You & I ( A Glee Story )

By lilsnixx__

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Rachel , Santana, Quinn , Brittany, Noah , Jake & The rest of the glee clubbers are either in their last year... More

Their Past Lifes
Chapter 1 - First Day of Senior Year
chapter 2- Party time
chapter 3- If only you knew
chapter 4 - Duets & duels
chapter 5 - Unexpected Things
Chapter 6: Friday night lights
chapter 7- date night / fun night
chapter 8 - Please Forgive Me
chapter 9 - unexpected things pt 2
chapter 10 - Sectionals & Sleepovers
chapter 11- fights and dates night
chapter 12 - uninvited guest
chapter 13 - Back to school !
Chapter 14- Boys vs Girls
Chapter 15- New Kids on the Block
Chapter 16- ND Day ! part 1
chapter 17 - ND Day part 2
chapter 18- ND Day part 3
chapter 19- Santana's abuela
Chapter 20- One step closer
chapter 21 - Punk Ass Exs
Chapter 22- Saving Alexis
chapter23- homecoming proposal(s)
chapter 24- Dress/Suit shopping
chapter 25- Homecoming !!
chapter 26- Gulity Pleasures
chapter 27- Regionals !! + first dates
chapter 29- Deadly Sins
chapter 30- Come back home
chapter 31- thanksgiving break part 1
chapter 32- thanksgiving break part 2
chapter 33- Alexis' Past
chapter 34- Taming the beast
their past lives part 2
chapter 35 - Say no more
chapter 36- girls night , guys night !
chapter 37 - Trio week
chapter 38- Born this way
Chapter 39 - tough times
Chapter 40- Happy Birthday Noah and Rachel !
Chapter 41 - Basketball tournament
Chapter 42 - Christmas Break !! (Day 1 & 2)
chapter 43 - Christmas Break!! (Day 3 & 4)
chapter 44- Christmas Eve ! ( Day 5 )
chapter 45- Merry Christmas ( Day 6 )
Chapter 46- Happy New Years Eve / Happy New Years !
chapter 47 - New Year, Same Team + Some
Chapter 48- Chill day
chapter 49- Siblings Weekend
Chapter 50- Duets 2.0
chapter 51 - Sleepovers 2.0.0
chapter 52- Happy Birthday Santana & Victoria !
Chapter 53 - Acceptance
chapter 54 - Finding out the truth pt 1
chapter 55- Finding out the truth pt 2
Chapter 56- Movin' On
chapter 57 - I dont need you
chapter 58- Back to the Basics
chapter 59 - Wheres Micah !!?
chapter 60 - Trouble in Paradise pt 1
chapter 61- Trouble in Paradise pt 2
chapter 62- When I get you alone
Chapter 63 - Saturday Night Gleever Pt 1
chapter 64- Plans & Aopolgies
chapter 65 - Saturday Night Gleever pt 2
chapter 66- Ariel's Surpise Birthday Party/Dinner
chapter 67 - Revenge of Sue Sylvester
chapter 68 - New and Improved
chapter 69- Not so sunshine & rainbows
chapter 70 - Sunshine Twins Birthday Bash
chapter 71 - Diva Week
Chapter 72 - Fantastic Three
chapter 73 - Girls Night !
Chapter 74- Wedding Planning and tings
chapter 75 - Group Study Session
chapter 76- Battles of the Decade
Chapter 77- Dance Off
chapter 78 - Niagara Falls, NY Part 1

chapter 28- Halloween Partyy !

99 3 232
By lilsnixx__

Rachel Pov-
I woke up to the stupid sun in my eyes and I look around to see I'm in my room . I feel something heavy on me and I see my big baby girlfriend laying on me . I don't know what time it is but all I know is .. I need to go kick Puck's ass because me and Jake told him to be there and he or alexis didn't show up . Okay it's time to wake Quinn up so I can get up and walk to Puck room .

