Where are you?

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Kio's pov:
I haven't spoken to mel since the whole call thing. It's been 6 days since. Selena won't even talk to us. I'm pretty sure mel is with her. Right now we're all in the livingroom.
Kio: Have any of you talk to her?
They all shake their heads no.
Avani: She thinks you're cheating on her. I wouldn't blame her you didn't say no you said uhh.
They all nod their heads.
Kio: Alright, if she doesn't come back tomorrow we go to Selena's house.
Avani: Yeah, she took all her clothes and stuff. Even though she only has a week of clothes, still.
We all go to our own rooms and fall asleep. I wake up around 10am and go downstairs. I hope to see mel. I go in the kitchen and everyone is there.
Kio: She isn't here?
Thomas: Nope.
Kio: Where are you?
Avani: Why don't you call Selena.
Kio: Ok, I'm going to call Selena.
Right before I do, I hear the door open. Selena comes in the kitchen.
Sel: I'm here to see mel.
Kio: Wdym?
Sel: After our lunch she said she was coming here.
Kio: No, we thought she was staying with you. All her stuff is gone.
Sel: So she didn't come here at all?
Kio: No.
Just then we hear the door open. I see Ashton, a girl, and what I assume is his mom.
Thomas: Tia, Ashton, and Moon?
Moon: Hi.
?: Hello I'm miss Marie.
Ash: Kio.
We hug each other.
Moon: Oh you're Kio.
Kio: Yeah, why?
Moon: Mel, told me about you. Also, Ashton told me about you.
Sel: Moon, Tia, ash?
Selena hugs them all.
Kio: Oh, your mel's mom and her best friend.
Marie: Yes.
Thomas: Wait, do you know where mel is.
Marie: We came here because your dad sent us here.
Thomas: Oh ok.
Sel: Wait, you're supposed to be staying with us. I'll take you guys.
Marie: Yeah, our stuff is already there.
Thomas: Wait, why are you here?
Moon: We're moving to L.A and until we find a house we will be staying with Selena.
Thomas: That means mel would be moving here.
Moon: Yes.
Ash: Well, she's not here in L.A like at all.
Moon hits him.
Ash: I mean sh-.
Thomas: She's not here? Where is she?
Moon: We can't tell you.
Kio: Please.
Ash: She's back home.
Moon: Babe!
Ash: Sorry. She's packing up her things and she should be here in like 2 or 3 days.

Mellicia's pov:
It's been 2 days since they left. I finished packing and saying bye to everyone. I put Missy on a leash and we head to the airport with my things. We get there and put the stuff on the private jet. It's only 4 luggage and 2 bags. I buckle up and Missy lays down. I fall asleep with my phone in my hand. I wake up to the pilot walking towards me. I smile and grab my stuff with my car keys. I grab Missy's leash. We head to my car and she hops in while I put the stuffing the trunk and back seat. I drive to the house and see Selena's car. This won't be good. I grab Missy's leash and my phone plus car keys. I lock my car and head to the door. I open the door and set my keys and phone in the bowl. I tighten my grip on Missy's leash. Hopefully no one will hug me. I hear talking in the livingroom. I hear my mom as well. I go to there and they're all facing my mom and brother.
Me: Hey.
They all turn to me.
Kio: Oh my gosh.
He hops over the couch to come and hug me. I out my hand on his chest to stop him. He looks at me with a confused look.
Me: Missy.
I look down and he does as well.
Kio: Holy shit.
He jumps back.
Me: Everyone meet Missy.
Mom: I'm so glad you're here.
She comes and hugs me. I hug her back but not letting go of the leash. She let's go and goes back to everyone.
Sel: Why the hell did you not tell me.
Me: Oh so you all know where I was.
I look at Moon and Ashton. She points to Ashton.
Me: Of course.
Moon: So everything moved out?
Me: Yeah.
Mom: Thomas, helped find us a house.
Me: Mom, we need to talk.
Nate: Yeah.
Mom: I already know. Nate told me.
Nate comes to hug me and he does. Missy barks at him. He let's go and I whistle to her.
Me: Yeah, Missy is over protecting.
Kio: Mel, can we talk?
Me: Sure.
Ashton takes Missy from me. Kio leads me to the guest room. He closes the door and we sit on the bed.
Me: What's up?
Kio: I just want you to know. I didn't cheat on you.
Me: I know but you could've just said no when I asked. You know I said that jokingly right?
Kio: Yeah, sorry if I made you think that.
Me: It's fine.
Kio: Do you forgive me?
Me: No.
Kio: Wait, why?
Me: What are you hiding from me.
Kio: I can't tell you.
Me: Ok then.
I get up to leave but he pulls me to his lap. He holds me there.
Me: Kio let me go.
Kio: Nope.
Me: I will whistle for Missy.
Kio: You can't know.
I know how what to do to make him let me go. I kiss him and he kisses back. His grip loosens on me and I get out of his grip. Doing that we also stop kissing. I open the door and go to the livingroom with Kio not realizing what just happened. I make it to the livingroom and stand next to my mom. I take the leash from Ashton and pet Missy. Kio comes a few seconds after me.
Mom: Ok, now that you're here. We can go to the house and start setting everything up.
Me: Ok, bye you guys.
We leave and I grab my keys plus phone. I unlock my car and open the door. Missy hops in then me. My mom texts me the address and I put it in on the JPS. I drive to the house this is what it looks like. It like an hour away from the Swpe house.

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