After footasylum locked in (s...

By eviemay1414

64K 439 99

A small YouTuber Evie May picked the opportunity to go on the footasylum YouTube channel and for 2 weeks she'... More



11.5K 64 12
By eviemay1414

A/N IMPORTANT:dunno if anyone will read this but I found the beta squad properly I always knew who they was through the locked in series on footasylum YouTube Channel then the sidemen did a hide and seek and I've been watching atm

But watch locked in at EP 8 when sharky comes in and each chapter

Evie pov
We was all sat there waiting for the announcement and the footasylum and they said they was a new member everyone was hella confused and then the door opened

"SHARKY!!!!"everyone yells and cheers like me being a youtuber but I've like never collabed with people I don't know him I mean I wouldn't class myself as a youtuber I had to ask Eloise who he was I didn't know

"You dunno who he is?!"Eleanor said and ran off with the others

"He's part of beta squad you know who chunkz is right?"Elosie said and I nodded

"Yeh he lives with him and a few others"she said and I just agreed and we went off to say hi Because everyone who was gassed had chilled out

"Hi Evie ain't it?"he said and gave me a hug

"Yeh hi, sharky? Yeh?"I asked he said yeh and and we showed him around and I'm not gonna lie he just seems so chill and I just get this attraction towards him and after we showed him around they told me to go to the store room

"Evie what do you think of Sharky coming in the footasylum locked in house"the footasylum asked

"First of I didn't know he was but as you all know i did know anyone but sharky I dunno there something about him I like..."I said shyly did I say that out loud

"Would you say a crush on him"footasylum said I alkwardly laughed and looked down because I don't know

"I've only just met hun though"I said

"That wasn't a no"footasylum said I laughed and got real shy

"I know that means I don't know my feeling but I ain't gonna lie to you, just something there and I dunno"I said and it fell quite the fact I know his mates and probably family are watching this

"I'm leaving I can't be dealing with his fucking hell it's his first day and his mates and that are watching! Chunkz I'm only saying him because that's the only one I heard I love your music but I also love....IM JOKING NO let's not go there"I laughed and left the store room and I went upstairs back to everyone but it was just the girls except Vee

"Slagging us off in the store room Eves"Elosie said

"Nah they just asked me about sharky"I said

"Andddd"Eleanor said and I laughed awkwardly and they told me to talk

"Everyone up here won't say anything all agree?"becky said and they agreed I sat on my bed

"Is it weird I like him"I said the girls was gonna be shocked until

"I like you to"and sharky was just came up the stairs I laughed

"No I'm joking I don't even know what you was talking about"sharky laughed

"We was talking about how we like Mike and Becky together"elosie said

"Ahh I see, so not me?"he said we started all laughing

"Sharky it ain't all about you sweetie"Becky said and he sat on his bed

"So who sleeps opposite me then"he said I put my hand up and smiled

"So the first person I'll look at is you probably..not complaining"he said we all started laughing and the girls was freaking out

"Low key think there more lovers than me and Mike or is that just me"Becky joked and got up and left and slowly the girls left us and it was just me and him

"So how you finding it?"I asked him

"It's good you know it's just annoying because I can't like say anything that's gone on in the outside world and that but I guess that's the game"he said I agreed

"So what do you do then because not gonna lie I've seen a few episodes and like you don't know anyone or anything about YouTube?"he asked

"Well I'm a model mainly"I first said

"Ahhh you know what I can tell"he smoothly said is it just me or is there a connection here like what come on let's not jump to conclusions but little flirting here and there

"You could tell! Oh my good okay, well..anyways I always wanted to kinda get back into YouTube so I thought this is like a good opportunity because I think footasylum wanted youtubers but also like open doors for youtubers like I been here a week and I've learned so so much"I explained

"Yeh I mean like it's a good opportunity for you plus making more and more friends and collaborations and such so it's good"he said I nodded and we both smiled and laughed it's almost like we shy

"Well what about you because I'm sorry I didn't know or you it's just-"I started saying

"Honestly it's fine because I kinda like that about you not gonna lie"he said with a smile I smiled back

"Well I'm a youtuber been doing it for like 5 years now and I started off doing football because I love football and sports and that but then me and chunkz obviously you know him right?"he asked

"Yeah yeah him and filly made a erm watch me how I clean up watch me how I clean up"I said but not singing how I normally sing yeh I sing have done on my YouTube but I ain't telling him yet...

"Ayyy she knows Jeeze! Yeh so anyways I kinda knew him through a friend and we just started doing more like challenges and stuff so I made a spectate channel for football and now my main channel sharky is for challenges and the beta squad with chunkz and a few others heard of niko? Aj?"he asked I just shook my head he laughed

"It's fine no there them and also our friend kenny and we film like pretending to be work a McDonald's and just mess around with customers like telling them to shut up and that in the drive thru"he explained I was shocked and we started laughing

"You guys alright?"mikes said and came up with nalmak, Eman, JMX and bash

"Yeh just getting to know each other"I said and then they all started talking about football and I wasn't included in the conversation so I got up and I was about to leave

"Ay Evie"I hear sharky say and I turn around

"Nice chatting yeh"he said and gave me a fist pump and I smiled and nodded we just gazed at each other for a split second and luckily no one saw but as I walked away vee followed

"I saw that look"vee said I laughed awkwardly and we passed jorden who went upstairs so it was all us girls and we went to go outside to have girl chat

"Right now we don't speak to the lads say I"elosie said and they all said I and we started laughing

"So what's the deal with you and sharky because when we all walked up there and it was just you two I was watching sharky the whole time giving looks at you when you was playing around with your makeup on your bed and the gaze into each eyes as we left"vee explained

"what was you talking about?! Oh my god"Becky said

"Nothing just the backgrounds of YouTube and stuff"I said and they all was teasing me

Sharky pov
"So lads I have to ask...anyone got the eye one the females"I joked

"Bruv the main question is have you I mean you and Evie like"jorden asked

"Nah we chilling I've been here only for a bit like chill"I said then I got called to the store room and they was laughing and teasing saying it's about Evie and I already knew it was

"Hello sharky"footasylum said as soon as I sat down

"Hi what can I do for you"I said

"Footasylum want to know about you and Evie you just said there nothing going on? Is that a lie"footasylum asked

"Course it is but it don't wanna start chatting to the mandem about it you get me like, I don't know what me and Evie have but I'll tell you she's cute...very cute but she ain't my type but there something about her but I need to explore that on my own so....sush yeh?"I said putting my finger on my lips saying it's a secret

"Footasylum will keep the secret as long as possible"footasylum said

"You know what..that's calm because imma work my magic innit"i said and left the store room

See where it takes us yeh

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