" Bahy get up." I said . She moved a little bit but didn't wake up . " Lucy Quinn Fabray, get up " I said a bit louder . She opened one eye and gave me her famous HBIC glare . " Don't give me that look . Get off me " I said laughing . She rolled off me , then punched me in my arm . " Don't call me Lucy anymore " She says sitting up . I gave her a kiss on the cheek and got up to go to the bathroom ." Nice ass" Quinn says and I looked back and smirked . "Anyways, why did you wake me up so early !" Quinn whined . " Because babe , I- ahshajaksh" I said only because I'm brushing my teeth and she looked at me sideways . " Cant understand you" She says laughing . I spit out the stuff out my mouth . "Oh because I'm going to beat up Puck" I said before brushing my teeth again . She came into the bathroom . " Why ?" She asks & I spit " Because Him and Alexis was supposed to come get ice cream but they never showed up and he told Jake and I that they was coming after their date " I said before putting mouthwash in my mouth . " Ohhh" She says before walking away . I spit the mouthwash out . "No ma'am , get up, we need food " I said walking to my dresser to pull out some shorts . " Ugh fine . Give me like 20 mins " She says walking to the bathroom . I just laughed & walked out my room . I started to walk towards Puck room . I don't never knock because he never locks his door . So once I did walk to his room and tried to open the door , it didn't open . Ohhhh he locked it . So I decided to keep knocking on it til Jake came out . "Lady what are you doing ? " He asks me as he walk over to me . " Well I was gonna go beat puck for not showing up but his door lock " I said & He smirked . "Well maybe he's in there with Alexis" He says . I looked at him and he looked at me and we both smirked and started banging on the door . We continued to bang on the door til someone opened it . "Will you two stop it !" Puck screams quietly. He has hickies all over his body . " Why ? Where's Alexis ?" I asked smirking . Jake looked at him and folded his arms. "She's in the bed sleeping!" He says looking everywhere else . "Dude you're literally glowing. I can't wait to tell Marley this haha" Jake says running to his room. I laughed and Puck just stared . " You have 20 mins to get dressed and ready to go get some food and then we're going to party city" I said walking away .

Puck Pov-
Last night was amazing .. Me and Alexis had sex .. it was amazing and so loving. After a long night , we went to sleep . Now here I am , up taking out clothes to put on and about to wake up because of my annoying sister and brother . I'm glad she's a deep sleeper because Rae and Jake was knocking on the door loud for no reason . she looks pretty peaceful while she's sleeping .

" Baby it's time to wake up " I said shaking her a bit. she stirred a little and smiled. " I know your up missy , now come on . Rae says we have 20 mins to get ready and be downstairs to go eat and then we go to party city" I told her pulling on her . She pouted . " Don't give me that face . Come on ! I promise we will have fun " I told her . Then she got up and went to my bathroom . " I'm gonna use my dads shower baby!" I screamed before walking out . I heard her say okay . I got my clothes and other stuff I need went to their bathroom.
35 mins later

After my shower , I waited on my bed for Alexis to be down with the bathroom. I was just on my phone til she came out fully dressed wearing a hoodie , a jean jacket , black ripped jeans & black forces . "Hi." She says smiling . I got up and gave her a kiss on the head . " Hi princess " I said back smiling . I went over to my dresser and got my keys and wallet and I took her hand and we went downstairs to see Brittana , Klaine , Finn , Puckerbay , Jarley , Matt & Shy . " Look who finally came down " Matt says smirking. I waved him off . " Hmm y'all both are glowing . Nice Hickies Puckerman" Shy says smirking . I covered my neck quickly . Brittany started to look closely . " Oh yeah , Lexy is glowing magnificently well" Britt says . "So that's why y'all didn't come out for ice cream .. you was busy doing the dirty " Santana says walking to to us . Alexis and I both blushed . " Ewww yeah . " Shy says laughing . " Whatever ! " Alexis says cuddling into my side . " Okay well the part starts at 8:30 tonight , It's 11:30 now .. which means we have to post and buy the decorations and costumes." Rachel says smiling and we all nodded . "Can we like idk maybe get some food first ? since you called us over here ?" Kurt asks & we all laughed. "Yes Waffle House !" Jake says and ran out the house . " He's not even driving but the first one to run out." Santana says making us laugh again . We all walked out the house . " Who's riding with who ?" Kurt asks . " Well Me and Kurt drove together." Blaine says . " We rode with Finn" Shy says . " Well Jake and Marley can ride with me " I said . " Cool , See ya there" Quinn says and we all walked to the cars .

