○Daz Games X Reader○


5.9K 34 26

When y/n met her soulmate at a vidcon, daz and y/n became friends... even more ☆ female reader sorry ☆ ... More

A little bit about me
Maybe i do| part 2
hanging out with my crush| part 3
The date | part 4
Will you be my| part 5
Were filming| part 6

How you meet daz| part on 1

1.4K 7 8

Y/n ( your name)
Bsf ( best friends name)
F/f  ( favorite food)
H/c ( hair color)
H/l (hair length)
Bold means your mind

  Readers p.o.v
My alarm woke me up at 6am, i started opening my eyes and and my friend was screaming at me. " WAKE UP" bfs said. " oh my god I'm awake" " good" they smile. "Now get ready were leaving in an hour" " ok" I said and grabbed some black jeans and a tea party sweatshirt and black vans then I changed in the bathroom. Then I went to brush my hair and ect. Told bsf that I was done and we started going down to the parking garage were y/n car was.
No ones p.o.v
When y/n and  bsf got there the workers gave there wrist bands and they checked there bags. Y/n started vlogging.  " HELLO PEEPS HOW ARE U ALL" you shouted and started to walk around.

  Daz p.o.v
  I started my day with a cup of 💫TEA💫. My friend uew came down the stairs. " hey daz, are you ready to go to vidcon yet?" He asked " Um yeah, just let me get my jacket." I go and find my jacket. And we start to drive there. As we get there, the workers give us our wrist bands and they check our bags. Uew  pulled out his camera and started his into " Hello guys welcome back to my channel". I told him that I was gonna walk around for a bit, he nodded and we parted ways.

   y/n mind  p.o.v
    Somehow I lost bsf went of and left me and I got to see a couple of my fans, we took pics and they were off. I found my way outside to a bench outside. Soon this guy came up to me and asked if I was alright. 
"Hello miss, why are you sitting alone? Are you alright?" I was a bit shocked at first " oh yes, I guess" he sat next to me. " May I ask why you are sitting alone?" then it hit me "Oh my got YOUR DAZ GAMES!!" I got so excited " Omg I'm such a huge fan! Can I get a hug?"
He smiled " yes of course". We hug and.  We sat down and I told daz that my friend went of somewhere and I just found my way outside.

  Daz p.o.v
  When I met them, I was shocked!   She is even wearing my murch!!
" I see that your uh wearing my murch"
I blushes a bit. " Oh yes I have a beanie and home. But I didn't bring it today" she smiles, I blushed a bit more. " oh-oh okay" then I smile. Then me and y/n started to talk more and I found out that y/n had a yt account. Y/n got a message on her phone and it was bsf and told her to meet her at there car, " hey daz I've got to go, my friend is ready for us to go apparently". "Oh that's alright, my I ask for your number if that is no problem?" You nodded and gave your phone number to him.

Y/n p.o.v

  I cant believe I met daz!! It was like a dream come true... I met up with bsf and told her the news she was so happy!
  "I cant believe that u met daz games" " I know right!" " Hey since I drove here you get to drive us back" I smile and get it " god dammit!"

    So hopefully you like this first part🙂

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