thoughts and memories. loki l...

By arethmetis

306 13 0

❝ my y/n. you're like a rose. a beautiful and attractive flower who grows gracefully in the garden, yet it ha... More

- ONE.
- SIX.
- TEN.

- TWO.

23 1 0
By arethmetis



❝ Sigyn, do you see this kingdom? ❞ A guy asks as I looked at the beautiful yet big city- bigger than New York actually- and smiled to myself, feeling the wind kissing my cheeks. ❝ Of course I do. Why? ❞ I ask in pure curiosity as I look up unto him, seeing his face again, the Guy In My Dreams.

He chuckled, ❝ Soon, the moment I will be King, you will be my Queen. Together, we will rule the kingdom with glory. ❞ He said while his eyes were settled to the city which made me look at the city itself too, smiling.

Yet, something's not right. I feel sadness even though I was smiling. But nevertheless, I shook it, and nod my head at him agreeing on his plans. ❝ Of course my King. I love you. ❞ I said with a smile, which he responded with a warm smile that made me feel butterflies on my stomach as he slowly leans down to me, faces only inches apart. . .
I jolted myself up, sitting at the bed. Waiting for my body to function by itself, as if I was on an Loading Mode in an computer. I shook my head so fast, biting my inner cheeks. Damn, what was that? Why did it felt real?

Nevertheless I shook my head again and stand up to my feet to get ready for the day, and as I look up to my wall clock it read 4:35 am. Which is kind of weird, I never wake up that early. But meh, that's great though, Tony did say about not getting late so let's get ready, self. I thought as I grab my bathrub and run to the bathroom, showering myself with a warm water, feeling calm.

After my morning rituals I cooked myself a bacon sandwich, and then jug in the food in no time, and then made myself some coffee to start the day with some caffeine. No caffeine, no life. Just kidding. I wore my "very precious" working dress as if it was something so precious it shouldn't be damned that hard, I mean, this dress cost high and only been used for "special" occasions, so it should never be damned. It's a working dress just like Ms. Potts but still.

I rushed myself to the door, grabbing all the things I needed near the table, and was about to lock the door when I picked the wrong key. ❝ Son of a gun- ❞ I cursed under my breath after I successfully locked my door and open the garage to get my baby. Which of course, is a Motorbike. I smiled to myself, I missed driving this baby. Good thing I wore some cycling, to much skin wouldn't be exposed. I closed my garage and mount on my bike, turning it on and grinning to myself the moment it sounded with a "broom". ❝ I missed you too, sweetie. ❞ I said with a grin as I started to drive, on my way to the Stark Industries' building.

As I arrived at the building, some guys at the guard station whistles, ❝ Looking hot on that rad Motorbike of yours, Ms. Y/N. ❞ He said and I smirk, simply throwing them a wink that made them shout a "oh" and I laughed, walking myself to Tony's office. Many of my co-workers greeted me with a "hi" and "good morning" that I happily responded with a smile and a wave. Right then I knew this day would be a good one. I smiled to myself.

I walked myself to Mr. Stark's office and didn't even bother knocking the door because of excitement and open it, meeting the both of them doing something. . . You know, Ms. Potts and him. I chuckled nervously, as I looked at them with a shocked eyes, ❝ Oh! My- I am so, SO, sorry, I should've knocked first- ❞ I said, stuttering as I sprint going outside the office, shutting the door behind me. Huh, so much for a wonderful start of the day.

It took a minute when Mr. Stark called my name and as I was still in shock, I breathe in and out before getting inside, a smile plastered in my face. As I came in, I saw Ms. Potts standing at the left side of Mr. Stark, all blushing, all fixed up while Mr. Stark just simply smirk, polo still unfixed, looking up at me. I cleared my throat, ❝ G-Good morning, Sir- Tony. Ms. Potts. ❞ I stuttered which made myself curse inside my head. He smiled, greeting me his smile, showing his white teeth.

Good morning! Excited for your first task today huh? You're so early you even caught us on act- ❞ ❝ Tony please, not now. ❞ Ms. Potts interrupted with a dark blush yet glaring at Tony which he only returned with a look of mischief. I smiled at them, ❝ I'm not actually this early sir, a nightmare woke me up. ❞ I said, yet smiled nervously, thinking of that dream. I saw on my peripheral vision that he only nodded his head and stand up, signalling me to follow him while Ms. Potts already walked herself up to him, tailing him. And I did as what I was told.

I was actually wondering unto where are we heading. Hmm.

We were still casually walking when I recognised that we were actually heading to the back door, going out. Some guy meeting us, which we all know as Sir. Happy. Now I am actually having a hunch about what's gonna happen next. Next thing I knew I'm already sitting at the front seat, while Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts was on the passenger seat. He said we're heading to somewhere.

Which reminds me, it actually looked at somewhere where he is staying right now, that tall tower in the middle of the New York City. You know, that big building. Wow. This is indeed getting better. I was fidgeting on my fingers, and then tapping them on the dashboard, making Sir. Happy looked at me. ❝ Are you okay? ❞ He asks as I smiled and nodded yes, which made him nod to himself too, ignoring me again once more.