Santana Pov-
Today is our halloween party !! I am soo getting drunk . I really don't know what Britt's and I costume is gonna be but I know it'll be sexy . I can't believe tomorrow is gonna be the first day of November & then thanksgiving.. I wonder who house we're eating at this year . Anyways , Owen & Cj went to their moms house this weekend so unfortunately they can't join us , Dallas went to a friends house & Yasmine is joining us . She spending time with her dad who's dating momma J , if you forgot . Anyways , we're at Waffle house getting ready to eat some good food .

"Hey , Welcome to Waffle House , I'm Dana and I'll be your waitress this morning " She says smiling at Britt . No me gusta . I'll kill her . I look over to Brittany seeing she looks uncomfortable . "Yeah I would like another waitress"I said glaring at her . The gang looked at me . " She's giving britt the heart eyes and smile . I don't like it . So either give us another waitress or I'll get us all banned from here . " I said . " She's not playing.. we're still banned from Red Lobster" Puck says mumbling . I just shrugged my shoulders. The girl gave us a fake smiled and left. " Anyways while we wait for our new waiter or waitress . What are you guys going as for halloween ?" I asked everyone . Marley was the first to speak . " Me and Jake is going as Beauty and the beast " She says smiling & I smiled . " I can see that . Jake is an actual beast" I joked . He flicked me off as usual . " Me and Pucky here is going as Harley Quinn and The Joker" Alexis says clapping her hands . I laughed . " That's the perfect match because you both are crazy as hell" Shy says and I gave her a high five . " And what are you going as ?" Alexis says raising her brows . "Duh white chicks" Shy says smirking. "& Matt is joining me." She continued making Matt choke . "No no no , we didn't agree to this." He says shaking his head making me laugh . " Oh really.. well we are now . Can't wait to see you in your wig bro"Shy says laughing . " Well Me and Blaine is going as Boy wonder aka Robin & Batman " Kurt says all excited . " Who's going as batman " Britt asks , making us all laugh . Kurt glares at all of us . "Me and Sanny is going as Kim Possible and Shego." Brittany says and I smiled . " She should've went as the mole rat " Shy mumbled & I flicked her off . "Just let me know when baby " She winked & Brittany glared at her . " I will personally break your fingers don't touch whats mine" She says . I smiled I love jealous Britt. " Anywyasss , I'm going as Frankenstein " Finn says . I started to laugh while everyone else smiled . " Ha ha , you're so funny " Finn says rolling his eyes. We all turned to Puckerbay who was smiling like geeks . " What are you two going as ? Harry and Hermione ?" I said snorting . Rachel was the first to speak. " No dumb ass , we're going as Wanda and Vision " She says smiling . Everyone was looking dumbfounded expect for Shy,Alexis, Matt , Puck & Finn .. they was smiling like the doofuses they are . "Please don't tell me this is some nerd thing" I mumbled . They all nodded . "Puck you are dating a nerd." I said slapping my self in the face . He smirked. " A hot nerd at that." He says smirking and giving Alexis a kiss . Before I could say anything.. A boy waiter came up . " Sorry about Samantha.. she's a bit of a flirt.. But I'm Tony , What can I get you guys ? " He asked with a friendly smile . We all ordered what we're eating .
Party Cityy

Blaine Pov -
Oh yeah, it's a official guys .. I have a pov and I hope I get more in the future .... anyways ,We're at Party city buying our costumes and the party decorations. We already posted about the party on our socials .. but the decorating part might be hard because everyone is so difficult. I have to go .. Kurt's yelling at me .

"Should we get fake spiders ?" He asked me . I smiled . " Yes because san is scared of them ." I said smirking . He nodded . We grabbed the forks , plates , napkins & whatever else we needed . " Hey guys, do you want fake eye balls to go in the punch ?" Finn says walking up . Then everyone else but Alexis , Shy and Puck walked up . " Ew gross . No idiot." Santana says . Finn threw them back . "So do we have everything? As in the our costumes , fake blood , the fake spiders and what not ?" I asked . Everyone nodded . We started to head to the cash register til three people with masks on jumped out on us . " BOO " They screamed then we all screamed . Matt ran away , Brittany jumped behind San , I jumped on Kurt's back , Finn fainted , Jake was ready to cry , Marley was laughing with Quinn and Rachel . " Hahaha we got you " Alexis said as she took the mask off her face . Then Shy and Puck did the same . They was still laughing at us ... like literally crying laughing.. " You guys aren't funny .." Jake says wiping his eyes . " Are you crying ? " Alexis says laughing. Jake fake laughed and flicked her off . " No , I am not .. Why are you guys laughing ?" Santana says to Quinn , Rachel , and Marley . They were still laughing . " They was in on it too " Puck says smirking. We all shook our heads . " Y'all ain't right " Matt says coming back with his arm folded . " Yeah Yeah.. anyways , let's get Finn up and pay for this stuff so we can go ahead and decorate my house " Puck says . We all agree . Alexis agreed to wake Finn up . So she took a bullhorn and yelled in his ear . He woke up screaming again . I swear we're gonna get banned from here too .
At The Puckermans House

