Family Tithes

By kierradlee

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At 17, Candyce's small worldview is maginifed when her big brother, Ace, invites her into his world as punish... More

Kandi Redd
Cuban Links
The Waiting Game
The Rules
Emptying The Clip
What's The Move?
Freedom At Last
From Bad to Worse
Pest Control
Family Affair
A Soldier Down
The Send-Off
The New Rules
Caged Birds Sing
California Love
Cheers to 18
Good Product Sells Itself
Can I Vent?
The Girl & The Bricks
All Outta Options
Something To Call My Own
Like Father Like Son
Opening Night
Home Therapy
Better Left Unsaid
What's Best For Simon
"Not" An Interrogation
99 Problems
The Meet-Up
They Come And Go
A Thin Line
Mud Bros.
Mud Bros Pt. 2
Collateral Damage
Crying In Da Car
The Missing Link
Lines Are Drawn
Seeing Red
Our Brother's Keeper
I Choose You
First Day Out
Thief In Da Night
Word Around Town
Hood Rat Shit
Smoke Break
Real Lies
Judgment Day
Big Girls Don't Cry
Author's Note

Bonnie & Clyde

244 8 2
By kierradlee

Chapter 51

I'm fresh off the plane from New York. Them airplane seats ain't no joke. They uncomfortable even in first class.

I rub the kinks out my neck as I sit my duffle bag down on my living room floor.

I would say it feels good to be home, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. If anything, it feel like a dark cloud followed me home from New York.

To say Reese's family took it hard would be an understatement. I swear people could hear them crying from the bodega down the street. I ain't never felt so guilty in my whole life. It felt like I killed Reese myself.

I mean, it's not far from the truth. The way I see it, Reese wouldn't even be dead if it wasn't for me.

Ralo may have pulled the trigger, and Simon set it up, but I was the one who brought him to New Orleans. I'm the one who kept him here. It was my fault their brother was never coming home.

If I could turn back the hands of time I would. All I could do instead was let his family know that as long as I'm alive they won't need or want for nothing--as if money can fill that void.

I tried to make myself feel better by handling all the funeral arrangements. I even paid to have his body sent over. It was only right. Reese was a New York nigga at heart. I couldn't imagine him resting in peace anywhere else.

I blew a bag on his funeral but it was worth it to send him Home the right way. All his family had to do was show up which was hard enough. I didn't want them worrying about anything else.

In a lot of ways Reese's funeral actually reminded me of Santana's. Just like Ace, Reese's family felt like an extension of my own. I didn't know them as long as I knew Ace's family, but they welcomed me with open arms just like his.

From my experience, it only takes one real death in the family to remind me that I ain't really apart of it. I couldn't have felt more like an outsider standing next to Reese's family as they lowered his body into the ground. Up until that point I felt like I lost a brother. I'ma always think of Reese that way, but I think a piece of his sisters got buried with him that day. I don't think it's fair of me to say the same.

I didn't feel the need to stick around after the funeral. All there was left to do was grieve and they ain't need me for that. Besides, my misery don't like company.

I gave his sisters some money to hold them over and told 'em to call me if they need anything else. Then I flew home after being in New York for two weeks.

Reese's funeral kinda got me thinkin' though. If I died today or tomorrow, who would be there for me? I feel like I lost the only real potnas I ever had and along with them the only real families I ever knew. It's not like Ace or Reese gon' be up there giving my eulogy so who does that leave?

Candyce? She can't even figure out what the fuck she want from me so I don't know what she'd get up there and say. Keyana? I feel like she never really knew me. She fell in love with my potential. She only knew who she thought I could be.

Shit, more than likely I'll be just like I am now—alone.

I shake my head. I don't even know why I'm thinkin' 'bout this shit. I think it's this house. It's too quiet. It's giving me too much time to think.

I grab my phone to distract myself. I take it off airplane mode. The first thing I see is another text message from Candyce. I let out a deep breath. She been blowing my shit up the last couple days.

Her messages went from asking if I landed in New York safely to telling me to call her right away. I never texted her back so I figure she's just worried 'bout me. I send her a text letting her know I'm back home but I leave it at that.

I'm still not fucking with her, so I hope she don't take this as a sign that I'm ready to talk. I got too much on my mind to be playing with Candyce's indecisive ass.

It doesn't take me long to get dressed after reading Caesar's text. I race down the stairs—not because I'm excited to see him—but because I could really use his help.

It's been a few days since Max and Phor robbed me. My head hasn't stopped spinning since. I've been plotting on ways to get back at them, but I can't do shit without a gun and The Loft is practically off-limits since Ace got back. The same niggas I've been dapping off for months would just as quick snitch on me to Ace now that he's back.

I even thought about going to Ace for help, but we still ain't talking. Besides, it's not like he wanted me selling drugs anyway. He might be glad that Max took the drugs off my hands. He might not even take it serious since it's girls that robbed me. The only person that ever took me serious when it came to the streets was Caesar. And while we may not be on the best of terms, I trust that he'll come through for me.

