Thomas Petrou's Cousin

By melLopes340

6K 23 27

In where you are his cousin but so few people know. You were asked to come surprise him by his girlfriend Mia... More

Introduction pt2
Your Family introduction.
Chapter 1: Hey again
1st week.
2nd week.
3rd week.
Fuck no.
I don't know
The dances.
1 month.
Where are you?


108 0 0
By melLopes340

I get out of my car grabbing my bag and taking my mask off. I lock my car and head inside.
Moon: I don't think this is a wise idea of you being here.
I set my keys down.
Me: Of who being here?
I hang my backpack up. I see everyone and they smile at me. I wave back but don't smile. I don't feel like smiling anymore.
Bryce: Hey.
Me: Hi?
Thomas: You ok?
Me: Yeah, sorry. I just got back from doing a zoom meet & greet.
Avani: That's cool.
Me: Yeah, hi everyone.
Everyone: Hey.
Me: So, what are you doing here?
Mom: Mellicia, solo porque no entiendo algunas de las cosas que dices no te da derecho a ser grosero. ( Mellicia, just because I don't understand some of the things you say that doesn't give you the right to be rude.)
Thomas doesn't understand her. She speaks to fast for him and it's been 3 years so.
Quieres que sea amable o que esté bien cuando mi perro acaba de morir. Bien, me iré. ( You want me to be nice or ok when my dog just died. Fine, I'll leave.)
I grab my keys and leave the house. I go to my car and drive to Selena's house. I get there 45 minutes later. I get out and hear screaming from the house. I lock my car and run in. I notice how the house followed me here. They hear the screaming as well. I open the door and see Sofia with a gun to her head.
Me: Sofia, don't.
The house comes in.
Fia: He played me.
Me: Who? Parker?
Fia: Yes.
Me: Leave, guys.
They give me a concerned look. I push them all out of the house. I close and lock the door.
Me: Fia, it's me and you.
Fia: I'm sorry.
Me: It's ok we go kinda through the same thing.
Fia: I just don't think I can go on with this pain anymore. It hurts so much.
Me: I know. It hurts me too. I just don't know how long I'll put up with it. It's hard enough as it is but if you go. I go.
Fia: Mel, I'm so sorry.
She puts her finger to the trigger. Then takes it off. She hands me the gun and I take it. I put it on the counter and hug her. She hugs me back.
Fia: It was just a dare for him to ask me out.
Me: It's ok.
Fia: No ones home but most likely they're only gonna see me grab the gun. Not anything you said.
Me: Ok, does that mean you're ready to tell then.
Fia: Yes.
I pick her up and she puts her head in my neck. I go to the door and unlock it. I open it and they're all by the cars.
Me: Come on, your mom and sis are coming over for dinner.
I unlock my car and put her in the passenger seat. I close her door. Kio comes up to me.
Kio: You can't just keep throwing yourself in harm's way.
Me: I'm fine.
Kio: But she could have accidentally shot you.
Me: It's fine, nothing I haven't been through right?
Kio: You have people who care about you mel.
Me: I'm sorry.
He hugs me and I hug him back. I let go and he does as well. He pecks my lips and goes back to his car. I go back inside the house and grab the gun. I put it in a bag and go out the door. I close and lock it. I go to the car and get in. I put it in the back. I start the car and drive off.
Me: Where did you find this gun.
Fia: Mom's safe.
Me: Oh.
I start to play music. We sing to each other but she has a smile and I don't. We get to the house and the cars are back. I see Selena's and Tia's cars. I grab the bag and hand it to fia.
Me: Listen, I got into a argument with my mom. So I won't be coming in.
Fia: I need you, please.
Me: How about I walk you in.
Fia: Ok.
We get out of the car and she gives me back the bag. I leave my car on since it will be quick. I open the door and fia goes in. I go in after and see everyone in the kitchen.
Tia: Hey mel and fia. Come and eat.
Me: I won't be joining, here.
She comes to me and fia. I give her the bag. She opens it and gasps.
Me: Fia, needs to tell you something.
I hug her and go back to my car. Someone grabs my arm as I reach my car. I see Tia. She hugs me very tightly. I hug her as well.
Tia: If you weren't there. I would have lost my baby.
Me: Your welcome.
She let's go and I get in my car. She knocks on the window. I roll it down.
Tia: Baby, listen. Your mom is very sorry about what happened. Please come and join us for dinner.
Me: You know then?
Tia: I'm very sorry about Missy.
Me: Thank you.
Tia: Mel, let me tell you something.
Me: Mmmmm?
Tia: You have to stop acting like everything is fine. You have to let people in. No one knows until you tell them. You don't always have to wear a fake smile. You're not alone, mel. We're here for you, when you throw yourself in a dangerous thing. You make people worried. So basically what I'm trying to say is cut the bullshit.
I laugh.
Me: Fine, I'll join you guys for dinner.
Tia: Good, cause once you went out the door. Everything just became sad.
I get out and lock the car. We go inside. They all look at me.
Tia: She's staying for dinner. Plans got cancelled.
I go and sit next to Kio. Tia sits down. My mom serves us the food which is Fideo. We start eating and talking. Mom understands a little. I explain some if the stuff.
Bryce: So where is the demon dog? Missy.
Ash, Moon, Mom, Tia, Selena, and Sofia drop their spoons. I stop eating.
Addison: What?
Mom: Missy, passed away.
Everyone but your family: I'm so sorry.


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