Family Tithes

By kierradlee

17.6K 753 238

At 17, Candyce's small worldview is maginifed when her big brother, Ace, invites her into his world as punish... More

Kandi Redd
Cuban Links
The Waiting Game
The Rules
Emptying The Clip
What's The Move?
Freedom At Last
From Bad to Worse
Pest Control
Family Affair
A Soldier Down
The Send-Off
The New Rules
Caged Birds Sing
California Love
Cheers to 18
Good Product Sells Itself
Can I Vent?
The Girl & The Bricks
All Outta Options
Something To Call My Own
Like Father Like Son
Opening Night
Home Therapy
Better Left Unsaid
What's Best For Simon
"Not" An Interrogation
99 Problems
The Meet-Up
They Come And Go
A Thin Line
Mud Bros.
Mud Bros Pt. 2
Collateral Damage
Crying In Da Car
The Missing Link
Lines Are Drawn
Seeing Red
Our Brother's Keeper
I Choose You
First Day Out
Thief In Da Night
Word Around Town
Bonnie & Clyde
Smoke Break
Real Lies
Judgment Day
Big Girls Don't Cry
Author's Note

Hood Rat Shit

176 10 2
By kierradlee

Chapter 50

It's been days since Ace found out about me and Caesar, and I haven't talked to either of them since.

I've been trying to stay out of Ace's way around the house, but that don't stop him from walking around with a permanent mug on his face. I'm tense every time I leave my room thinking today might be the day Ace goes off on me. So far though, it's been the silent treatment.

I almost wish he would just yell at me the way the way he always does. At least then I'd know it was only a matter of time before we got back to normal. This silent treatment shit is killing me.

It's so bad even Mama has picked up on the energy between us. She tried to ask us about it but Ace just mugged me from across the room. I kept my mouth closed too. The last thing I needed was him calling me a hoe in front of Mama.

Today, I'm feeling pissed off all over again. I still can't believe Munch told him. That wasn't his place, and it wasn't his business, and I plan on telling his messy ass just that.

I get in my car and drive 80 the whole way to his house. Thankfully, I don't get pulled over 'cause ain't no telling what I'll do right now.

I notice his truck in the driveway as I pull up, so I know he's home. I get out my car and slam the door.

I can hear music blasting as I walk up the porch steps. He probably won't be able to hear me but that's if I planned on knocking softly.

I start banging on the door like I'm here to arrest him.

The music goes down a few notches. Someone peeks through the blinds. I start to wonder if he'll even open the door for me, but then I hear the door unlock.

Munch pulls it open. He barely glances at me before he walks away. I follow him inside.

"What you doing here?" He asks over his shoulder.

I follow him into the living room. It looks nothing like it did the last time I was here. His entire house was spotless for Thanksgiving a month ago. Now, there's half-empty liquor bottles on the table and broken ones on the floor. The TV is black and blue with colorful lines splashed across it. The table is covered in white powder and lines. Munch just sits on the couch like he isn't fazed by any of this.

He takes a nose-dive then squeezes his nose after he comes up for air.

"You ain't answer my question," He says.

I just stare at him. I can't believe he's gotten this bad. I want to help him, but then I remember how he turned his back on me when I needed him most.

Like he said once before--he's grown. If this is how he chooses to grieve, who am I to stop him? I have enough shit to deal with thanks to him.

"I came here to talk," I say.

"About what?" He asks, sniffling.

"Where's Juanita?" I ask.

I'm mad as hell but I don't wanna' storm the house yelling and disrespecting Munch if she was in earshot.

"She ain't here," He says.

"Do you know when she's coming back?" I ask.

"She's not," Munch says.

"What you mean?" I ask.

"I moved her to a home. Her glaucoma finally took out her other eye and I'm not home enough to watch her. She fell down the stairs the other day," Munch says.

My eyes bulge out my head.

"Oh my god. Is she okay?" I ask.

"She gotta few bruises but she aight. They gon' take good care of her at the home," Munch says.

