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I get out of my car grabbing my bag and taking my mask off. I lock my car and head inside.
Moon: I don't think this is a wise idea of you being here.
I set my keys down.
Me: Of who being here?
I hang my backpack up. I see everyone and they smile at me. I wave back but don't smile. I don't feel like smiling anymore.
Bryce: Hey.
Me: Hi?
Thomas: You ok?
Me: Yeah, sorry. I just got back from doing a zoom meet & greet.
Avani: That's cool.
Me: Yeah, hi everyone.
Everyone: Hey.
Me: So, what are you doing here?
Mom: Mellicia, solo porque no entiendo algunas de las cosas que dices no te da derecho a ser grosero. ( Mellicia, just because I don't understand some of the things you say that doesn't give you the right to be rude.)
Thomas doesn't understand her. She speaks to fast for him and it's been 3 years so.
Quieres que sea amable o que esté bien cuando mi perro acaba de morir. Bien, me iré. ( You want me to be nice or ok when my dog just died. Fine, I'll leave.)
I grab my keys and leave the house. I go to my car and drive to Selena's house. I get there 45 minutes later. I get out and hear screaming from the house. I lock my car and run in. I notice how the house followed me here. They hear the screaming as well. I open the door and see Sofia with a gun to her head.
Me: Sofia, don't.
The house comes in.
Fia: He played me.
Me: Who? Parker?
Fia: Yes.
Me: Leave, guys.
They give me a concerned look. I push them all out of the house. I close and lock the door.
Me: Fia, it's me and you.
Fia: I'm sorry.
Me: It's ok we go kinda through the same thing.
Fia: I just don't think I can go on with this pain anymore. It hurts so much.
Me: I know. It hurts me too. I just don't know how long I'll put up with it. It's hard enough as it is but if you go. I go.
Fia: Mel, I'm so sorry.
She puts her finger to the trigger. Then takes it off. She hands me the gun and I take it. I put it on the counter and hug her. She hugs me back.
Fia: It was just a dare for him to ask me out.
Me: It's ok.
Fia: No ones home but most likely they're only gonna see me grab the gun. Not anything you said.
Me: Ok, does that mean you're ready to tell then.
Fia: Yes.
I pick her up and she puts her head in my neck. I go to the door and unlock it. I open it and they're all by the cars.
Me: Come on, your mom and sis are coming over for dinner.
I unlock my car and put her in the passenger seat. I close her door. Kio comes up to me.
Kio: You can't just keep throwing yourself in harm's way.
Me: I'm fine.
Kio: But she could have accidentally shot you.
Me: It's fine, nothing I haven't been through right?
Kio: You have people who care about you mel.
Me: I'm sorry.
He hugs me and I hug him back. I let go and he does as well. He pecks my lips and goes back to his car. I go back inside the house and grab the gun. I put it in a bag and go out the door. I close and lock it. I go to the car and get in. I put it in the back. I start the car and drive off.
Me: Where did you find this gun.
Fia: Mom's safe.
Me: Oh.
I start to play music. We sing to each other but she has a smile and I don't. We get to the house and the cars are back. I see Selena's and Tia's cars. I grab the bag and hand it to fia.
Me: Listen, I got into a argument with my mom. So I won't be coming in.
Fia: I need you, please.
Me: How about I walk you in.
Fia: Ok.
We get out of the car and she gives me back the bag. I leave my car on since it will be quick. I open the door and fia goes in. I go in after and see everyone in the kitchen.
Tia: Hey mel and fia. Come and eat.
Me: I won't be joining, here.
She comes to me and fia. I give her the bag. She opens it and gasps.
Me: Fia, needs to tell you something.
I hug her and go back to my car. Someone grabs my arm as I reach my car. I see Tia. She hugs me very tightly. I hug her as well.
Tia: If you weren't there. I would have lost my baby.
Me: Your welcome.
She let's go and I get in my car. She knocks on the window. I roll it down.
Tia: Baby, listen. Your mom is very sorry about what happened. Please come and join us for dinner.
Me: You know then?
Tia: I'm very sorry about Missy.
Me: Thank you.
Tia: Mel, let me tell you something.
Me: Mmmmm?
Tia: You have to stop acting like everything is fine. You have to let people in. No one knows until you tell them. You don't always have to wear a fake smile. You're not alone, mel. We're here for you, when you throw yourself in a dangerous thing. You make people worried. So basically what I'm trying to say is cut the bullshit.
I laugh.
Me: Fine, I'll join you guys for dinner.
Tia: Good, cause once you went out the door. Everything just became sad.
I get out and lock the car. We go inside. They all look at me.
Tia: She's staying for dinner. Plans got cancelled.
I go and sit next to Kio. Tia sits down. My mom serves us the food which is Fideo. We start eating and talking. Mom understands a little. I explain some if the stuff.
Bryce: So where is the demon dog? Missy.
Ash, Moon, Mom, Tia, Selena, and Sofia drop their spoons. I stop eating.
Addison: What?
Mom: Missy, passed away.
Everyone but your family: I'm so sorry.


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