Shy Pov -
I am so getting laid tonight .. Just imagine all the baddies at this party in the tight costumes.. I will be in heaven . The gang and I are gonna have a blast tonight .. I'm sad my boy Owen isnt with us , she could've had fun with us . Cj ? Not so much , Not to be rude or anything.. but he's such a baby . But anyways , We're decorating the house the inside and outside. The girls are in the house trying to figure out if we're ordering the food or cooking . I hope they say we're ordering because All of us in one kitchen ? It ain't gonna work .. I'm sorry but it's not . We got indecisive people , confusing people , and people who are picky eats aka Alexis . " I heard that !" I heard behind me . Oops she heard me I gotta go .

"Hey sis" I said walking towards her . She glared at me . " Nah go away little thot" She says to me . I fake gasped . " Darn it , that hurt me " I told her . She went back to the kitchen . " Y'all two always arguing about something " Jake says walking to me . " Like you and puck don't do the same ." I said shaking my head . " Oh yea . because he's always taking my shoes " he says shaking his head. "Anyways . The rest of them are putting up the lights , you should totally help them ." He says to me . I punched him . " No way , Im not getting on that roof , cause what if I fall and die ? what are you gonna tell my mom ? " I said to him . He just shrugged and left . " Idiot .." I mumbled pouring the fake blood on the wall . I hope this is washable . Then I decided to leave my hand prints on each wall . " Ohh look at that .. Shy'la is doing something productive besides fucking every girl she sees" I heard and I know who it's from too . I turned around to see Santana . " What do you want Santana " I said rolling my eyes playfully . She just shrugged . " Nothing.. I'm bored and I felt like bothering you" She says smiling . I mocked her . "Whatever anyways , you need help ?" She asked . I looked around at the living room. " Yeah just put a couple of more of those fake spiders on the ground." I said smirking . She started to laugh . " Yeahh no , I'm not touching those .". She says backing away . I smirked . " Why not ? Is little ms. bad ass scared of spider ?" I said picking one up and walking towards her . She started to walk backwards . " Hells yeah I'm scar-" She stopped talking because she walked into Puck and Alexis who was walking in with boxes in their hands knocking them & herself down . I burst into laughter . "What the hell Santana " Puck screamed. I'm still laughing. I took my phone out and started to record " Don't what the hell me , You guys are in my way . Shy here was trying to put a spider" She screamed back . "Well that's bad and all but would y'all get y'all asses off me ? I can't breathe !" Alexis screamed . They both got up quickly . Puck helped her & I ended the video . "Thanks . That's it ! Shy you're on time out" Alexis said & I just stood there . "GO SIT DOWN" She screamed . I jumped up and went to go sit in the couch . Santana started to laugh. " Your laughing but you came in here bothering me first " I said looking at her. Alexis and Puck stared at her. "You on timeout too ." Puck says smirking . Santana looked and laugh . " Like hell I am." Santana says . Alexis smirked . " Brittany , San is being mean to me ." Alexis says . I put my hand on my mouth to hold my laugh . San is so whipped for her . She's gonna say sorry . "Why are you being mean to Lexy ?" Brittany says folding her arms . I look over to alexis to see her smirking . That bitch is evil haha . " What ? No no hells no , I wasn't being mean to he-" She says but Britt cut her off . " Say sorry and help me order the food " Brittany says giving her a face . Santana sucked her teeth and shook her head no . " Santana Lopez ! Say sorry now or no lady kisses for you ." She says . Santana looked at us and glared . " I'm sorry alexis for being mean ." She says and Alexis smiled . " Great now let's go ." Brittany told her and pulled her into the kitchen . "Now Shy'la , finish up in here so we can stop by my house and get things " She told me . I flicked her off . " Stop calling me that ! " I screamed . " & No Let puck go with you ." I said and Alexis sucked her teeth . "Fine you asshole " She says before walking out the house . " I love you too Lex " I smiled .