"She feel the same way?" I ask.

"Nope, but I can't have a home nurse snooping around, so she ain't got a  choice," He says.

He looks me up and down.

"But I'm guessing my mama's wellbeing ain't the reason you came over here. You was knocking on my door so hard I thought you was them people," He says.

"And yet, you still got a table full of coke out," I say.

Munch cuts a line.

"Ace my dawg, but I ain't him. I'm going out like Tony Montana before I turn into Speedy Gonzales," He says.

Oh, the irony.

"You know, it's funny you said that 'cause you're right. You're not Ace. So why did you feel the need to get in my business?" I ask.

"I never agreed to keep yo secrets, Candyce. I told you from jump that I was riding with you just until Ace came back," Munch says.

"You said that about selling drugs with me. You ain't say shit about throwing my relationship under the bus," I say.

Munch smacks his teeth.

"C'mon, bruh. You in a relationship with his potna and didn't think he would find out?"

"He would've found out when I was ready. It wasn't on you to speed up the process," I say.

"Look, I know yo' boyfriend ain't a good example but that's not what potnas do. I couldn't look him in his eye and not tell him what was happening right under his nose," Munch says.

"That wasn't your decision to make," I say.

"Why it wasn't?" He asks.

"'Cause I'm your friend too! You was supposed to have my back!" I say.

Munch scoffs.

"This ain't high school, Candyce. I'm not one of them lil' girls you gossip with," He says.

"Really? 'Cause you sure is acting like one," I say.

"Whatever, bruh. Be mad all you want. I did the right thing," Munch says.

He bends to do another line. I shake my head.

There's no way he's being this nonchalant about backstabbing me. I know he don't fuck with me right now, but damn. Did he ever care about me at all?

I know Ace was his friend first, but he's acting like our friendship meant nothing to him in comparison.

I can only think of one reason he's acting like this.

"Is this about Tory?" I ask.

"No," Munch says.

"It has to be," I press.

"I told Ace 'cause I was supposed to. You mad at me but Tory would've did the same thing," He says.

"I doubt that," I say.

"That's what you think, huh?" Munch laughs and shakes his head, "Girl, you better be glad he ain't here to break yo' heart."

"It don't even matter. You doing it for him," I say.

Munch smacks his teeth.

"Cry me a river. Y'all was dead wrong and you know it," He says.

I roll my eyes hard.

"Now we done? 'Cause I'm a lil' busy right now," He says.

He gestures to the table as if me being here has stopped him from getting his fix.

"Been done," I say.

I start walking to the door.

"Don't slam my fuckin' door," He says behind me.

He turns the music back up as I walk away. I slam the door so hard I'm sure he heard it anyway.

I stand on his porch trying not to scream. I can't believe I managed to alienate every guy in my life. Of course it's not all on me, but it still doesn't feel good knowing they all hate me right now.

I wish I had someone to turn to. I think about calling Simon, but then I dismiss the thought completely. I can't talk to him about what's going on. He still doesn't know Ace is in town. Not to mention Simon is a wild card. I can't predict what he'll do or say if he found out.

Since that's not really an option, I pull myself together. I don't have a pair of arms to run into, but that doesn't mean I have to fall apart.

I walk down the porch steps with my head held high. I get situated in the car. My phone starts vibrating just as I'm about to turn the key in the ignition.

At first I think someone's calling, but then I see it's just the group message I have with the girls from my club.

I unlock my phone and scroll through the messages.

The Penthouse Group Chat:

Euphoria: Umm...Excuse me, boss lady. What's going on with the club?

Ebony: That's what I'm tryna figure out.

Euphoria: I don't know about y'all but a bitch is broke.

Yellie: Same.

Euphoria: Like we haven't been to work since Xmas Eve.

Sage: Then we missed New Year's and NYE.

Tyler: Imagine all that money we missed out on.

Essence: Girl don't piss me off.

Kasei: Lmao Fr. I'm not tryna think about that.