Bacon fills my nostrils as I run down the stairs. I can hear Mama moving pots around in the kitchen. I hate to skip out on breakfast especially 'cause I know she finna' throw down. But I know it won't be long before she's back in the kitchen. She hasn't stopped cooking since Ace came home. I can't tell if she's just happy or if she's tryna do everything she can to make him stay.

I glance at him and Paryis on the couch watching the morning news. Seeing them together, I realize I haven't seen Yuri around lately. I'm guessing she saw Ace's life for the trainwreck that it is and left, or she decided not to stay in our house. Either way I'm happy I don't have to share my space with a stranger. Ace being here is bad enough.

I yell my goodbyes to Mama and Paryis as I race out the door. I'm outside before anybody can ask where I'm going.

On the drive to Caesar's house, I can't help but think about the robbery. I swear it's all I can think about. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that it actually happened. I knew Max had it out for me, but I never expected her to go as far as putting a gun in my face. We used to jump bitches in the strip club together, and there she was stomping me out like I was any bitch off the street. All because she needed money and felt like I owed it to her. It's crazy what money will make a bitch do.

Despite her role in the robbery though, I don't consider Max the Judas in this story. There's only one betrayl I never saw coming and that was Chantal. Even though she said she didn't know what Max and Phor planned to do, she still gave them the opportunity to do it. She lied to me and used my love for her to fuck me over in the end. To me, that's way worse than what Max and Phor did.

Besides, I was only friends with them for four years. Telly and I grew up together. We were almost a decade strong. She was there for me through everything. I just can't believe she threw it all away for two bitches who would never do the same for her.

Just thinking about it makes my eyes water. I'm so torn. Half of me is so pissed off I could kill them bitches, but the other half of me is consumed with grief. Losing Telly in this way feels the same as her dying. No matter what she's out of my life forever. I hate that it has to be this way but she made her bed. I don't care if it was a mistake. It was a mistake that could've costed me life. There's just no coming back from that.

I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. Crying won't get me anywhere. I need to tap into my anger if I'm ever gonna' do them bitches like they did me.

I put on NBA Youngboy to put myself in the right headspace. It works like a charm. Two songs in and I start speeding down the highway.

After awhile I have to turn the music off in order to make it to Caesar's house in one piece.

By the time I get there I'm a little less angry and more nervous to see him. After all, the last time we talked he asked for his house key back. I don't know how he's gonna' feel about me showing up here unannounced.

I park in his driveway and get out the car. I walk up to the door and take a deep breath before I knock.

After a minute goes by he opens the door. My heart skips a beat. For a second I forget all about Max and why I came here. It feels so good to see his face again.

I smile at him. He doesn't smile back.

"What you doing here?" He asks.

I pull my head back. I didn't expect him to be happy to see me considering how we left things, but damn. I thought I would at least get invited in, especially since he texted me first.

"You texted me," I say.

"I ain't tell you to come over," Caesar says.

I scoff.

I can't lie that definitely hurt my feelings, but I brush it off. I don't need a warm welcome. I just need his help.

"Well I'm here now and I need your help so you gon' let me in or what?" I ask.

Caesar looks me up and down. I sigh and take my hood off. I push my hair out of my face to show him the bruise and cut by my hairline where Max gun-butted me.

His whole demeanor changes. His eyebrows pull together as he crosses his arms.

"What the fuck happened?" He asks.

"I got robbed. Now you gon' let me in or you wanna' discuss this right here?" I ask.

He moves out of the doorway. I roll my eyes and brush past him. He slams the door behind me.

I walk into the living room with him hot on my trails.

"What the fuck you mean you got robbed? Who robbed you?" He asks.

I turn around to face him.

"Remember those girls I was working with?"

He nods, "Simple bitch one and two? Yeah, what about 'em?"

I roll my eyes.

"Max and Phor. They did this," I say.

I take a seat on the couch. Caesar walks over.

"I knew that redhead wasn't to be trusted," He says.

I look up at him.

"That's all you got to say?" I ask.

"My fault. It's just hard to react to something I knew was coming," He says.

"Again with the 'I told you so'. You really think I feel like hearing that right now?" I ask.

Caesar throws his hands up. He takes a seat on the couch handle across from me. He crosses his arms.

"My bad. Tell me what happened," He says.

"I was coming from the club—"

"What club?" He asks.

"My club. I was cleaning up and emptying out the safe. I still had some leftover pills there I needed to get rid of. I was about to take them to The Loft but I got distracted," I say.

"Distracted by what?"

"My best friend. She called me and told me to come over. She said something happened with her boyfriend and she needed me but it was a set up. Max and Phor was waiting for me when I got there," I say.

"I thought you only had one best friend," Caesar says.

"I do or I did," I say.

Caesar stares at me.

"I know you ain't talkin' 'bout Chantal," He says.

I nod my head.