With all the talk Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts I heard from behind- which I didn't even think about interfering- it didn't took any more hours until we arrived at the said place. As I already expected, it's a high building, for sure we could see the whole city on the top, which I actually anticipating, I mean, city view looked beautiful from above. Really. I smiled to myself, looking forward for this day.

Sir. Happy opened the door for me, which I wasn't aware of not until I looked at my side, going back to reality. I said "thank you" at him which he responds with a nod, and Mr. Stark got out of the car, looking at me with a smile. ❝ Welcome to my tower, Ms. Pretty Petite Girl. ❞ He said, which I responded with a smile and a nod at him.

He escorted me as Ms. Potts followed closely at us, looking at me with a smile. I think she noticed my nervousness. ❝ It's okay dear, there's nothing to be nervous about. Come. ❞ She said and I nodded my head with a smile, walking at her side.

We were greeted with Mr. Stark's security guards around, checking me and I gladly let myself getting checked. And then we walked going inside on an elevator, Mr. Stark hitched a breath, ❝ Since you are going to be with me all the time, you will be having any access as possible you need here. I'm trusting you to use those privileges in good. ❞ He said the moment the elevator door closes. I smiled, glimpse of euphoria washes over my eyes.

Oh my- Thank you! And of course sir! I will not let you down. Thank you for trusting me. ❞ I said and smiled happily, as Sir. Happy gave me an earphone- well, it's actually for communication purposes- and I happily put in on my ear, feeling myself more serotonin rushing through my veins.

As I was trusted to work with him I was tasked to stand outside, or seat on my desk at front, waiting for what Mr. Stark would ask to do for me. And as I was outside, the big glass in front of me gave me the best view I couldn't even imagine that was real. It felt nostalgic actually, the feeling of looking on an city view felt like my every day doing from the past, which was weird.

Happy was outside, instructing me every time on what to do and where to go, using this earphone of course. And I just simply replied to him an "mhm" or "okay" and "noted" at him. Today isn't quite stressful yet new to me, so I couldn't say if this was the best work I have ever done even though that was actually what I was implying. You know what I'm saying?

It was almost noon when someone suddenly walked straight up to the office's door which I was fast to stop him. ❝ Hello sir, did you open an appointment to Mr. Stark-? ❞ I ask yet was cutted off. ❝ No but I would like to talk to him about something important. ❞ He said as he was about to continue opening the door which I stopped him again.

I'm so sorry sir, but we strictly need an appointment for you to go and talk to Mr. Stark himself- ❞ I said as he looked at me. I could see nervousness and serious emotion on his eyes. ❝ This is very important, an appointment would be a long waste of time. ❞ He said, successfully escaping from me and opening the door, which made me more nervous. Great, first day of my work and I'll be getting fired. Wow.

I protested at him yet it was too late, as he was already inside, Ms. Potts greeting him with a smile. Which actually confused me. I looked at Mr. Stark nervously, ❝ He insisted s-sir, I tried stopping him- ❝ It's okay Y/N dear, I know him. ❞ Ms. Potts said, looking at me with a smile, which I returned a nod. I saw Tony looking at Ms. Potts in disbelief.

Phil, ❞ Ms. Potts called at him, which the guy just responded a nod. ❝ Phil? His name's Agent. ❞ Tony said at Ms. Potts, walking near at them. Which Ms. Potts just ignored. As I feel like I shouldn't interfere, I walked outside, closing the door behind me.

Minutes of them talking I was patiently waiting outside, standing near the door, when it suddenly opened, revealing Ms. Potts. She looked at my spot smiling, then calling my name, and I gladly come close at her. ❝ What is it, Ms. Potts? ❞ I asks.

Pepper, dear. Call me Pepper. I am actually leaving now, to Poland. And I was wondering if I could get a word with you? ❞ She said that I responded a nod. ❝ Of course Ms. Po- P-Pepper, I mean. ❞ I stuttered, smiling. She returned the smile, holding my hands tightly. I could feel something important was going to came out of her mouth.

I want you to be near Tony anywhere he go. Follow him any tasks he wants you to do, but always refused whenever it includes leaving by his side. Please keep him safe for me, promise? I will be away and knowing him, he couldn't make decisions without a help of someone, and I was hoping if it was you. Can you be that someone for now? ❞ She said as she holds unto me more tightly, her eyes filled with care and anticipation. I nodded my head, smiling at her. ❝ Of course Pepper. I will do my best to do and keep my promise. Be careful too. Tony isn't the only one needed care for. ❞ I said with a chuckle escaping my lips. She just giggles and smiled at me.

Thank you, Y/N. ❞ She said and I nodded my head. She suddenly pulled me into an hug, which caught me off-guard, and then slowly wrapped my arms around her too. Which made me noticed this 'Phil' guy too, he's been there the whole time on our conversation. She let go of me, saying her last goodbye and walked straight outside, maybe getting ready to her flight.

I will do my promise, Pepper. I won't let you down.

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