Geneva: Idk what's going on with you, Candyce but if the club is closing then you need to let us know.

Euphoria: Okayyy 'cause I got bills to pay.

Leyla: I heard Club Legacy is hiring.

I roll my eyes. As if I ain't have enough to deal with, I still gotta handle business at the club. I know Ace threatened to shut it down, but with everything in my name that should be impossible.

One thing's for sure though, he won't let me continue selling drugs out of it. Since I don't have anything else to do today, I decide to go to the club to clean it out. But first, I send a message to the girls:

The club is not closing but I am making some changes. I'll let y'all know what's going on when I'm finished. If you need money now do what you have to do. I understand. For those that stay, I'll be in touch.

I silently hope Euphoria takes the bait. I would not mind if she took her instigating ass to another club. I got enough shit on my plate. I don't need her stirring shit up at the club too.

I turn the key in the ignition and back out of Munch's driveway.


The club looks exactly like I left it, which isn't good.

The girls were in a rush to get home after the Christmas Eve party, so they skimped on the cleaning. I was so tired I didn't even bother to check behind them. As a result, there's liquor bottles on the bar instead of behind it, used glasses in the VIP rooms, and green and red confetti on the dancefloor.

I did not come here to play bar maid, but now that I see the mess, I can't just ignore it.

This day just gets better and better.

I grab the broom and dustpan from behind the bar and sweep up the confetti. While I'm at it, I also sweep behind the bar. After I'm done, I unscrew the bottle pourers from the  the liquor bottles and wash and clean them. Then I recap the bottles and sit them on the shelf behind the bar.

I take two trips to VIP to pick up all the glasses. Then I wash, dry and put them where they belong.

Cleaning took longer than it was supposed to. It's late afternoon by the time I get around to doing what I actually came here for.

I unlock the door to my office. It's the only part of the club that doesn't need to be cleaned. That's mostly because Tory and I spent the Christmas Eve party in here.

Sadness settles into my skin as I walk in. It's crazy to think Tory was walking and talking two weeks ago. I swear I can still hear his laugh in this room.

I smile to myself picturing his smile.

"I miss you," I whisper.

I have to let him know just in case he's somewhere watching over me.

I feel myself getting worked up, so I try to remember why I came in here.


Right. I walk over to the safe in the corner. I put in the combination and pull the door open. There's two stacks of cash inside. It would be a lot more if I didn't take home what we make the same night.

I don't trust the money sitting here in plain view so I just use the safe for storage until the end of the night. Then I clean it out. I only bring the money back on Wednesdays when I do the books and write checks.

Drugs are also kept inside the safe. Usually, I bring what's leftover to The Loft at the end of the night, but I was too drunk last time. I couldn't even drive myself home. Tory did.

We sold a lot of coke that night--thanks to Munch--so all that's really left is pills. I grab 'em and put 'em in my purse. I close the safe and spin the combination lock.

I turn off all the lights in the club on my way out.

"Until next time," I say.

I close the doors and slide the chain through the handles.

I look up at the sky as I walk to my car. The sun is setting, and it paints the sky orange. It's beautiful. I have half a mind to stand here and watch the sunset, but my phone vibrates in my pocket pulling me back down to Earth.

I raise my eyebrows when I see the name on the screen. I tap the green button and put it to my ear.

"This is a nice surprise," I say.

"Candy?" Chantal asks.

I open the door to my car.

"Hey, stranger. Wassup?" I ask.

"Are you busy?" She asks.

The tone in her voice makes me furrow my eyebrows.

"No, I'm just leaving the club. Why, wassup?" I ask.

"I need you," She says.

I start the car up.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Something happened with my boyfriend. I really don't wanna' talk about it over the phone," She says.

"He didn't hit you, did he?" I ask.

"No, Candyce," She says.

"Well what happened?" I ask.

"I just said I don't wanna' talk about it over the phone. Can you come over?" She asks.

"I'm on my way," I say.

I hang up the phone and peel out of my parking spot.