Caesar has been around a long time. Long enough to see a lot of my friendships come and go. Chantal was the only one who stuck around. By the time Max and Phor came into the picture, he was long gone.

He raises his eyebrows as he leans back.

"Damnnn. I ain't know goody two shoes got down like that," He says.

"She ain't been goody two shoes in a long time," I say, rolling my eyes.

"I guess so since she still hanging with you," He says.

Little does he know I did my best to keep Chantal away from all my hoe-stivities. I respected the route she chose to take when all her friends were strippers and in the club every weekend. I always thought she was the smartest out of all of us. Turns out she was dumber than I thought.

"So what happened between y'all? Why she set you up?" Caesar asks.

"According to her, she didn't. She thought Max and Phor just wanted to talk," I say.

Caesar shakes his head.

"I can believe that. She was always too green for her own good," He says.

"True, but that don't excuse what she did," I say.

"I ain't saying it do. I'm just saying if she anything like I remember, her heart was prolly in the right place," He says.

I roll my eyes.

"What do you remember about her?"

Caesar laughs to himself while he strokes his beard.

"Shit, I remember she used to like Ace. She was forward as hell too. She used to ask when me, you, her and Ace was gonna' go on a double date," He says.

My mouth drops open.

"Oh my god, I forgot all about that! She used to ask right in front of Ace too," I say.

"Me and Ace almost fell into one over that shit. He kept asking me why she kept saying that. That was the first time he asked if something was goin' on between us," He says.

"Yeah, I remember. He interrogated the shit out of me too," I say.

"And that was before we even had something goin' on," Caesar says.

"I know right. We were just friends. I guess she could tell I liked you," I say.

Caesar nods. Our little trip down memory lane quickly fades into reality. We both get quiet.

Caesar's the first to break the silence.

"It's crazy how shit play out, huh?" He says.

"Yeah," I nod my head.

"I guess that double date ain't never happening now. You ain't fuckin' with Chantal. Ace ain't fuckin' with me... We ain't fuckin' with each other," He says.

I look over at him.

"That's not true," I say.

He looks up at me.

"We ain't fucking with each other right now, but we'll shake back. We always do. Besides it ain't like we got nobody else," I chuckle.

Caesar gives me a half-smile.

"I guess you right," He says.

"And for the record, you ain't fucking with me. I don't have a problem with you," I say.

"Is that right?" He asks.


"So you ain't gotta problem with me taking my key back?" He asks.

"Not if you don't have a problem with me showing up here whenever I want," I say.

Caesar smirks at me. I smile and roll my eyes.

"Can we get back to the situation at hand?" I ask.

"Yeah since you so desperate to change the subject," He says.

He walks over to the couch I'm sitting on. He takes a seat on the cushion next to me.

"What you wanna' do?" He asks.

I run my hands through my hair. It stings when I touch the cut by my hairline. I wince and drop my hands.

"I don't know, but we need to do something soon. Bitches been walking around like nothing happened since last week," I say.

Caesar leans back into the couch. He stretches his arm across the top of the sofa.

"I'm surprised you ain't try to handle it on yo' own. I know how much you love being reckless," He says.

"I would have but they took my gun and I knew Ace wouldn't give me another one," I say.

"So that's why you came to me," He says.

"That, and let's be honest. Who else was I gonna' go to?" I ask.

We lock eyes. I don't know if it's the chemistry or the sexual tension, but I feel drawn to him. Judging by the look in his eyes, I can tell he feels the same way too.

He clears his throat and stands up.

"Wait right here," He says.

I nod my head and he walks off. Five minutes later he walks back into the room with a gun and a full clip in his hand. I grin like a little kid getting a toy on Christmas.

Caesar hands it to me.

"You better not lose this one. I don't have access to guns like I used to when I was fucking with Ace," He says, sitting down.

"I don't even think Ace has guns like that. Didn't Simon clear him out?" I ask.

Caesar shifts uncomfortably next to me. I look at him. His jaw is clenched and he's looking at the floor.

I catch my mistake.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have brought him up," I say.

"It's cool," He says.

But I can tell by the change in his demeanor that it's not.

An awkward silence falls over us. I sit the gun down on the coffee table and look around. That's when I notice his duffle bag on the floor still zipped up.

I glance at Caesar. He's dressed in a grey Nike sweatsuit with his jacket unzipped showing off his white tee underneath. He always dresses simple like this so I didn't think anything of it at first. After seeing his airport bag, I put two and two together.

"Did you just get back?" I ask.

"Mhm," Caesar says.

I curse myself in my mind. Here I am unloading all my problems onto him without even thinking about where his head might be. He just broke the news to Reese's family then I come here and name-drop Simon like a dumbass. I probably just brought all that pain to the surface.

I play with my fingers.

"How did Reese's family take it?" I ask.

Caesar stares at the floor.

"How you think they took it?" He asks.

The attitude he had at the door is now back in full swing and it's all my fault.

