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Tw- Yelling

Y/Ns p.o.v
I woke up startled to banging on the front door. I looked around me to compose myself to go look to see who was at the door, When I did I noticed Daz's arms around my waist and I softly smiles getting out of his grasp not trying to wake him. I walk towards the door and open it to see a woman and a child. Daz never told me he had a child. "Oh, you must be his new girlfriend." The women snarled at me. "Uh, yes, I am, and who are you?" I questioned her calmly. "I'm his wife.. well, ex-wife, and this is his child, and we're here to go over court rules.." She pushes past me. Now I see why they ended things.. I close the door behind me, praying nothing happens badly. I walk to where they all were to see a toddler playing on the ground. "So soon, huh!?" The woman screams. "Oh pleases your the one who started this first!" The toddler started to cry, and I picked up the little one and carried her away to the kitchen, hoping that she would calm down.

Nobody's P.o.v

The screaming went on for a couple of minutes and a hard slam on a door. Y/n's still in the kitchen and with the baby.

Daz p.o.v
"So soon, huh?!" Isabelle yells at me. "Oh please, you're the one who started this first!" I yell back at her, "You know what, you get to keep this unwanted child!" I started to get angry. " DONT YOU EVRER CALL SARAH THAT AGAIN!" "Now get the bloody hell out of my house and never come back, you hear me!" She glares at me and goes and slams the door, hoping that she won't ever come back. I look at the ground and sigh, rubbing my hands on my face. Glancing at the ground, I noticed y/n and Sarah gone. That's when i heard laughing coming from the kitchen. I slowly walked over to see my little girl on the counter and y/n playing peek a boo with her. I smiled at the sight. I never knew she was great with kids. I walk over to them both. "I'm so sorry you both had to hear that." I apologize. "It o-tay daddy." Sarah says in her cute baby voice. "So.. you have an ex-wife and a child?" Y/n asked..

Nobody's p.o.v

Daz put Sarah down for a nap in her room, and him and y/n talked about his past relationship and how they grew and had a child. And y/n was happy to know the truth. Sarah had grown to like y/n.

Daz's p.o.v

I looked down at the floor to see y/n and Sarah playing with a few toys I had for her. Sarah seemed so happy around y/n. I smiled to myself and got on the ground with them to play with my girlfriend and my daughter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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