I know we don't talk often, but Chantal is still my best friend. She's been in my life since fifth grade. If she calls, I come running and she knows that. Her boyfriend better know it too if he knows what's good for him.


The sun has gone down by the time I pull up to Chantal's house. I park next to the curb. I put my gun and the pills in my glove compartment. Then I grab my purse and get out.

I walk up to the front door. I knock and wait for Chantal to answer. After a minute, she opens the door.

She immediately pulls me into a hug.

"Hey, Telly. What's going on?" I ask.

She grabs my hand and pulls me inside.

She locks the door behind us while I glance around the living room. All the lights are off.

"Where's yo' mom?" I ask.

"At work like always," She says, rolling her eyes.

I follow her up the stairs.

"What about Lori?" I ask.

"Dance practice," She says.

She looks at me over her shoulder.

"Thanks for coming," She says.

"Of course. Did something happen over the phone or was he here?" I ask.

We reach the top of the stairs. Chantal turns around to face me.

"Let's talk in my room. Lori should be home soon and I don't want her to hear," Telly says.

I notice how she's playing with her fingers. She only does that when she's really nervous.

I hope this bitch ain't boutta tell me she's pregnant. I mean, what else could it be if she called me out the blue and now she's nervous to tell me?

I keep my suspicions to myself though. I follow her to her room at the end of the hall. When she opens her bedroom door, I realize we're not alone.

My eyes zero in on a red wig and the clown bitch that's wearing it. It ain't Ronald McDonald either.

"Hey, girl," Max waves, "Didn't I say you was gon' have to see me again?"

Phor stands next to her with her arms folded, smirking at me.

I look at Chantal.

"What the fuck is this?" I ask.

"They just wanna' talk," She says.

"Actually..." Max says.

She reaches behind her back. My heart starts racing when I see the gun in her hand.

"...we don't," She says, aiming it at me.

Dread washes over me when I realize I left my gun in the car.

I left it in the car 'cause I thought I was about to comfort a friend. Never in a million years did I think I would need a gun to visit my best friend.

I glare at Chantal.

"You set me up?" I ask.

She puts her hands up.

"No, Candy! I swear! I didn't know they was gonna' do this! They told me they just wanted to clear the air between y'all!" She says.

I take a deep breath in. How many times have I told her not to play peacemaker with these hoes?

Chantal looks at Max.

"Max, please put the gun down," She says.

Max slowly walks over to me. She smiles at Chantal as she walks past her.

"Thanks for all yo' help, Telly. But we got it from here," She says.

She turns her eyes on me. She points the gun directly in my face.

My heart races, but mostly out of anger. I've been in this situation too many times to be scared. I've had far more dangerous people point a gun in my face.

I'm not scared of Max, but I'm not stupid either. I don't wanna' give this bitch any reason to pull the trigger, so I drop my purse and put my hands up.

Max's smile morphs into a mean mug. She turns her lip up.

"Run me that money bitch," She says.

I should've known her broke ass would be back sooner or later.

"What money?" I ask.

Max rolls her eyes.

"Bitch don't play dumb with me. I know you just came from the club," She says.

"So?" I ask.

Max digs the gun into my forehead.

"So, where's the money, bitch?" She asks.

"I don't have no money," I say.

She glances at my purse on the floor next to me.

"Pick up the purse and dump it out," She says.

"Can you back up? I don't want you to accidentally pull the trigger if I move too fast," I say.

"Then move slow," Max says.

I restrain from rolling my eyes.

I slowly bend down to grab my purse. I move even slower on my way back up.

I flip the purse upside down. All the contents of my bag fall onto the floor.

Max uses her foot to sort through the receipts, lip balm, lip gloss and other miscellaneous shit I keep in my purse. She smiles when she sees my wallet.

I roll my eyes. Max looks up at me.

"Pick up the wallet," She says.

I exhale loudly as I bend down to grab my wallet.

"Don't get smart, bitch. I'll fuck you up in here," Max says.