"Did they have a funeral for him?" I ask.

"Yeah and before you ask it was sad. Now drop it. I don't wanna' talk about this shit no more," He says.

I nod my head.

Ten minutes go by before Caesar speaks up again.

"You never answered my question," He says.

I furrow my eyebrows.

"What question?"

"What you wanna' do about the robbery?" He asks.

I sigh.

"Well for starters I want my shit back. That includes the pills or the money they got from selling the pills and my gun. Then I want my lick back," I say.

"Well what you know about them that we can use?" He asks.

I pucker my lips up while I think.

"I know they like to hang out in clubs. They used to drug niggas they met there then take them to a hotel and rob them," I say.

Caesar raises an eyebrow.

"You better not have been doing that shit," He says.

"I wasn't. That's actually the reason we stopped being friends," I say.

Caesar rubs his beard.

"So they like to rob niggas. We might be able to work with that," He says.

"I don't know if they still do it. That was months ago," I say.

"Sound like you need to find out," He says.

"Let's say they are still doing it. Where do we go from there? 'Cause Max has seen you around my club. She knows we know each other. It's not like we can use you as bait," I say.

"Slow yo' roll, Red. I ain't say shit about being bait. All we need is the drop on them. We find out where they gon' be tonight and pull up. We can follow them to the hotel after they leave," He says.

I think it over.

"That could work," I say.

"So you know what club they gon' be at tonight?" He asks.

"No, but I think I know someone who might," I say.


The sun beats down on me as I lean against Caesar's car. My hair whips around in the light breeze. It's in a half-up half-down style so my bruise is on full display. I tuck my hands into the pocket of my olive green hoodie while I wait for Chantal to come outside.

It's been two hours since Caesar and I came up with our plan. The only thing we're missing is a location. I could only think of one person who could fill in the blank for us. Now we're parked outside Chantal's job waiting to get answers.

I tap on the passenger window. Caesar rolls it down.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"2," He says.

"She should be out any minute," I say.

He nods his head and rolls the window back up.

Chantal's been working at the same Dollar General for the last two years. In that time she's moved up from a cashier to a manager.

She's been working the opening shift since we graduated high school earlier this year. Her schedule's been the same for the last couple months so I know she gets off right about now.

Just as predicted, she walks out the automatic doors in her black uniform. Her honey blonde hair catches in the sunlight.

She pulls her yellow lanyard free from her neck and stuffs it into her purse. She's too busy fishing her car keys out of her purse to notice me.

She finally looks up as she walks to her car. She stops dead in her tracks.

Caesar made sure to pull up right behind her Jeep so she can't go anywhere without talking to me first. She has no choice but to approach me.

I plaster a fake smile on my face and wave to her.

"Hey, Telly," I say.

"Hey...Candyce," She says.

She looks around.

"What you doing here?" She asks.

"What? I can't pop up on my best friend?" I laugh.

"I mean, yeah. It's just I haven't heard from you since—" She says.

"Since you set me up?" I ask.

Telly sighs as she rolls her eyes.

"I did not set you up Candyce. I thought they just wanted to talk," She says.

"Well that's okay 'cause now I wanna' talk," I say.

She eyes me.

"About?" She asks.

I open the back door of Caesar's car. Telly looks at me.

"Get in," I say.

She looks from me to the back seat to the tinted windows. She gives me a nervous laugh.

"I would but Lori's waiting on me to pick her up. Text me though. We'll link later," She smiles.

She tries to walk around to the driver's side of her Jeep. I stand in her way.

Her breath catches in her throat.

"Here's the deal, Telly. Either we can do this here or I pull up to your house when Lori gets home and we do it there," I say.

Her eyes grow big.

"Do what?" She asks.

"Talk, silly," I say.

She flinches as I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

She glances at Caesar's car behind her.

"Whose car is that?" She asks.

"Caesar. You remember him right?" I ask.

She snaps her head back in my direction.

"'Cause he remembers you," I say.

She swallows.

Caesar's reputation as a drug dealer preceeded him even when we were kids. He was on the block long before Ace was and everyone knew it. Now that Ace has made a name for himself in the streets and the news, the mere mention of anyone associated with him is enough to make Chantal shake in her boots.

I can tell she's scared now, but that's not enough to get her inside the car. I go in for the kill.

"By the way, he can't believe you set me up," I say.

"I didn't!" She yells.

I raise my eyebrows. She looks around.

"I didn't," She whispers again.

"Well maybe you should get in the car and tell him that 'cause you know Ace's friends don't play about me," I say.

Chantal glances back at the car. She takes a deep breath before turning and walking back to the car. I silently thank Ace and Caesar for their reputation. Lord knows I would not have been scary enough to get her into the car by myself.

Chantal climbs into the backseat and I climb in after her. Caesar pulls off as soon as I close the door. Chantal scoots all the way over to the other side of the seat.

She plays with her fingers in her lap.

"Hey, Caesar. Long time no see," She says.

