By guardian_ace1

7.4K 723 824

It was a promise that made Yunlan into a stone king. Once the twins were children and playing in their garden... More

This Is All For You
Force To Get You
The Wedding Banquet
The Life in The Palace
A Steamy Escape
Rescue By A Raging Bull
Waking Next To You
How To Handle Your Heart
The Game
Getting My Gege Back
Your My Eyes
Teaching A Blind How To Fight
The Good News
Seeing You Again
To Rescue Our King
I Don't Trust Him
Will I Trust Him Again?
The Party
Saving You For Him

A Formidable Enemy Or Friend?

370 38 44
By guardian_ace1

    Leader Guo came the leader of the Assassins  Group of Yunlan who have a thing for him.

   But Minister Chu also have something  to him. He always yearns for the man to look at him. Like his looking at Yunlan. But everytime he tried confronting  him. He stuttered.  Everyone almost laugh seeing the cold prime minister can't  talk when confronting with Guo.

   Shen Wei  notice that and ask Maid Wang. "The three of them are childhood friends! King Yunlan, Leader Guo and Minister Chu! Leader Guo like King Yunlan but cannot accept his love because he falls madly inlove with his rose!" Maid Wang accidentally  said. "Rose?! Whose rose?!" Shen Wei  jealousy  is rising up.

   "Sorry but I can't  tell  whose that rose! I just know Minister Chu like Guo but he can't  speak whenever  his around!" As Maid Wang  excuse herself and leave  before she expose many secrets to Shen Wei.  King Yunlan might punish her.

    "ROSE!!!! WHOSE  THAT?!!!" He said to himself.  He didn't know it was him, Yunlan's  sweet rose. His immerse thinking break as he saw how Guo smile to his husband while Chu on the other trying to tell  Guo that he longing for him. He cough suddenly  to break the tension coming to the three friends.

   Shen Wei  want to look tuft to his new opponent  Guo. When Yunlan suddenly  pulled him by the waist and start kissing him by the neck. He should be mad for Yunlan doing that surrounded  by his people. "You smell wonderful my wife!" But he was please when Guo frown at him. "Leader Guo! This is my wife! Shen Wei! Isn't  he beautiful!" And start nibbling his neck. "Darling! Not here!" Shen Wei  becoming red and tried to push Yunlan away.

   But the man hold him tightly like a koala bear and made him sit on his lap. Making Guo rage in jealousy but he tried to hide it, "It's  a pleasure to meet the other half of our king!" And bow. If Guo can murder Shen Wei  with his eyes he have already done it.

   And Shen Wei  is very please making Yunlan kiss his neck more while revealing  one of his delicious shoulder to him. Yunlan almost growl in his seat and puzzle as well why Shen Wei  is willingly  giving himself to him now. He didn't  notice the two men infront of him are immerse in the  battle of thinking. One letting the other know he owns Yunlan's heart. And he don't  have a chance in getting his husband.  While the other want to snatch Yunlan away from him.

   Both gazing and mocking one another while Minister Chu is the only one feeling the tension of the two rivals. He suddenly  cough, "Dinner will be serve  in an hour! Leader Guo!" Guo suddenly  look at Minister Chu who suddenly  stuttered.  And went with him.

    Shen Wei  was about to stand but two strong hands still hugged  him from behind. "Aren't  you gonna eat dinner?" He ask. "Your my dinner wifey!" Yunlan smirk and snuggle to him. Shen Wei  blushed  beautiful  red.

   Minister Chu notice Guo not happy seeing Shen Wei. "When did they got married? Why I wasn't  invited?!" Leader Guo ask. "It's.....all sudden! He conquered a nation and got a bride as a prize!" Leader Guo suddenly  look at Minister Chu, "You mean he was force to marry our king?" Leader Guo ask. Minister Chu nod. Making him think of something.

    In an hour after dinner, King Yunlan and Minister Chu was on a meeting to conquer another country. Leaving Shen Wei  in the veranda when Leader Guo came, "May I speak with you?" As he bow to Shen Wei.  Shen Wei  frown looking  at him. "What do you want?" He ask. "A sparring?" As leader Guo toss him a sword. Shen Wei  easily caught it. "Sorry but I'm not great  with a sword!"  And about to give it back to him.

    "Do you want me to teach you?" Leader Guo ask. Shen Wei  was surprised  hearing that. "Why his being so nice?" He wonder. Within a minute, swords clashing hearing at the hall. As leader Guo thought Shen Wei  some pointers move on how to hold a sword and use it.

   Shen Wei  master it quickly . Because that's  his talent. Only his didi didn't  want him to know how to use a sword. For he didn't  want him to go to war. His glad a little  he met leader Guo who teach him the basic of sword fighting.

   "So I heard you've  been force to be King Yunlan's  bride? Do you want me to help you escape?" He suddenly  whispered  to his ears. Making Shen Wei  widen his eyes. "Why would he help me?" He told himself and look at him suspiciously. "Why? Don't  you believe  me that I will help you?

    Just promise me you won't  come  back here ever again."  Shen Wei  is having a difficult  decision, he want to see his didi if his doing well. But he will never see Yunlan again.

   In an hour he made a decision  to leave his heart and find his brother. Leader Guo smile and gave him a new set of assassin's  clothes that almost covered  up his beautiful face. As the two of them  ride away from the castle. And toward Shen Wei's  kingdom.

    Leader Guo dropped  him off near his ruined kingdom as his people is building it. "Remember  never come back to King Yunlan!" Said Leader Guo to him and ride away. Shen Wei  change his clothes to an ordinary  citizen clothes. As he roam the street and was shocked  that their flags was change to some one else flags.

     He ran toward his castle only to be block by not unknown soldiers. He argue them to let him in. "I must see my didi! Don't  you know who I am?!" When  a hand pulled him away from them. One of his former servant, "Prince Shen Wei?! What are you doing here?! You should not come back!"

   Shen Wei  recognize him as old Li, "Where's  my didi?!" Old Li about to speak when Zhuiji came with his men. "Hey! I know you? Your the bride of King Yunlan! What a pleasant  surprise?!" As Zhuiji smirk. Shen Wei  swallowed  hard as he knows who is Zhuiji.

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