I stand up straight. She snatches the wallet out my hand.

"Here, Phor!" She yells.

Phor walks across the room. She grabs the wallet out of Max's hand.

"Look through it. Let me know if you find anything. I know this bitch got something," Max says.

Phor unzips my wallet. She digs through the endless receipts and expired gift cards until she comes up empty-handed.

"She ain't got shit in here," Phor says.

"I coulda told you that," I mumble.

Max turns around so fast I don't even see her hand coming. I just feel the gun collide with my cheek.

"Oh my god! Candyce!" Chantal yells.

I fall to the floor. My mouth fills with blood. I spit it out on Chantal's blue rug. My body rises a few degrees in temperature when I see a tooth on the floor.

I hear Max telling Chantal to shut the fuck up but I tune them out. I sit there appalled that this bitch really just knocked my tooth out. Even Curry didn't do that.

Max keeps the gun trained on me while she helps Phor dig through my wallet.

"That bitch gotta have something in here," Max says.

Phor pulls out an old debit card.

"What about this?" She asks.

She's not talking to me, but I speak up anyway.

"I closed that account months ago when I started carrying cash," I say.

"Well we gon' take it anyway just in case. What's the pin?" Max asks.

"It's my birthday," I say.

"Bitch, you say that like I know when that is," Max says.

"It's October 18th. 1018," Chantal says.

I glare at her. Tears stream down her face.

"I'm sorry, Candyce. I didn't want to see you get hit again," She says.

I roll my eyes and stand up.

"It don't matter. Like I said, that account is closed," I say.

Max pulls a face.

"So where is all this cash you started carrying around?" She asks.

"I spent it," I say.

"How much was in the account?" She asks.

I shrug, "A couple thousand."

Between stripping, Ace's allowance and the last of my portion of Daddy's life insurance, I had at least ten thousand saved. All that money went down the drain after Ace left. Nobody tells you how expensive bills really is.

"A couple thousand?" Max repeats.

I nod. She scoffs.

"And you spent it? On what?" She asks.

"Bills," I say.

"She lying," Phor says.

"Y'all got the card and the pin number. Go see for yourself," I say.

"Even if the account is closed, that don't mean you spent all that money," Max says.

I roll my eyes.

"I don't have any money. Why you think I started selling drugs?" I ask.

Max walks closer to me. She points the gun at my temple.

"Speaking of...where's all that drug money you made? And the money from the club?" She asks.

"I launder everything through the club. I don't even touch the money until pay day," I say.

A light gleams in Max's eyes.

"So where do you keep the money until pay day?" She asks.

I stare her in her eyes.

"My brother's loft," I say.

I watch as the light dims in her eyes.

"You wanna' go get it?" I ask.

I already know the answer to that. Max may be bold enough to rob me, but she's too pussy to go anywhere near The Loft. She complained about how many guards were there the last time she was there. She knows what'll happen if she tries to step foot in there without somebody's permission.

I know I pissed her off when she pistol-whips me again. I fall to the ground.

"You must think I'm playing with you! Get up!" Max yells.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry, Candyce," Chantal sobs.

"Control her, Phor! I don't wanna' hear another fuckin' thing from her," Max says.

I look up to see Phor pull a baby pistol on Chantal.

"Please, please, please," Telly cries.

"Just shut the fuck up girl, damn!" Phor says.

Chantal closes her eyes. She presses her lips together and cries silently.

Meanwhile Max is still talking shit.

"Remember all that shit you was talkin' from yo' porch? Talk that shit now!" She yells.

I see her foot coming but it's too late to do anything about it. She kicks me dead in my face.

The pain makes me cry out. I curl into a ball and cover my face so she can't do it again. I feel the blood trickling between my fingers. I can't tell if it's my mouth or nose bleeding.

"Get the fuck up, bitch! You wanna' be a street bitch right? You wanna' talk shit? This what comes with it!" Max yells.

She brings her foot down on top of me. I feel the blows as she stomps all over my body.