"Mhm," He says.

Chantal looks at me.

"Where we going?" She whispers.

"Not far. Caese is just driving around to give us time to talk," I say.

"What you wanna talk about?" She asks.

"I need to know what clubs Max and Phor like to hit during the week," I say.

She sighs.

"Look, Candyce, I really don't want to get involved," She says.

I almost laugh. Almost.

"You involved yourself when you set me up," I say.

"And you see how that turned out. I'm sorry, but I don't want any parts of this," She says.

"You act like you gotta choice," I say.

"Don't I?" She asks.

I scoff.

"Not if you wanna' make it out of this car alive," I say.

I didn't mean to say it. It just rolled off my tongue.

Chantal pulls her head back.

"Are you seriously threatening to kill me right now? What the fuck, Candyce?!"

"Just answer the fucking question! What clubs do they like to hit during the week?" I ask.

"How am I supposed to know that?" She asks.

"You hung out with them for months after I stopped. If anybody knows it's you," I say.

"I don't. They didn't tell me anything," She says.

"You're lying," I say.

"I'm not."

I look her up and down.

"I don't know, Caese. It kinda sound like she lying to me. What about you?" I ask.

Chantal stares at me like a deer caught in headlights.

"I don't know but if it's one thing I hate it's a liar," He says.

Chantal's eyes dart between us.

"Maybe she just ain't understand the question," I say.

"Ask again," Caesar says.

Chantal speaks up before I can.

"I think I remember Max telling me something about this club on The Westbank called The Boiling Point," She says.

Caesar and I catch each other's eye in the rearview mirror.

"Never heard of it," He says.

"That's 'cause it's new. It just opened up two months ago. Max and Phor like it there 'cause there's always new niggas going to check out the club," She says.

I squint my eyes at her. She catches my look.

"I swear. You can look it up," She says.

"Ain't no need. We know where you live if we find out you lying," Caesar says.

Chantal looks at me.

"You do realize he's threatening my family, right?" She whispers.

I don't say anything. Chantal watches my face for a reaction. When she realizes she's not getting one, she scoffs.

She folds her arms and leans back into the seat. She shakes her head with tears in her eyes.

"I can't believe you doing this to me," She says.

"Now you know how I feel," I say.

She rolls her eyes. A tear slides down her cheek. She wipes it with the back of her hand.

"Can you take me back to my car now?" She asks Caesar.

Caesar hits the next U-Turn. The car ride back to her job is quick but suffocating. I'm relieved when she finally gets out of the car.

She looks back at me before she closes the door.

"You know I would've never set you up on purpose. You were my best friend, Candyce. I would never hurt you intentionally," She says.

Tears roll down her cheeks. Seeing her get so worked up, my eyes get watery as well. I fight to keep the tears from falling.

"I guess that's the difference between you and me," She says.

I jump as she slams Caesar's door. He wastes no time pulling off.

I watch her through the back windshield for as long as I can. As she grows into a speck in the distance, I climb into the front seat.

"You good?" Caesar asks.

I put on my seatbelt as I swallow the knot forming in my throat.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I lie.

He looks over at me.

"All you did was hurt her feelings and it's got you choked up. That was nothing compared to what we gotta do later. You sure you still wanna' go through with it?" He says.

"We have to. Besides, I don't feel the same way about Max and Phor as I do Chantal. Them bitches deserve what's coming to them," I say.

"Aight killa," Caesar says.

"I might beat a bitch's ass but I'm not a killer. We just getting back what they stole from me," I say.

"Whatever you say," He says.


Caesar and I parted ways after we rolled up on Chantal. He was still tired from his early flight and wanted to catch up on sleep before the club tonight. Meanwhile, I couldn't sleep if I wanted to. I couldn't get Chantal's face out of my mind. The guilt was eating me up inside.

I had to stay busy in order to keep my mind off of it so I spent the remaining hours detangling my Kandi Redd wig. I hadn't worn it since Ace snatched me off the stage and it was obvious. It was matted in all the wrong places and in desperate need of a wash. I had to flat iron, pin curl and install it. After I worked a miracle on that bird's nest, I focused on my makeup.

I was so tired of only doing my makeup to cover up bruises so I did a little more than use concealer. I did the whole nine. By the time I was done my face was beat to the Gods. For the first time in a long time, I looked in the mirror and actually liked what I saw. I didn't look like the broken and battered girl I had become. I looked like Kandi Redd. It gave me the confidence I needed for tonight.

I saved my outfit for last. A tight black and silver bodycon dress with silver heels to match. I wear silver studs since no one's gonna' be able to see my earrings under my hair anyway and a simple diamond necklace.

When I put it all together I can't take my eyes off the girl in the mirror. To say I haven't done it up like this in a while, I sure know how to shake back like I never left.

It's 9:45 when I get an incoming text from Caesar telling me he's pulling up. I grab my real ID since I don't plan on drinking tonight. I need to be on my P's & Q's. Then I grab a clutch big enough to fit my gun in. After one more glance in the mirror I leave the room.