Alexis Pov-
Today has been longgg ! I'm walking over to my house & Hopefully my aunt's not there because she's so embarrassing, she will sit there and show my baby pictures to every she meets . She's been taking care of me since my dad doesn't give a shit . She's kinda like my mom in a way . I love her tho , she's the best

" My auntie is .. very protective over me .. she might ask you a bunch of questions.. IF she's here .. she's in the air force so she's like going out with her friends " I told him . He nodded . Once we got to my house , her car isn't there . " Looks like she's not here " I said getting my key out . Once I unlocked the door . We went inside and I went to the kitchen . Oh Look there's a note :

Alexis ,
You're probably with your friends .. that's cool just make sure my house isn't a mess . anyways my sergeant called and told me I had to go back overseas .. I'll only be gone for 3-5 months tops . I hope I'm back before your graduation & I'll call you every night since you don't like staying home I love you baby ( P.S. I left money .. and the card in the cookie cabinet )
love ariel <3

Once I read the note , I folded the paper & slipped it in my pocket . " Hey .. you okay ?" I heard behind me . I turned around . " Yea . My aunt . she went overseas.. nothing serious " I told him and he nodded . " I see the look on your face Alexis , Whats wrong ?" He says . I felt my eyes watering up . "She's gone for at least 3-5 months .. she said she's gonna be back in time for my graduation but I don't know . " I said wiping my tears . He walked over to me and gave me a hug and kiss . " Hey listen , if you need me and the gang to stay with you anytime .. Just let us know & we'll be happy to stay with you. " He tells me & I nodded against his chest . " Okay . you'll be fine . So why are we over here ?" He asked . I looked up and smiled . " I have a couple cans of spray paint in here somewhere , we could spray your windows!" I said smiling. He nodded . "Good , You look in the basement and I'll look in the attic ." I tell him and he nodded . I gave him a flashlight and showed him the basement . "Be careful up there babe " He told me . I smiled and nodded . " You got it dude ." I said winking . I grabbed my flash way and started to make my way to the attic . I opened it up and started to climb the ladder . This shit nasty and disgusting. I should've made Noah come in here . I'm just looking around , I see boxes .. Is my aunt a hoarder ? I hope not . All this junk in here .. FOR WHAT ? I haven't find it yettt ! " Babe ! I think I got it ! " I heard . Good now let me get from out of here . I walk back to the ladder but I see a box that catches my eyes .. on it has " My sister's belonging" Hmm.. I will have to look through that one day . I went to the ladder and climbed down it and closed it back up and went back to the kitchen . " Ahh yes . Carry it and come on " I said walking back to the front door . " Wow no , thanks babe or nothing " Noah says fake hurt . I laughed . " Thanks baby , you're the best" I said blowing him a kiss . He laughed and we left out making sure the door was lock . I went by my car to make sure it's locked because I don't want anyone stealing my stuff . "Okay lovely , let's roll out . " I said walking back to his house .
8:25 // Puckermans House

Brittany Pov:
Hi my fellow Aliens and Unicorns . We haveeeee 5 more mins til the party starts ..Everyone looks so freakin amazing in their costumes.. but San and I look better . She even put green highlights in her hair to. She looks so sexy . The house look amazing too and the food smells nice . I'm not getting drunk cause someone needs to keep their eyes on crying Santana. Anyways , I gotta go . I guess where taking pictures .

" Babe come on so , Shy can take our pictures " San says pulling me . I smiled . We started to do different poses and stuff and we posted them on instagram . " Group photo !!" Matt screams . "Who's gonn-" Alexis says then the door bell rung . Puck went to go answer the door & It was the rest of the glee club . " Hey guys come in " Puck says . They all came in . " Y'all costumes look great " Sam says giving everyone a hug . " Thanks man ." Puck says . " Now wheres the drinks ? I needs to get my buzz on." Santana says . We all laughed . " Come on bestieee!!" Alexis says grabbing santana hands . "We gotta keep an eye on those two .. " Shy says . I nodded . Most Definitely .
Two hours later

Quinn Pov -
Soooo guys whattt ! I gotta a buzz going .. nothing major . Rachel is wasted .. I just hope she doesn't get to stripping . I would hate to push one of them girls down the stairs.. on accident you know ! Anyways Everyone having a great time . Kitty and her dumb ass crew came also . Anyways , I gotta go .

