hanging out with my crush| part 3

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Y/n's p.o.v
When I woke up at 7am. It's to damn early. I groaned and grabbed my computer and started editing one of my videos. About an hour later I started getting hungry I took of my headphones and I heard a groan. I look over to see bsf awake " Good morning sleeping beauty" they flip me off I just laugh" I'm about to order breakfast what would u like" I ask " waffles and orange juice" I nod. After breakfast I get a text from daz
Daz: Good morning y/n
  Hey daz, good morning to you to :y/n
Daz: So what are you plans today?  Daz asked's me
                  I honestly dont know 😂: y/n
Daz: well I was wondering if you would um like to hangout with me today?
  Oh really, I'd love to, what time: y/n
Daz: oh great, how about 12pm?
  Sure! Where do u wanna meet up?:y/n
Daz: how about ( gives you a park address)?
                         Ok I'll see u then!: y/n

Daz p.o.v
  She said yes! Oh wow I have an hour
I hop on the shower I do my hair and get dressed in a plad shirt and Jean's. Then I realized that it's almost time to go there now.

Y/n's p.o.v
When I put down my phone " yo why are u blushing" " no reason anyhow I'm not gonna be here for a couple of hours" " oh I need to run some arrens" she says i nod. I go into the bathroom and grap some black leggings and a f/c sweatshirt and a pair of Van's and my phone and my wallet and head out.

No ones p.o.v

Y/n was almost there to the address, and so waa daz. You got there first you waited for about 5 mins and soon daz got there. You had a big smile on your face and so did daz.

Daz p.o.v
When I saw y/n sitting there one the bench i got butterflies in my stomach.
" Hey y/n" I smiled and sat down on the bench. "Hey daz, how are you doing?" She asked " well I'm doing good, and how about you?" I ask "That's great, I'm doing pretty good myself too." She smiles. Oh my god that smile! He thinks in his head

Y/n's p.o.v
I see daz smile I internally scream!!
"So y/n what would you like to do today?" Daz asked " Um I have no idea really, anything you would like to do?" I ask him "There's a carnival close by?" He smiles at me. "That sounds like fun" I stand up and I grap daz'es had, he grabs it. But I never let go and neither did daz.

No ones p.o.v
As daz and y/n stand up and started walking hand and hand, soon they arrived at the carnival. First thing y/n noticed that they had her favorite ride there. And daz noticed her excitment but it was also his favorite ride!

Daz p.o.v
As we got to the carnival I looked over to see y/n looking at one particular ride, it was one that went upside down ( I'm sorry If you down like those types of rides if u dont then u can chang it)
"Hey y/n, let's go on that one first" I pointed to the one she was staring at. She lit up " hell ya, let's go" she smiled
As we start walking tords the ride we got on the we got on and it started.

Y/n p.o.v
When we got to the carnival I notice that they had my favorite ride. Daz must of noticed my excitment, "Hey y/n, let's go on that on" he points to the one I'm staring at " hell ya!" I say. As we get to the ride It started and I screamed. I had so much fun on that ride soon it ended and it was 5:30pm. "Wow it got pretty late" I laughed so did daz. "Yeah it did, u wouldn't mind if I took you out to dinner would you?" Daz asked I blushed a bit " I wouldn't mind at all"

Nobody's p.o.v
Daz took you out to dinner and after dinner was done he needed to ask you a question.

Daz p.o.v
I'm finally going to ask y/n. "Hey y/n well I was wondering if you would um like to go on a date with me Saturday?" I looked at her eyes." Daz I would love to!" She smiled big. "Oh really, ok!" I rubbed the back of my head. I hugged her goodbye and started to walk home. While she called an uber. Daz you did it! You asked y/n on a date!!

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