I recognize Ace's figure as I walk down the steps. Once again he's in the living room watching TV. I roll my eyes and continue down the stairs.

He turns his head as soon as my heels hit the floor.

He furrows his eyebrows.

"Where you going?" He asks.

"Now you wanna' talk. Of course," I say.

"You see what time it is?" He asks.

I ignore him.

"You do realize you still have a room right? You don't have to post up in the living room every day," I say.

"I said where you going?" Ace barks.

"Out," I say.

Ace smacks his teeth. He turns around on the couch.

"You know what? Nevermind. Do whatever the fuck you want," He says.

"Thanks for your permission but I was gonna do that anyway," I say.

He shakes his head and mumbles something under his breath.

I roll my eyes.

"Don't wait up for me," I say.

I unlock the front door and walk outside. As I lock the door I hear a car pull up behind me. I turn around only to be met with an unfamiliar car parked by the curb.

It's an old grey Honda with tinted windows. I stay put until the passenger window rolls down.

"What you waiting on, an invitation? Get yo' ass in the car," Caesar says.

I roll my eyes and walk to the car. I pull the passenger door open and get in.

Caesar's eyes wander over my body.

"You getting up on a pole tonight?" He asks.

I smack my teeth.

"My outfit ain't even that bad. Everything is covered," I say.

"I wasn't talkin' 'bout yo' outfit," He says.

He twirls a strand of my red hair around his finger. I slap his hand away.

"Shut up and drive," I say.

Caesar chuckles. He switches gears and pulls us away from my house.

I glance over at him.

He's wearing wire-rimmed Cartier sunglasses with a tan Polo shirt. The color compliments his light skin.

"I guess that beauty rest worked," I say.

Caesar laughs.

"You look good too," He says.

"Just good?" I ask.

He eyes me.

"Careful. You still got a dress on," He says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

He grips my left thigh.

"Easy access," He says.

I laugh. I can't help but notice that he doesn't move his hand.

"Whose car is this?" I ask.

"All that matters is it's not ours," He says.

I leave it alone since we won't be in the car for long.

It turns out Chantal was telling the truth. The Boiling Point is a new and upcoming club on The West Bank. Word hasn't traveled to our side of the river yet which explains why we haven't heard of it. Either way, I doubt many people will be willing to travel thirty minutes to go to a club.

We don't have a choice tonight.

Caesar and I go over the plan on the way to the club. Our entire plan rests on the fact that Max and Phor will be there tonight.

I say a silent prayer that everything works out as we pull up to the club.

There's a short line at the door where a bouncer is checking IDs. The club itself is a black building with the words The Boiling Point in red and orange letters above a thermometer.

We park across the street and get out of the car. We head to the front entrance and wait in line. We each flash the bouncer our IDs when it's our turn. He gives me a red wristband and Caesar a green one.

Inside, the club is busier than I expected. There's enough room on the dancefloor for everybody but VIP is all filled up. There's a few people sitting at the bar and on sofa lounges. Red and orange strobe lights dance around the club. There's even a huge thermometer on either side of the DJ that rises every time he plays a new song.

Whoever bought this club outdid themselves. This shit looks better than my club.

"I'ma get a drink from the bar. You want one?" Caesar whispers in my ear.

I shake my head.

"Be on the lookout for them. I be right back," He says.

I nod my head. He walks over to the bar while I slide into a corner. I keep my head on a swivel in case I see Max or Phor.

Caesar finds me ten minutes later. He hands me a glass of dark liquor even though I told him I didn't want anything. He sips his and looks around.

"You got eyes on 'em yet?" He asks.

"No. I don't think they here yet," I say.

He checks his watch.

"We early. You know people don't start showing up until after 11," He says.

"Yeah, but ladies get in free before 11. Them broke bitches gonna' be here before then," I say.

Caesar nods.

"Why you babysitting yo' cup?" He asks.

"I told you I didn't want anything. I need to stay focused," I say.

"I thought you might need some liquor courage. I guess yo' anger all the fuel you need though," He says.

"Oh believe me. It is," I say.

We stand around bobbing our heads to the music for the next twenty minutes trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. A quarter til' 11 I spot a bitch in a red wig entering the club. As I get a closer look at her side-kick, I realize there's no mistaking it.

I nudge Caesar.

"That's them," I say.

He turns around.

"Yeah, that's that redhead alright," He says.

He glances back at me.

"You know y'all kinda look alike," He says.

"Shut the fuck up," I say.

Caesar laughs.

"Oh, shit. Here they come," I say.

I sit my drink down on the nearest table. I pull Caesar to the dancefloor as Max and Phor head our way.

I notice they beeline for the bar which is in perfect view from the dancefloor.

"False alarm," I say.

I start to walk off the dancefloor, but Caesar's hands find their way onto my hips.

"Dance with me," He says.

