty good at guessing when they’re planning to come home,” I said. I pulled him closer to me, kissing his jaw.

                “Hope your ass is sore,” he grumbled, kissing me.

                I snickered. “Closet freak.”

                He blushed. “I am not!”

                I looked over to where our clothes were piled on the floor. I kissed Neo before crawling out of bed, redressing.

                Neo rolled off of my bed and copied me. I took his hand in mine and led him downstairs to the kitchen.

                “I’ll make us dinner. I’m starving,” I said, my stomach growling as if to prove my point.

                “Works for me,” he said, jumping up on my counter and swinging his legs as he watched me. “But first, give me kitty.”

                I rolled my eyes and snatched Vesper off the floor, placing him in Neo’s lap. Neo’s face lit up as he snuggled Vesper.

                “Hi cat!” he cried joyfully.

                “Meow.” Vesper struggled into a comfortable position before allowing Neo to pet him.

                I pulled out a few things and got to work making the two of us steak sandwiches for dinner. Neo watched mem his hand stroking along Vesper’s fur. I slipped a few pieces of steak to Link, who rubbed his nose against my leg in thanks every time I did.

                “Here, it’s ready,” I said after a little while. I handed a plate with a sandwich on it to Neo. He stared at my cat longingly before abandoning him for food.

                We sat at my kitchen table together and began to eat. I slipped a few more pieces of steak to Link, who placed his head on my lap and fixed his gaze on my sandwich.

                “I will marry you and you will be my house wife,” Neo said around a mouthful of sandwich. “Your food is always delicious.”

                “Thanks,” I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin. “I’ll cook for you anytime you want.”

                “Ladies and gentlemen: the number one boyfriend,” he said, gesturing at me.

                I rolled my eyes, taking another bite of my sandwich. I nudged Link’s head out of my lap and he whined, curling up on the floor next to me, his eyes falling back on my sandwich.

                “Alexander,” Neo said, setting his sandwich down on his plate and wiping his hands.

                “Neo,” I said, raising an eyebrow.

                “You guys really pissed Donnie off,” he said.

                “I’m sorry. Bennett is the one who threatened him,” I said.

                “Only because you told Bennett to be ready to threaten him,” Neo said.

                “I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again,” I said.

                “It better not. If there’s anyone you want on a short leash, it’s Bennett. Not Donnie,” he said.

                “I can handle Bennett. He was just angry. He rarely snaps like that,” I said.

                “Did you ever tell Donnie you loved him?” Neo asked.

                I thought back a little before shaking my head. “No. I never said I loved him.”

                “He thought he loved you. I remember him always talking about it,” Neo said. “And all I could think was how much I hated you. Because I had heard about you and what you did to the people you dated. You were pulling him away from us, and he didn’t even realize it. He was so convinced he had changed you. I tried to tell him how stupid he was. I was like Bennett, I guess, bitching and moaning about how much you were going to hurt him. And then you did hurt him, and I loathed you.”

                “This is a charming dinnertime conversation,” I said.

                “Shut up. I was going somewhere with this.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess…that’s how I know you’re not bullshitting when you say you love me. You mean it.”

                “Of course I mean it,” I said. “I don’t say it lightly.”

                “You don’t try to pull me away from my friends. You tell me you love me and you mean it. You’re…you’re not a shitty person,” he said. “Well, I mean, you are. Love isn’t a free pass for what you’ve done in the past. But you do have a good, humane side. And I love you for that. I love you.”

                “Now this a very romantic conversation.” I leaned over the table, kissing Neo.

                “Shut up. I feel like I have to wash my mouth out. Let’s finish eating,” he said, picking up his sandwich and ending the conversation.

                When we were done eating, I led Neo out to my backyard. Link followed us and happily laid down on the grass.

                I copied Link, lying on the grass, pulling Neo down next to me. I cuddled with him, kissing him. A light breeze blew our hair, and Neo buried his face against my chest, his arms snaking around my waist.

                I smiled at him, feeling happy and content. I closed my eyes, keeping my arms around Neo as we laid tangled together in the grass. There were a lot of problems to deal with, and I would deal with them soon enough, but for now, I was peaceful and happier than I had ever been just lying here with my boyfriend. 

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