" babeeeeeeeeeeee" Rachel slurred as she come over here . I giggled . " Hey baby girl ." I said smiling . "W-What a-a-are you do-ing?" She says smiling and leaning against me .. " Nothing babe , are you having fun ?" I asked her . She smiled and nodded then left me to go dance with Brittany . I just shook my head . I walked over to Puck and Finn . " Wheres your girlfriend ?" I asked Puck . He pointed behind him . " Having the best time time of her life with Santana " He says laughing . I looked over to them dancing. I just shook my head. " Hangovers are gonna be so crucial in the morning ." Finn says . I pointed. " Agreed . " I said smiling. We was talking until we heard some yelling . " Hey dude keep your hands off her " I followed Puck and Finn to see San yelling at some doofus who's touching Alexis . "Giovanni just leave her alone before her boyfriend come and beats your ass." Shy says and my eyes widen Puck walked over there and tapped him on the shoulder . " Who the hell-" He says but once he turned around Puck punched in him in the nose . "Didnt I tell you to stay away from her ? " Puck says jacking him up . The boy starts to laugh . "Didn't I tell you .. She will always be mine ?" He says . Puck stated laughing and punched him in the mouth . " That's gonna leave a mark . Then some other boys came around . " Jeff , Nick help me !" He screamed and the boys started to walk towards them but Finn and Jake ran in front of them . "Okay boys . We can do it the easy way or the hard way." Jake says smirking with his fist up . Nick threw the first punch and Jake blocked it and punched him in the eye . " Okay Gio.. Let's do this again .. Either you leave Alexis alone or I'll kick your ass again freely ." Puck says .Giovanni looks and smirked.
"Never " He says and Puck punched him . Giovanni kicked puck in the stomach and stared throwing blows at them . " OKAY THERES THREE DIFFERENT FIGHTS ! What do we do ?" Matt says walking up to me. Alexis walks in the middle and screamed . " ENOUGH ! " She screams . Everyone stops and look at her . " Giovanni we broke up because YOU CHEATED ON ME . I MOVED TO GET AWAY FROM YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE" She says . Then she walks over to Puck who was still upset . " Baby .. please calm down for me " She says holding their faces together and taking deep breaths " I'm happy with who I'm with .. I'm sorry if you can't see that but I am and I want you and your warblers friends to leave me alone ." She says . He got up and took one look at her and smirked . " This isn't over " He says and he and the rest of them left . "Y'all can continue to party , I'm gonna go clean Mr." Joker here" Alexis says taking Puck up the stairs . Everyone stood there . " You heard what she said ! LETS PARTY" Jake screams . Someone turned the music back up .

Puck Pov -
Why can't this doofus leave her alone . Seem like everywhere we go .. He's there . I know Alexis isn't gonna going back to that jerk and believe me when I say .. I don't want her to leave me . Yeah I have Rachel and Jake and the rest of the gang but she makes me feel better . I'm sure I'm falling deeply in love with her but I'm scared .

" You know .. we really have to work on our temper." She tells me dapping my face with a wet rag . I smiled . "But thanks for beating his ass again.. I really don't know why he stuck on me .. But I wish he would stop ." She tells me . I grabbed her hands . " You don't have to thank me . I will always protect you " I told her smiling . She leaned in and gave me a kiss then hugged me . " Don't worry . He won't touch you anymore or come near you anymore after I'm done with him " I told her . She backed away and raised an eyebrow. " I'm not gonna kill him .. yet" I told her smirking . She smacked me in my chest . "Alright Miss. Harley Quinn, are you ready to enjoy the rest of the party ?" I said jumping off the counter . She nodded . " I am Mr.Joker" She says and I smile and we walked down the stairs to the party .

This is what a real party looks like . Having fun with your friends and girlfriend . Artie and Santana are singing a mashup of Heads will roll / Thriller . Finn is gonna be singing She's not there . Me and Alexis are dancing together like there's not a care in the world .

HEY HEY HEY ! 4000 plus words . yes yes ik you guys been waiting for me & im here bitches .. now bye 😼

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