"I guess that alcohol finally hit," I say.

Caesar smacks his teeth.

"You can still see them right?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say.

"Then dance with me," He says.

I roll my eyes but I give in. After all, dancing is a lot better than lurking in the corner.

I press against him and start grinding to the beat.

Caesar smiles down at me.

"You know we ain't get to do this the last time we was in the club together," He says.

"Thank goodness considering I didn't know you were there to celebrate the newest addition to your family," I say.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you. But I ain't think it mattered since you was with Reese at the time," He says.

"Yeah right. You telling me you wouldn't have been mad if you found out I was pregnant for someone else?" I ask.

"Touché," He says.

I roll my eyes and keep dancing. Halfway through the song Caesar gets this serious look in his eyes as he stares at me.

"Is that the reason you don't wanna' be with me?" He asks.

I stop dancing.

"What?" I ask.

"Does it bother you that I gotta kid on the way?" He asks.

"Honestly, I haven't really thought about it until now," I say.

I've been too busy with my own problems to think about his. But now that he mentioned it, his baby mama drama is yet another reason to pump the brakes on us.

"I meant what I said, Caesar. I just don't think now is the time to make things official. There's too much going on around us. Why can't we just appreciate the fact that things are simple between us for once?" I ask.

"Nothing is simple, Candyce. I don't think it ever will be," He says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"I'm just saying shit have never been simple between us but we always made it work, even as kids. You remember how you used to keep me company on the block while Ace was at football practice 'cause that was the only time we could be alone?" He asks.

I smile as the memories resurface.
I was twelve, and Caesar was fifteen. He was selling weed a few blocks from the high school, which wasn't that far of a walk from my middle school.

We were just friends at the time, but our chemistry was undeniable. It was impossible to explore it further with Ace always around so I devised a plan. I would ditch my friends after school to hang with him on the block when I knew Ace wouldn't be around.

I laugh as something occurs to me.

"Remember that one time 5-0 ran up on us and we had to run?" I ask.

Caesar shakes his head.

"Do I? You couldn't hop the gate fast enough so I just surrendered," He says.

I laugh then quickly grimace.

"You did time in juvie for that," I say.

Caesar shrugs, "It was only 8 months. It wasn't yo' fault. The weed and the gun didn't help."

"You should've tossed it, dumbass," I say.

Caesar laughs.

"I prolly would've if I wasn't worried bout you. I knew Santana was gon beat my ass if I got you caught up with the cops," He says.

I wrap my arms around his waist. I smile up at him as we sway to the music.

"You know what was my favorite part about those days?" I ask.

"Getting me arrested?" He asks.

I slap his chest.

"No, stupid."

"Then what?" He asks.

"How we used to talk about any and everything. We don't really get to do that anymore," I say.

"I know. Shit hasn't been the same between us for a while now," He says.

"You miss it?" I ask.

"Of course," He says.

I wrap my arms around his neck.

"So why don't we focus on getting back to how we used to be before we jump into a relationship?" I ask.

Caesar nods his head.

"I'm good with that as long as there's actually a relationship on the other side of this," He says.

"There will be," I say.

Caesar bends down to kiss my forehead. Over his shoulder I see Max and Phor chatting up some nigga at the bar.

"I guess our plan is in motion," I say.

Caesar glances over his shoulder. He shakes his head.

"I almost feel bad for the lil' nigga," He says.

I thought about that too but the way I see it, we're actually helping him. He was gonna' get targeted tonight either way. At least now we'll stop them before they get a chance to rob him. He might not remember what happened in the morning but at the very least he'll still have his money and jewelry.

"We should probably head out now. We can wait in the car so we'll be ready to follow 'em," He says.

I nod my head.

We make our way towards the entrance. Caesar slings his arm across my shoulder to hide me from view of Max and Phor as we pass by the bar.

I steal a glance at them anyway. Phor rubs up and down the guy's chest while Max eyes his drink.

It won't be long now, I think.


After waiting in the car for an hour I start to think maybe we left the club too early. But as the clock strikes 12, a handful of people exit the club including Max and Phor.

I tap Caesar.

"I see," He says.

He turns the key in the ignition.

I keep a close eye on the trio as they walk to their car. The guy between them trips over his own feet. He has one arm over each of their shoulders. To anyone passing by, it just looks like Max and Phor are bringing their friend home who had a little too much to drink.

Caesar's waits one minute after they pull off to follow behind them. We stay two cars behind them at all times so we don't draw attention to ourselves.

We drive up the road for maybe four miles until we come to a stop at a motel. Caesar and I park across the street and lay low.

We watch Max, Phor and the guy walk inside the motel. I guess they checked into the motel earlier because they skip straight pass the sign-in desk. They make a left turn in the lobby. There's no way they can carry that guy up the stairs with them both wearing heels so I assume that turn leads to the elevators.

This is the perfect opportunity to find out which floor they're on.