I stay curled up in a tight ball.

"Stop!" I yell.

"Girl, fuck you!" Max says.

She keeps stomping me out until she feels like stopping. Then she bends down and points the gun to my head. The cold metal sting of the gun is almost familiar at this point.

"Chantal gon' be cleaning yo' brains off the wall if you don't get the fuck up," She whispers.

I'm scared she'll try to kick me in my face again, but I'm more afraid of her making good on her promise. I slowly stand up.

Max backs up, but she keeps the gun aimed at me.

"I know you not as useless as you tryna make yourself seem. I know you got money. I know you got drugs. And I know it's not all at Ace's loft," She says.

A lightbulb clicks on in my head.

I don't wanna' give this bitch anything but I don't need this shit lasting all night.

"I have pills in my car," I say.

Max and Phor look at each other.

"I know it's not what you asked for, but you can sell them. You was my top seller, Max. You can sell that shit in no time," I say.

Max looks at me. She tilts her head.

"What you think, Phor?" She asks.

Phor shrugs.

"It's better than nothing," She says.

"Mhm," Max says.

She eyes me. I raise my hands up.

"I'm not gon' do nothing. I swear," I say.

"Oh, you better not 'cause it won't be me crying at yo' funeral. You gotta family to think about," Max says.

She points to the items I dumped out of my purse.

"Pick up the keys and let's go," She says.

I do as I'm told.

"Make sure that bitch don't scream while I'm gone," Max tells Phor.

"She won't. Will you?" Phor says.

Chantal shakes her head.

Max pushes me.

"C'mon, let's go," She says.

I feel the gun combing through my hair as she walks behind me. It's a steady reminder that I should do as she says.

Although I doubt she'll pull the trigger, she's proven that she won't hesitate to pistol-whip me. I can handle beatings to my face, but I'm not risking an injury to the back of my head. People go into comas like that.

Before we go outside, Max moves the gun to my lower back.

"Try me if you want to. Yo' ass gon' be 'round here like Rolling Ray," She says.

I roll my eyes.

"Open the door," She says.

I pull the front door open and walk outside. I don't even think about screaming. It didn't help me when I was getting kidnapped. I doubt it'll do any good now.

We walk to my car parked next to the curb. Max makes me unlock the door. Then she snatches the keys out of my hand.

I stand back while she sits in the passenger seat. She keeps the door open so she can still hold me at gunpoint.

She threatens to shoot me if I try to run, but running is the last thing on my mind. At this point, I'm determined to make it out of this alive. This bitch knocked my teeth out. She gotta see me again.

I watch her open my glove compartment. She pulls out my gun and the bag of pills. She sticks the gun in her pants and pockets the pills.

Afterwards, she throws my keys as far as she can and walks me back to the house.

We stay downstairs while she yells up the stairs to Phora.

"Phor! Let's go!" She yells.

"What about her?" Phor yells back.

"Telly ain't gon' do shit but breakdown when we leave! Let's go!" She yells.

Phor comes running down the stairs a moment later.

Max hands her my gun. They keep both guns aimed at me as they walk outside. Then they turn and start sprinting towards their car.

I run upstairs.

Chantal is on the floor crying when I walk into her room. I walk past her and start putting my shit back into my purse.

"Candy..." She sobs.

I ignore her. I ain't got shit to say to her. I don't even have it in me to yell at her.

"I'm so--" She tries.

I leave the room before she can finish. I don't need an apology. What's done is done. She's on my hit list with them other two hoes now.

By the time I make it back outside, Max and Phor are gone.

I race up the street looking for my keys. I find them in the neighbor's lawn ten minutes later.

I don't bother driving around to look for Max and Phor. It's pointless without a gun, and I know they'll be hiding out until this blows over. I just head home.

I still can't believe this happened. I got set up by my best friend--a bitch I've known since fifth grade--and two bitches I spent everyday with in high school.

The entire drive home I think about what Caesar said. He told me not to trust them bitches.

I should've fucking listened.

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