We get out of the car and jog over to the motel. There's no one at the welcome desk so we have no problem getting in.

"Watch the elevators. I'ma take the stairs. Text me which floor they stop on," Caesar says.

I nod my head. I rush over to the elevators. I make it in time to see the elevator ding on the final stop. It's a good thing they're only on the third floor. I text Caesar then I call the elevator back down.

I make sure to avoid the cameras as I step in. I keep my back towards the camera and my head down.

Caesar's waiting for me after I get off.

He hands me my gun.

"Room 312," He whispers.

I nod my head. We creep up the hallway until we stop in front of the door.

"You ready?" Caesar asks.

I answer his question by knocking on the door. I cover the peephole with my hand.

"Room service!" I yell.

Max and Phor whisper to each other inside. If I listen closely, I can hear the guy laughing and slurring his words.

I knock again.

"Room service!" I yell.

"No, thank you!" Max yells back.

I think of something quick.

"I need to give you fresh towels. It's hotel policy," I say.

"I told you to put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door!" Max whisper-yells at Phor.

"I thought I did!" Phor yells back.

Max sighs.

"Just take the towels so she can leave," She says.

I look back at Caesar to make sure he heard what I heard. He nods his head.

"One second!" Phor yells.

My palm gets sweaty. I grip the gun harder.

I hear footsteps make their way over to the door. Then I hear the unmistakable sound of the deadbolt unlocking.

Adrenaline floods my system. I have to remind myself to stay calm. After all, the show doesn't really start until after they open the door.

I hold my breath as the door cracks open. Caesar jumps into action. He uses his arm to force the door open the rest of the way.

Phor stumbles back with a confused look on her face. I don't give her a chance to recognize me. I hit her with the bottom of my gun. She falls to the floor cupping her nose.

"What the fuck?!" She yells.

Max is standing by the bed when we enter the room. She tries to make a run for her purse sitting in a chair across the room. Caesar points his gun at her. She stops dead in her tracks.

The guy sits up in the bed. He holds his head in his hands.

"Yo, what the fuck is going on?" He asks.

Caesar aims his gun at him. The dude may be drugged but he's still conscious enough to know danger when he sees it. He puts his hands up.

"Say, nigga. Get yo' shit and get the fuck out," Caesar says.

The dude slowly scoots to the edge of the bed. It looks like Max and Phor managed to strip him of his jewlery and his designer shoes. It takes him a second to pick everything up since he's dragging his feet the whole time. When he's done, he heads for the door.

Caesar stops him.

"You never saw us, aight?" He asks.

The dude nods. After he leaves, Caesar slams the door.

I walk up to Max with my gun aimed at her head.

"Run me my money, bitch. That's what you said right?" I ask.

Max chuckles.

"Took you long enough. I was starting to think you let bygones be bygones," She says.

"Bitch, please," I say.

Her eyes flicker to Caesar.

"Who's this? He looks familiar," Max says.

"That's not your concern. All you need to worry about is giving me my shit back," I say.

"I don't know what shit you talking about," She says.

I hit her with the gun since she wanna' play stupid. She spits out blood and stands back up.

"I'ma ask one more time. Where's my money bitch?" I ask.

She laughs. Her teeth are stained red.

I hit her again. This time I don't stop. I let loose on her. I hit her with every ounce of frustration that's been building up. When she falls to the ground, I kick the shit out of her exactly how she did me. The only difference is Max eats her ass-whooping. She doesn't yell for me to stop like I did.

After I wear myself out, I back up.

"Where's my fucking money, bitch?!" I yell.

Max just laughs. I glance at Caesar for help.

He walks over to Phor. She tries to back away from him. She doesn't make it very far before he stands over her. He doesn't even have to talk. Phor just starts singing like a canary.

"It's in the purse!" She yells.

I turn back around.

I kick Max one more time before I walk across the room to get her purse. I dig around inside.

She was always my top seller so I'm not surprised to find money in the bag where the pills once was. I also find my gun along with Max's. I keep them inside but I empty everything else out.

I sling her purse strap over my shoulder.

I bend down and slap Max across the face with my gun one more time.

"This my shit!" I yell.

There ain't shit she could do about it but mug me. I walk back over to Caesar.

"What you wanna' do?" He asks.

I glance back at Max and Phor on the floor. They look pathetic as fuck.

"We got what we came for. Let's go," I say.

"You sure? How you know they ain't gon' do this shit again?" He asks.

"I'm being nice now but they know what'll happen if they try this shit again," I say.

Caesar nods. He leads the way to the door. I follow behind him.

On our way out, I hear shuffling behind us.

"Phor, no!" Max yells behind us.

I spin around, but I'm too late.

I stare at the baby pistol in Phor's hand. It's the same one she pulled on Chantal when they robbed me. I forgot all about it. I didn't even think to check for it in Max's purse.

Her finger moves onto the trigger. My gun is in the air before I realize what's happening.

Three quick movements of my finger is all it takes for the room to go silent.

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